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The disposable male

feminism disposability

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#1 TheFountain

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 02:02 AM

This is Brilliant. She beats down on false Feminist notions, asks serious questions and points out THE TRUTH of our society and why men are getting pissed off!

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#2 A941

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 02:41 AM

I have watched this Video and many others, she has some good arguments but sometimes she really sounds like she thinks women are lesser capable, especially in that one case where she talks about eduction, and that you get out far less for the education of a woman who will become a physician, because she will work less (possible childbirth, pregnancy in general) and leave for retierement earlyer.
Iam also not for the MRA which seems to be a bit too weird... but Iam sure not for feminism.

Feminism is a backwards movement, which mainly isnt for womensrights but against men and everything seen as a masculin attribut.
This stupid theory of a world wide male conspiracy, and nothing else is the patriarchy theory (a conspiracy theory), is the most fact free BS (excuse this use of words) ever thought up outside temple walls, and GWW fell for it too*. Feminism is not a force for good but the "female Taliban society" bent on creating privilege for women only, and establishing the image of the stupid, horny, and agressive Man, who is out there lurking in every dark corner, waiting to rape every woman that comes this way. And so far it worked well for them, unfortunately. But dont make the error to see them as something else but another anti-science, anti-life, dogmatic cult, and dont mix em up with the womensrights movement which is still important but doesnt create Maniacs who think about Massmurder, like the Femitheist supreme. If that would have been written about women, people of a certain race or religion, the author would have ended up behind bars for a couple of years.

*because she uses the word patriarchy in the same way as her opponents.

#3 TheFountain

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Posted 09 November 2013 - 01:18 AM

Maybe she is not saying women are less capable but differently capable. Obviously men cannot give birth, for example. But women cannot impregnate themselves either.

I particularly resonated with what she said about how little girls are constantly catered to whilst little boys are taught to deal with the world alone. About how every social message we send out is about how women are a more valued commodity than men, hence the "burning building" and the "last one off the boat" examples she gave to summarize her quite correct take on the matter.

Also about how women are the reproductive means to an end and men are also seen as less valuable in that sense.

These bullshit notions have left us in a dishonest world filled with dishonest beliefs created by dishonest people.

Time to stop the political correctness and start dealing some blows.

Here is one that is particularly inspiring.

He totally owns this cock blocking bitch.

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