Just want to remind you people one more time that 1 kg may be waaay to much. You have to adopt to the human metabolism which means
24.3243243243 mg / kg =1.5 GRAM a day.
Just seems like this, quite crucial part, has been forgotton. I am sorry if I missed the reason for why this is neglected.
This means 1 kg = 666 days (bad sign?
) It is quite iportant that people realize they are not mice.
So how long should one take it if you take 1.5 grams per day? I know someone said something about how your body will recycle it, so you only need so much. If you take less per day, should you take the same overall amount?
Good question. I honestly don't know, the metabolic rate changes time, but not total amount, so I guess it is the same total amount if you do not plan to take it continously. It may be a good idea to start a bit stronger the first few days to get the ratio up to a higher level, and then go down to a lower maintainance level.
But I think the total amount is the same, it just takes longer time to get there (for example, a Mouse's heartbeats are faster than the Elephant's, but they do approximately the same amount of heart-beat per lifetime), With this logic, less per day, but longer, should do it. But i do Quantum physics, not biomedecin, so I hope someone else can correct me if I'm wrong