Cerebrolysin Adverse Effects Advice
Posted 26 September 2013 - 10:18 AM
Posted 26 September 2013 - 07:08 PM
Posted 25 October 2013 - 09:56 PM
Posted 26 October 2013 - 04:16 PM
Warning: I've felt very weird ever since taking cerebrolysin nasally. My symptoms include: deppression, adominal pain on right side, uncontrollable shaking after smoking marihuana, tingling in feet, feeling cold. I think the shaking is starting to happen sober now too. I'm very concerned about possible prion exposure. Apparently prions piggy back off of a proteins found in the intestinse. If anyone has any information of nasal cerebrolysin/ prion exposure please post or pm me
I can't explain your symptoms, but it is incredibly unlikely that it is due to prion exposure:
One of the most effective methods of inactivating prions is by exposure to a mild sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution -- cerebrolysin is a mixture of peptides and amino acids in a sodium hydroxide solution!
Edited by vlk, 26 October 2013 - 04:17 PM.
Posted 10 November 2013 - 03:42 AM
Posted 10 November 2013 - 08:22 PM
I thought I would just give an update on my current situation as it is pretty dire as of now and some support would be appreciated. I am extremely scared and worried at the moment and I feel like i'm going to lose it soon.
As it currently stands I have dropped out of university due to the symptoms I have been experiencing. The constant feel of disconnection (or disassociation) pushed me to the brink last weekend when I felt like I was just about to go crazy (I was feeling very similar to these experiences) . With support from various people I got into a session at the medical center who said I should go home as they were unwilling to treat me on campus and return when I was feeling normal. Since then I have been collected by my parents and have been living at home since the 5th.
Since I have been home I have been feeling extreme depression and anxiety (A&D). I feel absolutely hopeless and everything seems to be falling apart, I feel like my life is over. For symptoms of A&D I have had extremely poor appetite and have started to throw up after most meals. I have been unable to get good hours of sleep and sit awake all night worrying. I am constantly shaking and pacing back and forth. I can't keep my thoughts straight and I feel like i'm losing my mind. I think the A&D is mainly caused by the fact that I hyper over analyse everything and it becomes a perpetual loop of worrying and about being worried.
There is less of the feeling of disconnection at the moment as I am perpetually worried about my memory. Even trying to explain this now I am forgetting about what symptoms I have been experiencing. Since I have arrived home I feel blank all the time. I cannot remember what day it is and what I have done in the day, what is coming up in the future and what has happened days before. It takes a lot of concentration and backtracking to figure out the things which have happened in the past where as it used to come to me instantly. Everything seems very hazy in my mind. Things like having my hair cut yesterday went completely out of my head when I was asked what I did on that day which worried me. In the past I would be able to link things together quite well in order to remember things, looking at an object for example would bring memories about other things related. This has not been the case recently. Everyday I feel like my memory is getting worse and I am extremely scared that I am going to lose it all. Today I went on a bike ride and completely forgot about it at the dinner table. I could not tell you what has really happened in the last week fluently and I would draw a complete blank in many areas.
One of the main problems that sticks out is putting anything on a scale. When somebody reminds me of something I am able to remember it but I could not tell them when it happened. Finding the links to the memories seems to be the hard part but when someone prompts me I can often remember it in fuzzy detail. I really hope that the A&D are the cause of the memory problems and not the other way around.
As for help my parents managed to get a hold of a psychiatrist on Thursday who I went to see. After the 2 hour session he diagnosed me with acute anxiety and depression and prescribed me with Sertraline (50mg for the first 5 days and 100mg thereafter). I have been having counselors coming to my house every day since Friday and they have given me Diazepam to cope with my anxiety (2mg, 3 times a day). With the SSRI I am going to have to wait up to 2-4 weeks apparently for it to start to have an effect which is very disappointing because I really want to feel some hope as soon as possible and I feel I might lose it before then. The Diazepam seems to make me physically 'drowsy' but mentally I still feel awake. However I feel it does stop me thinking about my problems a little bit which I suppose is good. It has also recently brought back the feeling of disconnection I was facing in university. It puts me into a sort of auto-pilot mode where I'm not really concentrating on what is happening. I tried playing some video games and I just could not focus on what was happening, repeating the stage I would not remember what had happened previously and where objects were located.
Trying to find a source to the problem is only making things more anxious for me. I am just so scared that the Cerebrolysin I took is the main culprit to my problems and that I have some sort of brain disorder such as a prion considering the site infection of another member with the same batch (I still have the vials if that is any constellation). I did a few session of tDCS which seemed to do nothing for me but that also adds to my fear that I may have fried my brain. People have been constantly re-assuring me saying all of these symptoms and problems are due to A&D and that things will eventually get better but I fear that it is much much worse and the more time I dwindle trying to sort out my A&D the more damage whatever is happening in my head is doing to my brain. No-body seem to think (from the psychiatrist to all of the support workers) that the chemical could be to blame and are pinning everything on A&D. Even though they are the experts and i'm the patient I still feel that they are wrong in some cases. In a few experiences even when I'm not feeling particularly anxious or depressed (At least I don't think I am, could be deluding myself) my memory still refuses to work which is one of the most worrying factors as recovery from that was the light at the end of the tunnel.
If anybody has any advice I would appreciate it so much as all my hope is lost at this point.
I am going to my GP tomorrow so i'm going to try and make the most out of it by making a list of things to ask, if anyone can think of anything useful to ask that would be great.
Edited by Krabby, 10 November 2013 - 08:36 PM.
Posted 10 November 2013 - 08:32 PM
Posted 11 November 2013 - 01:28 AM
Posted 14 November 2013 - 04:46 PM
taking diazepam and sertraline is im afraid not a good iddea, as this will further add to the nervous system distress...the brain can heal itself from these reactions, but it takes a long time....krabby i have sent you a PM and i hope you reply soon....
you will find many many people with exactly the same symptoms on PaxilProgress, or surviving antidepressants, its interesting that plasticperson talks about epsom barr virus, which is a demylinating issue, i have often wondered if all of this is an issue of demyelination....PP can you tell us more about your diagnosis?
the brain if left alone can heal...
have a look at this document, you may find it reassuring, the recovery time for a reaction like this can vary from 18-24 months to 5-7 years depending on the person and the severity of the symptoms, do not put yourselves in the hands of psychiatry which will damage you further....they dont know what they are talking about
PP did you veer try and take this by injection and had a different reaction? I wonder if this reaction was the nasal administration or simpky a reaction no matter how you took it
also, just to add, the coming and goig of symptoms is called windows and waves, that is the healing pattern, although i am most concerned now that krabby is on several psych drugs which could do much more damage, but these drugs must not just be stopped, i will lebae it there and hopefully continue this conversation when i have more details from both of you
Posted 15 November 2013 - 12:50 AM
on a side note for anyone who wants to take cerebrolysin.. don't take it intransally. The drug was not meant for that method of administration.
on another side note me and krabby's lives have been ruined the last 2 months or so since we've taken this drug. seriously RUINED. take my first side note seriously.
Posted 15 November 2013 - 08:56 AM
Hello everybody.
I thought I would just give an update on my current situation as it is pretty dire as of now and some support would be appreciated. I am extremely scared and worried at the moment and I feel like i'm going to lose it soon.
As it currently stands I have dropped out of university due to the symptoms I have been experiencing. The constant feel of disconnection (or disassociation) pushed me to the brink last weekend when I felt like I was just about to go crazy (I was feeling very similar to these experiences) . With support from various people I got into a session at the medical center who said I should go home as they were unwilling to treat me on campus and return when I was feeling normal. Since then I have been collected by my parents and have been living at home since the 5th.
Since I have been home I have been feeling extreme depression and anxiety (A&D). I feel absolutely hopeless and everything seems to be falling apart, I feel like my life is over. For symptoms of A&D I have had extremely poor appetite and have started to throw up after most meals. I have been unable to get good hours of sleep and sit awake all night worrying. I am constantly shaking and pacing back and forth. I can't keep my thoughts straight and I feel like i'm losing my mind. I think the A&D is mainly caused by the fact that I hyper over analyse everything and it becomes a perpetual loop of worrying and about being worried.
There is less of the feeling of disconnection at the moment as I am perpetually worried about my memory. Even trying to explain this now I am forgetting about what symptoms I have been experiencing. Since I have arrived home I feel blank all the time. I cannot remember what day it is and what I have done in the day, what is coming up in the future and what has happened days before. It takes a lot of concentration and backtracking to figure out the things which have happened in the past where as it used to come to me instantly. Everything seems very hazy in my mind. Things like having my hair cut yesterday went completely out of my head when I was asked what I did on that day which worried me. In the past I would be able to link things together quite well in order to remember things, looking at an object for example would bring memories about other things related. This has not been the case recently. Everyday I feel like my memory is getting worse and I am extremely scared that I am going to lose it all. Today I went on a bike ride and completely forgot about it at the dinner table. I could not tell you what has really happened in the last week fluently and I would draw a complete blank in many areas.
One of the main problems that sticks out is putting anything on a scale. When somebody reminds me of something I am able to remember it but I could not tell them when it happened. Finding the links to the memories seems to be the hard part but when someone prompts me I can often remember it in fuzzy detail. I really hope that the A&D are the cause of the memory problems and not the other way around.
As for help my parents managed to get a hold of a psychiatrist on Thursday who I went to see. After the 2 hour session he diagnosed me with acute anxiety and depression and prescribed me with Sertraline (50mg for the first 5 days and 100mg thereafter). I have been having counselors coming to my house every day since Friday and they have given me Diazepam to cope with my anxiety (2mg, 3 times a day). With the SSRI I am going to have to wait up to 2-4 weeks apparently for it to start to have an effect which is very disappointing because I really want to feel some hope as soon as possible and I feel I might lose it before then. The Diazepam seems to make me physically 'drowsy' but mentally I still feel awake. However I feel it does stop me thinking about my problems a little bit which I suppose is good. It has also recently brought back the feeling of disconnection I was facing in university. It puts me into a sort of auto-pilot mode where I'm not really concentrating on what is happening. I tried playing some video games and I just could not focus on what was happening, repeating the stage I would not remember what had happened previously and where objects were located.
Trying to find a source to the problem is only making things more anxious for me. I am just so scared that the Cerebrolysin I took is the main culprit to my problems and that I have some sort of brain disorder such as a prion considering the site infection of another member with the same batch (I still have the vials if that is any constellation). I did a few session of tDCS which seemed to do nothing for me but that also adds to my fear that I may have fried my brain. People have been constantly re-assuring me saying all of these symptoms and problems are due to A&D and that things will eventually get better but I fear that it is much much worse and the more time I dwindle trying to sort out my A&D the more damage whatever is happening in my head is doing to my brain. No-body seem to think (from the psychiatrist to all of the support workers) that the chemical could be to blame and are pinning everything on A&D. Even though they are the experts and i'm the patient I still feel that they are wrong in some cases. In a few experiences even when I'm not feeling particularly anxious or depressed (At least I don't think I am, could be deluding myself) my memory still refuses to work which is one of the most worrying factors as recovery from that was the light at the end of the tunnel.
If anybody has any advice I would appreciate it so much as all my hope is lost at this point.
I am going to my GP tomorrow so i'm going to try and make the most out of it by making a list of things to ask, if anyone can think of anything useful to ask that would be great.
Obsessive worrying is a symptom of mercury toxicity. Did you ever have silver dental fillings?
It was for me, I'm currently taking dmps orally and it's worked wonders so far.
Edited by AwesomeName, 15 November 2013 - 09:00 AM.
Posted 15 November 2013 - 09:51 PM
i have taken cerebrolysin IM, and did have good effects. I'm almost positive the amino acid blend in the cerebrolysin reactivated the viruses. Ive already came up positive for epstein-barr virus. However the EBV doesn't explain all my symptoms. A coinfection of HHV6 however DOES explain all my symptoms. Coincidentally, HHV6 seems to reside latent in the olfactory bulb exactly where the cerebrolysin was going. Im getting tested for HHV6 by a specialist next week. The good news is that it is curable. I will keep longevity updated.
on a side note for anyone who wants to take cerebrolysin.. don't take it intransally. The drug was not meant for that method of administration.
on another side note me and krabby's lives have been ruined the last 2 months or so since we've taken this drug. seriously RUINED. take my first side note seriously.
I'm sure the day EVER Pharm releases intranasal Cerebrolysin it will come in a whole new brand package with a different solution. Right now, it seems it's not safe doing the IV/IM ampules nasally. I suspected this from the beginning, glad you two realized soon about it so you don't get more damage... After all, injecting in a needle seems more safe for now.
Now, stay safe and full recovery.
Posted 22 November 2013 - 02:32 AM
... I am extremely scared and worried....
....Since then I have been collected by my parents and have been living at home since the 5th....
I don't want to diminish what you're saying but could what you're feeling be related to the major change you're currently going through (moving out of your parent's house, going to university?) It may not seem like it but maybe you have some unconscious anxiety over this.
Your writing is very eloquent--not that brain damage couldn't have happened, but maybe that's a good sign that you're still functioning well and that your headaches and difficulty recalling things right now is due to major anxiety.
Suggestions: Meditation and daily cardio exercise.
Posted 22 November 2013 - 12:05 PM
you should get a spect scan, that will show the dmage, and if you did that and got in touch with me I might be able to offer you some suggestions and hope
cardio exercise is a bad idea, but not as bad as all the drugs you are taking to try to correct this
If anyone has future problems with this, please let me know, i understand it more than most
Posted 01 March 2014 - 05:42 AM
Posted 17 March 2014 - 07:26 PM
H-statements (GHS/CLP): P-statements (GHS/CLP): H302: Harmful if swallowed. P102: Keep out of reach of children. H315: Causes skin irritation P232: Protect from moisture. H319: Causes serious eye irritation. P235: Keep cool. H332: Harmful if inhaled. P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. P264: Wash hands thoroughly after handling. P301+P312: IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell. P302+P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water. P301+P330+P331: IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. P332+313: If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. P411+235: Store at temperatures not exceeding 8°C/46°F. Keep cool
Edited by Shame Wolf, 17 March 2014 - 07:27 PM.
Posted 19 December 2014 - 03:34 AM
How are you Krabby?
Posted 02 January 2015 - 06:09 AM
Krabby will probably have lasting effects his whole life...
I figure that id drop by and let everyone know that nasal cerebrolysin can trigger an autoimmune response in certain individuals.
I know this because thats what it did to me..
However now ive undergone antigen specific immune tolerization therapy and feel great. If anyone is stupid enough to take cerebrolysin nasally and experience bad effects you need to message me right away.
Posted 02 January 2015 - 03:11 PM
This is not anxiety, yes its brain dmaage, I have the same thing from SSRI medication, irs a shame that no one is listening to me,
you should get a spect scan, that will show the dmage, and if you did that and got in touch with me I might be able to offer you some suggestions and hope
cardio exercise is a bad idea, but not as bad as all the drugs you are taking to try to correct this
If anyone has future problems with this, please let me know, i understand it more than most
Why would cardio be a bad idea?
Posted 22 January 2015 - 04:58 PM
Krabby will probably have lasting effects his whole life...
I figure that id drop by and let everyone know that nasal cerebrolysin can trigger an autoimmune response in certain individuals.
I know this because thats what it did to me..
However now ive undergone antigen specific immune tolerization therapy and feel great. If anyone is stupid enough to take cerebrolysin nasally and experience bad effects you need to message me right away.
Can you describe more specifically what happened to you due to intaranasal cerebrolysin, diagnosis?
How your antigen specific immune tolerization therapy looked like?
Where did you take that therapy?
Have you tried after this accident using cerebrolysine via intramuscular injection?
Posted 22 January 2015 - 10:53 PM
Posted 06 October 2015 - 01:52 PM
How can intranasal application be any more dangerous than shooting... I mean, directly applicating a substance into the body (something I've never done and won't, maybe not judged but I'm afraid of needles.. always thought the nasal route would offer more safety margins than any injection, besides potential infection / damage of the nasal tissue of course) ...?
I've stumbled about this possible autoimmune reaction on reddit about P21 - so this is for real? How does it manifest, are there early warning signs to watch out for, or is it too late when one notices something?
(To be honest, I'm not too surprised to finally see serious side effects from a nootropic. It's rather impressive how many untried substances that recently got sold are actually well tolerated..)
Edited by dopamimetiq, 06 October 2015 - 01:56 PM.
Posted 23 June 2016 - 08:15 PM
How can intranasal application be any more dangerous than shooting... I mean, directly applicating a substance into the body (something I've never done and won't, maybe not judged but I'm afraid of needles.. always thought the nasal route would offer more safety margins than any injection, besides potential infection / damage of the nasal tissue of course) ...?
I've stumbled about this possible autoimmune reaction on reddit about P21 - so this is for real? How does it manifest, are there early warning signs to watch out for, or is it too late when one notices something?
(To be honest, I'm not too surprised to finally see serious side effects from a nootropic. It's rather impressive how many untried substances that recently got sold are actually well tolerated..)
Intranasal administration seems to be superior to IV at crossing the BBB.
Profiles of methotrexate in blood and CSF following intranasal and intravenous administration to rats
Feng Wang, Xinguo Jiang∗, Wei Lu Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, PR China
The aim of this paper was to investigate the levels of methotrexate (MTX) in blood and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in rats to find out whether there is any direct drug transport from nasal cavity to CSF following intranasal administration. Methotrexate was administered to male Sprague–Dawley rats either intranasally or intravenously. Drug concentrations were determined from CSF and plasma samples collected from the cisterna magna and caudal vein, respectively. To collect CSF sample continuously, blank artificial CSF was infused into the lateral ventricle. The plasma levels achieved following intranasal administration were significantly lower than those after intravenous administration (P < 0.01) were, while CSF concentrations achieved after intranasal administration were significantly higher than those after intravenous administration (P < 0.01). The ratio of the AUCCSF value between the intranasal route and the intravenous injection was 13.76, whereas the absolute bioavailability was only 6.3%, the drug targeting index (DTI) of nasal route was 21.7. In conclusion, these results showed that the antineoplastic MTX must be directly transported from the nasal cavity into the CSF in rats.
Posted 01 August 2017 - 10:23 PM
I'm sorry about your experience with Cerebolysin. I thought about taking it via intranasal at first because of the dosage difference, but have since decided against it. Very informative... thank you.
Hopefully you are doing better...
Edited by mfad, 01 August 2017 - 10:23 PM.
Posted 02 January 2019 - 04:03 AM
How can intranasal application be any more dangerous than shooting... I mean, directly applicating a substance into the body (something I've never done and won't, maybe not judged but I'm afraid of needles.. always thought the nasal route would offer more safety margins than any injection, besides potential infection / damage of the nasal tissue of course) ...?
I've stumbled about this possible autoimmune reaction on reddit about P21 - so this is for real? How does it manifest, are there early warning signs to watch out for, or is it too late when one notices something?
(To be honest, I'm not too surprised to finally see serious side effects from a nootropic. It's rather impressive how many untried substances that recently got sold are actually well tolerated..)
if you put any large quantity of something up your nose some of it will sit there for quite a while. if you put a large dose of something inside your muscles or veins it will more likely move away quite quickly and traces will be minimal. AFAIK
Edited by Keizo, 02 January 2019 - 04:06 AM.
Posted 07 January 2019 - 10:44 PM
One reddit user says Krabby committed suicide, judging from his calls for help here it doesn't seem too far fetched - be safe! https://www.reddit.c...n_to_have_such/
Posted 15 November 2022 - 08:16 PM
If there's one thing in the world I could wish for its for plasticperson to log on and explain how exactly he underwent antigen-specific immune tolerization therapy to cure his autoimmune reaction to cere. I suffered from a similar reaction as Krabby's to NSI 189 and am desperate to cure it
Posted 01 July 2023 - 11:39 AM
If there's one thing in the world I could wish for its for plasticperson to log on and explain how exactly he underwent antigen-specific immune tolerization therapy to cure his autoimmune reaction to cere. I suffered from a similar reaction as Krabby's to NSI 189 and am desperate to cure it
As someone with a general background in biology, I wouldn't put much hope on that being relevant to your situation. Immune reactions to cerebrolysin are a real possibility because the substance is a mix of biological protein-fragments. NSI, on the other hand, is a small molecule pharmaceutical; any side effects experienced to it seem unlikely to have an immunological component, so immune tolerization therapy is unlikely to apply.
Posted 02 July 2023 - 03:28 PM
Most people here need to be far more skeptical than they are. NSI and cerebrolysin have acquired a reputation for long-term adverse responses.
It's important to wisely choose your substances, understand the route of administration and elimination half-life, and to start at low doses to gauge your individual response and detect any issues before they become serious.
Luckily the body is a fairly resilient piece of machinery, which is capable of healing and—even if there are some scar tissues and deficits—recovering to near its former level.
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