Hello all,
I am back with an update
1) mostly back to normal, but things K2 helped with have reappeared.
2) Onyomis side effects occured at dose that you'd get from 1-2 eggs?
3) I have found side effect data
4) lmao I might start again but at a much lower doseage/wider spacing of doses.
I had a eye exam by optician and OCT scan results were good.
My body seems to have returned to normal with issues that K2 helped with reappearing after a few weeks.
- Teeth have yellowed somewhat, (back to normal) even a relative noticed
- Varicose vein has reappeared on my right leg, previously barely visible
- Sensitivity/ache in my right knee has reappeared
- chilies seems to give me noticeable elevated heart rate, higher sympathetic activation then previous. I am going to lay off them for a while. (though on the night this all kicked off I did eat a stew with scotch bonnet perhaps the initial sweat and symptoms were due to that?)
Onyomi took a 50mcg dose of K2 MK4. this is roughly the dose you would find in 1-2 eggs. The strength of his reaction is somewhat surprising. I am going to list some speculations on my part
- The pills contained more MK4 than listed
- There might of been a hotspot in the pill
- Pill might of contained mk7 instead of mk4
- previous mk7 supplementation may have meant he had plenty of vitamin k2 in his body, this + lower k2 metabolism could have caused some issues?
- perhaps the earlier posters were correct and its a nocebo/some other condition
- mk4 was not bio identical this is a controversy atm with mk7 the trans version exists in natto but some supplements contain a fraction of cis mk7
Study/Trial data on K2 adverse events doesnt really exist (apart from one table I found) so we rely on anecdotes on the internet from here, amazon review, inspire.com osteoporosis (lots of anecdotes/discussion here)
The trial data I found was published in a packages insert for a high dose prescription k2 mk4 supplement used in Japan by Glakay. I found that this pdf document had the advesre events extracts published by people online but the document they linked to was no longer available. I did however find the data republished by a review article by UK gov body examining vitamin k for osteoporosis/fractures in women. They also commented on the lack of adverse events data and cited the glakay insert as the only example.
Its the first table here -> (pg37/174 https://journalslibrary.nihr.ac.uk/hta/hta13450/#/abstract, https://doi.org/10.3310/hta13450)
also available here reputable seems to be a medline but for asia https://www.mims.com...verse-reactions
I have also attached it below. fwiw onyomis and the commonly reported symptoms are all identified here but this is a 45mg dose....
In view of the return of the knee sensitivity and the varicose vein prominence I think I want to try again but at much lower dosage apparently 1.5mg mk4 is enough for some to have seen benefits both anecdotally and a study found it maintained bmd in postmenopausal women https://pubmed.ncbi.....gov/23702931/ an relevant anecdote noting low dose benefits also noted iteractions with some supplements (https://www.inspire.com/groups/national-osteoporosis-foundation/discussion/k2-mk4-might-have-adverse-interactions-with-opc-and-other-bioflavonoids/)