...He's not creating these items in his bath tub. He is relying on another company entirely. He cannot be held responsible for the purity or lack thereof of some substance you agreed to have created by an unknown supplier on the internet through a third party!
I disagree. The Group Buy ORGANIZER is most certainly responsible for supervising the product's QUALITY CONTROL and ensuring that the product provided to all Group Buy PARTICIPANTS meets both the specified PURITY and QUANTITY ordered.
That's assuming that the organizer has some sort of control over the random lab in <insert country here> that is synthesizing the product. Unless everyone agrees, up front, that they'd use a lab that promises (legally) results to a certain specification, *and* that the organizer is in a position to force that issue and hold them accountable *legally*, I don't see how this is even possible.. It certainly won't lead to fast and speedy results ;-) Maybe you mean that the only folks who should organize group buys are those who have at least as much money as the full cost of synthesis in their bank account, just in case the first supplier screws everything up, so that a second lab entirely can be hired? That's fine, I suppose, but I think that needs to be made clear to the Organizer, prior to his or her attempt, and I highly suspect that no one will be willing to do Group Buys anymore, or that they will charge at least somewhat more than double the amount for the first attempt at synthesis... how could they do otherwise, in the absence of sheer altruism?
If, on the other hand, you just mean that they should do their very best to ensure that the purity and quantity matches the expectations of the buyers, I agree 100%, and believe that that goes without saying. If yadayada hasn't done this, then he's absolutely wrong. I haven't been watching that closely, but it appears to me (albeit, at a glance) that he has.
I should also say that I have been burned before in a similar situation, and I understand how upsetting it can be. I feel bad for everyone who has been affected by this; still, I think we should be very, very careful when assigning blame, and ensure that we are holding people to a realistic standard. For what it's worth, I really appreciate what you're doing in that other thread to try and settle this kind of stuff prior to the buy commencing. That is a huge and important service!
Edited by almostalwaystired, 24 January 2014 - 04:49 PM.