I reposted this Thread because the Title of the last one didnt explain what it was about.
I hope this is okay, no abuse intended.
I think Smartphones/Tablets could be used to help diagnose diseases, analyse bloodsamples, heart function and so on, we allready have apps which utilize the numerous sensors of such devices to do so.
The computational part is not such a problem as where to get other sensors, not built in the phones, for further examinations (of patients), so i think it would be a good idea to create an onlie Plattform where people can meet, plan and discuss how to do so*, unfortunatly I lack all the necessary skills to accomplish this task.
Of all the languages for webdesign I only know html, css, php, and for Animation purposes Flash(before AS3)*, so I would be really happy to find someone who knows Java Script (important) and other things which could help. I have allready purchased webspace (for another project) at hostgator, so this is no issue, and the whole project should be a non-profit thing (except for a few adds to keep the site running).
Anyone interested?
*The final (or continous) goal should be to develope apps and some sort of universaly usable attachement(s) which contain the necesssary sensors in a compact form, which are durable and which can be made with 3d Printers, cheap electronic parts, and even electronic trash (optical drives contain very "nice" lenses).
This should turn your phone/tablet into something like a medical tricorder.