Pitolisant, first subjective report.
Posted 06 December 2013 - 10:15 AM

Posted 06 December 2013 - 09:53 PM
Posted 07 December 2013 - 07:11 AM
For got to let you all know that your packages (non us residents) were mailed out on the 4th. So happy eagerly awaiting to you
Posted 09 December 2013 - 09:55 PM
Someone try insufflation. A pen with the end caps removed works well - doesn't cause cuts in the nose like the sharp ends of a straw do.
I've tried it with Dianabol and ought to try it with Nopept which I have so far only taken orally.
Posted 09 December 2013 - 11:12 PM
What is the highest dose anyone else has used? This sure isn't working for me as a wakefulness agent... I will probably try it again in combination with caffeine to make sure that the comedown from caffeine isn't overpowering any effects this could have. So far I'm either a non-responder and/or totally underwhelmed with this stuff.
Posted 10 December 2013 - 05:17 PM
I've tried it twice so far. The first time I took 30mg at about 7pm. I was fairly tired from a long week and felt like going to bed. The pitolisant didn't seem to have any noticeable effects. I tried 55mg today at 2pm. At this time I would have been drinking black tea or taking something to else to boost alertness/focus, but I used pitolisant instead. The pitolisant seemed to have no effect, as I ended up laying down to try to take a nap instead of getting anything done. It doesn't seem like this has had any effect for me, or if it has it has drastically underperformed everything else to the point of being unnoticeable.
What is the highest dose anyone else has used? This sure isn't working for me as a wakefulness agent... I will probably try it again in combination with caffeine to make sure that the comedown from caffeine isn't overpowering any effects this could have. So far I'm either a non-responder and/or totally underwhelmed with this stuff.
That's a downer, maybe you have something else like cornstarch instead of pitolisant?
That is always a fear I have. I always at least taste test batches, and know what all my substances taste and look like.
I wouldn't bother taking any more of whatever you've got. I prefer pharmacies myself, that is if whatever it is cannot be DIY'd.
But there's always the chance that you do not respond to pitolisant, heck the first and last time I tried an Adderall (straight from a prescription/pharmacy) I felt absolutely nothing.
Posted 10 December 2013 - 05:19 PM
Lol, I don't know who this guy is. Some troll.I've tried it twice so far. The first time I took 30mg at about 7pm. I was fairly tired from a long week and felt like going to bed. The pitolisant didn't seem to have any noticeable effects. I tried 55mg today at 2pm. At this time I would have been drinking black tea or taking something to else to boost alertness/focus, but I used pitolisant instead. The pitolisant seemed to have no effect, as I ended up laying down to try to take a nap instead of getting anything done. It doesn't seem like this has had any effect for me, or if it has it has drastically underperformed everything else to the point of being unnoticeable.
What is the highest dose anyone else has used? This sure isn't working for me as a wakefulness agent... I will probably try it again in combination with caffeine to make sure that the comedown from caffeine isn't overpowering any effects this could have. So far I'm either a non-responder and/or totally underwhelmed with this stuff.
That's a downer, maybe you have something else like cornstarch instead of pitolisant?
That is always a fear I have. I always at least taste test batches, and know what all my substances taste and look like.
I wouldn't bother taking any more of whatever you've got. I prefer pharmacies myself, that is if whatever it is cannot be DIY'd.
But there's always the chance that you do not respond to pitolisant, heck the first and last time I tried an Adderall (straight from a prescription/pharmacy) I felt absolutely nothing.
Posted 10 December 2013 - 05:31 PM
Edited by Metagene, 10 December 2013 - 05:49 PM.
Posted 10 December 2013 - 07:55 PM
Cynical much Pitolisant? Lay off the FUD. Yada has proven himself trustworthy thus far.
I try not to be. Who says that the above user didn't get his pitolisant eslewhere or perhaps picked up his pito in a local chemistry lab or dumpster. Better off that he uses mystery chemical XYZ with caution.
Why not harrass the guy that suggest that people sniff it? I don't think there has even been animal tests of insufflation of pitolisant, so I wouldn't recommend that. I don't really want to read any horror stories of people's noses ended up destroyed because they tried an administration route that hasn't even been tested on rodents, let alone human volunteers.

Posted 10 December 2013 - 09:18 PM
Posted 11 December 2013 - 01:55 AM
Posted 11 December 2013 - 03:38 AM
I've tried it twice so far. The first time I took 30mg at about 7pm. I was fairly tired from a long week and felt like going to bed. The pitolisant didn't seem to have any noticeable effects. I tried 55mg today at 2pm. At this time I would have been drinking black tea or taking something to else to boost alertness/focus, but I used pitolisant instead. The pitolisant seemed to have no effect, as I ended up laying down to try to take a nap instead of getting anything done. It doesn't seem like this has had any effect for me, or if it has it has drastically underperformed everything else to the point of being unnoticeable.
What is the highest dose anyone else has used? This sure isn't working for me as a wakefulness agent... I will probably try it again in combination with caffeine to make sure that the comedown from caffeine isn't overpowering any effects this could have. So far I'm either a non-responder and/or totally underwhelmed with this stuff.
That's a downer, maybe you have something else like cornstarch instead of pitolisant?
That is always a fear I have. I always at least taste test batches, and know what all my substances taste and look like.
I wouldn't bother taking any more of whatever you've got. I prefer pharmacies myself, that is if whatever it is cannot be DIY'd.
But there's always the chance that you do not respond to pitolisant, heck the first and last time I tried an Adderall (straight from a prescription/pharmacy) I felt absolutely nothing.
Its definitely not cornstarch... it leaves a numbness in the mouth like others reported. Take this report for what its worth... I've taken a decent dose of legit adrafinil before and felt like taking a nap too. I might just get a paradoxical effect. I'm looking forward to more reports from others, especially on their dosing. BTW, this pitolisant is from yadayada, from the same batch that everyone else is trying. Its not from a dumpster

Edited by chemicalambrosia, 11 December 2013 - 03:39 AM.
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:33 PM
Also, isn't it possible to extend the half life of pitolisant by using it in combination with grapefruit juice or some other CYP3A4-inhibitor?
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:35 PM
No tracking sends me packing.
Better luck nextcrime.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 12 December 2013 - 09:36 PM.
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:39 PM
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:40 PM
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:45 PM
Was it send with tracking?
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:46 PM
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:48 PM
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:49 PM
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:51 PM
Than where the hell can I find the tracking number?
It was probably only sent with tracking for Q! to verify that it got to its destination. To clarify, I didn't receive a tracking number prior to receiving it. I just now looked at the envelope and saw that it does indeed have a tracking number. I'm sure that it will arrive in a day or two.
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:53 PM
I still haven't received mine either. How long does it normally take for mail to travel to Europe (more specifically Belgium)?
Also, isn't it possible to extend the half life of pitolisant by using it in combination with grapefruit juice or some other CYP3A4-inhibitor?
Yeah could someone break this down a little?
The pharmacokinetic parameters were found consistent with a once-a-day administration in the morning, and a plasma level already well reduced at the end of the day to ensure a lack of waking effect during night. The decay in plasma level was associated with the appearance of hydoxy- lated metabolites produced by both cytochromes 3A4 and 2D6, followed by opening of the piperidine ring, leading to a highly hydrosoluble major metabolite, totally inactive at the H3R, which constitutes, in humans, the main form of elimi- nation of the drug in the urines. CYP 2D6 activity towards 25 mM dextromethorphan, a recommended conventional substrate, was inhibited by Pitolisant with an IC50 value, ~10 times higher than its plasma levels at therapeutic dosage. Together with the fact that Pitolisant metabolism involves two distinct CYP 450 isoforms, this tends to avoid any major metabolic drug–drug interaction with compounds interacting with CYP 2D6. This was shown when Pitolisant (40 mg) was
co-administered with olanzapine (10mg) to a group of healthy volunteers: no significant change in each drug plasma levels was detected as compared with their individual administration (P. Robert, pers. comm.).
Mail that was never sent never arrives
No tracking sends me packing.
Better luck nextcrime.
Aren't we clever.
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:54 PM
Than where the hell can I find the tracking number?
It was probably only sent with tracking for Q! to verify that it got to its destination. To clarify, I didn't receive a tracking number prior to receiving it. I just now looked at the envelope and saw that it does indeed have a tracking number. I'm sure that it will arrive in a day or two.
Well, I hope so because this is the first I hear about a tracking number.
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:59 PM
The only problem is that I'm having trouble obtaining sufficient Oxygen due to endless attacks of laughter at this glorious balladric soap-opera of plausible deniability.
Laughter really is the best medicine and it always arrives right on time tracking or not!
Please continue where you left off whilst I observe from the rear seats.
Posted 12 December 2013 - 10:06 PM
Perhaps something else is to blame for your rather spontaneous and excessive laughter? Perhaps a mild euphoriant or psychedelic

Posted 12 December 2013 - 11:39 PM
Seriously though, it is not uncommon for a drug to have 0 noticeable effect, or perhaps even only undesirable effects. That was my experience with ibudilast, all that substance did for me was make sleep shallower. My current experiement with taltirelin isn't faring too well either (but no adverse side effects at least

It is the 10% that offer continual benefit that keeps me interested in trying new substance that "look good on paper". Looking good on paper more often than not doesn't always translate into "it worked for me". High dissappointment rates should be expected for any new substance, I've learned to accept that fact and try every new substance with extreme caution and very low expectations.
My previous comments were not meant as an affront on Yada, I personally do not know or have any connection to Yada. My comments earlier were made mainly to discourage ppl from snorting research chems. I give Yada credit for his ballsy initiative even though that is not my style or choice for obtaining a non-scheduled substances that I am curious about.
Pitolisant is still considered a research chemical, even if it is phase III. This might be one of those substances that only benefit such persons with the indicated disease, in this case, narcolepsy. Perhaps if you are a person w/out narcolepsy or sleep apnea the percieved effects of pitolisant will be hard to notice, who knows?
About to give rubidium a second trial, except this time using a full dose and combined with potassium. For some reason, for me, low dose rubidium felt somewhat similar to low dose lithium carbonate, which feels somewhat sedative imo. But gonna give it a full-go this time.
Edited by Pitolisant, 13 December 2013 - 12:35 AM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:45 PM
I'm on day 3 of 5mg taltirelin and day 1 of 150mg rubidium/potassium. Feels somewhat dizzy like a mild headache that doesn't hurt, sort of like my brain is trying to wake up from a coma. Other antidepressants have started off this way in my experience before positives begin to kick in. Will continue w/ this as long as my supply lasts. No adverse effects on sleep noticed.
I wonder how well pitolisant combines with an antihistamine like loratidine. So far reports seem to portray pitolisant as rather hit-or-miss, which is somewhat dissappointing. The major question is whether pitolisant can benefit narcoleptics and those w/sleep apnea. Does anyone here trialing pitolisant have any of those two conditions?
Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:07 PM

Posted 15 December 2013 - 12:14 AM
Got mine today
Is it any good for your narcolepsy?
Posted 17 December 2013 - 12:03 AM
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: lucid, histamine, awake
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