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Timar's Polypulp

polypill polymeal polypulp

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#31 Heisok

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Posted 26 December 2018 - 05:49 PM



Common knowledge to you? Please explain, with some facts to back it up why Coconut Oil for this purpose.


If you carefully looked at the recipe, and nutrient makeup, you would see that Coconut Oil can not replace the Red Palm Oil. See the section which I cut from the original post, and elsewhere. 


If one is concerned with the environmental impact, then the use of RSPO certified Red Palm Oil could be your solution. https://www.rspo.org/


Curcumin (from turmeric): 113 mg
Piperine (from black pepper): 2 mg
Tocotrienols (from red palm oil): 2.7 mg
Carotenoids (from red palm oil): 3.3 mg


Table 2

Presence of different tocotrienols in various vegetable oils (adapted from Liu et al. 2008) [38].

  α-Tocotrienol (mg/L) γ-Tocotrienol (mg/L) δ-Tocotrienol (mg/L)


Total tocotrienols (mg/L)

Palm                          205 439 94   738


Coconut                     5     1   19      25



I won't go into the details and just to want to inform and warn others to do the research about coconut oil vs palm oil and why use coconut in this recipe instead of palm oil.

Although I thought that it was already common knowledge.



Edited by Heisok, 26 December 2018 - 05:53 PM.

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#32 davis89x

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Posted 27 December 2018 - 01:33 PM

Dear @Heisok


You are probably right.

For sure considering nutrient value(tocotrienols and carotenoids) it delivers fair amount of them.


What was my concern was first tans-fats produced firstly while processing the oil in the production stage(but can be probably avoided by buying unrefined?) and secondly while heating the recipe mixture(but again one can ask how much actually there would be trans fats produced and would be that a concern).

Secondly it was a Palmitric acid which in short also seem to be not the best thing to consume in excess/for longer time.


Why I wrote that I felt like it was already some kind of common knowledge was that just recent year I noticed many people in the society in general were discussing this topic quite often and also mainstream media quite often took this topic reporting for example of some countries which banned some products because of this oil in products - or rather hydrogenated/solid form of it.


I admit I might be wrong on all that because I never dig into that at the base level - examining some researches etc.

Edited by davis89x, 27 December 2018 - 02:07 PM.

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#33 Heisok

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Posted 27 December 2018 - 05:12 PM

Thanks for your reply.


Red Palm oil is naturally non-hydrogenated as is Coconut Oil. It is naturally solid as is Coconut Oil. If there is some sort of combination requires hydrogenation, then the truth is in any specific product. Coconut Oil can be hydrogenated, but I would not suggest that Coconut Oil not be used due to that possibility.


This discussion ignores the intent of the thread, and if timar is still using their method anyway. The previous last post had been 1 year , and 10 months earlier.  I did not post to claim that the Red Palm oil is good to take, just to question your assertion to us Coconut Oil. Personally, I would supplement for Tocotrienols, but that is just a personal move.  Some individuals prefer getting them in other ways.

Edited by Heisok, 27 December 2018 - 05:21 PM.

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