(This isn't really computer-science related, but I wasn't sure what other sub-forum would be appropriate)
There are certain papers I'd like to be able to quickly refer to from time to time. Currently they are all sitting in my downloads folder (all with confusing or uninformative names). I want a better way to hold on to, organise, manage academic papers (pdfs) and references.
I'm on an apple platform (macbook, iPad).
I see a few options.
1) Sente
- pdfs and references are stored in the cloud
- your database is then synchronised across devices (e.g., add a new reference or pdf on your desktop, and it is available for reading on your iPad)
- free mac and iPad apps.
- free cloud account for 100 or fewer pdfs
- if you want to track >100 pdfs/ references, pay around $50 to upgrade, and you can store 5000 pdfs/ references in the cloud
2) Papers 3 (for mac, ipad, windows)
- haven't researched this platform fully... but:
- the options for sync-ing across devices don't appear to be as useful as with Sente
- appears to have much better EZProxy support (useful if you are affiliated with an institution with full-text access to e.g., pubmed)
3) others options?
What software do you use for managing pdfs and tracking references?