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Amfonelic acid


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#31 Metagene

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Posted 25 April 2015 - 08:49 PM



why do you care about that one anyway, its really expensive. not worth it.

What's with the attitude normalizing? Eon could ask you the same question.

any updates on this. like more people have tried it and reliable places to buy it from? i might test it if you give me good source.




yeh you could have specified the date on that quote. i asked long time ago because i found such expensive sources, and i was like "guys, anything RELIABLE?" then i learned there was none! thats why im curious to ask eon why he cares about this now. its useless!



I can read the time stamp normalizing and February 1st was not a long time ago. Eon only wanted to know if the Amfonelic acid users were okay.

#32 normalizing

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Posted 26 April 2015 - 08:09 AM

metagene ok buddy, we done? good.

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#33 limitlesslife

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Posted 16 August 2015 - 11:07 PM

Amfonelic acid. Have tried it myself on a couple occasions. It really is quite an amazing substance. All the effects you would expect from a clean amphetamine but way to clean to be one. Just staight happy and energizing. Ive never gone over 30. Done it about 4 times at that level and it is quite pleaseant. When nothng will motivate, it will every time for about 2 hours. Orally at up to 30 never noticed much. It is available in limilted quantities at limitlesslifenootropics.com. Because of its possible antibiotic properties I would not recomend regular usage.

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#34 BetelgeuseA

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Posted 18 September 2015 - 06:53 PM

Amfonelic acid. Have tried it myself on a couple occasions. It really is quite an amazing substance. All the effects you would expect from a clean amphetamine but way to clean to be one. Just staight happy and energizing. Ive never gone over 30. Done it about 4 times at that level and it is quite pleaseant. When nothng will motivate, it will every time for about 2 hours. Orally at up to 30 never noticed much. It is available in limilted quantities at limitlesslifenootropics.com. Because of its possible antibiotic properties I would not recomend regular usage.


Off-topic: Just a friendly heads up, you should consider editting the design of your website a bit. Try to make it look "smoother", it has a rough kind of touch to it, maybe you should make it a bit lighter, and avoid red-on-white. That's advice given from my personal preference.

I do not approve the human consumption of Amfonelic Acid until its effects on health is known, no person that respects his own mental or physical health should consume it.

I have tried Amfonelic Acid on multiple occasions, and comparable to limitlesslife's experience, I can say that it's a stimulant with a clean kind of feeling to it. The stimulation isn't too noticeable, it's a stimulation that gets the gears of the brain grinding. It keeps you alert, motivated, and at high performance. For me personally, it works as a more efficient version of modafinil.
I would warn everyone who even thinks about snorting this substance, as it would most likely wreak havoc upon the ingesters nasal mucosa if pure.
I tried to take it sublingually once, it gave me something which looked like a canker sore, it went away after a few days. I suspect that it's highly corrosive.
The oral bioavailability is high enough to just ingest it orally.

I haven't noticed anything to it's antibiotic effects, or any side-effect, as I have used it very sparingly.

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