Hi guys.
After some time of experimenting I ve decided to drop out of nootopics world for a while.
Now guess its time to get back to it .
I am signing a new project for me where I will be needed a lot of motivation, high focus , multitasking speed and obviously improving better understanding of things.
In the past I was playing with nooppet + piracetam combination but with no efect whatsoever.
I belive that is couse I bought a noopept from unkown ebay seller and been taking it in doses from 5mg - 30mg /day .
Didnt worked. so I gave up .
now after some researching I am about to try oxiracetam and very very eager to try sunifram altho not sure if that drug would be the best choice for my needs.
I also belive that I should mention that I probably suffer ( never officially confirmed by doctors) with some sort of concentation dissorder. couse its very hard for me to concentrate on certan task for more than 30mins and it usually takes me much longer to complete something than it needs to..
Thx a lot