SEX continued from the below two posts.
Adam and Eve (Male and Female) as we see in the Christian view relate to each other body soul and spirit. As most of humanity will tell you being lovers is not just a physical thing but also involves the non material heart, mind, spirit and soul. Mankind in his and her construct is both a body and soul. Because Humans are both body and soul, they are capable of bringing in a spiritual aspect into their union. It isn’t just about body parts like two dogs in the street but much deeper than that. It is a union of spirit as well.
God in the Christian view, does not exist in a state of solitude but as a community of persons (the Trinity), in other words a family. When God creates mankind Holy Scripture states “let Us make man in our own image...male and female He created them.” Husband and wife are called to live in a community of persons that images God. The loving relationship between the Father and the Son that is personified in the Spirit is mirrored in a loving family of husband, wife and children.
So you were not made for yourself alone, you were made for an other. Like god you were made to be a community of loving persons. This fits reality.
Humans have a soul or a spirit which is involved in our sexual union and our union with God.
Marriage is not only a physical union but a spiritual one in the Christian view. Not only is there a physical union but a spiritual one as well. Any two dogs can couple in the street and this is what rape is like. It is not a union and not a Marriage. It can bring shame disgrace and pain. Simple intercourse is not enough and in fact can be decidedly unspiritual. It even can lack sex in that union is more than physical as married Christians will tell you.
Humans have the capacity of self-mastery, with the help of God. This does not mean simply “controlling” oneself and one’s passions and hormones and instincts. This would be all too sad and a very “cheap” type of redemption. NO! Redemption of the heart goes SO much further. We are not talking about control, but about transformation of lust into love. This takes two steps. 1st: discipline. This might seem negative. It’s not. If you are going 220kmh on a German Autobahn, in the wrong direction, you need to step on the breaks before you can drive in the other direction. With regard to the redemption of our sexual tendencies, something similar needs to happen. If you notice your sexual tendencies are dominated by lust, you need to step on the breaks before you can experience sexual longing that is completed by love and spiritual union. (Of course, here the need for strengthening the will, watching the eyes, saying “no” right away to temptation, a healthy balance of activity, coming out of oneself through charity, spiritual coaching can help too, professional help if necessary etc.) 2nd: Practice of virtue. Virtue is not formed through reading books about virtue, but by practice. And all of the above is not just the result of mere human effort, but human effort capacitated by God’s power. This is one of the reasons why Christians pray. The Goal, union body, soul and spirit.