I’ll do my best to make this brief. For the past several months I’ve been having very odd physical symptoms, including dizziness, fatigue, and headaches. About two months ago I modified my supplement regimen by incorporating several new supplements, and following that, my symptoms seemed to worsen. At that point I did what seemed logical and stopped taking all supplements. At the time I thought I’d maintained this for about a week and then begin to reintroduce everything in weekly increments, noting any change in symptoms (During this time I also looked up the half lives of everything I was taking to ensure I’d be starting fresh at the week’s end.). Anyway, as I began reintroducing supplements it became difficult to identify any correlations (My symptoms didn’t seem to follow any pattern in relation to what I was taking.). One thing I was able to find, however--and I should add that it’s a very tenuous connection--was an increased frequency of headaches after taking Acetyl L-carnitine.
I really wasn’t taking a lot of supplements (and currently I’m taking none), and everything I was taking was at doses far below those that had any record of toxicity, if the supplement had record of toxicity at all.
I’ll be getting a blood test done soon, but in the meantime I wanted to know if anybody here had any ideas. I was taking the following daily: Vitamin Shoppe multi, 1 tablet (1/2 full dose); fish oil, 1 softgel; D3 2000 IUs (gtt); Astragalus 500 mg; carnosine 500 mg; acetyl L-carnitine 500 mg; melatonin 10 mg (qHS); magnesium 400 mg; iodine 225 mcg (gtt); and benfotiamine 150 mg. In addition, I took vitamin C 500 mg twice daily.
I also took, and actually still take, Trazodone 50 mg for insomnia (I’ve taken it for years without trouble.).
To be clear, I couldn’t find any clear correlation between what I was feeling and the supplements I was taking.
All comments are appreciated!
Edited by N.T.M., 23 October 2013 - 01:15 AM.