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Nicotinamide Riboside Group Buy

nicotinamide riboside antioxidant group buy

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#361 maxwatt

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 12:37 AM

I know a Doctor who has acquired several kilograms of Nicotinamide riboside and plans on taking 7 grams a day.

Any chance this Doctor friend of yours is willing to share where he bought his several Kilos of NR?

As am sure you know we are having problems finding a legitimate supplier..

We have not had it HPLC tested yet, so be patient. He has already shared his source with me, it is a trader not a manufacturer. I'm making queries to find the manufacturer, but we will not be likely to buy direct: they protect their sellers. A problem is the low price: shipping costs double the price for single kilos, and 5 or 6 kg at a time make it reasonable both for seller and buyer, but quantities begin to attract attention at customs even with an importing company, and especially for individuals. For someone to do a group buy, and then distribute a kilo apiece to the buyers, will be a demanding endeavor. Further, reshipping by a carrier other than the Post Office, will contribute a significant fraction to the final buyers' cost.

But if it tests well, I will share the wealth.
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#362 BobSeitz

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 04:26 AM

"That is just totally amazing. I know a few people in their 80s and you sound like you run rings around them. I would be curious as to how much in your subjective opinion you attribute to the Niagen? Did you also start the MitoQ 6 weeks ago? Have you tried varying the dose to see if more or less is better?"

I thought you'd never ask! (:-))

Yes, I started taking MitoQ about two months ago, I believe, taking one to two 5-mg. capsules a day. I haven't tried varying the dose, but I think that's a very good idea, especially given your experience with higher doses. It's hard to know what's doing which, but upping my dose of Niagen would probably also be a good idea from a diagnostic standpoint.

I'm interested in your take on people in their 80's. Of course, I know a few people in their 80's too, but I don't know them well enough to know what's really going on with them. My sister will turn 82 next week and she's in quite good shape. We have what I would call "nonagenarian genes" in that about half of our elders died in their early-to-mid-90's. The other half died of various causes, some of which might have been preventable.

I think that one very important point is that times are rapidly changing with respect to aging. My predecessors who lived into their 90's became couch potatoes in their later years. I don't remember seeing adults exercise. Mother used the family car, and, weather permitting, Dad walked ½-mile home from the bus stop at night and ¼-mile to and from the downtown bus station to his office. We kids walked or rode our bikes various distances. Still, exercise was regarded as something for kids and teenie-boppers.

It will be interesting to see what effects new exercise techniques such as high-intensity interval training and Josh Mitteldorf's suggestion that we run around the house very hour or two to keep moving will have upon our physical conditioning.

In terms of diet, when I was a child in the 1930's and a teenager in the 1940's, fresh fruit and vegetables were available for only a few weeks during the summer. The rest of the year, we had to depend upon canned and dried foods. Also, our traditional diets consisted of dishes like spaghetti with canned tomatoes and hamburger, or (canned) tuna and noodle casseroles. Oranges and orange juice were an uncommon treat. Apple cider lasted a few weeks in the refrigerator in the fall, and then it turned into hard cider, followed by vinegar. It wasn't until the 1950's that home freezers permitted frozen foods to be available all year long.

Smoking was considered unhealthy, but links between smoking and lung cancer or smoking and heart disease hadn't been identified in the 1930's, the 1940's, and the early 1950's.

The point of all this is that I think (or at least I hope) we have the potential and the knowledge today to live substantially longer and more healthily than at any time in the past. The principality of Monaco has the world's longest life expectancy today at 89½. Healthy living can add, I should think, two+ decades to your "healthspan", and at least a decade to your lifespan(?), and this doesn't include whatever benefits matcha green tea, high-polyphenol cocoa, half an aspirin a day, and an ounce of walnuts a day may confer. And we can buy fresh superfoods today, like pomegranate juice, organic broccoli, wild blueberries, mushrooms, and apples and oranges. Wow!

On the flip side, obesity has become a worldwide problem. Processed foods aren't helping. (One woman noted that we've turned our nutrition over to large corporations.) And with everyone owning a car, exercise isn't as necessary as it was 75 years ago.
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#363 tunt01

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 04:32 AM

Hmn. 10 grams telmisartan is a low dose. As far as I know, the lowest prescription dose available, which I am taking, is 40 mg. a day as per my doctor's instructions. What is your source, if I may ask? Niagen had no discernible effect for me, and I discontinued it. Perhaps my higher dose of Telmisartan rendered it redundant? Or not.


20 mg tablets, break them in half

I may be massively NAD+ deficient, which is possible. I think the Telmisartan does have a similar effect. I think Telmisartan should increase your NAD+/NADH ratio via AMPK, shouldn't it?

#364 pedr0vsky

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 05:35 PM

"The fact that DRG neurons cannot be protected from damage-induced neuropathy by Na or Nam without concurrent gene expression of Na or Nam salvage genes suggests that NR is a uniquely useful precursor to the nervous system (71)" pag 123

"Because current data suggest that nicotinamide riboside may be the only vitamin precursor that supports neuronal NAD+ synthesis"... in abstract


I just want to point out that the data is not conclusive that nicotinamide riboside is the only precursor that supports neuronal NAD+ increases. Thus, we all may be just spending a bucket load of money in something that is easily achievable with inositol nicotinate.

Regarding inositol hexanicotinate: (Source European food safety authority)

"From the various studies reported, the Panel concludes that nicotinate from inositol hexanicotinate is bioavailable and a source of niacin"

"When inositol hexanicotinate is administered orally to humans, this results in a sustained increase in the level of free nicotinic acid in blood and plasma. Inositol hexanicotinate appears to be metabolised slowly, not reaching maximum serum levels of nicotinic acid until approximately 6-10 hours after ingestion,"

"dosages ranging from 600 to 1800 mg and up to 4000 mg daily. The safety profile is acceptable in a number of conditions with little or no side effects reported"

Source: http://www.efsa.euro...e_op_en_REV.pdf

I am currently taking 2.5 to 3.5g of inositol nicotinate daily with no side effects. No-flush, feeling great. I am gonna report my results on this forum...

Best Regards

Edited by pedr0vsky, 02 April 2014 - 05:41 PM.

#365 mikey

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 05:46 PM

"The fact that DRG neurons cannot be protected from damage-induced neuropathy by Na or Nam without concurrent gene expression of Na or Nam salvage genes suggests that NR is a uniquely useful precursor to the nervous system (71)" pag 123

"Because current data suggest that nicotinamide riboside may be the only vitamin precursor that supports neuronal NAD+ synthesis"... in abstract


I just want to point out that the data is not conclusive that nicotinamide riboside is the only precursor that supports neuronal NAD+ increases. Thus, we all may be just spending a buck load of money in something that is easily achievable with inositol nicotinate.

Regarding inositol hexanicotinate: (Source European food safety authority)

"From the various studies reported, the Panel concludes that nicotinate from inositol
hexanicotinate is bioavailable and a source of niacin"

"When inositol hexanicotinate is administered orally to humans, this results in a sustained increase in the level of free nicotinic acid in blood and plasma. Inositol hexanicotinate appears to be metabolised slowly, not reaching maximum serum levels of nicotinic acid until approximately 6-10 hours after ingestion,"

"dosages ranging from 600 to 1800 mg and up to 4000 mg daily. The safety profile is acceptable in a number of conditions with little or no side
effects reported"

Source: http://www.efsa.euro...e_op_en_REV.pdf

I am currently taking 2.5 to 3.5g daily with no side effects. No-flush, nothing, feeling great. I am gonna report my results on this forum...

Best Regards

In personal communication with Dr. William Parsons (about a dozen years ago), who did the original work at Mayo Clinic that showed that niacin affected blood lipids better than the four leading cholesterol lowering drugs and that lifespan of men in the Coronary Drug Project was increased by almost 2 years, he told me that "Riker Labs, a good pharmaceutical company, had him test inositol hexanicotinate because they wanted to bring it to the USA for lipid therapy." However, he found that it did not work, as real niacin does. Therefore, I have always used real niacin. I'm not sure how IH compares to nicotinamide riboside, but I'd need to see solid data that shows it improving NAD+ comparably to NR to consider using it rather than NR.

#366 pedr0vsky

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 06:11 PM

"The fact that DRG neurons cannot be protected from damage-induced neuropathy by Na or Nam without concurrent gene expression of Na or Nam salvage genes suggests that NR is a uniquely useful precursor to the nervous system (71)" pag 123

"Because current data suggest that nicotinamide riboside may be the only vitamin precursor that supports neuronal NAD+ synthesis"... in abstract


I just want to point out that the data is not conclusive that nicotinamide riboside is the only precursor that supports neuronal NAD+ increases. Thus, we all may be just spending a buck load of money in something that is easily achievable with inositol nicotinate.

Regarding inositol hexanicotinate: (Source European food safety authority)

"From the various studies reported, the Panel concludes that nicotinate from inositol
hexanicotinate is bioavailable and a source of niacin"

"When inositol hexanicotinate is administered orally to humans, this results in a sustained increase in the level of free nicotinic acid in blood and plasma. Inositol hexanicotinate appears to be metabolised slowly, not reaching maximum serum levels of nicotinic acid until approximately 6-10 hours after ingestion,"

"dosages ranging from 600 to 1800 mg and up to 4000 mg daily. The safety profile is acceptable in a number of conditions with little or no side
effects reported"

Source: http://www.efsa.euro...e_op_en_REV.pdf

I am currently taking 2.5 to 3.5g daily with no side effects. No-flush, nothing, feeling great. I am gonna report my results on this forum...

Best Regards

In personal communication with Dr. William Parsons (about a dozen years ago), who did the original work at Mayo Clinic that showed that niacin affected blood lipids better than the four leading cholesterol lowering drugs and that lifespan of men in the Coronary Drug Project was increased by almost 2 years, he told me that "Riker Labs, a good pharmaceutical company, had him test inositol hexanicotinate because they wanted to bring it to the USA for lipid therapy." However, he found that it did not work, as real niacin does. Therefore, I have always used real niacin. I'm not sure how IH compares to nicotinamide riboside, but I'd need to see solid data that shows it improving NAD+ comparably to NR to consider using it rather than NR.

"The hypolipidemic effect of inositol hexanicotinate was shown to be more profound than that of nicotinic acid. No adverse effects were reported." pag 13 of 20. Last phrase of first paragraph. But he is talking of rabbits.
MIEN, on the other hand, had only a slight effect on total blood lipids, and appeared to be ineffective or negative with respect to the other lipid parameters". MIEN myo inositol hexanicotinate.
As you said, it doesn't works on humans. Regarding that, i have to report that i had increases in HDL and decreases in LDL on my last blood tests. Small, but significant. It apparently is working for me. I explain the results by saying that nicotinic acid increases blood glucose, and caloric restriction is needed to NAD to work. Maybe i am wrong. IN decays to nicotinic acid, and nicotinic acid increases NAD, that's cristal clear. It increases NAD. Maybe not cholesterol, but NAD.
But if you read my first post attentively you will see that my point was that NR may not increase neuronal NAD levels. That is what worries me the most, especially because the price difference between IN and NR is huge. But, count me in, i am still willing to test NR. BR

#367 pedr0vsky

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 06:15 PM

mikey, if your problem with high dosage nicotinic acid is the flush. I will give you an elegant solution. Just dissolve the NA in water and drink small zips of with throughout the day. No flush, high-dosage niacin, with cholesterol benefits and NAD increases.

B. Regards

#368 mikey

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 07:28 PM

mikey, if your problem with high dosage nicotinic acid is the flush. I will give you an elegant solution. Just dissolve the NA in water and drink small zips of with throughout the day. No flush, high-dosage niacin, with cholesterol benefits and NAD increases.

B. Regards


Thank you, but I started taking 3,000 mg of niacin a day at 14 years of age after confronting "mental problems" where I did not want drug therapy.

I love the flush and take 500 mg of immediate-release niacin with coffee every morning to wake my brain up.

As a placebo-controlled study by Loriaux showed as much as 40% increase in memory test scores and sensory register, I consider niacin to be core to my daily supplement consumption for its contribution to my "smarts."

I'm a little bit concerned that I won't "feel" the NR because of my consistent daily niacin supplementation, but I'm eager to try and see if it provides some of the "feeling like superman" benefits.

#369 midas

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:03 PM

I just want to point out that the data is not conclusive that nicotinamide riboside is the only precursor that supports neuronal NAD+ increases. Thus, we all may be just spending a bucket load of money in something that is easily achievable with inositol nicotinate.

Its the full package that I am hoping for from NR, the neural benefits would be would be a a welcome bonus.........If we can get this at the right price I will be happy if it gives us half what they are claiming.

Cardiovascular Health
  • Has shown to prevent, as an NAD+ precursor, the increase in total and LDL cholesterol levels induced by a high-fat diet2

  • Has been shown to lower high-fat-diet-induced weight gain by enhancing energy expenditure, not by reduced food intake or affecting activity levels3
  • Supports energy at the cellular level to promote cellular metabolism*

  • Improved endurance due to enhanced mitochondrial function3
  • Demonstrated, in animal studies, higher O2 consumption rates and increased flexibility in the use of energy substrates, as reflected in the higher amplitude of the changes in the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) between feeding and fasting periods

  • Supports cellular health in the brain by providing an additional safeguard against axonal degeneration1
  • Maintains neuronal cell health

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#370 pedr0vsky

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:59 PM

I just want to point out that the data is not conclusive that nicotinamide riboside is the only precursor that supports neuronal NAD+ increases. Thus, we all may be just spending a bucket load of money in something that is easily achievable with inositol nicotinate.

Its the full package that I am hoping for from NR, the neural benefits would be would be a a welcome bonus.........If we can get this at the right price I will be happy if it gives us half what they are claiming.

Cardiovascular Health
  • Has shown to prevent, as an NAD+ precursor, the increase in total and LDL cholesterol levels induced by a high-fat diet2
  • Has been shown to lower high-fat-diet-induced weight gain by enhancing energy expenditure, not by reduced food intake or affecting activity levels3
  • Supports energy at the cellular level to promote cellular metabolism*
  • Improved endurance due to enhanced mitochondrial function3
  • Demonstrated, in animal studies, higher O2 consumption rates and increased flexibility in the use of energy substrates, as reflected in the higher amplitude of the changes in the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) between feeding and fasting periods
  • Supports cellular health in the brain by providing an additional safeguard against axonal degeneration1
  • Maintains neuronal cell health


According to figure 3 page 17 "The Nrk pathway is expressed in neurons and in cardiac and skeletal muscle."
So, cells that don't have this pathway, can't transform nicotinamide riboside into NAD, so they don't get benefited. (that leaves a lot of cells out, see figure)

B. Regards

#371 satsumass

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Posted 03 April 2014 - 12:52 AM

Hi, i'm down to join the group buy...is it too late?

Edited by satsumass, 03 April 2014 - 12:53 AM.

#372 maxwatt

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Posted 03 April 2014 - 12:48 PM

Hmn. 10 grams telmisartan is a low dose. As far as I know, the lowest prescription dose available, which I am taking, is 40 mg. a day as per my doctor's instructions. What is your source, if I may ask? Niagen had no discernible effect for me, and I discontinued it. Perhaps my higher dose of Telmisartan rendered it redundant? Or not.


20 mg tablets, break them in half

I may be massively NAD+ deficient, which is possible. I think the Telmisartan does have a similar effect. I think Telmisartan should increase your NAD+/NADH ratio via AMPK, shouldn't it?

I looked at your source, and the price is remarkable. Prescription, generic 40 mg x 30 in blister packs costs me $90 with my insurance plan; they list it as $290 without their subsidy. Alldaychem at your link lists that dose at $11. Either theirs is counterfeit, or mine is way overpriced. Both are possibilities. I am tempted to get some from them and send it off to AACL for an analysis. It would pay for it self in three months if it tests good.

What else have you been taking? My resveratrol supplementation may have masked any effect from Niagen.

#373 tunt01

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Posted 03 April 2014 - 01:23 PM

I looked at your source, and the price is remarkable. Prescription, generic 40 mg x 30 in blister packs costs me $90 with my insurance plan; they list it as $290 without their subsidy. Alldaychem at your link lists that dose at $11. Either theirs is counterfeit, or mine is way overpriced. Both are possibilities. I am tempted to get some from them and send it off to AACL for an analysis. It would pay for it self in three months if it tests good.

Firsthand example of why healthcare pricing is so screwed up in the US against the backdrop of India where drug patents are basically illegal and everything is copied for pennies. It's not "counterfeit", it's made by Glenmark and they just don't abide by US patent laws and charge nothing. I can feel the Telmisartan working and I had a slight drop in BP (few points) -- i have an Omniron blood pressure monitor device here.

EDIT: Here is the packaging (not that this proves it's legit, but maybe gives some indication of quality).

What else have you been taking? My resveratrol supplementation may have masked any effect from Niagen.

carnosine (3x, 500mg each), vit d, kelp (iodine) on days w/ no fish., zinc (11 mg), lactoferrin.

I have a gene that keeps my SIRT1 low and (i believe) an epigenetic metabolism aberration that compounds the matter and makes me trend towards T2D... I think the impact I feel might be bigger than most on these matters (telmisartan/nmr). Honestly, I have thought for years that I was a pre-alzheimer's, metabolically dysfunctional zombie and I got mental clarity, motivation and focus pretty quickly with them.

Edited by prophets, 03 April 2014 - 01:46 PM.

#374 maxwatt

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Posted 03 April 2014 - 02:19 PM

I have a gene that keeps my SIRT1 low and (i believe) an epigenetic metabolism aberration that compounds the matter and makes me trend towards T2D... I think the impact I feel might be bigger than most on these matters (telmisartan/nmr). Honestly, I have thought for years that I was a pre-alzheimer's, metabolically dysfunctional zombie and I got mental clarity, motivation and focus pretty quickly with them.

WRT Alzheimers, do you know if you are APOE4? NR might help with that. Also APOE2, without the Alzheimer's risk.

#375 APBT

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Posted 03 April 2014 - 06:32 PM

My resveratrol supplementation may have masked any effect from Niagen.

See post #238 on page 8 by "to age or not to age" http://www.longecity...n/page__st__210

....both NMN and NR raise NAD levels, either of these will do the job; they don't have
to be taken together. The effect of taking them with resveratrol is greater than additive, rather, it is multiplied. This
is new research and certain things are still being worked out this year. Could negative information come out?
Possibly, but it's looking good.

#376 Cabbage

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Posted 04 April 2014 - 10:22 PM

If it's not too late I'd like in as well.

#377 pedr0vsky

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Posted 06 April 2014 - 04:50 PM

Finally got this in this morning. Smaller prices.

100g. $150
200g. $300
500g, $400
1000g $600

That is a high of 1.5$ per gram to .6$ per gram at 1kg. 50$ shipping for US and 60$ for the EU.

Anson Zhao
Sales & Marketing Director
Shaanxi Pioneer Biotech Co., Ltd
Email: sales@pioneerbiotech.com

Note that is from the forum as this is a trial for them. They are still not convinced a bunch of people from a forum have any buying power.

Did anyone buy from this guys? Did you received the order? Does NR looks reddish? Does it produce effects? Thanks!

Edited by pedr0vsky, 06 April 2014 - 04:51 PM.

#378 mikey

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Posted 06 April 2014 - 05:43 PM

Finally got this in this morning. Smaller prices.

100g. $150
200g. $300
500g, $400
1000g $600

That is a high of 1.5$ per gram to .6$ per gram at 1kg. 50$ shipping for US and 60$ for the EU.

Anson Zhao
Sales & Marketing Director
Shaanxi Pioneer Biotech Co., Ltd
Email: sales@pioneerbiotech.com

Note that is from the forum as this is a trial for them. They are still not convinced a bunch of people from a forum have any buying power.

Did anyone buy from this guys? Did you received the order? Does NR looks reddish? Does it produce effects? Thanks!

Now that the last day for the group NR buy is upon us, we might take note of how many bottles we all ordered, so that we have a number to use to negotiate with such companies as Shaanxi to show our buying power.

I ordered 8 bottles. And I want to thank PWAIN for arranging the buy. Gratzie!
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#379 nbourbaki

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Posted 06 April 2014 - 06:26 PM

Finally got this in this morning. Smaller prices.

100g. $150
200g. $300
500g, $400
1000g $600

That is a high of 1.5$ per gram to .6$ per gram at 1kg. 50$ shipping for US and 60$ for the EU.

Anson Zhao
Sales & Marketing Director
Shaanxi Pioneer Biotech Co., Ltd
Email: sales@pioneerbiotech.com

Note that is from the forum as this is a trial for them. They are still not convinced a bunch of people from a forum have any buying power.

Did anyone buy from this guys? Did you received the order? Does NR looks reddish? Does it produce effects? Thanks!

Now that the last day for the group NR buy is upon us, we might take note of how many bottles we all ordered, so that we have a number to use to negotiate with such companies as Shaanxi to show our buying power.

I ordered 8 bottles. And I want to thank PWAIN for arranging the buy. Gratzie!

I ordered 15 bottles.

#380 Hebbeh

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Posted 06 April 2014 - 08:36 PM

Finally got this in this morning. Smaller prices.

100g. $150
200g. $300
500g, $400
1000g $600

That is a high of 1.5$ per gram to .6$ per gram at 1kg. 50$ shipping for US and 60$ for the EU.

Anson Zhao
Sales & Marketing Director
Shaanxi Pioneer Biotech Co., Ltd
Email: sales@pioneerbiotech.com

Note that is from the forum as this is a trial for them. They are still not convinced a bunch of people from a forum have any buying power.

Did anyone buy from this guys? Did you received the order? Does NR looks reddish? Does it produce effects? Thanks!

Now that the last day for the group NR buy is upon us, we might take note of how many bottles we all ordered, so that we have a number to use to negotiate with such companies as Shaanxi to show our buying power.

I ordered 8 bottles. And I want to thank PWAIN for arranging the buy. Gratzie!

I ordered 15 bottles.

I ordered 30 bottles.

#381 seescaper

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Posted 06 April 2014 - 10:28 PM

I'm missing something. This is the last day to decide? Are you referring to the prices just mentioned for 100gm to 1000gm? Would not the order be for an amount of grams rather than bottles? How much is in a bottle? has the product been tested?

Edited by seescaper, 06 April 2014 - 10:28 PM.

#382 midas

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Posted 06 April 2014 - 10:31 PM

[quote name='mikey' timestamp='1396806192' post='654577']
[quote name='pedr0vsky' timestamp='1396803013' post='654563']
[quote name='dpaxton' timestamp='1394028999' post='647533']
Finally got this in this morning. Smaller prices.

100g. $150
200g. $300
500g, $400
1000g $600

That is a high of 1.5$ per gram to .6$ per gram at 1kg. 50$ shipping for US and 60$ for the EU.

Anson Zhao
Sales & Marketing Director
Shaanxi Pioneer Biotech Co., Ltd
Email: sales@pioneerbiotech.com

Note that is from the forum as this is a trial for them. They are still not convinced a bunch of people from a forum have any buying power.

Did anyone buy from this guys? Did you received the order? Does NR looks reddish? Does it produce effects? Thanks!

Now that the last day for the group NR buy is upon us, we might take note of how many bottles we all ordered, so that we have a number to use to negotiate with such companies as Shaanxi to show our buying power.

I ordered 8 bottles. And I want to thank PWAIN for arranging the buy. Gratzie!
[quote name='nbourbaki' timestamp='1396808811' post='654591']
[quote name='mikey' timestamp='1396806192' post='654577']
[quote name='pedr0vsky' timestamp='1396803013' post='654563']
[quote name='dpaxton' timestamp='1394028999' post='647533']
Finally got this in this morning. Smaller prices.

100g. $150
200g. $300
500g, $400
1000g $600

That is a high of 1.5$ per gram to .6$ per gram at 1kg. 50$ shipping for US and 60$ for the EU.

Anson Zhao
Sales & Marketing Director
Shaanxi Pioneer Biotech Co., Ltd
Email: sales@pioneerbiotech.com

Note that is from the forum as this is a trial for them. They are still not convinced a bunch of people from a forum have any buying power.

Did anyone buy from this guys? Did you received the order? Does NR looks reddish? Does it produce effects? Thanks!

Now that the last day for the group NR buy is upon us, we might take note of how many bottles we all ordered, so that we have a number to use to negotiate with such companies as Shaanxi to show our buying power.

I ordered 8 bottles. And I want to thank PWAIN for arranging the buy. Gratzie!

I ordered 15 bottles.
[quote name='Hebbeh' timestamp='1396816569' post='654617']
[quote name='nbourbaki' timestamp='1396808811' post='654591']
[quote name='mikey' timestamp='1396806192' post='654577']
[quote name='pedr0vsky' timestamp='1396803013' post='654563']
[quote name='dpaxton' timestamp='1394028999' post='647533']
Finally got this in this morning. Smaller prices.

100g. $150
200g. $300
500g, $400
1000g $600

That is a high of 1.5$ per gram to .6$ per gram at 1kg. 50$ shipping for US and 60$ for the EU.

Anson Zhao
Sales & Marketing Director
Shaanxi Pioneer Biotech Co., Ltd
Email: sales@pioneerbiotech.com

Note that is from the forum as this is a trial for them. They are still not convinced a bunch of people from a forum have any buying power.

Did anyone buy from this guys? Did you received the order? Does NR looks reddish? Does it produce effects? Thanks!

Now that the last day for the group NR buy is upon us, we might take note of how many bottles we all ordered, so that we have a number to use to negotiate with such companies as Shaanxi to show our buying power.

I ordered 8 bottles. And I want to thank PWAIN for arranging the buy. Gratzie!

I ordered 15 bottles.

I ordered 30 bottles.

You guys are on the wrong thread for this, you are talking about the Niagen (nicotinamide riboside) group buy here... http://www.longecity...side-group-buy/

[quote name='seescaper' timestamp='1396823282' post='654643']
I'm missing something. This is the last day to decide? Are you referring to the prices just mentioned for 100gm to 1000gm? Would not the order be for an amount of grams rather than bottles? How much is in a bottle? has the product been tested?
They are confusing two different threads, they should have posted that on this thread here http://www.longecity...side-group-buy/

See post above...

#383 Hebbeh

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Posted 07 April 2014 - 12:04 AM

You guys are on the wrong thread for this, you are talking about the Niagen (nicotinamide riboside) group buy here... http://www.longecity...side-group-buy/

I'm missing something. This is the last day to decide? Are you referring to the prices just mentioned for 100gm to 1000gm? Would not the order be for an amount of grams rather than bottles? How much is in a bottle? has the product been tested?

They are confusing two different threads, they should have posted that on this thread here http://www.longecity...side-group-buy/

See post above...

You must of neglected to read Mikey's post you quoted and our response to his suggestion to gauge the possible interest and quantities in this group buy by the quantities purchased by members in the current group buy you referenced....I don't believe it is we who are confused....

Now that the last day for the group NR buy is upon us, we might take note of how many bottles we all ordered, so that we have a number to use to negotiate with such companies as Shaanxi to show our buying power.

I ordered 8 bottles. And I want to thank PWAIN for arranging the buy. Gratzie!

#384 midas

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Posted 07 April 2014 - 12:49 AM

I'm missing something. This is the last day to decide? Are you referring to the prices just mentioned for 100gm to 1000gm? Would not the order be for an amount of grams rather than bottles? How much is in a bottle? has the product been tested?

You must of neglected to read Mikey's post you quoted and our response to his suggestion to gauge the possible interest and quantities in this group buy by the quantities purchased by members in the current group buy you referenced....I don't believe it is we who are confused....

No, I read the post.

And, it seems, it confused Seascaper as well as myself!!....

It also lead me to think it was the last day to decide on the group buy.....And I'm sure others might make the same mistake by the wording of the post....All cleared up now though, isnt it.

The part that was confusing was...."Now that the last day for the group NR buy is upon us"


Edited by midas, 07 April 2014 - 12:54 AM.

#385 pedr0vsky

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Posted 08 April 2014 - 12:01 PM


I have just received an email from a very reputable and reliable china manufacturer!


There is an very high demand for nicotinamide riboside right now. See: http://www.longecity...side-group-buy/

don't you want to synthesize it?

B. Regards
From: XXXX
to me



Thanks for letting me know.


We are studying it and when we can supply, I’ll keep you updated.


Thanks and regards,


Edited by pedr0vsky, 08 April 2014 - 12:03 PM.

#386 aribadabar

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Posted 08 April 2014 - 11:29 PM





Finally got this in this morning. Smaller prices.

100g. $150
200g. $300
500g, $400
1000g $600

That is a high of 1.5$ per gram to .6$ per gram at 1kg. 50$ shipping for US and 60$ for the EU.

Anson Zhao
Sales & Marketing Director
Shaanxi Pioneer Biotech Co., Ltd
Email: sales@pioneerbiotech.com

Note that is from the forum as this is a trial for them. They are still not convinced a bunch of people from a forum have any buying power.

Did anyone buy from this guys? Did you received the order? Does NR looks reddish? Does it produce effects? Thanks!


Now that the last day for the group NR buy is upon us, we might take note of how many bottles we all ordered, so that we have a number to use to negotiate with such companies as Shaanxi to show our buying power.

I ordered 8 bottles. And I want to thank PWAIN for arranging the buy. Gratzie!


I ordered 15 bottles.


I ordered 30 bottles.


I ordered 10 bottles.

#387 BobSeitz

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Posted 09 April 2014 - 01:00 AM

I ordered (and received) 12 bottles.

#388 normalizing

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 02:05 AM

i didnt understand this thread. arent group buys meant for hard to acquire research chems ? nicotinamide riboside is available in every health shop online as Niagen, why do you need a group buy for that ?

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#389 midas

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 02:20 AM

i didnt understand this thread. arent group buys meant for hard to acquire research chems ? nicotinamide riboside is available in every health shop online as Niagen, why do you need a group buy for that ?


Buying it by the lb or Kilo is a damn site cheaper than buying it at 7.5 gram per bottle.

A lot of people would have trouble affording the $47 per month to just get a minimal amount.

Some here think we need a much as 5-7 grams per day, that would work out at as much as $47 a day, and I know for sure I couldn't even think about being able to afford that.


We are hoping to get 2.2 lb/s (1Kg) (1000 grams) for maybe as little as $300-$500 or even less, which is a fraction of the cost in the bottles which would be around $6300 at $47 per bottle.

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#390 normalizing

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 04:28 AM

whoa i didnt think you would so much. thats extensive. it is expensive in any way you look at it.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nicotinamide riboside, antioxidant, group buy

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