This seems more likely to be our future - police robots watching your every move. Do what the government says or be eliminated from normal society!
Most likely, we won't be allowed to own and engineer our own robots or AI.
Posted 16 December 2024 - 05:42 PM
This seems more likely to be our future - police robots watching your every move. Do what the government says or be eliminated from normal society!
Most likely, we won't be allowed to own and engineer our own robots or AI.
Posted 21 December 2024 - 06:22 PM
Just curious, one who seems to think at the opposite of many here:
Also, what Elon thinks about it? It seems today everyone is listening to him. He must have a take on it. Do you know?
Edited by albedo, 21 December 2024 - 06:33 PM.
Posted 22 December 2024 - 09:39 PM
Just curious, one who seems to think at the opposite of many here:
Also, what Elon thinks about it? It seems today everyone is listening to him. He must have a take on it. Do you know?
He seems to think the development of AI is all upside and no downside. Like any tool, it can be used for good or for bad. I don't think it will be "clear sailing" all the way to AI utopia, based upon how things are developing thus far.
Posted 24 December 2024 - 04:55 AM
This is just super super super exciting!
2025 is going to be the year of just Wow!
Big news of course is o3.
This after o1 freaked people out in September.
Here we are in December and ... o3 blew past all sorts of benchmarks.
The fact that we are now seeing these accelerating breakthroughs should give us some insight
into when the exponentially filling lake might overflow. The vibe starts to feel as if this might pop
in the next year or two. As we walk down the time spiral towards near continuous self-improvement,
AGI arrives when human and AI time diverge. The exact timing of the arrival of AGI really should not be as mysterious
as many seem to be making it-- when it arrives we will know. I suppose talk of AGI is really meant more as an orientation
of the storm that is approaching.
The fun part that I have found in my interactions with LLMs is how the computer-human collaboration (centaur) creates this
human potential amplification. I have already experienced this with meta and other LLMs where you can have a very good
partnership with the technology in thinking through concepts. LLMs are still not good enough to do all the thinking, so humans
can still help add valuable ideas. Even still, it already seems magical.
When these collaborations devolve even more to you providing it with a top level abstraction outline of what
you want done and the LLM just takes it from there --- then that would truly launch human potential. Imagine
what happens when LLMs amplify human potential by 1000 fold! When you do not have to be limited by all
of the details that inevitably arise productivity would skyrocket!
Another big news update is the commercial readiness of humanoids. We have discussed them on thread
quite a bit, though I was not entirely clear how close to mass rollout they were. I searched around and
there now appears to be humanoids for sale everywhere! There are quite a range of high end humanoids
from about 20 major companies and they are typically priced in the $30,000 - $70,000 range.
I am not entirely sure whether these robots are truly ready for commercialization, however, it might be one of those
times in which the technology industry just launches something and works through the problems after product delivery --
launching a beta version. Perhaps launching them to do some highly repetitive low skill job such as returning
trash bins to their position beside the house after garbage pickup might be one way to start providing people with
value right away. Trying to do all sorts of things badly would not be the best look. 2025 appears as if it will be the year of Humanoids.
Yet, another highly impressive AI application is the robocars and how they could lead to rethinking our urban transit systems. With AI transport
control, there would not be accidents -- one would then not have to have tank like cars to be protected from those who engage in reckless driving behaviors.
Such considerations could greatly reduce the price point for personal transport. With AI transit control, one might even see cars that resembled not much
more than a go kart. If so, then perhaps instead of having standard 10 foot wide urban lanes for traffic, it might be possible to have 3 foot wide lanes.
In such a scenario one could convert each standard 10 foot standard lane to 3 AI go kart lanes. An AI updated transport system could greatly enhance the
carrying capacity of existing road infrastructure.
One might then also see relaxed speed limits. With AI control perhaps 150 miles per hour etc.speed limits might be achievable.
The possibilities to create a dramatically more efficient urban transport system then begins to emerge. Modern streets often have become
not much more than parking lots. With a thoughtful reworking, the 21st century could help us to return to functional urban roadways.
Ironically, in the 21st century our roadways might become characterized as almost always being empty.
All the Best of the Holidays to everyone on thread and buckle up for the New Year!
2025 is looking like it might be epic!
Edited by mag1, 24 December 2024 - 05:44 AM.
Posted 24 December 2024 - 10:25 AM
He seems to think the development of AI is all upside and no downside. Like any tool, it can be used for good or for bad. I don't think it will be "clear sailing" all the way to AI utopia, based upon how things are developing thus far.
OTOS Elon seems to be very cautious about AI, not a typical trait of him and not that I take his for gospel despite he being being a genius. Happy Holidays to all!
Edited by albedo, 24 December 2024 - 10:27 AM.
Posted 24 December 2024 - 06:30 PM
OTOS Elon seems to be very cautious about AI, not a typical trait of him and not that I take his for gospel despite he being being a genius. Happy Holidays to all!
I was speaking of the Brett Hall person in the link you provided.
Posted 25 December 2024 - 10:14 AM
I was speaking of the Brett Hall person in the link you provided.
Yes, I meant to contrast the two of them.
Posted 08 January 2025 - 09:47 PM
In a study that should surprise no one who is familiar with human nature, people become LESS creative when they use LLMs.
Posted 09 January 2025 - 02:24 PM
With every day that passes the idea of unplugging to set up a farming and eco-tourism commune with my friends and family sounds more and more appealing.
Posted 09 January 2025 - 06:29 PM
With every day that passes the idea of unplugging to set up a farming and eco-tourism commune with my friends and family sounds more and more appealing.
Sadly, "the system", or "the matrix", or the "machine world", is desperate to keep you in bondage or force you to become a Borg drone.
I wouldn't mind unplugging, but even disconnecting from the electrical grid in the US is illegal in most places.
Posted 10 January 2025 - 01:47 PM
All industries and jobs will feel the effect of AI in the workplace. A lot of human record-keeping and routine transaction assistance will likely be replaced in the global banking industry, according to a recent report.
So far, I am not impressed with the automation and AI in implementation at my bank. Because they want to be more profitable, they keep trying to get me to use their app and their website. Every time I go there with a question in person, one of the first things they say is "you should use the app" or "you should use the website". The bank managers no doubt encourage this push because the more customers that use the app, the less humans they have to employ and the more local branches they can shut down. They are supposedly in the business of helping people with their finances, but they are continually pushing to have as little interaction with their actual human customers as possible. Same with most big corporations - it is exceedingly difficult to actually talk to a human being at most large corporations. Google gave up on customer service a couple decades ago. If you have a problem with any of Google's services, you have to go to their "knowledge base", FAQs, or user forums. A person ends up spending an hour searching through the "knowledge base", when an actual person could have given you the answer/solution in a minute or two.
Posted 12 January 2025 - 07:53 PM
Posted 16 January 2025 - 05:34 PM
Here is another example of the perils of relying 100% on AI. Police wrongfully arrest people based upon AI facial recognition alone.
This will be a problem going forward. People are generally lazy. Give them a reasonably capable AI and they will use it as if it was always correct in every decision/action. They won't double-check. Who will be held liable for the mistakes - which will be deadly sometimes. The people who have been wrongfully arrested could sue the police, but I suspect the police will then "pass the buck" to the company that makes the software, and then the company that makes the software will "pass the buck" onto the company that made the camera, then they will "pass the buck" onto the contractor that installed the camera, etc.... Victims will have a hard time getting restitution, I suspect.
Posted 01 February 2025 - 02:25 PM
Similar to the bank issue I discussed above (they are desperate to never see me in person), doctor's offices are increasingly run by algorithm, and less "human".
No, it is because, despite all the HR-generated rhetoric proclaiming the opposite, the people who design and run the systems within which we work are often true nihilists for whom the magical and life-giving processes of human relations, and what some students of psychological development call “human becoming,” mean next to nothing.
Caught in the “measure-grab-and-control” tyranny of the algorithmic mind, they cannot even begin to imagine how those they see as lesser than them, might, if left to their own devices, be capable of generating greater efficiencies than their vaunted oh-so-rational systems…and usually with a heaping portion of increased human joy as part of the bargain.
Worse yet, they do not realize that putting people in systems that assume they are stupid will, in the long run, make those who have intelligence (and what person doesn’t?) truly and profoundly stupid, sad, and ultimately unresponsive to anyone or anything in the long run.
Is that what the managerial elite truly want? Or is it that their imaginations are already so impoverished by fantasies of algorithmic perfection that they truly do not understand the wave of spiritual destruction they have set in motion and feed daily?
At my doctor's office (or the dentist, or the optician) the front receptionist doesn't know my name - all they want is my number (birthday). The first words out of their mouth is "what is your birthday?" Not "hi XXX, nice to see you again", or anything the least bit "human".
I saw someone the other day offering to pay MORE for a less technical appliance. I would pay more as well. I don't need an internet-connected fridge. I don't need a washing machine loaded with APPs. I don't need an electronic keyless fob for my car. None of these things enhance my life. It seems engineers and coders who spend their entire life in front of screens, think everyone wants to be in front of screens and interacting with APPs every minute of their life. Most of the effort of big corps nowadays seems to go into creating more addiction and more sophisticated pricing mechanisms to squeeze every last penny out of a person's pocket - not creating good new "things". I would rather like to see engineers working on life extension.
Edited by Mind, 01 February 2025 - 10:25 PM.
Posted 01 February 2025 - 10:27 PM
Want to hear from a leading figure in technological progress, AI, robotics, and quantum computing - check out the latest podcast with Geordie Rose.
Posted 24 February 2025 - 09:37 PM
In a study that should surprise no one who is familiar with human nature, people become LESS creative when they use LLMs.
Here Whitney Webb describes very well the problem of people losing mental capabilities, creativity, etc... because of reliance upon AI.
She references the book by Eric Schmidt and Henry Kissinger about AI where they say the vast majority of humans will become "mentally diminished". They envisioned a world where a small rich elite will control AI and control everyone.
There are a lot of people who still cling to the thought that techno-utopia is guaranteed (Whitney Webb says they have a religious devotion to AI). What is happening right now is just the opposite. People are becoming addicted and dependent upon AI.
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