I'd like to start out by saying I've read many varying Phenylpiracetam accounts, and they truly do vary a lot. However in my case it's a definite positive feedback. Please note everyone's experience is different and I only reflect my own personal experience. I'm not trying to sell it to anyone, nor put anyone off it. And as always, these are research chemicals, so take care and do your own research!
Now I've tried several of the 'racetams - Oxi, Pram, the original Piracetam, and also Noopept. Each did a little something for me, but nothing too spectacular. I noticed the the subtleties they were doing, but then I think I am fairly perceptive to any changes in my body. Whereas Phenylpiracetam is very pronounced.
SO, I received the Phenyl last week, I believe the quality is exceptional, although I'm no medicinal chemist (I do, however have a good mate who is, but we'll touch on that another time - as I would be very interested to have it tested!). It's a fluffly white powder and upon close inspection I can see magnificent little crystalline structures. It also tastes horrific. There is minor clumping, but I think that is to be expected when you have raw material like this with no fillers or binders added. I threw in a silicon bag for good measure as I wanted to ensure no moisture gets in.
I began by trying 150mg, at this dose there was some effect, but could be placebo. Later that same day I had another 150mg and this time I noticed a slight energy boost and mental clarity.
The following day I had 200mg and later another 200mg. I was very alert and productive at work and certainly needed no coffee to pick me up. I work a lot of night shifts so this is excellent stuff for staying alert. Although that night I did not get much sleep, the following day I was surprised to wake up feeling very refreshed and ready to go.
The next day I decided to try 400mg in one dose. WOW holy jeebus I was impressed to find that after an hour had passed I was extremely alert, focused and at times borderlining on pleasant euphoria. There was a fleeting anxiety at this dose, but then I am prone to a small degree of anxiety (too much caffeine doesn't sit well with me) but this was tolerable. At times I did feel as though I could not sit still and needed to be doing something. I can see how , although I can see potential to be uncomfortable with this feeling. I can describe the effects as almost like mild amphetamine, very clean, but not jittery. And also an enhanced appreciation for music and sunshine felt particularly good. I had planned to take another smaller dose that afternoon, but there was no need and I didn't want to push it.
I haven't experimented further yet, but so far no tolerance. I can also say I don't seem to be affected by having an empty or full stomach when taking it. It's also not something I feel inclined to take everyday as it is so powerful and under some circumstances may be highly inappropriate.
If it's of any interest my daily regime at the moment is:
SAM-e 400mg
Fish Oil providing EPA 1300mg | DHA 900mg
Magnesium (as Citrate-Malate) 540mg
Pyridoxine (B6) 50mg
Zinc (as Zinc Picolinate) 30mg
Vitamin D 2000 IU
Alpha-GPC 1200mg
Phosphatidylserine 200mg
Vinpocetine 40mg
Uridine 100mg
Astaxanthin 12mg
Taurine 1500mg
I hope this is useful and I'll post updates when I try some more.