(-)-BPAP Discussion & Experience Feedback
Posted 24 January 2014 - 04:53 PM
find out next time on dragon ball z!
OK, I have an idea.. possibly things might resolve better if you explain how you profited & maybe sincerely apologize for dragging people on and on for your own reasons.. really tiring seeing this thread constantly beat around the bush and your posts are not helping /at all/ in bringing any sort of closure.. quite the opposite really.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 04:57 PM
What an idiotic comment. I'm sorry your mom dropped you when you were a child.The moon is also made of cheese. Am I responsible for that also? I'm sorry if you're adopted, it's really not my fault. Should I give you money for that too?
Your comment also made no sense. It's absolutely ridiculous to expect yadayada to fully refund you for a botched synthesis over which he had no control, and the results of which he cannot enforce legally. Where is he supposed to get the money, now that its been spent? I might not find it as ridiculous were folks to ask for a refund on the *profit* he made (assuming he took such in cash and not additional product, in which case he is out a tremendous amount of money (just like you) in addition to the significant amount of time he spent on this.)
I have not been a member of this specific community for a long time. Is this the first time that someone has bought something that turned out to be lower quality than they expected? You folks have lived very fortunate lives if that's the case, especially for folks who buy chemicals, that need to be custom synthesized, from unknown sources, all over the world.
I will repeat that yadayada should do everything in his power to make things right now. If you're rational, you'll stop attacking him and accusing him of theft. You are removing any incentive for him to make a good faith attempt to fix this for you, and you are relying on his honor as an organizer to fix this, at the same time you accuse him of having none. I'd like to think that he's a good enough guy to continue trying to fix it anyways, because that's the right thing to do.
Let me put this another way. I get it. It sucks. You spent money, and you received a product that did not meet your expectations. That's awful. But at what point did it become reasonable to impugn his motives? I've seen him accused of all kinds of things, insulted, etc, without much specific evidence. What do we know other than that his supplier screwed up the order?
Edited by almostalwaystired, 24 January 2014 - 05:01 PM.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 05:03 PM
How can we be rational with someone who is not rational and continuously sparks ad hominem attacks? He already told us he is "done" with this group buy and thus does not intend to propose any remedies.I will repeat that yadayada should do everything in his power to make things right now. If you're rational, you'll stop attacking him and accusing him of theft. You are removing any incentive for him to make a good faith attempt to fix this for you, and you are relying on his honor as an organizer to fix this, at the same time you accuse him of having none. I'd like to think that he's a good enough guy to continue trying to fix it anyways, because that's the right thing to do.
Edited by tritium, 24 January 2014 - 05:05 PM.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 05:08 PM
How can we be rational with someone who is not rational and continuously sparks ad hominem attacks? He already told us he is "done" with this group buy and thus does not intend to propose any remedies.I will repeat that yadayada should do everything in his power to make things right now. If you're rational, you'll stop attacking him and accusing him of theft. You are removing any incentive for him to make a good faith attempt to fix this for you, and you are relying on his honor as an organizer to fix this, at the same time you accuse him of having none. I'd like to think that he's a good enough guy to continue trying to fix it anyways, because that's the right thing to do.
Actually, that's not what he said. He said he is "Thank God I'm done with doing group buys with paranoid and angsty people." He didn't specifically say that he wouldn't help, in any way, with this group buy anymore. That statement is open to interpretation. And he said that only after you said this:
I agree. It seems like he never actually paid for any synthesis, just sent out baking powder in DMSO, and pocketed the money. Then when people started to accuse him, he probably purchased 1 gram of real BPAP somewhere cheap for analysis to try to convince people he's legit.
That is a terrible accusation. Seemingly meanspirited, and a direct attack on his honor. What sort of service are you expecting in the face of a direct accusation that he has lied to all of you and purposely stolen your money? Like I said, as a decent guy, he should try to fix it for you even though you are being incredibly uncharitable and impugning his character without any evidence that the claim you made is accurate. Hopefully, he will.
Edited by almostalwaystired, 24 January 2014 - 05:11 PM.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 05:12 PM
It is what he deserves for how he has been acting lately. You must be another account made by yadayada?That is a terrible accusation. Seemingly meanspirited, and a direct attack on his honor. What sort of service are you expecting in the face of a direct accusation that he has lied to all of you and purposely stolen your money? Like I said, as a decent guy, he should try to fix it for you even though you are being incredibly uncharitable and impugning his character without any evidence that the claim you made is accurate. Hopefully, he will.
Edited by tritium, 24 January 2014 - 05:13 PM.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 05:19 PM
It is what he deserves for how he has been acting lately. You must be another account made by yadayada?That is a terrible accusation. Seemingly meanspirited, and a direct attack on his honor. What sort of service are you expecting in the face of a direct accusation that he has lied to all of you and purposely stolen your money? Like I said, as a decent guy, he should try to fix it for you even though you are being incredibly uncharitable and impugning his character without any evidence that the claim you made is accurate. Hopefully, he will.
Wow. You really are paranoid :D
Can you please supply evidence that he " sent out baking powder in DMSO, and pocketed the money. Then when people started to accuse him, he probably purchased 1 gram of real BPAP somewhere cheap for analysis to try to convince people he's legit"? If you have no evidence, then you are accusing him of a crime (legally punishable, were it be proven, btw), in the total absence of evidence. He can't "deserve" that, unless he did it.
You are well within your rights, ethically, to loudly proclaim your dissatisfaction with your purchase, to encourage folks not to buy from group buys he organizes in the future, due to lack of reliability with one of his labs (though it sounds like he might not have any in the future), to say you don't particularly like him, whatever. You are not entitled to make accusations with zero evidence, at least not if you care about acting justly.
It's ok to be mad. It's really not ok to make unsubstantiated accusations. And it's unhealthy to assume that the only way someone might disagree with you is if they are somehow conspiratorially linked to one of your "enemies."
Posted 24 January 2014 - 05:31 PM
so on too many drugs(not going to link to post, but... SSRI, MAOI, lithium, benzos, & others ..oh my), trolling, purposely shifting the conversation to nonsense, or simply horrible at communicating?
find out next time on dragon ball z!
OK, I have an idea.. possibly things might resolve better if you explain how you profited & maybe sincerely apologize for dragging people on and on for your own reasons.. really tiring seeing this thread constantly beat around the bush and your posts are not helping /at all/ in bringing any sort of closure.. quite the opposite really.
And you thought the best way to seek closure in this thread was to mock him for the medications he (supposedly) takes? Really? If that's what you're doing, that is incredibly meanspirited.
I agree that he should apologize that things went poorly, and should do his best to make amends by working with the supplier.
What do you mean by "dragging people on and on for your own reasons"? I'm not asking rhetorically, I'm trying to figure out what, specifically, you mean by that.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 05:51 PM
Tritium is being pretty sensational.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 06:02 PM
so on too many drugs(not going to link to post, but... SSRI, MAOI, lithium, benzos, & others ..oh my), trolling, purposely shifting the conversation to nonsense, or simply horrible at communicating?
find out next time on dragon ball z!
OK, I have an idea.. possibly things might resolve better if you explain how you profited & maybe sincerely apologize for dragging people on and on for your own reasons.. really tiring seeing this thread constantly beat around the bush and your posts are not helping /at all/ in bringing any sort of closure.. quite the opposite really.
And you thought the best way to seek closure in this thread was to mock him for the medications he (supposedly) takes? Really? If that's what you're doing, that is incredibly meanspirited.
I agree that he should apologize that things went poorly, and should do his best to make amends by working with the supplier.
What do you mean by "dragging people on and on for your own reasons"? I'm not asking rhetorically, I'm trying to figure out what, specifically, you mean by that.
ok you explain why he is acting like this then...? sorry for being "incredibly meanspirited" I guess.. but really.. did you read the thread? look at his post history? it is insulting nonsense.. honestly he is repeatedly asking for all of this.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 06:43 PM
To be honest, I was just acting as childing to the responses. I wen't from 120 TK points to some 20 over a week, lol.so on too many drugs(not going to link to post, but... SSRI, MAOI, lithium, benzos, & others ..oh my), trolling, purposely shifting the conversation to nonsense, or simply horrible at communicating?
find out next time on dragon ball z!
OK, I have an idea.. possibly things might resolve better if you explain how you profited & maybe sincerely apologize for dragging people on and on for your own reasons.. really tiring seeing this thread constantly beat around the bush and your posts are not helping /at all/ in bringing any sort of closure.. quite the opposite really.
And you thought the best way to seek closure in this thread was to mock him for the medications he (supposedly) takes? Really? If that's what you're doing, that is incredibly meanspirited.
I agree that he should apologize that things went poorly, and should do his best to make amends by working with the supplier.
What do you mean by "dragging people on and on for your own reasons"? I'm not asking rhetorically, I'm trying to figure out what, specifically, you mean by that.
ok you explain why he is acting like this then...? sorry for being "incredibly meanspirited" I guess.. but really.. did you read the thread? look at his post history? it is insulting nonsense.. honestly he is repeatedly asking for all of this.
I don't feel like acting like an adult to childish behavior. *Oh, you did all the work, offered a sample for testing, explained everything in the BPAP group buy thread as to why things are the way they are; but, I'm still shitfaced unhappy.* Not my problem at this point. For the matter, Q did it! got the extra vials that are going to be distributed to participants of the group buy.
Not to mention the people who jumped on the bandwagon of trolling me, who had nothing to do with the group buy. I don't feel guilty of anything at all at this point. I wen't above and beyond what anyone else would put up with and still delivered. Not to mention I was the organizer of this whole group buy and have a life outside of this circus that went on here.
Edited by yadayada, 24 January 2014 - 06:45 PM.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 06:55 PM
To be honest, I was just acting as childing to the responses. I wen't from 120 TK points to some 20 over a week, lol.so on too many drugs(not going to link to post, but... SSRI, MAOI, lithium, benzos, & others ..oh my), trolling, purposely shifting the conversation to nonsense, or simply horrible at communicating?
find out next time on dragon ball z!
OK, I have an idea.. possibly things might resolve better if you explain how you profited & maybe sincerely apologize for dragging people on and on for your own reasons.. really tiring seeing this thread constantly beat around the bush and your posts are not helping /at all/ in bringing any sort of closure.. quite the opposite really.
And you thought the best way to seek closure in this thread was to mock him for the medications he (supposedly) takes? Really? If that's what you're doing, that is incredibly meanspirited.
I agree that he should apologize that things went poorly, and should do his best to make amends by working with the supplier.
What do you mean by "dragging people on and on for your own reasons"? I'm not asking rhetorically, I'm trying to figure out what, specifically, you mean by that.
ok you explain why he is acting like this then...? sorry for being "incredibly meanspirited" I guess.. but really.. did you read the thread? look at his post history? it is insulting nonsense.. honestly he is repeatedly asking for all of this.
I don't feel like acting like an adult to childish behavior. *Oh, you did all the work, offered a sample for testing, explained everything in the BPAP group buy thread as to why things are the way they are; but, I'm still shitfaced unhappy.* Not my problem at this point. For the matter, Q did it! got the extra vials that are going to be distributed to participants of the group buy.
Not to mention the people who jumped on the bandwagon of trolling me, who had nothing to do with the group buy. I don't feel guilty of anything at all at this point. I wen't above and beyond what anyone else would put up with and still delivered. Not to mention I was the organizer of this whole group buy and have a life outside of this circus that went on here.
Just to be clear, then, yadayada, your supplier sent out additional product to make up for the discrepancy? If so, what is left to be upset about? Just the fact that folks had to wait longer than they would have liked?
Obviously, your comments were lame in some cases. Still, one needs to look at them in context. When someone is accusing you of defrauding a bunch of people with no evidence, mocking you and insulting you, it's not surprising that you were sarcastic.
so on too many drugs(not going to link to post, but... SSRI, MAOI, lithium, benzos, & others ..oh my), trolling, purposely shifting the conversation to nonsense, or simply horrible at communicating?
find out next time on dragon ball z!
OK, I have an idea.. possibly things might resolve better if you explain how you profited & maybe sincerely apologize for dragging people on and on for your own reasons.. really tiring seeing this thread constantly beat around the bush and your posts are not helping /at all/ in bringing any sort of closure.. quite the opposite really.
And you thought the best way to seek closure in this thread was to mock him for the medications he (supposedly) takes? Really? If that's what you're doing, that is incredibly meanspirited.
I agree that he should apologize that things went poorly, and should do his best to make amends by working with the supplier.
What do you mean by "dragging people on and on for your own reasons"? I'm not asking rhetorically, I'm trying to figure out what, specifically, you mean by that.
ok you explain why he is acting like this then...? sorry for being "incredibly meanspirited" I guess.. but really.. did you read the thread? look at his post history? it is insulting nonsense.. honestly he is repeatedly asking for all of this.
You guess? In any event, you'll have to forgive me. I've seen how mental illness can destroy people's lives, and have seen the medicine that they take to try and salvage it. To me, it's not better than mocking a person who uses a cane to walk. I have no idea if yadayada is only using those drugs in an attempt to improve from a reasonable baseline or not, so maybe it doesn't apply in quite the same way, if you are certain that that's the case. Even if it's not, it's still ridiculous to mock him (even if less meanspirited.)
Posted 24 January 2014 - 06:56 PM
Yup, I already sent out extra vials, and Q can confirm that he got them. There's only so much one can do. The group buy turned into a witchhunt. So, no more group buys for me.To be honest, I was just acting as childing to the responses. I wen't from 120 TK points to some 20 over a week, lol.so on too many drugs(not going to link to post, but... SSRI, MAOI, lithium, benzos, & others ..oh my), trolling, purposely shifting the conversation to nonsense, or simply horrible at communicating?
find out next time on dragon ball z!
OK, I have an idea.. possibly things might resolve better if you explain how you profited & maybe sincerely apologize for dragging people on and on for your own reasons.. really tiring seeing this thread constantly beat around the bush and your posts are not helping /at all/ in bringing any sort of closure.. quite the opposite really.
And you thought the best way to seek closure in this thread was to mock him for the medications he (supposedly) takes? Really? If that's what you're doing, that is incredibly meanspirited.
I agree that he should apologize that things went poorly, and should do his best to make amends by working with the supplier.
What do you mean by "dragging people on and on for your own reasons"? I'm not asking rhetorically, I'm trying to figure out what, specifically, you mean by that.
ok you explain why he is acting like this then...? sorry for being "incredibly meanspirited" I guess.. but really.. did you read the thread? look at his post history? it is insulting nonsense.. honestly he is repeatedly asking for all of this.
I don't feel like acting like an adult to childish behavior. *Oh, you did all the work, offered a sample for testing, explained everything in the BPAP group buy thread as to why things are the way they are; but, I'm still shitfaced unhappy.* Not my problem at this point. For the matter, Q did it! got the extra vials that are going to be distributed to participants of the group buy.
Not to mention the people who jumped on the bandwagon of trolling me, who had nothing to do with the group buy. I don't feel guilty of anything at all at this point. I wen't above and beyond what anyone else would put up with and still delivered. Not to mention I was the organizer of this whole group buy and have a life outside of this circus that went on here.
Just to be clear, then, yadayada, your supplier sent out additional product to make up for the discrepancy? If so, what is left to be upset about? Just the fact that folks had to wait longer than they would have liked?
Obviously, your comments were lame in some cases. Still, one needs to look at them in context. When someone is accusing you of defrauding a bunch of people with no evidence, mocking you and insulting you, it's not surprising that you were sarcastic.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 06:59 PM
Yup, I already sent out extra vials, and Q can confirm that he got them. There's only so much one can do. The group buy turned into a witchhunt. So, no more group buys for me.
And I'm sure a bunch of other folks who were doing this in their free time (rather than as a business) are just lining up to be next on the chopping block ;-)
So, that said, I assume everyone is now going to shower you with apologies, now that you've proved that you weren't a con man.. right?
Right guys?
Posted 24 January 2014 - 07:13 PM
Lol, I really don't care anymore.Yup, I already sent out extra vials, and Q can confirm that he got them. There's only so much one can do. The group buy turned into a witchhunt. So, no more group buys for me.
And I'm sure a bunch of other folks who were doing this in their free time (rather than as a business) are just lining up to be next on the chopping block ;-)
So, that said, I assume everyone is now going to shower you with apologies, now that you've proved that you weren't a con man.. right?
Right guys?
Posted 24 January 2014 - 11:13 PM
The fact that he sent out anything dissolved in DMSO, which is listed as a schedule 4 poison in certain countries and known neurotoxin, shows that he could be guilty of involuntary manslaughter if anybody is harmed from taking it and could be put in prison for life. There have been cases of death when people have taken DMSO.Can you please supply evidence that he " sent out baking powder in DMSO, and pocketed the money. Then when people started to accuse him, he probably purchased 1 gram of real BPAP somewhere cheap for analysis to try to convince people he's legit"? If you have no evidence, then you are accusing him of a crime (legally punishable, were it be proven, btw), in the total absence of evidence. He can't "deserve" that, unless he did it.
You are well within your rights, ethically, to loudly proclaim your dissatisfaction with your purchase, to encourage folks not to buy from group buys he organizes in the future, due to lack of reliability with one of his labs (though it sounds like he might not have any in the future), to say you don't particularly like him, whatever. You are not entitled to make accusations with zero evidence, at least not if you care about acting justly.
It's ok to be mad. It's really not ok to make unsubstantiated accusations. And it's unhealthy to assume that the only way someone might disagree with you is if they are somehow conspiratorially linked to one of your "enemies."
Posted 24 January 2014 - 11:20 PM
The fact that he sent out anything dissolved in DMSO, which is listed as a schedule 4 poison in certain countries and known neurotoxin, shows that he could be guilty of involuntary manslaughter if anybody is harmed from taking it and could be put in prison for life. There have been cases of death when people have taken DMSO.Can you please supply evidence that he " sent out baking powder in DMSO, and pocketed the money. Then when people started to accuse him, he probably purchased 1 gram of real BPAP somewhere cheap for analysis to try to convince people he's legit"? If you have no evidence, then you are accusing him of a crime (legally punishable, were it be proven, btw), in the total absence of evidence. He can't "deserve" that, unless he did it.
You are well within your rights, ethically, to loudly proclaim your dissatisfaction with your purchase, to encourage folks not to buy from group buys he organizes in the future, due to lack of reliability with one of his labs (though it sounds like he might not have any in the future), to say you don't particularly like him, whatever. You are not entitled to make accusations with zero evidence, at least not if you care about acting justly.
It's ok to be mad. It's really not ok to make unsubstantiated accusations. And it's unhealthy to assume that the only way someone might disagree with you is if they are somehow conspiratorially linked to one of your "enemies."
Then accuse him of unwisely sending out a dangerous product the laboratory sent him. Don't accuse him of imaginary crimes of malicious intent for which you have (presumably admittedly ;-) ?) zero evidence.
I also seem to recall that he told everyone that the laboratory used that solvent, so that each person could decide for themselves whether to ingest it. I don't care enough to look it up. Perhaps you can demonstrate him lying about the existence of the solvent in some thread, or show where he made that decision himself, rather than the folks at the lab?
I also see people widely discussing DMSO on this forum, in a both negative and positive light. I suspect there are many compounds that folks ingest within this community that some people would consider dangerous or irrational.
In any event, you decided to defend your absurd accusation that was utterly lacking in evidence, with another accusation. In other words, you changed the subject entirely rather than dealing with your behavior. Whatever. It's over. He has already proved he is not a conman (as you dishonorably accused him) by sending out the vials. Feel free to continue whining.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 11:24 PM
Posted 24 January 2014 - 11:37 PM
The laboratory sent him powder and he added the DMSO. Get your facts straight and stop trolling this thread
Please supply evidence.
You are still ignoring the fact that you fabricated an accusation regarding him shipping baking soda in DMSO. Not surprisingly.
First you accused me of actually being yadayada, now I am "trolling."
For the love of God, understand that folks can disagree without having nefarious or conspiratorial motives. It's unhealthy tritium.
For what its worth, I see:
"The BPAP was made in liquid form because that was the easiest way to ship it as far as I know for the supplier.[... and later...I] suspect that the supplier might be forthcoming and honest otherwise it might dissuade customers from purchasing a perishable product. It might be easier to also measure the compound out in DMSO. Though I'm still not really sure what is so bad about DMSO. "
In other words, it does not sound like he had an option for delivery in a reasonable time, while still protecting the compound, besides DMSO. But maybe I am misinterpreting it.
Please provide evidence demonstrating that yadayada received the powder and then personally diluted it in DMSO and sent the group buyers that solution instead. At least then one of your accusations will seem reasonable (unfortunately the far less abrasive one.. We all know your other accusation that actually impugned his character was dreamed up and that you have zero evidence supporting it.) I recognize I might have missed it, so please point me to it if it's there.
And since you seem so perplexed at my motives. I will share them. I was very pleasantly surprised that there were folks who were willing to undertake the significant effort, risk, etc in organizing these group buys of often untested compounds from third parties. I think that while it is risky, it is a tremendous boon to this community and sets it apart from many others. In other words, I deeply appreciate the work that yadayada and others have done with group buys and find it terribly obnoxious that folks are accusing him of something that seriously impugns his character and undermines his efforts with literally zero evidence. Not only do I sympathize with him on a human level (being falsely accused sucks!), I also worry that it will dissuade others from being willing to handle these buys in the future. If one misstep (which is not clearly even his fault) undermines all of the other work he's done, and leads to people calling him a conman, who else will want to bother with any of this, unless they are profiting very significantly?
Finally, I should note.. I've been upset before. Really upset. And I've said some things without warrant. Once I realized it, I apologized for it. It's not the end of the world ;-)
Edited by almostalwaystired, 24 January 2014 - 11:57 PM.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 11:57 PM
The plot thickens! I'm not going to even ask why the hell I would do this.The laboratory sent him powder and he added the DMSO. Get your facts straight and stop trolling this thread
OMG, I'm actually laughing. Wait let me see if twitium was in the group buy. Nope. Phew, glad I avoided that turd!
Posted 25 January 2014 - 12:09 AM
I don’t need to be a participant to help them out. There are two reasons why you would do that. First, it's an easy way for you to hide the actual amount you are sending out to participants and gain on profits. Second, you seem to not be intelligent enough to research the effects of chemicals. Finally, a lab would not send out R-(-)-1-(benzofuran-2-yl)-2-propylaminopentane-dimethyl-sulfoxide if what you ordered was actually R-(-)-1-(benzofuran-2-yl)-2-propylaminopentane.The plot thickens! I'm not going to even ask why the hell I would do this.
OMG, I'm actually laughing. Wait let me see if twitium was in the group buy. Nope. Phew, glad I avoided that turd!
Edited by tritium, 25 January 2014 - 12:13 AM.
Posted 25 January 2014 - 12:12 AM
I don’t need to be a participant to help them out. There are two reasons why you would do that. First, it's an easy way for you to hide the actual amount you are sending out to participants and gain on profits. Second, you seem to not be intelligent enough to research the effects of chemicals. Finally, a lab would not send out (2R)-1-(1-Benzofuran-2-yl)-N-propylpentan-2-amine-dimethyl-sulfoxide if what you ordered was actually (2R)-1-(1-Benzofuran-2-yl)-N-propylpentan-2-amine.The plot thickens! I'm not going to even ask why the hell I would do this.
OMG, I'm actually laughing. Wait let me see if twitium was in the group buy. Nope. Phew, glad I avoided that turd!
Right. So I ask you for evidence, and you demonstrate yet again that you have none. You are just speculating entirely. Shocking, right?
Obviously, it could be that yadayada added the DMSO. Obviously.
But you have no evidence whatsoever, for any of your accusations. You're free to prattle on pridefully rather than admitting that you are impugning someone's character based purely on speculation. I suspect you to continue with the former. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Posted 25 January 2014 - 02:15 AM
The laboratory sent him powder and he added the DMSO. Get your facts straight and stop trolling this thread
This didn't happen. I received two vials direct from Hong Kong via DHL. You really should pull your head in a bit mate.
Posted 25 January 2014 - 02:41 AM
Posted 25 January 2014 - 04:30 AM
Posted 25 January 2014 - 07:20 PM
Really, has nobody ever read this thread??? Especially the members of the group buy??? It has been established multiple times by multiple parties that the supplier shipped it dissolved in DMSO and why he shipped it in DMSO. This was established long before it was shipped from Hong Kong. I am just amazed at all the johnny come latelies with no vested interest in the group buy that have no absolutely no clue what they are talking about but continue to make crap up and troll on and on about imaginary crap. Sure the group buy wasn't handled the best and the supplier from Hong Kong was apparently in over his head and we all wish it had gone better but any group buy on custom synthesized research chemicals from low bid out of China is risky business and we all have been assuming those risks in multiple ways. What is truly amazing is that more group buys don't end up this way. And I can assure everybody that my vial wasn't baking soda. Whether it was BPAP I have no clue but what ever it is, it is definitely and strongly psychoactive in small amounts. And that isn't just my experience as I've verified the same experiences with other group buy members via PM...but I believe most members are reluctant to post here because of all the BS from the trolls....trolls that haven't any experience with the buy or the compound and for whatever reason are stirring crap up for there own agenda that is not beneficial to this community.
Very true, but lets try not to assume this is BPAP. Especially at a high purity. I think it's very likely to be BPAP but we can't feel satisfied just yet.
Edited by sparkk51, 25 January 2014 - 07:21 PM.
Posted 02 February 2014 - 01:38 AM
Posted 02 February 2014 - 02:39 AM
Posted 02 February 2014 - 03:20 AM
Personally I think "4-dma-7,8,-dihydroxyflavone" would be a great target for many of us here, I am also interested in BQCA as well as its derivatives.
A sidenote Scienceguy's patience and diplomacy are uncommon and a lost art.
Posted 02 February 2014 - 03:41 AM
I have received the BPAP sample from the manufacturer for testing.
It was packed in a small plastic pouch, in an envelope. I transferred it into a glass vial (almost all of it). Weighed at 31.5 mg
It is white powder which is good. I will do some testing myself and report to you next week.
However to ID the compound I would have to ship it to the analytical company for a fee.
The plan is to determine exact molecular mass by MS. That should be sufficient to get reasonable confidence that what we have is BPAP. Basically it should confirm whether it has the right number and type of elements, or the chemical formula.
The next question would be to collect the necessary funds. $250 for testing plus $20 shipping cost.
Edited by uralsky, 02 February 2014 - 03:43 AM.
Posted 02 February 2014 - 06:26 AM
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: bdnf, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, knoll, bpap
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