Do we have an estimate? I'd still like to know how much of this stuff I need to take.
At this point (figure you are not interested in weight-loss but rather the life-extension exhibited by the mouse studies) i do not think anyone can say with certainty. Some very intelligent folks on this forum though and i think there has been 2 extrapolations during the long (17 pages) life of this thread). So if you go all the way back you should be able to find--- from memory and my brain i came up with a minimum of 1.5 grams ----i think one of the mouse extrapolators came up with that 1.5-2 grams in terms of correspondence to human. If someone who has knowledge regarding could jump in here would be great. I plan on starting with 1 gram minimum a day divided in the earlier part of the day (there has been a post re the time of day to take as well that was informative) and probably level off at 1.5 grams a day max.
Hopefully this poor response will invite a better one with the mathematics of conversion from mouse