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Potential group buy

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#61 Virtual Reality

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Posted 09 December 2013 - 01:49 AM

I would also be interested in either NRX-1074 or GLXY-13.

Edited by alex921, 09 December 2013 - 01:50 AM.

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#62 KieranA001

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Posted 09 December 2013 - 09:40 AM

Do you have anything that's good for Brainfog ?? I have really bad brain fog and I don't know if the NSI-189 will fix it ? If not, what will ? :) Thanks.

Edited by KieranA001, 09 December 2013 - 09:42 AM.

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#63 nickthird

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Posted 13 December 2013 - 02:23 AM

Any updates?

#64 hacked

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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:57 AM

Any updates?

Hey Nick, this week has actually been kinda slow in terms of people emailing me... hopefully it picks up again tomorrow... anyone interested in buying a few more grams?

#65 KieranA001

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Posted 13 December 2013 - 07:13 PM


How much more money do you need to cover the buy ? Just wondering how many more grams you have left that need buying up.

#66 KieranA001

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Posted 14 December 2013 - 07:42 AM

Guys, just got emailed this:

Hey, I got a week posting hold on my account at longecity for apparently having a advertisement or something in my profile... So, I can't post there for a few days, but there is about 50 grams to go and still a few more people that haven't paid there invoices... hopefully we get some more interest or even if everyone orders a extra gram or two... we will get there in no time

Also, do you mind doing me a favor and posting that I can't post in the thread for a few weeks and to tell everyone to just email me?

To be honest, I might just buy another gram so I can get my order. I think if everyone can buy another gram if they can will be great, or maybe ask others on longecity who might be interested ? Just a thought. I think he's having trouble selling the other 50 grams...

#67 nickthird

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Posted 15 December 2013 - 09:59 AM

The math doesn't add up with this guy. Correct me if I'm wrong but:

1. He says he needs 50 people to cover 36$/gram which I guess means a total quantity of 50 grams (as the retailer you have to take the low estimate of 1 gram per person).
2. Then he says he wants 40$/gram to cover half the amount which supposedly is 25 grams and according to his first estimate exactly 25 people in total.
3. He adds later that he has around 600$ in unpaid invoices which is half of what he needs (makes sense so far 25*40=1000$).
4. But then he changes direction and states that he needs 100 more grams to be called for (what the fuck? if 600$ was half the amount how can the total be more than 40*100=4000$???)
5. And adds that he needs 10-15 more people to pay and then he will fund the rest (did he assume each person to buy 10 grams??)
6. Now this: he wants a further 50 extra grams??? (so 50 grams were ordered by less than 15 people??)

The number of people and the total gram numbers are extremely bad indicators.

Unless he can come up with an explanation to these figures I want a refund.


Definitely man, I think if we can get close to 50 people on board we can do a solid buy.


So, I spoke to the lab and they said they can offer me half the amount, but it would be at a little higher of a price... If everyone is willing to pay a extra $4 we should be able to make a order by the end of this week


Update: we are about half way there, but there is currently still over $600 in unpaid invoices


We currently need about 100 more grams to be called for (there is currently about 20 grams that hasn't been paid for yet, so more like 80)


So, hopefully we'll get at least 10-15 more people interested and I'll see what I can do about funding the rest...


there is about 50 grams to go and still a few more people that haven't paid there invoices

#68 nickthird

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Posted 15 December 2013 - 10:26 AM

veritatis replies:

Firstly all those posts are rough estimates... besides that I excepted most people would want 2-4 grams a person, besides that I also said that I would be willing to cover the extra cost out of pocket if it wasn't extremely significant... if you want a refund, just let me know and I have no issue sending your money back...


O, and I'll do the math for you tomorrow and let you know exactly how many grams are left if you are still in the buy... and like I said I was just making a rough guess as to where we were at... been sending out multiple invoices a day both for NSI and Omniscienti and I don't really have the time to sit and sort everything out... basically just waiting to hit a certain dollar amount in my paypal account so I can make the purchase and worry about however many grams are left over later on...

Okay, so then he should have no trouble answering a few simple financial questions. Will update.

#69 nickthird

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 04:27 PM

Veritatis replied to some of my questions. He didn't want me to post any figures and I want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Anyways I'm out. I hope I'll get my refund. If this works out, however, I'd be happy to join the next group buy.

If anyone has any questions you can PM Veritatis.

#70 Ark

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Posted 20 December 2013 - 11:05 AM

current updates?
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#71 KieranA001

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Posted 22 December 2013 - 05:23 PM

Yeah what's going on with this group buy? Is it nearly complete yet ? An update would be superb!

#72 p3x888

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 05:24 PM

Nothing here? no updates? Is it time for PayPal charge backs?

#73 KieranA001

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 05:29 PM

He said in an email that he sent me that he's waiting until January for some other people to pay him.... But, I don't understand why he doesn't just send the stuff and let the others buy the rest when they can pay him instead of delaying the whole thing... I'm going to give it a week, tops before I make a complaint to PayPal.

Hey I am basically waiting for early January... most people are waiting to get money

Edited by KieranA001, 31 December 2013 - 05:30 PM.

#74 hacked

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 10:36 PM

Hey, alright guys holidays are over... Now for those of you who ordered Omni, I've been talking with the company that is doing the bottling for me and I should hopefully be able to ship them out within 10-14 days...

Now for NSI: I spoke with Nick and he was issued a full refund, but from here on out unless the group buy doesnt happen or some other issues come up (in which case a full refund will be issued) all orders are final... if I keep issuing refunds the buy will never happen.... Now as you guys know this is for a group buy, and though I am willing to put up money out of pocket I am not willing to cover the entire cost of the buy... to give you a idea 200 grams is close to 8,000 USD... There are a few ppl that were waiting until this month to make a order, so I'll keep you updated on how things are progressing and I'll let everyone know once things are ready!!!

The best way to get a hold of me is via email: founder@gafoundations.org

Edited by veritatis, 02 January 2014 - 10:40 PM.

#75 nickthird

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 02:13 AM

I confirm that I got the full refund, it was only completed yesterday though (it takes time to process).

#76 KieranA001

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 11:18 AM

Hey, alright guys holidays are over... Now for those of you who ordered Omni, I've been talking with the company that is doing the bottling for me and I should hopefully be able to ship them out within 10-14 days...

Now for NSI: I spoke with Nick and he was issued a full refund, but from here on out unless the group buy doesnt happen or some other issues come up (in which case a full refund will be issued) all orders are final... if I keep issuing refunds the buy will never happen.... Now as you guys know this is for a group buy, and though I am willing to put up money out of pocket I am not willing to cover the entire cost of the buy... to give you a idea 200 grams is close to 8,000 USD... There are a few ppl that were waiting until this month to make a order, so I'll keep you updated on how things are progressing and I'll let everyone know once things are ready!!!

The best way to get a hold of me is via email: founder@gafoundations.org

Thanks for the update. When you say ship them out in 10-14 days do you mean from the company to us, or do they have to do to you first ?

Thanks for keeping us updated.


#77 hacked

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 11:32 AM

Hey, alright guys holidays are over... Now for those of you who ordered Omni, I've been talking with the company that is doing the bottling for me and I should hopefully be able to ship them out within 10-14 days...

Now for NSI: I spoke with Nick and he was issued a full refund, but from here on out unless the group buy doesnt happen or some other issues come up (in which case a full refund will be issued) all orders are final... if I keep issuing refunds the buy will never happen.... Now as you guys know this is for a group buy, and though I am willing to put up money out of pocket I am not willing to cover the entire cost of the buy... to give you a idea 200 grams is close to 8,000 USD... There are a few ppl that were waiting until this month to make a order, so I'll keep you updated on how things are progressing and I'll let everyone know once things are ready!!!

The best way to get a hold of me is via email: founder@gafoundations.org

Thanks for the update. When you say ship them out in 10-14 days do you mean from the company to us, or do they have to do to you first ?

Thanks for keeping us updated.


The hope is that I'll have it shipped out to you/everyone that ordered by then!
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#78 p3x888

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Posted 09 January 2014 - 06:50 PM

So no updates on this. I messaged directly asking for a refund and got no response. I guess the only thing to do is go to PayPal.

#79 KieranA001

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Posted 09 January 2014 - 06:59 PM

So no updates on this. I messaged directly asking for a refund and got no response. I guess the only thing to do is go to PayPal.

Hey, he already updated. Well, I guess I should have said that he is waiting for others to buy NSI-189. He's only waiting for a couple more to pay up. Then, he'll have enough to fund the buy.

Just give him until the 15th. I'm sure he'll have enough money by then. It will be worth it I'm sure, you just gotta be patient like me and all of the others on here. I'm sorry that you haven't got it by now, though. :)

He's obviously genuine, as he wouldn't have refunded the others their money. So, let's just wait. If you want your money back then go ahead I'm just saying it's best to wait a while because you will loose out on a good chemical. :)


#80 KieranA001

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Posted 18 January 2014 - 10:21 AM

Any updates on this ? It has been two weeks now without and updates and I would like to know if you have sent them out yet ? Cheers :)

#81 p3x888

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Posted 25 January 2014 - 04:09 AM

So no updates on this. I messaged directly asking for a refund and got no response. I guess the only thing to do is go to PayPal.

Hey, he already updated. Well, I guess I should have said that he is waiting for others to buy NSI-189. He's only waiting for a couple more to pay up. Then, he'll have enough to fund the buy.

Just give him until the 15th. I'm sure he'll have enough money by then. It will be worth it I'm sure, you just gotta be patient like me and all of the others on here. I'm sorry that you haven't got it by now, though. :)

He's obviously genuine, as he wouldn't have refunded the others their money. So, let's just wait. If you want your money back then go ahead I'm just saying it's best to wait a while because you will loose out on a good chemical. :)


Ok, so not it's the 25th with no updates. Is anyone else concerned?

#82 formergenius

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Posted 25 January 2014 - 04:55 AM

Guys I'd get your money back if I were you. VLK's group buy seems a lot more trustworthy, moreover nootropic retailers will have it in stock soon.

#83 p3x888

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Posted 25 January 2014 - 05:58 AM

Well, I checked with PayPal and its too late now for refunds. In addition, I have sent messages to veritatis with no responses. There have been no updates in weeks even though he was on this site 3 days ago. It seems to me that this is now suspect.
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#84 p3x888

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Posted 30 January 2014 - 11:06 AM

I am going to iniate a criminal complaint tomorrow morning. Anyone else that sent this person money and would to be involved, feel free to contact me. It will be a little harder because the domain is regsitered anonymously. I will start with PayPal and work backwards.

And now he has changed his profile to not show his last online time.

Edited by p3x888, 30 January 2014 - 11:16 AM.

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#85 KieranA001

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Posted 01 February 2014 - 07:16 PM

Well I just contacted PayPal and they said to contact the Citizens Advice Bureau. It's a shame because I thought he was genuine. I will get him back though, I have the invoice to prove the payment and the logs on this topic as evidence. He can get fined a lot of money, and I'm not going to let it rest until we all get paid are money back.

Edited by KieranA001, 01 February 2014 - 07:21 PM.

#86 p3x888

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Posted 01 February 2014 - 09:01 PM

I contacted some former colleagues of mine at a law enforcement agency to help me out.
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#87 KieranA001

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Posted 01 February 2014 - 10:31 PM

Let me know what they say. I would be very interested. Good job I didn't send any other invoices out to him for omni etc. I bet his account wasn't even banned before.

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#88 KieranA001

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 06:36 PM

And guys, this is what happens when you tell people the truth. Just warned the others about what he did to us.


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