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Supplements to keep skin looking young

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#61 Adamzski

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Posted 18 September 2014 - 06:50 AM

Retin-A there is some study on a lot of very old people, there was an increase in all cause mortality of around 5%


http://www.theonecli...d=3327#newspost is a good overview.


The actual studies outcome was


Death, which was not contemplated as an end point in the original study design

lol a nice outcome


It could be through systemic absorption of vitamin A with vit A helping lung cancer along in smokers. It was a good amount of people in the study but I'm not so sure about it.

Retin-A has been used by a lot of people for a long time.


500mg of HA couldn't be so bad, we already have a ton of it in us.


There is that naked mole rat mentioned earlier, they don't get cancer.



#62 ironfistx

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Posted 18 September 2014 - 07:39 PM

There is a possibility that Verisol could help with this.  A dose is 2.5g per day which is not as much as other brands.



Edited by ironfistx, 18 September 2014 - 07:41 PM.

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#63 ironfistx

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Posted 20 September 2014 - 06:23 PM

What are the pomegranate capsules supposed to do?

#64 platypus

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Posted 20 September 2014 - 06:26 PM

What are the pomegranate capsules supposed to do?

Pomegranate is a great cardiovascular supplement, I don't know what it would do for the skin..

#65 The_Next_LX

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Posted 21 September 2014 - 12:58 AM


What are the pomegranate capsules supposed to do?

Pomegranate is a great cardiovascular supplement, I don't know what it would do for the skin..








Pomegranate Beauty Benefits: 4 Amazing Uses For The Seedy Fruit
The Huffington Post  | By Dana Oliver


Posted:  01/21/2014 2:57 pm EST Updated:  01/25/2014 4:01 pm EST

Pomegranates may not be the first thing you reach for when filling up your canvas tote at the farmer's market, but consider this: The fruit can help you attain younger-looking skin, and it's also loaded with antioxidants, vitamins K and C, potassium, copper, zinc and iron. The fruit -- which is nearing the end of its season (commercial harvest typically runs from October to January) -- can help to prevent premature skin aging and keep our complexions smooth and radiant.

Check out these four beauty benefits of pomegranates:

1. It helps to hydrate dry skin. When compared to green tea, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Ellen Marmur tells us that pomegranate juice is actually better at replenishing dry, dull skin. It is also a great plant-derived source of vitamin C, which studies have shown can decrease skin roughness when applied topically. For a topical treatment, dermatologist and author Dr. Debra Jaliman suggests that we apply pomegranate seed oil, as studies have shown it to promote regeneration of epidermis.

2. It combats inflammation from acne breakouts. A pimple forms whenbacteria infects the oil glands of the skin. When this occurs, the body sends white blood cells called neutrophils to the site of the pimple; when these neutrophils digest the bacteria, they die mix with the bacteria and other debris in the pimple. This whole process also triggers inflammation, which is what is responsible for zits' red, swollen appearance. "The antioxidants in pomegranates will help to reduce that inflammation," says Dr. Marmur.

3. It protects our bodies against the sun and environment. Overexposure to harmful UV rays and pollution causes oxidative damage to our skin cells, and can increase one's risk of developing wrinkles, age spots, sunburn and even cancer. According to Dr. Marmur, the antioxidants (namely polyphenols) found in pomegranates help to protect our cells from such oxidative stress. Pomegranate-derived products have also been found to play a vital role in repairing DNA damage.

4. It stimulates collagen production. Our skin naturally begins to sag and lose firmness as we grow older. Pomegranates are full of ellagic acid, an antioxidant that has shown promising results in reducing collagen breakdown. Dr. Marmur says, "If you think of having a pillow and all the fluffy stuff goes flat, that happens to the skin when you lose collagen and elastin. Pomegranates help to plump up skin and boost your blood supply to get rid of that tired look." By stimulating collagen-producing cells called fibroblasts, Dr. Jaliman says that pomegranates can help to minimize skin wrinkle activity.

#66 niner

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Posted 24 September 2014 - 01:21 PM


Death, which was not contemplated as an end point in the original study design

lol a nice outcome


It could be through systemic absorption of vitamin A with vit A helping lung cancer along in smokers. It was a good amount of people in the study but I'm not so sure about it.

Retin-A has been used by a lot of people for a long time.


I hate results like this...  There are so many confounding issues, like the population being elderly, having a lot of comorbidities, use of a high dose, lack of a plausible mechanism, inconsistent causes of death, study not designed to consider mortality as an endpoint, and yet, there it is.  Good luck ever getting a repeat study past an IRB, too.   It will be handy for people who want to demonize retinoids or the pharmaceutical industry.  Here's the paper.

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#67 HoldingTheFaith

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Posted 26 September 2014 - 11:54 AM

Aloe Vera Gell 99% applied and absorbed in the skin. Works very good. I use it in my face, also keeps eczema on check boii.

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#68 Stephen12

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Posted 27 September 2014 - 06:04 PM

I'd have to add that pine bark extract increases hyaluronic acid from what I've read, but the most effective things would probably be topical skin care serums, no?


I've heard great things about Matrixyl 3000.

#69 Adamzski

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Posted 28 September 2014 - 12:03 AM

It is all working for me, the topicals mainly, This Skin Eternal, Now foods HA Serum. I have been surprised to have under my eyes feel much firmer and my skin all over has kind of sloughed off leaving very soft skin underneath,


The HA tabs, have been taking 500mg per day, am now going down to 300mg as I am getting low, I would say it is doing something but I will try the Jarrow brand next time.


Just started back on C60 also.

#70 Strangelove

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Posted 29 September 2014 - 01:59 PM

Nice thread with great information! I am going to try some of the recommendations.


I have not tried many different products, and I have not used consistently any, but the one that makes a real difference with my skin in around ten days, is this.




As Niner said do not forget the hydroxy acids! This specific product (5 pumps twice a day - that is a somewhat large dose) made my skin very shiny, looking really healthy, with no wrinkles at all (I do not have many to begin with as I am around 30). It really made me look more attractive the 2-3 times I bought it, I could see it in the mirror and few people told me so. I tried an isotretinoin gel I can buy here for cheap (no prescription needed either) but I did not get much of a result, although I did not use it more than a month.

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#71 Strangelove

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Posted 29 September 2014 - 03:40 PM

Adapalene, retin-a or isotretinoin.



Do you have an experience with them? If yes how they compare? I remember reading a while ago that isotretinoin has some benefits over tretinoin, but I am not sure of the details. It was increased thickness on one of the skin layers or something, after long term usage.


I have never used a product with copper peptides, but they have a good reputation.


Alibaba has some good prices for bulk hyaluronic acid also.

#72 HoldingTheFaith

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Posted 02 October 2014 - 06:41 AM

lol Apparently someone doesn´t like my Aloe Vera advice. Well, it is good for the skin, duh.

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#73 Adamzski

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Posted 02 October 2014 - 08:15 AM

lol Apparently someone doesn´t like my Aloe Vera advice. Well, it is good for the skin, duh.


I think it is great to drink or use on the skin. It is very popular here in Asia for women to sip a 1L bottle of the stuff at their desk all day. It is very sweet thou, not sure if it is all sweetness from the actual plant or a ton of sugar added to these drinks.


I have heard that getting your hands on the actual leaves and rubbing that on your skin works best. When I have some extra cash I will try to find the most unprocessed aloe cream

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#74 Adamzski

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Posted 04 December 2014 - 04:15 AM

Well I now have a bottle of 60 Jarrow HA capsules, I will take the lot of them over 6! days, will see if the 10 per day does anything

#75 Strelok

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Posted 04 December 2014 - 04:33 AM

Aloe Vera Gell 99% applied and absorbed in the skin. Works very good. I use it in my face, also keeps eczema on check boii.


Aloe vera will actually make your skin more photosensitive.  In other words, if you apply it prior to sun exposure, your skin will sustain more UV damage.  Nevertheless, it is still good to put on sunburns assuming you do not re-expose the sunburn to the sun. 

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#76 Adamzski

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Posted 12 December 2014 - 03:54 PM



I have tested out a ton of supplements in this category due to my food allergies causing my skin to redden and inflame. By far, the best two, hands down, outperforming any collagen type 1,2,3 supplement or anything else like BioSil:

Jarrow Hyaluronic acid take on an empty stomach around 20 capsules a day, watch miracles start to happen in a few days
Life Extension Pomegranate capsules (don't get the full spectrum softgels, they don't work as well) take between 2-4 a day, WITH meals, it doesn't have nearly the same impact on an empty stomach.

These 2 products are relatively cheap, at least on places like iHerb anyway, so try it out, I'd be really surprised if it did absolutely nothing noticeable for you, in fact, I'd pay you whatever it cost you back, that's how certain I am, and how many years of experience I got with this category.




Hi I just got some NOW brand 100mg HA, you said before that a minimum of 8 tablets were needed to see effects, I think you were talking about 50mg tabs? well I will start taking 500mg per day 5 tabs. Will see what happens.


There is some talk of HA helping tumors progress?


Are you referring to this product?




I once ran out of Jarrow and then tried an emergency NOW foods version at a local healthstore. I ended up taking all 60 caps within 24 hours, not noticing much. Also Swanson's version and 2 other brands whose names I forgot didn't do much for me either unfortunately. I wish Jarrow would come up with a more concentrated version as 50mg isn't adding up.


I ideally take between 500mg-2000mg of hya.


I don't know about any tumor growth stuff you are referring to, but I did read that hyaluronic acid (or a derivative) in naked mole rats was found to be THE reason they never get cancer.





I have tried it, first day 5 of them, then a few hours later I looked in the mirror and noticed something, then 6hrs later 10 of them, a few hours later I looked different, seemed to have fuller skin. Next day 10 in the morning and had effects that could be my imagination, next day 10 more and same.


I then went to HK+Shenzhen for 5 days, got very ill after drinking all night before leaving for my trip and getting to HK with 24hrs of no sleep, got sick seemed like bad food some food poisoning had managed to take hold due to my weakened state. Very sick with almost no eating for 3 days, then very little eating and a lot of working for two days. No sups at all over these 5 days. When I looked in the mirror on my return I was gaunt, re-fed, slept then took 10 this morning and my face has lost its gauntness.


I will get another bottle and try to measure it with photos. But if anyone is considering trying this full bottle of Jarrow HA per week, then please do, even just take 10 caps per day for two days and let us know the results. I think it may actually do amazing things, but could easily be wrong

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#77 Sciencyst

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Posted 21 December 2014 - 09:04 AM

Examine has a good list.


http://examine.com/t...s/Skin Quality/


  • Vitamin A
  •  Green Tea Catechins
  • Bladderwrack
  • Pycnogenol
  • Red Clover Extract
  • Astaxanthin
  • Vitamin B3
  • ALA
  • Hemp Protein 
  • Boswellia serrata
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Orthosiphon stamineus


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#78 limited

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Posted 02 January 2015 - 12:22 PM

Msm made my skin look amazing :-)
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#79 Juicy

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Posted 03 January 2015 - 12:29 PM

Would it be wise to get the patent in Jarrows form of MSM from a big supplier? I've seen a few.





I have tested out a ton of supplements in this category due to my food allergies causing my skin to redden and inflame. By far, the best two, hands down, outperforming any collagen type 1,2,3 supplement or anything else like BioSil:

Jarrow Hyaluronic acid take on an empty stomach around 20 capsules a day, watch miracles start to happen in a few days
Life Extension Pomegranate capsules (don't get the full spectrum softgels, they don't work as well) take between 2-4 a day, WITH meals, it doesn't have nearly the same impact on an empty stomach.

These 2 products are relatively cheap, at least on places like iHerb anyway, so try it out, I'd be really surprised if it did absolutely nothing noticeable for you, in fact, I'd pay you whatever it cost you back, that's how certain I am, and how many years of experience I got with this category.




Hi I just got some NOW brand 100mg HA, you said before that a minimum of 8 tablets were needed to see effects, I think you were talking about 50mg tabs? well I will start taking 500mg per day 5 tabs. Will see what happens.


There is some talk of HA helping tumors progress?


Are you referring to this product?




I once ran out of Jarrow and then tried an emergency NOW foods version at a local healthstore. I ended up taking all 60 caps within 24 hours, not noticing much. Also Swanson's version and 2 other brands whose names I forgot didn't do much for me either unfortunately. I wish Jarrow would come up with a more concentrated version as 50mg isn't adding up.


I ideally take between 500mg-2000mg of hya.


I don't know about any tumor growth stuff you are referring to, but I did read that hyaluronic acid (or a derivative) in naked mole rats was found to be THE reason they never get cancer.





I have tried it, first day 5 of them, then a few hours later I looked in the mirror and noticed something, then 6hrs later 10 of them, a few hours later I looked different, seemed to have fuller skin. Next day 10 in the morning and had effects that could be my imagination, next day 10 more and same.


I then went to HK+Shenzhen for 5 days, got very ill after drinking all night before leaving for my trip and getting to HK with 24hrs of no sleep, got sick seemed like bad food some food poisoning had managed to take hold due to my weakened state. Very sick with almost no eating for 3 days, then very little eating and a lot of working for two days. No sups at all over these 5 days. When I looked in the mirror on my return I was gaunt, re-fed, slept then took 10 this morning and my face has lost its gauntness.


I will get another bottle and try to measure it with photos. But if anyone is considering trying this full bottle of Jarrow HA per week, then please do, even just take 10 caps per day for two days and let us know the results. I think it may actually do amazing things, but could easily be wrong



#80 Logic

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Posted 03 January 2015 - 01:35 PM

I'm shamelessly pimping GHK/GHK-Cu as I wan to get this group buy to succeed so I can try GHK.  :)

Wiki has this to say:

Facial studies

Copper peptide GHK-Cu is widely used in anti-aging cosmetics (INCI name: Copper tripeptide-1).[32] Several controlled facial studies confirmed anti-aging, firming and anti-wrinkle activity of copper peptide GHK-Cu.

Abdulghani et al. established that facial cream containing GHK-Cu increased collagen in photoaged skin of 20 female volunteers, performing better than vitamin C and retinoic acid.[33]

Leyden et al. conducted a 12-week facial study of GHK-Cu containing face and eye cream, reporting significant improvement of skin laxity, clarity and appearance, reduced fine lines and the depths of wrinkles and increased skin density and thickness comparing to placebo. GHK-Cu eye cream performed better than vitamin K cream.[34]

Finkley et al. conducted 12 week facial study on 67 women and reported that GHK-Cu cream applied twice daily improved aged skin appearance, increased thickness, reduced wrinkles and strongly stimulated dermal keratinocyte proliferation as determined by histological analysis of biopsies. The same study found copper peptide GHK-Cu to be non-toxic and non-irritating.[35]

Hair growth

Copper peptide GHK-Cu and its analogues were found to stimulate hair growth. In some circumstances, the efficiency of synthetic analog of GHK-Cu was similar to that of 5% minoxidil.[36] A commercial product GraftCyte was clinically proven to improve hair transplantation outcome.[37]



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#81 Adamzski

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Posted 04 January 2015 - 06:45 PM

I'm shamelessly pimping GHK/GHK-Cu as I wan to get this group buy to succeed so I can try GHK.  :)

Wiki has this to say:

Facial studies

Copper peptide GHK-Cu is widely used in anti-aging cosmetics (INCI name: Copper tripeptide-1).[32] Several controlled facial studies confirmed anti-aging, firming and anti-wrinkle activity of copper peptide GHK-Cu.

Abdulghani et al. established that facial cream containing GHK-Cu increased collagen in photoaged skin of 20 female volunteers, performing better than vitamin C and retinoic acid.[33]

Leyden et al. conducted a 12-week facial study of GHK-Cu containing face and eye cream, reporting significant improvement of skin laxity, clarity and appearance, reduced fine lines and the depths of wrinkles and increased skin density and thickness comparing to placebo. GHK-Cu eye cream performed better than vitamin K cream.[34]

Finkley et al. conducted 12 week facial study on 67 women and reported that GHK-Cu cream applied twice daily improved aged skin appearance, increased thickness, reduced wrinkles and strongly stimulated dermal keratinocyte proliferation as determined by histological analysis of biopsies. The same study found copper peptide GHK-Cu to be non-toxic and non-irritating.[35]

Hair growth

Copper peptide GHK-Cu and its analogues were found to stimulate hair growth. In some circumstances, the efficiency of synthetic analog of GHK-Cu was similar to that of 5% minoxidil.[36] A commercial product GraftCyte was clinically proven to improve hair transplantation outcome.[37]




I remember when CU was the big thing on hairloss forums,On a since closed down private forum I have seen some good results from people using this alone,


I would be in on a group buy, could you link to it again please, above link does not work.

#82 Logic

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Posted 04 January 2015 - 08:32 PM

I'm shamelessly pimping GHK/GHK-Cu as I wan to get this group buy to succeed so I can try GHK.  :)

Wiki has this to say:

Facial studies

Copper peptide GHK-Cu is widely used in anti-aging cosmetics (INCI name: Copper tripeptide-1).[32] Several controlled facial studies confirmed anti-aging, firming and anti-wrinkle activity of copper peptide GHK-Cu.

Abdulghani et al. established that facial cream containing GHK-Cu increased collagen in photoaged skin of 20 female volunteers, performing better than vitamin C and retinoic acid.[33]

Leyden et al. conducted a 12-week facial study of GHK-Cu containing face and eye cream, reporting significant improvement of skin laxity, clarity and appearance, reduced fine lines and the depths of wrinkles and increased skin density and thickness comparing to placebo. GHK-Cu eye cream performed better than vitamin K cream.[34]

Finkley et al. conducted 12 week facial study on 67 women and reported that GHK-Cu cream applied twice daily improved aged skin appearance, increased thickness, reduced wrinkles and strongly stimulated dermal keratinocyte proliferation as determined by histological analysis of biopsies. The same study found copper peptide GHK-Cu to be non-toxic and non-irritating.[35]

Hair growth

Copper peptide GHK-Cu and its analogues were found to stimulate hair growth. In some circumstances, the efficiency of synthetic analog of GHK-Cu was similar to that of 5% minoxidil.[36] A commercial product GraftCyte was clinically proven to improve hair transplantation outcome.[37]


I remember when CU was the big thing on hairloss forums,On a since closed down private forum I have seen some good results from people using this alone,
I would be in on a group buy, could you link to it again please, above link does not work.

Strange; it works fine for me?
Here it is again:

Else just do a site search for GHK

#83 Adamzski

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Posted 13 January 2015 - 09:40 AM



I'm shamelessly pimping GHK/GHK-Cu as I wan to get this group buy to succeed so I can try GHK.  :)

Wiki has this to say:

Facial studies

Copper peptide GHK-Cu is widely used in anti-aging cosmetics (INCI name: Copper tripeptide-1).[32] Several controlled facial studies confirmed anti-aging, firming and anti-wrinkle activity of copper peptide GHK-Cu.

Abdulghani et al. established that facial cream containing GHK-Cu increased collagen in photoaged skin of 20 female volunteers, performing better than vitamin C and retinoic acid.[33]

Leyden et al. conducted a 12-week facial study of GHK-Cu containing face and eye cream, reporting significant improvement of skin laxity, clarity and appearance, reduced fine lines and the depths of wrinkles and increased skin density and thickness comparing to placebo. GHK-Cu eye cream performed better than vitamin K cream.[34]

Finkley et al. conducted 12 week facial study on 67 women and reported that GHK-Cu cream applied twice daily improved aged skin appearance, increased thickness, reduced wrinkles and strongly stimulated dermal keratinocyte proliferation as determined by histological analysis of biopsies. The same study found copper peptide GHK-Cu to be non-toxic and non-irritating.[35]

Hair growth

Copper peptide GHK-Cu and its analogues were found to stimulate hair growth. In some circumstances, the efficiency of synthetic analog of GHK-Cu was similar to that of 5% minoxidil.[36] A commercial product GraftCyte was clinically proven to improve hair transplantation outcome.[37]




I remember when CU was the big thing on hairloss forums,On a since closed down private forum I have seen some good results from people using this alone,
I would be in on a group buy, could you link to it again please, above link does not work.


Strange; it works fine for me?
Here it is again:

Else just do a site search for GHK




Is this the same stuff here? http://www.thekanesh...-cu-5g.html Thewebsite has been around for a long time supplying RU 



#84 HoldingTheFaith

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Posted 13 January 2015 - 10:25 AM


Aloe Vera Gell 99% applied and absorbed in the skin. Works very good. I use it in my face, also keeps eczema on check boii.


Aloe vera will actually make your skin more photosensitive.  In other words, if you apply it prior to sun exposure, your skin will sustain more UV damage.  Nevertheless, it is still good to put on sunburns assuming you do not re-expose the sunburn to the sun. 



Bah, if you applied Aloe Vera in your face everyday I am 100% convinced you would age better dermatologically speaking. Also, the sun makes me look noticeably less haggard and gives more vitality to my visage = looking less aged.

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#85 Adamzski

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Posted 14 January 2015 - 12:20 AM

You are a Spanish person? The whiter than white people like me have much less built in defence against the sun. 


Two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70. According to our cancer council

#86 Clacksberg

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Posted 20 February 2015 - 11:25 PM

Well i'd rather use Aloe Vera or GHK than Retin A - The thinning out of the outer/dead skin layers with Retin A's going to make you more prone to UV damage?

Edited by Clacksberg the Cat, 20 February 2015 - 11:26 PM.

#87 Logic

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Posted 21 February 2015 - 10:56 AM

Is this the same stuff here? http://www.thekanesh...-cu-5g.html Thewebsite has been around for a long time supplying RU

Now your link isn't working! :)
Did you manage to find the GHK thread?

#88 npcomplete

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Posted 21 February 2015 - 11:27 PM

For the last few years my fingertips have been very dry and cracked. I am in my mid-sixties, and on the STAT4 gene I have the rs7574865-GT SNP according to 23andme, with an OR of 1.24 for "Limited Cutaneous Schleroderma", so I pay a lot of attention to "keeping skin looking young". I also have minor symptoms associated with the T risk allele (occasional hard dry patches of skin on hands) most of my life, not that visible but annoying (Sometimes I will go several months without symptoms). Fortunately I am heterozygotic with GT rather than homozygotic with TT at rs7574865.

After trying just about everything in this thread and other threads over the years (including ointments, lotions...), I tried 500-1000 mg of oral hyaluronic acid daily. I compared brands and found results consistent with what piet3r is reporting with Jarrow HA. I actually notice results in the (4 caps * 50mg) daily range, and by 16-20 caps my skin is clear during active flareup.

Some of the other brands at much higher doses (2-3 times higher) still didn't have the impact that Jarrow did (they advertise a lower average molecular weight HA). I usually notice a small improvement by the next day and by 3-7 days my symptoms are almost gone. It is about the same schedule for the symptoms to reappear after halting oral HA. I understand that different molecular weight HA versions are "advertised" as targeting different problems. For me the issue is skin and not arthritis, so low weight HA seems to be best.

Since HA is expensive, and ingesting large amounts raises other concerns, I decided to look into hyaluronidase inhibitors to try to modify the hyaluronan creation/destruction cycle. I wanted to use known inhibitors with citable research, and that also might be useful for other things in my case (minor allergies like hay fever)

Here is a thread discussing port-site metastasis of cancer following surgery:


I asked my dermatologist if oral HA was a risk, and he didn't seem too concerned... which concerns me! The doc then prescribed prescription topical HA. Topical HA wasn't nearly effective as oral HA in my case.

Hyaluronidase Inhibitor Supplements:

1.) Quercetin, 800 mg, BID loading dose, cut back to 1/day.
Since I also have allergies this addition might have other benefits.

2.) Horse Chestnut, 250 mg (22% Aescin) BID

3.) NAC, 600 mg

4.) Fucoidan, 300 mg (77% fucoidan), 1-2/day, usually 1
Some people on this site are using Triphala for hyaluronidase inhibition. I decided to try fucoidan.


After increasing the intake of the hyaluronidase inhibitors listed above, I was able to drastically reduce my intake of oral HA (75% reduction or more) to achieve similar effects, and save $$$ (20 caps of Jarrow HA per day works out to about $100/month at Swanson).

I also take other skin supplements, like collagen, Biosil, pomegranate, K2, etc., but HA is the only supplement with the "wow" factor for skin.

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#89 Adamzski

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 03:13 AM



it changes all the time on their site.


They are a well known company.


Have been looking at this, Pinacidil as a substitute for Minoxidil, Im pretty sure that Minoxidil does send peoples skin downhill. I looked older than my age or my age through my 20's but after stopping Minox I started to look 5+ years younger.





It could grow hair and actually promote collagen along with strengthening bones.

It has been used for many years as a hairloss treatment in Russia. http://alerana.ru/


I did also find the GHK thread, its on my wishlist, will probably get some from Kane, would not take it internally but some could go systematic and from that thread it seems that could maybe be a good thing.




#90 Adamzski

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 03:25 AM

For the last few years my fingertips have been very dry and cracked. I am in my mid-sixties, and on the STAT4 gene I have the rs7574865-GT SNP according to 23andme, with an OR of 1.24 for "Limited Cutaneous Schleroderma", so I pay a lot of attention to "keeping skin looking young". I also have minor symptoms associated with the T risk allele (occasional hard dry patches of skin on hands) most of my life, not that visible but annoying (Sometimes I will go several months without symptoms). Fortunately I am heterozygotic with GT rather than homozygotic with TT at rs7574865.

After trying just about everything in this thread and other threads over the years (including ointments, lotions...), I tried 500-1000 mg of oral hyaluronic acid daily. I compared brands and found results consistent with what piet3r is reporting with Jarrow HA. I actually notice results in the (4 caps * 50mg) daily range, and by 16-20 caps my skin is clear during active flareup.

Some of the other brands at much higher doses (2-3 times higher) still didn't have the impact that Jarrow did (they advertise a lower average molecular weight HA). I usually notice a small improvement by the next day and by 3-7 days my symptoms are almost gone. It is about the same schedule for the symptoms to reappear after halting oral HA. I understand that different molecular weight HA versions are "advertised" as targeting different problems. For me the issue is skin and not arthritis, so low weight HA seems to be best.

Since HA is expensive, and ingesting large amounts raises other concerns, I decided to look into hyaluronidase inhibitors to try to modify the hyaluronan creation/destruction cycle. I wanted to use known inhibitors with citable research, and that also might be useful for other things in my case (minor allergies like hay fever)

Here is a thread discussing port-site metastasis of cancer following surgery:


I asked my dermatologist if oral HA was a risk, and he didn't seem too concerned... which concerns me! The doc then prescribed prescription topical HA. Topical HA wasn't nearly effective as oral HA in my case.

Hyaluronidase Inhibitor Supplements:

1.) Quercetin, 800 mg, BID loading dose, cut back to 1/day.
Since I also have allergies this addition might have other benefits.

2.) Horse Chestnut, 250 mg (22% Aescin) BID

3.) NAC, 600 mg

4.) Fucoidan, 300 mg (77% fucoidan), 1-2/day, usually 1
Some people on this site are using Triphala for hyaluronidase inhibition. I decided to try fucoidan.


After increasing the intake of the hyaluronidase inhibitors listed above, I was able to drastically reduce my intake of oral HA (75% reduction or more) to achieve similar effects, and save $$$ (20 caps of Jarrow HA per day works out to about $100/month at Swanson).

I also take other skin supplements, like collagen, Biosil, pomegranate, K2, etc., but HA is the only supplement with the "wow" factor for skin.



"ingesting large amounts raises other concerns"


What are these concerns?


There is a lot of conflicting information over the net.




and a reply http://www.denvernat...ews/sardiHA.htm

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