Iodine is magical miracle - most underrated supplement!
Posted 19 November 2013 - 12:03 AM
For 1 week supplement with:
- Selenium - 200mcg per day
- Vitamin C - 2-500mg per day
- Sea Salt in water (1tsp - once a day)
- Magnesium - 400mg
Just take this for one week on it's own and then start up with iodine. I know people who've done this and have been able to jump to 50mg, 100mgs very quickly because the necessary vitamins were already being built up within the body.
Without those supplements you'll definitely have a bad iodine experience.
I've been thinking about the placebo effect and I can tell you I went in taking some nootropics VERY OPTIMISTIC and within a few days it just fell apart. Iodine otoh - just keeps working. I was very cynical going into it.
Still not 100% convinced it's a miracle cure all but it's up there with fish oil.
Also -for the guys on this thread- do a google search for iodine painting on the testicles.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 12:56 AM
There seems to be a battle against Iodine in much of the scientific community.... funny though, the same people who fight against Iodine are the ones who advocate the harmlessness of fluoride, and the ones who back Iodine also back the argument that fluoride is very toxic and is slowly poisoning us all.
That's probably because iodine is presented as a magical miracle, and scientists don't believe in magic. Scientists want to see evidence, and they want things like adequately powered placebo controlled studies. Internet conspiracy theorists present fluoride as the Worst Thing Ever, but the evidence doesn't really bear it out. With all these things, there's usually a grain of truth, but then it gets larded up with a bunch of crazy conspiracy theory nonsense.
People throw around the word "conspiracy" a lot, but the truth is calling something a conspiracy doesn't make it any less true. The word conspiracy after all doesn't imply some delusional fantasy, despite many people viewing the word this way, but rather a secret happening that is taking place. You also have to wonder what motivated the replacement of iodized salt with a brominized form? Of course not all salts are like this, but iodized salt has become increasingly rare.
Well, there ya go. Usually the "conspiracy" isn't true. Usually it IS part of a delusional fantasy. The fact that lots and lots of people on the internet share the same delusion, (probably because they all read the same sites) doesn't make it any more true.
Iodized salt was never replaced with a brominized form. When people are conspiracy theorists, they fall victim to claims like that because it fits their paranoid mental map. They write something on the internet, you read it, and whomp, there it is.
I tell people frequently not to trust everything they read in a scientific paper, but to view points from the other side, as well as considering the possibility that somebody might have a reason to lie to you. All in all, a person should look at all of the evidence in the end to determine what is most convincing for them. With Iodine, we have some papers saying high doses are useless and dangerous, and we have tons of healthy individuals who have been taking mg doses of iodine for years without any problem at all while reaping its (seemingly amazing) benefits.
That's a little bit like telling people not to believe everything about astronomy, but to listen to astrologers too. It's good to consider conflicts of interest, but only if they're real. If your mental precondition tells you that all scientists are corrupt and evil, and all alternative medicine practitioners are good and have only your best interest in mind, your decisions will be defective.
If there are conflicts between what science says about the effects of high dose iodine and what people who are trying it say, then we ought to take a hard look at the science and also try to figure out how many people are really benefiting from high dose iodine, as well as how many people are being harmed by it.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 01:22 AM
I do not think modern science is bad. I do not think all scientist are corrupt and evil, and I do not think it's a good idea to buy into all the conspiracies. I know many scientist personally who are good people. The fact is though is that they are people, and like any other person on the planet, there is a possibility for corruption in the face of money. Not saying they're all corrupt, I'm sure they're not. A portion of my daily life is spent dealing in the certain higher ups of certain corporate business, and trust me, I KNOW corruption takes place. It is not just in business, but in all walks of life. Corruption will happen anywhere there is people, people who think otherwise are delusional, for I see it on a daily basis with my own two eyes.
With regards to your bit about Astronomy, and Astrology. I somewhat disagree, but I also think you have misinterpreted what I was getting at. I disagreed mostly with this part:
There is a simple truth in this world that we can never know something is not real if we have yet to prove its existence. All religious/fantasy things out the window, this paradigm applies to any yet to be discovered scientific theory, or invention, or process, etc. We don't know what's waiting to be discovered. I think it's important to believe anything is possible, but not excluding rational and logical thought from this belief process. Belief is what pushes the world forward. People should not be blindly listening to anybody. People should not be listening to scientist just because they are scientist, and people should not-not be listening to crazy conspiracy theorist just because they go a crazy about some things.It's good to consider conflicts of interest, but only if they're real.
I have noticed most people are afraid of individual thought. Individual thought is what drove renaissance time periods. Too many people, especially in this day and age, are too lazy to think things through, they are afraid, so they end up putting trust into some external source, blindly forgoing their own rationality. I think it is important to imagine all things as possible, no matter how fantastical, and try to figure out how they might could be true, if they were true. Thought experiments if you will. Not everything has to be completely integrated into a persons belief paradigm to be tinkered with in the minds playground. Most people don't do this because they think it means believing it fictional things, but no. This is a thought process necessary for innovations of all types. Very few things in this world are all fact, or all fiction. All things are worth considering no matter how wild... because the moment anyone stops thinking for themselves, is the moment they become a potential pawn to someone else.
Back to Iodine:
I am no Iodine expert. I do not have the means to research it or do trials and tests. All I know is, it has worked amazingly for me and better than any supplement I have ever taken, and it is sustaining. In my book, it is a magical miracle, metaphorically of course. Clearly, there's no such thing as "magic" in a fantastical sense: As one far distant traveler told me, there is no such thing as magic; If there actually exists anything that can be considered magic, then it is not magic, but merely science that we don't yet understand.
Edited by Siro, 19 November 2013 - 01:25 AM.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 05:04 AM
Feeding with elemental idodine solution (Lugol's) spawns mini fractal universes out of rats' eyes
23 wild type Sprague Dawley rats were fed with Lugol's 2% elemental iodine sulution by gavage (1 drp/kg). 21 of them showed evident signs of fractal mini universes radiating from within their eerie albino eyes (as determined by subjective, observer-blinded evaluation) while none of the control group rats (n=24) showed signs of spawning mini universes from any part of their bodies. Gene expression profiles with occular tissue using high throughput microarray analysis showed that Lugol's potently activates GOD. Finally, we demonstrated with an atheistic breed of GOD-/- knockout rats, who where unable to radiate any universes after beeing fed with Lugol's, that the iodine induced spawning of fractal mini universes is mediated by GOD.
Edited by timar, 19 November 2013 - 05:28 AM.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 09:37 PM
Posted 19 November 2013 - 10:57 PM
I have noticed most people are afraid of individual thought. Individual thought is what drove renaissance time periods. Too many people, especially in this day and age, are too lazy to think things through, they are afraid, so they end up putting trust into some external source, blindly forgoing their own rationality. I think it is important to imagine all things as possible, no matter how fantastical, and try to figure out how they might could be true, if they were true. Thought experiments if you will. Not everything has to be completely integrated into a persons belief paradigm to be tinkered with in the minds playground. Most people don't do this because they think it means believing it fictional things, but no. This is a thought process necessary for innovations of all types. Very few things in this world are all fact, or all fiction. All things are worth considering no matter how wild... because the moment anyone stops thinking for themselves, is the moment they become a potential pawn to someone else."
What you are saying is that anecodtal evidence is as good as emperical evidence; that is not what drove the renisance area (although I tend to think you are refering to the age of enligtment).
Not all things are worth considering. There is such a thing as being gullible.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 11:04 PM
Definitely not what I said at all. Rofl. Age of enlightenment? What? Really?"
I have noticed most people are afraid of individual thought. Individual thought is what drove renaissance time periods. Too many people, especially in this day and age, are too lazy to think things through, they are afraid, so they end up putting trust into some external source, blindly forgoing their own rationality. I think it is important to imagine all things as possible, no matter how fantastical, and try to figure out how they might could be true, if they were true. Thought experiments if you will. Not everything has to be completely integrated into a persons belief paradigm to be tinkered with in the minds playground. Most people don't do this because they think it means believing it fictional things, but no. This is a thought process necessary for innovations of all types. Very few things in this world are all fact, or all fiction. All things are worth considering no matter how wild... because the moment anyone stops thinking for themselves, is the moment they become a potential pawn to someone else."
What you are saying is that anecodtal evidence is as good as emperical evidence; that is not what drove the renisance area (although I tend to think you are refering to the age of enligtment).
Not all things are worth considering. There is such a thing as being gullible.
There are other modes of thought that can exist besides "believing" and "disbelieving". Opting to disbelieve something cuts a person off from a whole range of considerable possibilities, whether they are untrue or not. Disbelief puts imagination to a halt. There are many modes of thought in between believing and disbelieving. People tend to think it's an either or, black or white thing. Imagination is critical for innovation. Einstein said this. Da Vinci said this. Michelangelo said this, etc. I could go on. It is practically a universal philosophy among these people that society has since branded as geniuses. Learn to think outside of the norm, outside of how you've been taught.
Edited by Siro, 19 November 2013 - 11:08 PM.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 12:20 AM
Claims require evidence, that was the foundation of the age of enlightment.
Stop trying to make bullshit claims about iodine and when people tell you that they do not see any eviednece in your claim it doesnt mean they are close minded.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 01:27 AM
Multiple people have posted here alone who have been on high MG doses of Iodine and confirmed the effects I have experienced. There are other posts on the forum as well attesting to Lugols effects. It has been pointed out multiple times that Iodine is a nutrient critical to thyroid function and over a requirement in 300 different cellular reactions. The presence of Iodine in the blood is almost an instant signal for the thyroid to produce more hormone, which has a direct tie to Dopamine levels in the brain, as well as pituitary and pineal gland signalling. You need to actually read the thread next time before you post. Getting tired of all the bullshit people are posting here. If you haven't tried MG doses of Iodine then you have no right to comment with things like "Oh bullshit Iodine does nothing" Really. REALLY? There is evidence all over the internet and personal claims from thousands of people about the effects of these doses. I seriously doubt all these people around the world including myself are experiencing placebo. Go buy yourself a bottle of the stuff and try it for yourself. It's incredibly cheap.
Edited by Siro, 20 November 2013 - 01:33 AM.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 03:34 AM
I'm debating on lowering my dose. My body temperature is increasing by the day, and it's to the point where I am sweating in room temperature rooms, where I am usually cold/chilly. It's not bad actually. Just single trickles of random sweat down my armpit every few hours or so when I am at my computer.
I really like this cognitive organization that has been happening. I've been so efficient with all of the school assignments and business work that I've had to get done.
One thing is, I have been experiencing a new sort of anxiety. In the past anxiety that I've experienced has always been really negative feeling and about worries about the future, or something going on in my life. This anxiety is present moment anxiety. It's not accompanied by any bad emotions at all. My mind more so jumps ahead to random conclusions of things that are currently happening and how they could evolve. I used to be like this when I was really on edge when I was younger. I really like it as it has always been accompanied by a mental alertness feeling. This mental energy has definitely increased my ability to meditate and stay alert/focused.
I've also noticed my emotions are much stronger than they have ever been. Evidenced in the somewhat emotional outburst in my previous post :p. I'm not used to having these sorts of emotions, but it's really nice. I have become very sociable. I can really relate to and empathize with peoples issues in person, and quickly connect with people on an emotional level. This has since proven very viable with women. I feel as if I am magnetic in conversations almost. Like every sentence exchange is evoking an emotional response from them. In the past I have had trouble engaging in conversations with people on such a level, and conversations were always rather brief and lacking depth.
So far all of these symptoms are bordering on hyperthyroid symptoms. I don't mind them, as this is what I had when I was much younger. I actually prefer them, because I simply love the cognitive enhancement that has come with it. Staying warm all the time is really nice to.
One thing, that might be worth mentioning. Paired with the moment to moment alertness, like, I am incredibly alert. Any sound that occurs around me I [can] quickly look towards. Squirrels in leaves outside, random noise of wild dogs in the bushes(I live in wooded areas). I've noticed my mind is quick to assume a looming sense of danger about unusual things that are suspicious, which, I don't mind, as it seems to come with the cognitive elevation and the boosts my creative skills have gotten...... I wouldn't want this emotional bias to go any higher though, for obvious reasons. I quite enjoy moderate anxiety like this. It keeps me alert.
What's truly most remarkable though is in these past 5/6 days since I started taking Iodine, there has not been a single moment where I have felt like resting. My mind just feels ready to "do", constantly. Usually I would get through with an assinment and take a break, watch some tv, or whatever.... but now there is like a constant driving force present. I can't really relax and do nothing... even when I watch TV now I have to be doing something. This reminds me when I was much younger in school(5-7 years ago), where no matter how hard I tried, I could not ever fall asleep in class. A couple weeks ago I was struggling to stay awake in class. I had a lot of social anxiety when I was younger that I had overcome in my recent years. I speculate that the social anxiety caused symptoms of hyperthyroid and consequently caused a sort of cognition boost, as the two seemed tied together somehow. Anyways... being alert and ready to do things, even with a sort of manic/energetic anxiety, sure as hell beats being lethargic all day.
Edited by Siro, 20 November 2013 - 03:40 AM.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 11:46 AM
Dude now you are trying to bullshit us.
Claims require evidence, that was the foundation of the age of enlightment.
Stop trying to make bullshit claims about iodine and when people tell you that they do not see any eviednece in your claim it doesnt mean they are close minded.
You know it's pretty common to read about this in natural health blogs and forums. I suppose you can take the posture of a grumpy 90yr old who doesn't know what the Internet is and just dismiss it as stupid people doing stupid things - but literally thousands of people are out there curing thyroid problems, issues with mental fog, energy levels etc. by supplementing with iodine.
Is that all just a conspiracy?
Do you guys arrogantly think everyone who is researching this and experimenting with it is in the pocket of "Big Iodine"?
You know - that JCrow's Lugol company that's publically traded, makes billions in profits and gets subsidies and special considerations from Washington.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 01:59 PM
Dude now you are trying to bullshit us.
Claims require evidence, that was the foundation of the age of enlightment.
Stop trying to make bullshit claims about iodine and when people tell you that they do not see any eviednece in your claim it doesnt mean they are close minded.
You know it's pretty common to read about this in natural health blogs and forums. I suppose you can take the posture of a grumpy 90yr old who doesn't know what the Internet is and just dismiss it as stupid people doing stupid things - but literally thousands of people are out there curing thyroid problems, issues with mental fog, energy levels etc. by supplementing with iodine.
Is that all just a conspiracy?
Do you guys arrogantly think everyone who is researching this and experimenting with it is in the pocket of "Big Iodine"?
Come on Sanjay, no one claimed that this is a conspiracy, and asking for evidence isn't closed minded. Claims aren't evidence, they are just one person saying that they felt something. When that feeling gets described as a "magical miracle" involving "mini fractal universes", you're going to have to expect that people will question it. Descriptions like that sound like hypomania. I've looked at some of the natural health blogs and listened to a long video from one of the "Iodine Doctors". The natural health places like curezone, while there are grains of truth in some of what they say, are also rife with quackery. The "Iodine Doctors" are true believers, not scientists. I think there is something to iodine, and that it's a very important mineral. At the moment, it's mixed up with a bunch of quackery, or is being described like quackery, which is making the truth harder to determine.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 02:11 PM
End of day 5(or 6?) update:
I'm debating on lowering my dose. My body temperature is increasing by the day, and it's to the point where I am sweating in room temperature rooms, where I am usually cold/chilly. It's not bad actually. Just single trickles of random sweat down my armpit every few hours or so when I am at my computer.
I really like this cognitive organization that has been happening. I've been so efficient with all of the school assignments and business work that I've had to get done.
One thing is, I have been experiencing a new sort of anxiety. In the past anxiety that I've experienced has always been really negative feeling and about worries about the future, or something going on in my life. This anxiety is present moment anxiety. It's not accompanied by any bad emotions at all. My mind more so jumps ahead to random conclusions of things that are currently happening and how they could evolve. I used to be like this when I was really on edge when I was younger. I really like it as it has always been accompanied by a mental alertness feeling. This mental energy has definitely increased my ability to meditate and stay alert/focused.
I've also noticed my emotions are much stronger than they have ever been. Evidenced in the somewhat emotional outburst in my previous post :p. I'm not used to having these sorts of emotions, but it's really nice. I have become very sociable. I can really relate to and empathize with peoples issues in person, and quickly connect with people on an emotional level. This has since proven very viable with women. I feel as if I am magnetic in conversations almost. Like every sentence exchange is evoking an emotional response from them. In the past I have had trouble engaging in conversations with people on such a level, and conversations were always rather brief and lacking depth.
So far all of these symptoms are bordering on hyperthyroid symptoms. I don't mind them, as this is what I had when I was much younger. I actually prefer them, because I simply love the cognitive enhancement that has come with it. Staying warm all the time is really nice to.
One thing, that might be worth mentioning. Paired with the moment to moment alertness, like, I am incredibly alert. Any sound that occurs around me I [can] quickly look towards. Squirrels in leaves outside, random noise of wild dogs in the bushes(I live in wooded areas). I've noticed my mind is quick to assume a looming sense of danger about unusual things that are suspicious, which, I don't mind, as it seems to come with the cognitive elevation and the boosts my creative skills have gotten...... I wouldn't want this emotional bias to go any higher though, for obvious reasons. I quite enjoy moderate anxiety like this. It keeps me alert.
What's truly most remarkable though is in these past 5/6 days since I started taking Iodine, there has not been a single moment where I have felt like resting. My mind just feels ready to "do", constantly. Usually I would get through with an assinment and take a break, watch some tv, or whatever.... but now there is like a constant driving force present. I can't really relax and do nothing... even when I watch TV now I have to be doing something. This reminds me when I was much younger in school(5-7 years ago), where no matter how hard I tried, I could not ever fall asleep in class. A couple weeks ago I was struggling to stay awake in class. I had a lot of social anxiety when I was younger that I had overcome in my recent years. I speculate that the social anxiety caused symptoms of hyperthyroid and consequently caused a sort of cognition boost, as the two seemed tied together somehow. Anyways... being alert and ready to do things, even with a sort of manic/energetic anxiety, sure as hell beats being lethargic all day.
Listen up Siro !
Don't overdo it. Overt Hyperthyroidism is, among other symptoms, characterized by psychosis-like episodes.
I am an MD for Internal Medicine, and as I wrote previoisly, I am a, however with the required prudence, supporter of mg-doses of Iodine, be it Lugol (liquid), nascend iodine, or Iodoral. But if so, please take the first steps under the care of a health care provider who is knowledgeable on this field until you are "on autopilot".
No one has been served, if you end up in a clinic with thyreotoxicosis / hyperthyroidism, or later on in a hypothyroid state.
Take care !
"At the moment, it's mixed up with a bunch of quackery, or is being described like quackery, which is making the truth harder to determine."
With this you put it right, Niner !
Posted 20 November 2013 - 02:20 PM
On a physical level I had a marginally enlarged thyroid diagnosed (16.2 µl, with an upper range at 15). And though indicative of an iodine deficiency, the physician warned me of allegedly toxic effects of Iodide in mgs ranges. Just today got it measured again and now its within range (14.8 µl), having taken about 12 mg/d since then, 2 years ago. Still I feel far from going hyper. Courious what thyroid labs will report in 1 week.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 03:40 PM
It's deprecated to take l-selenomethionine, or eat a few brazil nuts daily... I am eating 1 or 2 brazil nut daily and its enough, if i stop eating them and continue with iodine supplementation I slowly get mild hyperthyroid as i run out of selenium. We have low concentrations of selenium in soil here, so I get almost nothing from food.
Sorry my english
Posted 20 November 2013 - 06:49 PM
The increasing hyperthyroid symptoms don't bother me right now. I do admit, most people aren't going to experience the sensation of mini-fractal universes in their eyes. I have done a lot of psychedelics in the past as well as have gained the ability to consciously lucid dream and astral project through deep enough meditation. Many other visualization skills have come from meditation, as well as experimenting with various nootropics. Things such as I can think up some mechanical device and immediately see it before my eyes or in my mind. I can see all the parts moving and working together and rearrange them or adjust them to my imaginative liking. The point behind this is that it usually requires a degree of concentration for me to do this. When I took the Iodine initially this started happening spontaneously. I could see the psychedelic clear visualizations effortlessly/automatically, indicating a greatly increased level of concentration.
Best of all I have found myself enjoying books effortlessly. I can really dig into the material and not get distracted.
I also note that dopamine related supplements(Theanine[Gaba/Dopamine] and Tyrosine[Dopamine Precursor]) have gained tremendous strength and sensitivity in me. They are offering effects of such refinement and detail, to the likes of which I have never experienced before.
To be clear, not everyone will experience the intense visuals that I have. Perhaps I was a little misleading in that regard. Everybodies cognitive layout is different and everyones' mental developmental pathway is different. The point I was trying to make is that Iodine was doing some amazing things for my cognition, elevating it hyperclear ways to new heights.
I am very wary of possible hyperthyroid issues, though, as said before, I am taking a risk. I do these things. I took risks when I experimented with 50g doses of Piracetam/Fish Oil every day for a week straight. I take these risks because I want to find my limits. I'm confident I'm not going to die from these Iodine doses that I'm taking. While it could become increasingly bordering along the lines of hyperthyroid discomfort, I am willing to risk it. I can always recover from it.... besides, I have felt much worse. The come down and week long recovery from Ecstasy/Amphetamine binges is far worse than any hyperthyroid symptoms, I would imagine. On top of this, Meditation gives me a degree of conscious cognitive recovery, so that is one safety net I have.
I plan to document this for some time and see how things progress. If things become too negative, I will most assuredly let it be known here on the thread. All in all, right now, the currently growing(YES STILL) cognitive benefits far outweight any negative things I am experiencing. There is nothing at this point that is making me "uncomfortable". Even still I can pause and cherish the growing serenity of the effects.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 06:51 PM
Posted 20 November 2013 - 07:40 PM
I appreciate your point of view and I do definitely believe that there are many healthful practices that are not pursued due to lack of financial interest in promoting them (e.g. Vitamin C for many diseases).
The problem I have with this thread is that people often post while they are in a somewhat (seeming) manic state, as they often do on nootropics forums. Come take my magical elixir! Then they disappear leaving everyone wondering what happened. So Siro as long as you post for a year or two about your experiences, and get some basic labs done, I think its an interesting experiment.
Right now adding excessive sweating and some anxiety to the mix of symptoms it's starting to sound like a toxic reaction. Why be so foolish with your health as to have no lab work done? If not then you are like Freud promoting cocaine. http://www.pbs.org/n...tion_10-17.html
However well-intentioned it is lacking in data that is easily and relatively cheaply obtainable versus an extended hospital stay.
Edited by zorba990, 20 November 2013 - 07:44 PM.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 08:06 PM
I haven't sweated at all day. When I talked about the sweat, yesterday, I was literally talking about one trickle of sweat precipitating under my arm when my arm was lifting and I was using my computer mouse. In terms of body temperature, I am still relatively cold compared to some people I have encountered. The sweating could also be a product of the detox that takes place when Iodine assists in flushing toxins out of the body.
Rest assured I am not going to disappear randomly. I haven't gotten sick in over a year, I am a full time student, and I am running 3 businesses. Not even the comedown of hard-drugs and high doses of Piracetam have been able to interfer with my daily life. I am a highly motivated individual, and I'm not going to go anywhere. Now, this could be a different story if I keep getting people calling me a liar and saying I'm bullshitting here on my thread. That doesn't make me feel very welcomed or desiring to share my experiences at all.
I will have to look into getting labs/bloodwork done. I am just somewhat against this for the reason that doctors have given me poor advice in the past before. The fact that they just have a degree which they went to school to obtain by learning a bunch of facts doesn't give me much confidence in what they have to say. Especially given all the bad science that exists out there. Not saying it's not worth considering, because it is. For instance when I was younger I had my thyroid levels, iodine, d3, and other levels tested, was always lethargic, low on energy, depressed, etc. The doctor said all of my levels were perfectly normal and my problems must be purely psychological and suggest I see a psychologist. Iodine, of course, was absent in my diet. These tests are useful, without a doubt, but a person should become familiar with their own bodies first and foremost. These tests should not be used as a guideline, in my opinion. Everyones body is different, and uses different chemicals at different rates and levels. Medical science is still very primitive despite what people think. There are thousands of other chemicals, enzymes, and proteins that come into play with all of these individual substances that they test for, which can determine how the body handles them. But yes I will look into it.
Regarding the whole Freud cocaine incidence. I think that is a poor comparison. Many many other people have tried idoine and are advocates of it. Freud thought cocaine has some uses for psychological treatment, which it probably does, but the effects were too severe and too extreme for anyone to consider long-term use of it.
Regarding Mania, the word is thrown around a lot. I'm not sure how I feel about it. It is a very vague descriptor. What classifies somebody as manic? Delusion? Lots of energy? Having a lot to say about something? These are symptoms and signs of Mania but not necessarily indicators of Mania. I without a doubt have a ton of energy, a lot to say, and could probably continue this post indefinitely if I tried, though, I do not feel manic in the slightest. I feel very calm, controlled, and rational(in my own way of course). I've seen manic people, and I am confident to say I am not experiencing any mania. As well, a diagnoses of Mania can be hard to determine looking simply at text-based post as these, so I do not blame you for interpreting my posts as such.
I ultimately want to take this last sentence to urge everyone to research a bit on high mg doses of Iodine and read other peoples experiences - there is a lot on the web.
Edited by Siro, 20 November 2013 - 08:09 PM.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 09:09 PM
Posted 20 November 2013 - 09:37 PM
I wasn't criticizing doctors, especially not for going to school. It has become apparent to me and many other as well that a degree in a field does not make somebody a genius. A degree stands for one particular thing and that's it. Looking at 10 doctors with a same degree, you cannot make any assumptions about how they think or the manner in which their thought processes differ. Please remove yourself from this thread if you are going to do nothing but troll and twist my words around.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 09:39 PM
Please go back to talking about mini-fractal universes.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 09:50 PM
Edited by Siro, 20 November 2013 - 09:51 PM.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 09:52 PM
Posted 20 November 2013 - 10:19 PM
You are criticizing doctor for getting a formal education in medicine while advocating people to look up bullshit on the internet.
Funny, not only one doc misinterpreted me checking science on the internet (where else I would get access to the latest studies?) as looking up bullshit on the internet and being counter-science. At the same time maintaining that they would be in the known of studies contrary to my research. However, not willing to name these contrary studies, since they would be anyway not accessible to me.
Thanks to the internet science has become accessible.
Edited by pamojja, 20 November 2013 - 10:25 PM.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 12:13 AM
Posted 21 November 2013 - 12:30 AM
You might be on to something there, with the whole upregulation of dopamine receptors. I definitely feel more sensitive to various dopamine related substances, though I haven't tried any amphetamine recently, and I don't plan to. I do feel that my cognitive functions associated with dopamine are more "sensitive" for lack of a better word, as in, I have more mindfulness. A sort of mindfulness that does not come with merely increasing the amount of dopamine in my brain... receptor upregulation is an interesting speculation. It would also explain the extreme sensitivity to stimuli, sudden noises, potential dangers, anxiety related things, etc.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 07:08 AM
Lmao, gt35r. Keep it up. I have already requested several moderators look at your posts
Iodide might have real benefits in supra physiological doses, for all we know.
Unfortunately, much of what you are posting in this thread reads as the credulous blather of someone who can't be taken seriously.
Gt35r is expressing the frustration many would feel reading this thread.
Hopefully some more trustworthy observers will post their observations with this substance.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 05:04 PM
I never posted anything in a scientific format. I'm not sure why anyone would be upset. I provided a very detailed description of my subjective experience, and then urged everyone to do their own research into Iodine.
I have even have exchanged messages with a moderator about my thread who said the following to me. He will remain unnamed, unless he wishes to say otherwise:
I have to say that your iodine thread has gotten me to take a look at iodine. There's something there, particularly in the anti-cancer area. I think you might be making yourself hyperthyroid, which feels good, at least if it's not too hyper, but may have negative consequences long term. I do think iodine is a very important element for humans; I'm just not sure what the ideal dose is.
This is all I intended people. If you read my thread then immediately go take Iodine in these doses, then you ARE an idiot. I am not a scientific source. I am a guy who simply had experiences with these doses of Iodine and posted my experience. If you go on any forum and immediately try a substance just because somebody posts good results with it and don't do any research for yourself, then you are an idiot, nothing less.
So please, don't get mad at for posting my experiences in an eccentric yet detailed manner. That's all they are, my experiences. I didn't want to be taken "seriously" as a scientific source. There's nothing to take seriously I'm just sharing my experience, and the only thing I would HOPE you do is research further, and then make your own conclusion. Don't bash me for not posting an in depth scientific report and study of iodine. Jesus Christ, there are far more threads with more detailed accounts of experience and less scientific data than this one. At least a good chunk of the science behind why Iodine work is spread through this thread.
Edited by Siro, 21 November 2013 - 05:05 PM.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 07:22 PM
Experiences seemed to be mixed. Even the testing for auto-immune issues seems to be hit or miss in accuracy.
If you are asymptomatic then I would think it would be prudent to be on the low side of 1mg.
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