Explain why Evolution desires anything that is not real. Desire is for what is real. The past cant explain it either. Explain how evolution relative to the past explains desire? You have not in any way defeated 1.
Premise 1: Every natural, innate desire in us corresponds to some real object that can satisfy that desire.
addx: For example my way of agriculture may be better than yours. I evolved it, I will teach my children and they will teach theirs and evolve it slightly further. Until this knowledge fails to provide for them being happy under premise 1 (lets say the climate changes or too many people copy the same process and exhaust the resource) at which point they will overthrow the entire "evolved tree of this knowledge of agriculture that I conceived and generations after me evolved" and start some new technique/way of living as a human being and getting resources in some other way from scratch (switch from agriculture to nomadic hunters and back, change location, migrate, whatever).
Are you now arguing for intelligent design?

This is nonsense and does not defeat premise 1 either. What irrational fantasy.
The second premise is untouched as well.
Premise 2: But there exists in us a desire which nothing in time, nothing on earth, no creature can satisfy.
Conclusion: Therefore there must exist something more than time, earth and creatures, which can satisfy this desire.
All you have offered is meaningless names without any evidence. You do have blind faith but no real argument against the argument from desire.
If there is just one person on earth and we have premise 1 all is well.
What evolves is LEVEL OF CONTROL of the object that satisfies desires under premise 1. Increasing level of control is your premise 2.
The neverending desire of humans to have everything they imagined at their disposal at any time they like instantly - this would be the final equilibrium if humans evolved every tool possible for controlling anything from premise 1.
If there is two or more people on earth then they can compare who's better at having control of premise 1.
And there you go - you have an neverending desire to be better than the rest. As long as there is another person on the planet, you'll have the desire to impress, own, beat, compete or breed with this person. Otherwise you'll evolve control only enough to be truly content as an individual against the nonhuman odds.
If you were to be isolated forever you would soon learn that lack of "competition" or in other words lack of "human company" leads to insanity.
The "neverending desire" under premise number 2 is either satisfied by continuing competition with live people or it is satisfied by developing insanity(people on deserted islands often develop split personalities or go crazy after a long time).
You, for example, are satisfisying the premise 2 by perpetually engaging in discussions with us trying to beat us with some "arguments", trying to be better at knowing what's important for being a human or whatever. You are increasingly and repeatedly being dismissed for this "god-truth owning" and are typically reacting by isolating yourself further, declaring us to be content-less name callers and yet your only other option is full isolation from us which probably makes you insane enough to find a couple of more nutcase videos to soothe the pain and generate hope for an apostle follower of your own. You also display talking to yourself, go read your own Islam thread where you ask me questions out of thin air then answer then and do it repeatedly without any posts of mine. Go read it. I've been giving you free dilletant psychoanalsys although in a somewhat rough fashion, but there's no denying what's written there.
In your own premise 2 satisfiying you have evolved your argument tacticts obviously a great deal, you consciously and unconsciously commit all typical discussion fallacies, you have a whole inventory of ready "arguments" that you don't really understand but think they impress peoeple, you have your ways to squirm of situations when cornerned, you've been doing this for a while..
Why can't you even begin to understand this? The premise number 2 is easily satisfied with a shot of heroin. Other than that, it's dukkha/suffering/jousissance/whatever you name it.
A neverending desire is easily created neurologically by "awareness of past" which makes you "plan a better future" which then motivates you to invest effort into the plan. You can always better something so the desire is neverending as evolution is too. These functions are in fact functions of vmPFC part of the brain.
If you want to satisfy this "desire" under premise 2 all you need to do is bilaterally damage your ventromedial prefrontal cortex and you'll be happy as a horse or a dog to sit around and do nothing all day until something leading to food/sex/territory sparks your immediate attention. Read experiences from people who've had this happen to them or have studied such people.
Edited by addx, 12 August 2014 - 08:18 AM.