Amfonelic acid. Have tried it myself on a couple occasions. It really is quite an amazing substance. All the effects you would expect from a clean amphetamine but way to clean to be one. Just staight happy and energizing. Ive never gone over 30. Done it about 4 times at that level and it is quite pleaseant. When nothng will motivate, it will every time for about 2 hours. Orally at up to 30 never noticed much. It is available in limilted quantities at Because of its possible antibiotic properties I would not recomend regular usage.
Off-topic: Just a friendly heads up, you should consider editting the design of your website a bit. Try to make it look "smoother", it has a rough kind of touch to it, maybe you should make it a bit lighter, and avoid red-on-white. That's advice given from my personal preference.
I do not approve the human consumption of Amfonelic Acid until its effects on health is known, no person that respects his own mental or physical health should consume it.
I have tried Amfonelic Acid on multiple occasions, and comparable to limitlesslife's experience, I can say that it's a stimulant with a clean kind of feeling to it. The stimulation isn't too noticeable, it's a stimulation that gets the gears of the brain grinding. It keeps you alert, motivated, and at high performance. For me personally, it works as a more efficient version of modafinil.
I would warn everyone who even thinks about snorting this substance, as it would most likely wreak havoc upon the ingesters nasal mucosa if pure.
I tried to take it sublingually once, it gave me something which looked like a canker sore, it went away after a few days. I suspect that it's highly corrosive.
The oral bioavailability is high enough to just ingest it orally.
I haven't noticed anything to it's antibiotic effects, or any side-effect, as I have used it very sparingly.