I was supplementing with a lot of supplements before, and while I haven't abandoned all of them (I still take Phenylpiracetam, Icarin, Noopept, and Sunifiram), I've been able to eliminate things that don't work for me. I will list what I'm taking now, in totality, in order to explain why I'm going even further in my explorations, but not much further, due to the fact that I have achieved what can be described as personal and practical nirvana, which at this point is only amenable to optimizations that present themselves to me.
Stuff that is easy to find in stores.
- Powdered Multivitamin/Mineral mix,
- Liquid Multivitamin Product (Walgreens brand),
- Liquid Trace Mineral (Vitamin Shoppe brand),
- Optimum Nutrition Whey,
- VPX Friction (Preworkout Matrix similar to others available at GNC/Vitamin Shoppe, etc).
- Phenylpiracetam
- Sunifiram
- Noopept
- Icarin
- ATP Boost
- VPX Redline Energy Drink.
- Syncapone (combination of levodopa, carbodopa, and entacapone, all in one pill),
- Pramipexole
- Minirin (Desmopressin Acetate)
- Azilect
- Aricept
- Epanutin
- Theophiline.
All I can say about this combination is that I have finally found the "base set" modality that I choose to operate under. I will be switching the VPX Friction to Muscletech's Nano Vapor, and the whey will ge switched to the German product called GAT Jetmass. I will also be adding tianeptine (the serotonin agonist), as I believe that will solve the occasional anxiety issue I have from time to time, although I generally tend to be an anxious person, and have oddly enough, tremendously improved in this area, since I began all of the above.
My results are fairly obvious, in the sense that I achieved, rather emphatically what I set out to achieve. I've probably increased by a factor of 4 the few things I needed to. These include the two most important for me, and they are memory, and attention. I don't need more energy, but I do need to get in shape, thus I need more stamina, and I can't get to that physical & mental state, without being phsyically in shape, and without concentration and attention, I just won't be able to sustain the effort that is needed.
Since I zeroed in on all of my problem areas, I've been able to successfully now implement an exercise schedule of 15 minutes a day, along with added situps and pushups. I've also completely changed the health level of what I eat, and I make sure to drink a jug full of blended carrots, apples, water, and whatever whey product that I currently have, so in the near future GAT Jetmass. I eventually will also be using my gym membership more often, but not in a "fool's" goal of exercising every day, but something more modest like 2-3 times a week. I feel that all of these changes combined, will lead to inevitably better results that I've gotten from simply wishing I was an Olympic athlete, and trying to force myselt to be what I am not. I have a lot of muscle, but I am also overweight, and I recognize that, and my combination has helped me to actually do something about it now. Luckily for me, I believe that the combination of the healthy diet, and exercise regimen will symbiotically work together with the medication/supplementation regimen. Also, even though I'm doing as little as 15 minutes of exercise a day, I at least have the focus and attention to complete that task, every single day, which is more actual exercise, than most people do, if we are being honest. Additionally, I am looking to improve in this area by starting small.
What does the extra attention and memory feel like? Let me use a life analogy. In life sometimes one doesn't struggle with knowing what to do, he struggles with why to do it and when. My extra attention causes me to know what to do, when to do it, why to do it, and then it leaves me with the problem of how to do it, except that it has already made considerable work on this end to, and so figuring out "how" to do "it" becomes pleasurable, rather than a real challenge. I am allowed to be the person that I dream of being, except I'm actually living that "reality" except that it isn't as much a "reality" as much as it is my current actual reality, without the need for quotation marks.
All of this has given me the opportunity to gain the job that I believe will help provide me some stability. I've decided on becoming a car salesman. It is the kind of job that is rewarding enough in salary, to compensate for the stress it puts on people to meet quotas, and to always be closing, like they way in GlenGarry GlenRoss. Maybe some people will view all of this as a big sales job, but that is their opinion. I don't think that getting this job would have even been remotely possible a few months ago, and the fact that it is not just possible now, but probably, in terms of me being able to have the attention and concentration to do it, is remarkable to me. I feel like I'm leveling up in life, only to find more level ups when I "arrive." There are other things that I'm praying for, and I look forward to seeing what happens. I'm also looking forward to finally do some good work on my Linguistics/Mathematics dual major. Hopefully I can successfully add Web Design, as I've already sent in an application for that too.
I will post a bit later if I get some responses from this, so if you have any questions, ask away. I will also take any advice I can get, if you have some. i wish you all good luck.
Edited by Being Tesla, 20 January 2014 - 12:22 AM.