A little bit of research will reveal that a supposed 80% of the world is deficient in Iodine. Iodine is critical for proper production of the thyroid and production of the Thyroid hormones which relate to having an abundance of Dopamine. Iodine is also essential in over 300 cellular reactions and the truth is it is almost entirely absent in most peoples diets. Even the FDA's daily requirement is over 100 times too low - it's at about 150mcg, and it should be at about 10-15mg. Iodine is also important for detoxing the body of things like Mercury, Fluoride, and Boride. Calcium and Magnesium should also be taken with Iodine, and D3 with Calcium and Magnesium, to maximize Iodines effects. Calcium/Magnesium/D3 can typically be found in a single pill.
While Iodine can be felt practically instantly with lasting effects, most people say the effects do not really peak until 2-3 weeks. This is supposedly because this is the time it takes for the glands to be detoxed and Fluoride and Boron to leave the body. If these effects are going to keep increasing, then damn, I am in love.
Day 1:
I bought myself some liquid Iodine(Lugols 2%), and started taking it. The first day I took 4 drops in a cup of juice. Within 5 minutes I felt an electrifying blissful glowing energy sweeping over my body. I felt like my eyes were bursting with an ethereal energy, as if mini fractal universes were radiating from within my iris. My thoughts had gained an extra couple dimensions in their complexity. This is all within just 5 minutes of drinking this.
It was amazing. Of course, the intensely deep thoughts become less as the day progressed, but one thing remained. The energy. I felt younger. 5 years younger in fact(I'm 21). The energy throughout the entire day did not wear off. Best of all, it didn't interfere with my sleep, it actually made me sleep better.
Day 2:
The next day I woke up still bursting with this iodine energy. I was filled with energy, but not stimulated in any way. It felt healthy. Before breakfast, I took more iodine, but this time an increased dose: 5 drops. 5 Minutes later the energy hit me. It was amazing. It did not feel like I was bringing myself back up, it felt like I was bringing myself up even further from yesterday, as overnight there was no decline from the previous dose 12-15 hours before. Later in the day I took another 5 drops. The effects increased again.
It is a common practice to continually increase the dosage of iodine until negative side effects are experienced. While iodine is toxic in excess, most people can easily go up to 50-100mg in extreme cases without any ill side effects. There does not seem to be any plateau. It would appear as if the effects just keep increasing.
Day 3:
I took 15 drops total spaced out over 3 dosing today. Each time I dosed, the effects continued to increase.
This is amazing, now folks. Not only do I feel so much younger, my brain feels incredibly organized. No other supplement on the planet has able to give me this sort of nonstimulating energy, that gives me a sort of driving focusing, and mental clarity and organization. In these 3 days I have gained an extreme organization with my school work and life priorities without feeling manic. Adderall for instance just gives me a lot of energy to do, but doesn't necessarily give me an enhanced clarity or organization abilities. I hate adderall infact because it makes me crash and I can't sleep for over 24 hours after a dosage.
Day 4:
I forgot to mention. My dreams have increased in complexity and clarity. I even had a lucid dream last night for the first time in a couple of months - I believe I had 3 last night in fact. Each night my dreams increase in complexity.
I am planning to hover around 16 drops per day for a while, split into 2 doses each. It's 9:34 AM. I haven't dosed yet, I slept for my regular period, and I am awake FULL of energy. I haven't felt this good in FOREVER. I will update this right after I dose. I'm fairly confident that electrifying energy will only become more powerful. I feel like my body is revitalizing itself from the inside out. This is great.
I also forgot to mention. I have never really been much of an avid reader. I can solve problems of very complex technical and mechanical problems with ease, but when it comes to reading I just get too distracted far too quickly. Iodine has given my brain this new dimension for enjoying reading. I am able to read any book now and enjoy it, as well as understand it! Understand: I haven't been able to enjoy sitting down and reading books for long periods for over 5 years. Every other aspect of my cognition has been wonderful. Iodine has not only given me back the gift to enjoy reading, but also boosted every other aspect of my cognition. I am simply in awe.
You can find more about Iodine online. I suggest everyone here do their research on it. I am using Lugols 2% liquid iodine. It seems to be the popular choice. In a small number of people it has been known to cause upset stomach and aches, presumably from Fluoride/Boron detox, but for most people it is the number one winning form. Even a simply glance at the Amazon reviews for the product blew my mind.
Edited by Siro, 17 November 2013 - 02:42 PM.