Why wasn't the in vivo aspect of CRISPR highlighted in the recent news releases?
There would obviously be backlash against CRISPR from us unmodifieds when we finally comprehended that relative to the CRISPRed we are now a lower primate species.
However, if CRISPR can be used in vivo, then we all stand to gain.
Doesn't this also speak to the question of individual choice? Much of the ethical concern related to the risks researchers would expose the unborn, in order to experiment with CRISPR. With in vivo CRISPR, the question shifts more to: Don't competent adults have the right to make choices for themselves. Consider someone coping with a serious illness. CRISPR could be very helful for such a person.
Using CRISPR in vivo has very interesting possibilities. Think how different the world would be if we could actually genetically reprogram ourselves!
We could be a completely new person every day. It would be able to truly reinvent ourselves on a genetic level.
The implications for our social and global problems would be profound.