First, try piracetam alone without any other noots. Note the effect (if any) over a few days. I'd start with an 800 mg dose in the morning together with breakfast.
Write down any positive or negative effects you experience. If mostly positive, add 800 mg at noon for a few days, and gradually increase until the effects are not positive anymore. Keep up your daily log concerning mood and cognitive effects.
If you do experience a headache, it is fairly safe to assume it is indicative of the need for supplemental choline.
However, a cardinal mistake is to start taking piracetam and choline together and then, when experiencing a headache, assuming it must be due to a
lack of choline, and therefore adding more choline... Why? Because for a fair amount of people, supplemental choline is not helpful and can induce muscle stiffness, stiff neck, tension headache and bad mood. I think if you suffer from or have suffered from depression, there is a particularly high likelihood this could be true for you.
So try the piracetam on its own first and see if that works for you. If it does, you likely won't need to add any extra choline. You already get some choline from the diet, for example from meat and eggs. Chances are that if your body needs more choline, you will feel like eating these things. Be attentive of what your body is telling you it needs.
ALCAR is generally synergistic with piracetam, as is fish oil. Start with small doses to assess your response. I would start with 400 mg of ALCAR and see what that does. Then up the dose by 100 mg per time until you feel the effects are too much, then scale back to find the sweet spot.
Edited by Godof Smallthings, 07 December 2013 - 05:04 AM.