Has anyone ever heard of Spirulina activating shingles? I am 21 and recently got severe shingles all in my throat and the back of my throat......is it crazy of me to think that is the cause? It is the only supplement I took for a long period of time. About 6 months straight 2-3 tablespoons of powder in water a day.
Spirulina cause internal shingles activation?
Posted 17 October 2013 - 06:55 AM
Has anyone ever heard of Spirulina activating shingles? I am 21 and recently got severe shingles all in my throat and the back of my throat......is it crazy of me to think that is the cause? It is the only supplement I took for a long period of time. About 6 months straight 2-3 tablespoons of powder in water a day.
Posted 18 October 2013 - 04:54 AM
Spirulina doesn't agree with me. My body probably can't break it down. In fact, the whole pond scum family hasn't worked out for me. I find it interesting that there seem to be few or no traditional cultures that eat it. You can't say that about many things; there's Indians that eat corn mold.
I'd stop eating Spirulina and anything similar. Eat a steamed green vegetable instead.
Most of the people I know who got shingles smoke or smoked. Cigar smoking definitely counts here. It is really bad. Do you, or did you smoke any tobacco products at all?
If so, stop. If you are engaged in any bad habits, stop. If you haven't already, adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Edited by Luminosity, 18 October 2013 - 04:57 AM.
Posted 18 October 2013 - 10:59 AM
Posted 18 October 2013 - 11:08 AM
Posted 18 October 2013 - 02:02 PM
Posted 18 October 2013 - 02:05 PM
Posted 18 October 2013 - 02:16 PM
The pain from my throat has been causing excruciating headaches and ear pain. The msm helps with the pain but I have to take obscene doses. And drink the tea all day which are both bitter and repulsing......and it only slightly lessens the pain. Then slippery elm at the end of the night eventually helps me get to sleep.
Posted 18 October 2013 - 02:25 PM
Posted 18 October 2013 - 04:21 PM
Blue-green algae is said to sometimes cause the immune system to become more active, and increasing the symptoms of auto-immune diseases.
It is conceivable it stimulated the virus, or your immune system to react to it. Whether or not this is the case, you want to cure it. Niner's suggestion for exploring anti-virals with your doctor is a good one. Herpes virus from Chickenpox remains latent in nerve cells, and often manifests later in life as shingles.Cold sores are another manifestation of the herpes virus. I have found that hot chile sauce, though it burned like hell at first, quickly relieved my cold sores. Not recommending it, just an observation. I happen to like eating hot sauce..... Some topical creams for shingles include capsicum, with a numbing agent to partially mask the burning sensation when applied. But these are topical. Capsicum is a weak anti-viral., but I can't imagine gargling with hot sauce.
There is a vaccine for shingles, which my doctor suggested I take as I had chickenpox when young. Since getting vaccinated, I have not had any cold sores, which makes me think the vaccine works. As the virus is active in your case, don't know if it's appropriate, but it's something to explore.
Posted 18 October 2013 - 10:02 PM
I think it digests well...it doesn't give me a stomach ache or anything like that. It helped with the hpv outbreaks. Well my mom has chrone's and lupus. But I have had colonoscopy and an endoscopy done a couple years ago and they said everything looked fine. I am beginning to think hpv does more damage then they say....maybe I am completely wrong. I eat all organic. I added msm, California poppy and tulsi for the pain. I tried valtrex it didn't do anything at all. Which brings me back to thinking that hpv should be studied a little more because that is the only thing that could possibly be causing this to be worse. It feels like someone has been lighting a lighter in my throat. Every test they have done has come back negative. All my bloodwork is in range. Oh yeah and I drink I'd say at least 2 gallons of water a day.
The pain from my throat has been causing excruciating headaches and ear pain. The msm helps with the pain but I have to take obscene doses. And drink the tea all day which are both bitter and repulsing......and it only slightly lessens the pain. Then slippery elm at the end of the night eventually helps me get to sleep.
HPV outbreaks... That sounds like a possible immune issue. Your mom has problems in the autoimmune domain, which might be a connection. Be that as it may, it sounds like you've bailed out from the medical community. There is a LOT more that could be done for your pain, but you'd have to venture into prescription territory. It's possible that something among the msm, poppy, tulsi or tea could be counterproductive as far as getting this to clear up. Two gallons of water is a lot, which combined with the liquid diet that your throat pain requires might be setting you up for a variety of mineral, electrolyte, vitamin or protein deficiencies. This might be a case for a liquid food supplement like Ensure or various others.
Posted 18 October 2013 - 10:25 PM
Primary care multiple times, 4 ents, and oral cancer specialist. Each time, each one said some other thing. The hpv oral cancer specialist said internal shingles. (Dr genden)
Oh and 2 infectious disease doctors
He said he found clinical diagnosis when he scoped my throat on my vocal cord.
Posted 19 October 2013 - 03:46 PM
In Japan spirulina is grown in special ponds, but everywhere else it is harvested from waters rich in agricultural runoff from the surrounding farms (or worse). When harvested, these bacteria cannot be easily separated from the "nutrient-rich medium" in which they grow, and that includes various pathogenic microorganisms and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Here is what wiki said about "spirulina (supplement)" in January 2013, which now is not there - presumably removed by interested parties:
Spirulina is a form of cyanobacterium, some of which are known to produce toxins such as microcystins, BMAA, and others. Some spirulina supplements have been found to be contaminated with microcystins, albeit at levels below the limit set by the Oregon Health Department. Microcystins can cause gastrointestinal disturbances and, in the long term, liver cancer. The effects of chronic exposure to even very low levels of microcystins are of concern, because of the potential risk of cancer.
These toxic compounds are not produced by spirulina itself, but may occur as a result of contamination of spirulina batches with other, toxin-producing, blue-green algae. Because spirulina is considered a dietary supplement in the U.S., there is no active, industry-wide regulation of its production and no enforced safety standards for its production or purity. The U.S. National Institutes of Health describes spirulina supplements as "possibly safe", provided they are free of microcystin contamination, but "likely unsafe" (especially for children) if contaminated. Given the lack of regulatory standards in the U.S., some public-health researchers have raised the concern that consumers cannot be certain that spirulina and other blue-green algae supplements are free of contamination.
Unless it is an expensive Japanese brand, I would not touch it. I personally knew a person who developed a nasty GIT infection after several months of heavy blue-green algae consumption, which incidentally also started in the throat (but it was not shingles).
Posted 19 October 2013 - 04:55 PM
Japan I wouldn't buy anything from they are all radiated now. Even the tuna coming to california are showing up with detectable levels of radioactive levels.
Oh I'm sorry for mentioning a brand...I assume it is not considered advertising or spam. Since I said it made me insanely sick lol
Posted 19 October 2013 - 05:02 PM
Posted 19 October 2013 - 05:19 PM
Posted 20 October 2013 - 12:24 AM
However, there is a very simple solution. Instead of ditching the spirulina [or walnuts], take an essential amino acid, Lysine, as a supplement; it's also beneficial, inexpensive, readily available in almost all drugstores or online - and most importantly, helps prevent outbreaks of shingles, HSV-I & HSV-II. [wisegeek reference]
Posted 20 October 2013 - 03:21 AM
Posted 20 October 2013 - 03:27 AM
Woj, I really think you should stop taking Spirulina and anything like it now. You don't always have certain knowledge of what is bothering you and why. Even doctors often don't have that knowledge when they tell a patient to do something.
Thank you for sharing your drug and medical history. I think that part of this is your body telling you how much it didn't like that. I would talk to your body. Tell it the message has been received and you are not going to take any more bad things or mind-altering substances. Tell your body you are going to live a healthy, balanced life from now on. Cultivate inner listening to hear what your body is saying.
Often when someone stops smoking and partying, the body wants to clean house. It can manifest an illness. That DOES NOT mean you should take up your former bad habits. It's as if there had been a war in your town (or body) and you stopped cleaning and maintaining your house because you were dealing with that. That's how your body felt when you were poisoning it. Then the war was over and you (or your body) started hauling out junk and purging the house. That's the illness. You took many of these poisons in through your throat and that is why that area is so affected. I have observed a connection between smoking and Shingles, including former smoking.
It might help to post your routine and typical diet including beverages, supplement and drug regimen and any "party favors" you still consume or things you still put in your lungs. What temperature are your food and drinks; cold, hot, warm, room temperature? Do you use incense, aromatherapy, pesticides, Lysol, air fresheners, or work with chemicals?
I would recommend Chinese Medicine and the diet and lifestyle that goes with it. Find my thread about that below. It tells how to find a good acupuncturist. If you are in a place where you can find a good acupuncturist, I'd do that. Basically, as I understand it, acidic wastes are working their way out of your system through your skin and the inside of your throat. As you know, they are coming through the nerves; hence the pain.
Fresh aloe vera gel taken internally and externally may help. Avoid the peels and the area just under it as they contain a harsh laxative. You can also try dissolving MSM into some cooled green tea and applying that to the affected areas. Eat a steamed green vegetable every day, if you can. Blend it into a liquid if you need to. Take it warm if that isn't a problem. Type II collagen and a good vitamin C may help build up your tissues. MSM is doing that.
Here's a link to a thread I wrote that tells which I think are the best types of MSM, type II collagen, and vitamin C. The thread is about something else, but you can see which of these vitamins I recommend and how I recommend to take them. If you take type II collagen, you might start with six capsules a day divided into two doses.
Your body is purging acidic waste through the disease process, but your tissues are also too delicate. Your body is sending wastes out through your skin instead of the organs of elimination which indicates you are too "yin" according to Chinese Medicine. The lungs are connected to the skin in Chinese Medicine. You took a lot of these toxins in through your lungs. If you are too yin and more waste came in through the lungs than can be processed by the internal organs, it may come out through the skin. My thread will tell you how to balance yin and yang by adjusting your diet. Be aware of consuming too many acidic foods and drinks now as you don't need more acids in your system. Live a clean, healthy life. Try to use healthy unscented products on your home and your self. Take nothing into your lungs but air; no incense, no aromatherapy, no air fresheners, no pesticides, no cologne, no tobacco, no herbal substances, no drugs.
Stop doing any weird, unhealthy things.
Edited by Luminosity, 20 October 2013 - 03:47 AM.
Posted 20 October 2013 - 03:51 AM
Since I started taking so much the size of the sores have decreased by what I can see at least 50 percent. But the pain is still there.
I broke up with my gf tonite the pain and work is to much for me to handle I haven't been able to see her for weeks. After work I can't even speak from the pain. I hope this pain ends soon :(
Posted 20 October 2013 - 03:58 AM
I work at cvs as a cashier and they are unfairly strict about greeting and whatnot customers and they don't really care about the pain. I don't want to get in trouble for publicly saying that but it's the truth
I may have to quit if it's not better soon
Posted 20 October 2013 - 03:59 AM
I would not drink 2 gallons of water a day. I'd just drink a normal amount. Instead of the spirulina, I'd blend some steamed leafy greens into a liquid with water and take as much of that as you can. You need more nourishment. Try blending foods. Try the type II collagen mixed with water. Try to mix the MSM with water. Get more nourishment. Get more soups. Some people need to eat a liquid diet for a while, but with more thought you can get a lot more nutrients.
Glad you stopped the bad habits. Slippery elm sounds like a good idea.
CVS, yeah, they could stop asking us if we found what were were looking for. That annoys me. Look into disability. A lot of companies in the US have disability insurance, both TDI which is temporary and long term disability insurance. Sounds like you deserve it. In the US you can talk to a lawyer who specializes in that.
Edited by Luminosity, 20 October 2013 - 04:03 AM.
Posted 20 October 2013 - 04:05 AM
Posted 20 October 2013 - 04:18 AM
What brand of lysine? I thought that and it did help very slightly with the pain but would give me extreme diarrhea lol. I was taking now's powder version a tablespoon in water. But I stopped cause it was always giving diarrhea an hour later.
I do agree on the Spirulina for some reason increasing the rate of whatever this is exactly....but it eradicates the genital part and without it an outbreak occurs within 24 hours and causes insane itchiness on my genitals and whatnot.
Also what about chrysanthemum tea? I read that can be good....but am not sure of a good/safe source
Posted 20 October 2013 - 04:20 AM
I'm more familiar with Slippery Elm than marshmallow. I think it does a good job.
NOW isn't a good brand. It doesn't contain what it says it does. Don't take NOW products.
You seriously need to deal with this Spirulina thing. Try to find another source of whatever it does for you.
Try the steamed leafy green vegetables, I guess blended. They contain some of what Spirulina does. Try some aloe as soon as you can, preferably fresh and as specified. Try some plain warm or room temperature green tea or matcha green tea. You need to find out what the Spirulina does for you and try to find another source of that. Research what it contains and post that here. Is it the HPV that is kept in check by the Spirulina? Maybe acupuncture and Chinese herbs can help with that.
Edited by Luminosity, 20 October 2013 - 04:42 AM.
Posted 20 October 2013 - 04:29 AM
Yes I only eat organic and non gmo now...the gmo's are a scary thought and if it turns out to be completely true that it is cancer causing and other serious side effects...which it must be since it has glysophate in it and that was in agent orange.
Posted 20 October 2013 - 04:33 AM
Not familiar with how Chrysanthemum tea could help with this. I didn't agree with me. I just took it as a beverage. It was supposed to be soothing in hot weather, but it didn't agree with me.
Edited by Luminosity, 20 October 2013 - 04:55 AM.
Posted 20 October 2013 - 04:53 AM
Ok I'll read it now
Posted 20 October 2013 - 04:58 AM
Edited by Luminosity, 20 October 2013 - 04:58 AM.
Posted 01 November 2016 - 06:21 PM
I know this thread is old but I would like to share my experience having shingles for those who are still looking for solution. I wrote this in 2013 when I was still in rage about the incompetent doctor, so just let set aside the emotions
Megadose sublingual B12 treated my Herpes zoster ophthalmicus!!!Just 4 days and my blisters dried and soon to fall off! Anyone knows what it’s like to have that disease will swear how excruciatingly painful it is. Aside from depression, affected brain, and affected eyesight–possibility of blindness.My specialist doctor just prescribed paracetamol tramadol..and saying it will heal as time goes on! WTF! I felt a lot of pain and “PRESSURE” in the back of my left eye, and afraid of losing my left eye, and be blind. I analytically I thought that paracetamol is just for pain, but IT WILL NOT treat my progressing zoster ophthalmicus. So I searched and found an article, that in Indian research, b12 is the treatment!This doctor also said she don’t believe in supplements, when I said I was taking megadose vitamin c.Discern who to trust. Use your common sense. Because some doctors are incompetent
This is what I used. I just bought one bottle
But I can't remember exactly how many pills did I take in a day. Though it seems I finished the whole bottle at only 10 days more or less, megadosing every now and then, IIRC
Edited by ShivaShakti, 01 November 2016 - 06:28 PM.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: supplements, spirulina, shingles, question, help?
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