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#1801 serp777

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Posted 22 November 2014 - 09:44 PM

You offered no debate against Christianity or what I said.  Just more name calling.  Love and sex do confirm Christianity and offer a realistic view of humanity.  It gives purpose to the body.


"You offered no debate against Christianity or what I said."


More lies and denial. Typical. It's either that or you just can't understand the argument.

"Love and sex do confirm Christianity and offer a realistic view of humanity. "


Let me spell this out very simply. Christianity was invented AFTER sex and lust came into existence. ITS no surprise that they would get some things right. JUST like Islam, or Judaism, or Hinduism, or Buddhism, or Taoism, or whatever. If this is evidence for Christianity then this is evidence for every other religion.


Purpose to the body depends on your interpretation. There's no evidence that would give anyone any reason too agree with your ambiguous interpretation. Eventually the species will die so it is purposeless. There is no final objective that sex is heading towards.

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#1802 shadowhawk

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Posted 22 November 2014 - 10:20 PM

First Christianity goes back to the beginning of existence.  Sex has a meaning and purpose as does the human body.  That it fits reality is evidence of its truth.  Other religions may or may not share in that truth and because an atheist and  theist both speak English does not make the theist wrong.  They can both say things that are true.


Well, enough of this, back to what is being discussed.

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#1803 The Brain

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Posted 22 November 2014 - 11:06 PM

Discussed ?

You mean spammed ...
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#1804 serp777

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Posted 22 November 2014 - 11:44 PM

First Christianity goes back to the beginning of existence.  Sex has a meaning and purpose as does the human body.  That it fits reality is evidence of its truth.  Other religions may or may not share in that truth and because an atheist and  theist both speak English does not make the theist wrong.  They can both say things that are true.


Well, enough of this, back to what is being discussed.


First Christianity was modified and officially established at the council of Nicea in AD 325, not 13.7 billion years ago


"The First Council of Nicaea was the first ecumenical council of the Church. Most significantly, it resulted in the first uniform Christian doctrine, called the Nicene Creed. With the creation of the creed, a precedent was established for subsequent local and regional councils of Bishops (Synods) to create statements of belief and canons of doctrinal orthodoxy—the intent being to define unity of beliefs for the whole of Christendom."




Sex does not have a meaning and purpose as doesn't the human body since evolution has no purpose; it just exists.


"Well, enough of this, back to what is being discussed."

You mean lets go back to off topic garbage that isn't evidence for Christianity.

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#1805 shadowhawk

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Posted 23 November 2014 - 03:15 AM

It is very tempting to respond to this ignorance but that would derail the topic.  Christianity, is Jewish and all the early Christians were Jewish and the Old Testament was their Bible.  The creation event described by the Jews is the same event held by Christians.  It was the beginning of physical existence.


The first Council is described in the Bible in the Book of acts.  There are many creeds found in the dedactic portions of the New Testament however I am not going to describe them further here.  Back to our topic.

Edited by shadowhawk, 23 November 2014 - 03:17 AM.

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#1806 serp777

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Posted 23 November 2014 - 03:24 AM

It is very tempting to respond to this ignorance but that would derail the topic.  Christianity, is Jewish and all the early Christians were Jewish and the Old Testament was their Bible.  The creation event described by the Jews is the same event held by Christians.  It was the beginning of physical existence.


The first Council is described in the Bible in the Book of acts.  There are many creeds found in the dedactic portions of the New Testament however I am not going to describe them further here.  Back to our topic.


So what if Jews have the same creation event? You're not addressing the main point which is that many religions support similar views of sex so it isn't good evidence for christianity. And why aren't you a Jew if all the original Christians, including Jesus, were Jews? Seems like a more original and genuine doctrine.

#1807 shadowhawk

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Posted 24 November 2014 - 05:57 PM

The issue is truth.  If evidence supports theism of any kind then it can be evidence for more than one view.  The Big Bang can be evidence for any view that allows for a a creation view.  This is not the only evidence for Christianity, far from it, but it is evidence.

#1808 shadowhawk

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Posted 24 November 2014 - 07:40 PM

#1809 serp777

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Posted 24 November 2014 - 08:37 PM

The issue is truth.  If evidence supports theism of any kind then it can be evidence for more than one view.  The Big Bang can be evidence for any view that allows for a a creation view.  This is not the only evidence for Christianity, far from it, but it is evidence.


If it supports thousands of different religions then it is ambiguous/uncertain/bad evidence.Eygptian mythology postulates a beginning of existence, and that was way before Chrstianity. Christianity steals many things from eypgtian mythology, and it is no surrise that christianity is influenced so much by eygptian and greek mythology.



Jesus copies the Horus and elements from Greek mytology blatantly.



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#1810 shadowhawk

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Posted 24 November 2014 - 08:48 PM

Evidence can support multiple things.  This is but one thing. 

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#1811 shadowhawk

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Posted 24 November 2014 - 08:53 PM

Evidence can support multiple things.  This is but one thing.  As for comparative religions you are makikng clames we have delt with before in this topic so without proof I will not derail the topic.  Proof and I suggest you read what we have already said.


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#1812 serp777

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Posted 24 November 2014 - 08:54 PM

Evidence can support multiple things.  This is but one thing. 


Ok then, Egyptian mythology is now an equal candidate to Christianity.


If a partial finger print gives 100 million potential people, then it isn't very good evidence. That doesn't include the fact that the fingerprint might be from someone who isn't in the database.

Edited by serp777, 24 November 2014 - 08:56 PM.

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#1813 shadowhawk

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Posted 24 November 2014 - 09:12 PM

Just because you declared it so?  Why don't you create another topic and defend your empty assertion.


A finger print can be evidence of human presence and activity.  Just as the nature of Man points to other things.

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#1814 serp777

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Posted 24 November 2014 - 09:31 PM

Just because you declared it so?  Why don't you create another topic and defend your empty assertion.


A finger print can be evidence of human presence and activity.  Just as the nature of Man points to other things.


No, because the "evidence" which you provided supports Egyptian mythology obviously. Don't strawman your way out of this as usual. Why would I bother creating another useless thread that would only distract from the main point?


"A finger print can be evidence of human presence and activity. "

That wasn't the point of the analogy--it was that evidence that points of a bunch of ambiguous things, and is circumstantial at best (fingerprint may have been coincidental), and the person might not even be in the database, is directly reflective of your "evidence" of Christianity.

Edited by serp777, 24 November 2014 - 09:33 PM.

#1815 YOLF

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Posted 25 November 2014 - 02:14 AM

Thread locked due to complaints that the topic was becoming excessive.

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#1816 shadowhawk

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Posted 01 December 2014 - 09:20 PM

SEX continued from the below two posts.

Adam and Eve (Male and Female) as we see in the Christian view relate to each other body soul and spirit.  As most of humanity will tell you being lovers is not just a physical thing but also involves the non material heart, mind, spirit and soul.  Mankind in his and her construct is both a body and soul.  Because Humans are both body and soul, they are capable of bringing in a spiritual aspect into their union.  It isn’t just about body parts like two dogs in the street but much deeper than that.  It is a union of spirit as well.  

God in the Christian view, does not exist in a state of solitude but as a community of persons (the Trinity), in other words a family.  When God creates mankind Holy Scripture states “let Us make man in our own image...male and female He created them.”  Husband and wife are called to live in a community of persons that images God.  The loving relationship between the Father and the Son that is personified in the Spirit is mirrored in a loving family of husband, wife and children.

So you were not made for yourself alone, you were made for an other.  Like god you were made to be a community of loving persons.  This fits reality.

Humans have a soul or a spirit which is involved in our sexual union and our union with God.

Marriage is not only a physical union but a spiritual one in the Christian view.  Not only is there a physical union but a spiritual one as well.  Any two dogs can couple in the street and this is what rape is like.  It is not a union and not a Marriage.  It can bring shame disgrace and pain.  Simple intercourse is not enough and in fact can be decidedly unspiritual.  It even can lack sex in that union is more than physical as married Christians will tell you.

Humans have the capacity of self-mastery, with the help of God. This does not mean simply “controlling” oneself and one’s passions and hormones and instincts. This would be all too sad and a very “cheap” type of redemption. NO! Redemption of the heart goes SO much further. We are not talking about control, but about transformation of lust into love. This takes two steps.  1st: discipline. This might seem negative. It’s not. If you are going 220kmh on a German Autobahn, in the wrong direction, you need to step on the breaks before you can drive in the other direction. With regard to the redemption of our sexual tendencies, something similar needs to happen. If you notice your sexual tendencies are dominated by lust, you need to step on the breaks before you can experience sexual longing that is completed by love and spiritual union. (Of course, here the need for strengthening the will, watching the eyes, saying “no” right away to temptation, a healthy balance of activity, coming out of oneself through charity, spiritual coaching can help too, professional help if necessary etc.)   2nd: Practice of virtue. Virtue is not formed through reading books about virtue, but by practice. And all of the above is not just the result of mere human effort, but human effort capacitated by God’s power. This is one of the reasons why Christians pray.  The Goal, union body, soul and spirit.
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#1817 shadowhawk

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Posted 05 December 2014 - 07:35 PM







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#1818 The Brain

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Posted 05 December 2014 - 08:52 PM


#1819 shadowhawk

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Posted 08 December 2014 - 11:13 PM

SEX continued from the below two posts.

Adam and Eve (Male and Female) as we see in the Christian view relate to each other body soul and spirit.  As most of humanity will tell you being lovers is not just a physical thing but also involves the non material heart, mind, spirit and soul.  Mankind in his and her construct is both a body and soul.  Because Humans are both body and soul, they are capable of bringing in a spiritual aspect into their union.  It isn’t just about body parts like two dogs in the street but much deeper than that.  It is a union of spirit as well.  

God in the Christian view, does not exist in a state of solitude but as a community of persons (the Trinity), in other words a family.  When God creates mankind Holy Scripture states “let Us make man in our own image...male and female He created them.”  Husband and wife are called to live in a community of persons that images God.  The loving relationship between the Father and the Son that is personified in the Spirit is mirrored in a loving family of husband, wife and children.

So you were not made for yourself alone, you were made for an other.  Like god you were made to be a community of loving persons.  This fits reality.

Humans have a soul or a spirit which is involved in our sexual union and our union with God.

Marriage is not only a physical union but a spiritual one in the Christian view.  Not only is there a physical union but a spiritual one as well.  Any two dogs can couple in the street and this is what rape is like.  It is not a union and not a Marriage.  It can bring shame disgrace and pain.  Simple intercourse is not enough and in fact can be decidedly unspiritual.  It even can lack sex in that union is more than physical as married Christians will tell you.

Humans have the capacity of self-mastery, with the help of God. This does not mean simply “controlling” oneself and one’s passions and hormones and instincts. This would be all too sad and a very “cheap” type of redemption. NO! Redemption of the heart goes SO much further. We are not talking about control, but about transformation of lust into love. This takes two steps.  1st: discipline. This might seem negative. It’s not. If you are going 220kmh on a German Autobahn, in the wrong direction, you need to step on the breaks before you can drive in the other direction. With regard to the redemption of our sexual tendencies, something similar needs to happen. If you notice your sexual tendencies are dominated by lust, you need to step on the breaks before you can experience sexual longing that is completed by love and spiritual union. (Of course, here the need for strengthening the will, watching the eyes, saying “no” right away to temptation, a healthy balance of activity, coming out of oneself through charity, spiritual coaching can help too, professional help if necessary etc.)   2nd: Practice of virtue. Virtue is not formed through reading books about virtue, but by practice. And all of the above is not just the result of mere human effort, but human effort capacitated by God’s power. This is one of the reasons why Christians pray.  The Goal, union body, soul and spirit.

The real understanding of the other person is only possible through an inner gaze, proceeding from one’s own heartor spirit. The body alone is not capable of this inner gaze which takes place in the spirit.  Without an attitude of the spirit/heart, a look or gaze of love, comprehension of the other is impossible. It’s true: you can only love what you know. But, to understand someone really and deeply, you need to love him or her. The “inner or interior look or gaze” gives the capacity of, in the midst of all that appears on the outside, discovering that what is deeper. This has practical consequences in sexuality. The interior gaze of the man discovers in the naked woman her vocation to communion. He discovers her. His interior gaze leads him further. The woman is much more to him then sexual arousal, her exteriority is the carrier of a deeper message. Vice versa, the inner gaze of the woman discovers in the naked man the same thing: his call to communion, his call to loving surrender of self. She discovers him. Her interior gaze helps her to see more than the fulfillment of her desire for affirmation, security, protection, to be valued or seen as beautiful. The interior glance helps us to understand how our partner was thought of from God, from the beginning.  This is radically different for the materialist who sees only a body with no spirit in a dead act without mystery.  In and with God the two become one flesh, something no dog could comprehend.  Those of us who have experienced it know why sex is evidence for God.
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