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Seeking Help with webproject aimed at developing "Medical Tricorder"

medicine tricorder website help programing java script

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#1 A941

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:45 PM

I reposted this Thread because the Title of the last one didnt explain what it was about.
I hope this is okay, no abuse intended.

I think Smartphones/Tablets could be used to help diagnose diseases, analyse bloodsamples, heart function and so on, we allready have apps which utilize the numerous sensors of such devices to do so.
The computational part is not such a problem as where to get other sensors, not built in the phones, for further examinations (of patients), so i think it would be a good idea to create an onlie Plattform where people can meet, plan and discuss how to do so*, unfortunatly I lack all the necessary skills to accomplish this task.
Of all the languages for webdesign I only know html, css, php, and for Animation purposes Flash(before AS3)*, so I would be really happy to find someone who knows Java Script (important) and other things which could help. I have allready purchased webspace (for another project) at hostgator, so this is no issue, and the whole project should be a non-profit thing (except for a few adds to keep the site running).

Anyone interested?

*The final (or continous) goal should be to develope apps and some sort of universaly usable attachement(s) which contain the necesssary sensors in a compact form, which are durable and which can be made with 3d Printers, cheap electronic parts, and even electronic trash (optical drives contain very "nice" lenses).
This should turn your phone/tablet into something like a medical tricorder.

#2 A941

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Posted 20 November 2013 - 05:17 PM

No one interested?

#3 kmoody

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Posted 22 November 2013 - 03:43 PM

My immediate thought is that this is a non-trivial project that would likely require substantial funding and involve an extensive regulatory process (unless you just went after "hobbyist use"). There are many well-funded groups with specific expertise in this space that are pursuing what you describe. How does your plan differ? Perhaps you could firm up your ideas a bit into a 1-page summary of exactly what you would like to do and how your approach could be superior to what others are doing.

#4 A941

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Posted 24 November 2013 - 02:17 AM

Thats interesting because I myself only found (internet search) hobbyists who want to build something similar to the star trek tricorder, and more serious people who want to build medical "tricorders" but as independent devices, and that is the significant difference between their approach and mine*. So I dont need to write a 1page summary to explain what I want. The goal is to build a device that has all the essential sensors for this purpose, a smartphone lacks, which is compatible with most of the smartphones/tablets in use, and to design a simple to use app for this device.
Doing it this way would make the whole thing cheaper and much more redundant.

btw: I made an error in my first post, i wrote:
"...unfortunatly I lack all the necessary skills to accomplish this task."
It should read "some" and not "all", an error which may have stopped people from reading on :-(
I know how to make pages with html, css, php, Flash but not how to write something in Java Script.

*If there are people out there which want the same, but i didnt manage to find, please tell me in your next post.

#5 Avatar of Horus

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Posted 24 November 2013 - 05:30 AM

You could use some free internet forum software package:
Comparison of Internet forum software

IMO the bigger problem is that will you get enough participants for the discussion and designing, the idea may have some prospects though.

#6 A941

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Posted 24 November 2013 - 09:04 PM

Thank you, but I have tried some cms, especially Drupal, but if you want to expand this things, and customise them, make them easy to recognize, you will need a better knowledge of their inner workings.

Attention is another problem, but I think it could be possible to attract a couple of hundred people who then will "spread the word".

My biggest concern is that the forum will be flodded by spam, which happend to my last forum.

#7 caliban

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Posted 26 November 2013 - 11:08 PM

why not create your own group forum at LongeCity and take it from there? It will never be flooded by spam.

what you lack is not a forum, but the content, connections and commitment to bring in contributors?
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#8 A941

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Posted 27 November 2013 - 12:33 AM

Would be a good Idea to create a forum here where we already hve interested people.
But why do you think I lack content and commitment?

Edit: took a look at the group forums and decided that it is a bad Idea, because all of them have 4 members alltogether.
Seems like no one is interested in that sort of forum substructure.

Edited by A941, 27 November 2013 - 12:36 AM.

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#9 A941

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 10:56 PM

Dammit! I'll try Java Script again and see if i manage to master it in the next weeks.

#10 tornpie

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Posted 05 December 2013 - 03:09 AM

I've been kicking around an idea in my head for this for a long time now. What I envision is getting as much real time data as possible and start to put mathematics to it. Then we could optimize diet, exercise, and supplementation. Currently, the only real time tool available that I know of are "continuous" (5 minutes is smallest time step I believe) blood glucose monitors that cost at least $1500 or so. Something better was recently announced:


Unfortunately, my background is in mathematics and not electrical engineering, bioengineering, or chemistry. I think there are other possibilities on how to do this as hobbyists such as run an iv through an external device. It would be crude and we could argue that we're missing a lot (vitamin and mineral uptake for particular organs, uniform distribution of values, etc.) but it would still be a great start and vast improvement over the single snapshot of a blood test.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: medicine, tricorder, website, help, programing, java script

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