Hey All,
I am on the hunt again for a good noot.
I am going to be studying computer programming in the next couple of months so I am looking for a nootropic stack that will fit my needs.
I'm looking for one to increase my memory retention along with concentration. I do have a supply for generic adderall however i'm not a fan of being stuck on it constantly. I will use it when needed however i think i prefer more things like Racetams as adderall is a bathsalt makeup.
I am a avid user of Ginkgo, Green tea, B complex, Fish oil and a multivitamin. I'm looking to add Choline and a Racetam. I was thinking Piracetam, however I have heard its not the best for memory retention.
I have heard Ani, Oxi, and Prami are the best for memory retention, however how feasable is it to really be on one of those finacially?
I'm hoping to spend about 100$ on a noot that will last me roughly 3 months and will have noticeable effects within the first 1-3 weeks.
Anyone have any suggestions/insight?