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Your supplements are ultimately futile. Real medications are better.

pramipexole phenylpiracetam azilect rasagiline syncapone donepezil nirvana memory attention exercise

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#1 Being Tesla

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 12:12 AM

I was supplementing with a lot of supplements before, and while I haven't abandoned all of them (I still take Phenylpiracetam, Icarin, Noopept, and Sunifiram), I've been able to eliminate things that don't work for me. I will list what I'm taking now, in totality, in order to explain why I'm going even further in my explorations, but not much further, due to the fact that I have achieved what can be described as personal and practical nirvana, which at this point is only amenable to optimizations that present themselves to me.

Stuff that is easy to find in stores.
  • Powdered Multivitamin/Mineral mix,
  • Liquid Multivitamin Product (Walgreens brand),
  • Liquid Trace Mineral (Vitamin Shoppe brand),
  • Optimum Nutrition Whey,
  • VPX Friction (Preworkout Matrix similar to others available at GNC/Vitamin Shoppe, etc).
  • Phenylpiracetam
  • Sunifiram
  • Noopept
  • Icarin
  • ATP Boost
  • VPX Redline Energy Drink.
  • Syncapone (combination of levodopa, carbodopa, and entacapone, all in one pill),
  • Pramipexole
  • Minirin (Desmopressin Acetate)
  • Azilect
  • Aricept
  • Epanutin
  • Theophiline.
You can look up what all of these things do yourself, and I'm not going to include doses because that is ultimately subjective to everyone. Understand that I am purchasing ALL of these products legally, and do not abuse drugs, nor do I seek to. I am on a plan of self improvement through optimization of my mental state, and I am basically trying to become the person that I choose and need to be, whenever it is best, as is required of me.

All I can say about this combination is that I have finally found the "base set" modality that I choose to operate under. I will be switching the VPX Friction to Muscletech's Nano Vapor, and the whey will ge switched to the German product called GAT Jetmass. I will also be adding tianeptine (the serotonin agonist), as I believe that will solve the occasional anxiety issue I have from time to time, although I generally tend to be an anxious person, and have oddly enough, tremendously improved in this area, since I began all of the above.

My results are fairly obvious, in the sense that I achieved, rather emphatically what I set out to achieve. I've probably increased by a factor of 4 the few things I needed to. These include the two most important for me, and they are memory, and attention. I don't need more energy, but I do need to get in shape, thus I need more stamina, and I can't get to that physical & mental state, without being phsyically in shape, and without concentration and attention, I just won't be able to sustain the effort that is needed.

Since I zeroed in on all of my problem areas, I've been able to successfully now implement an exercise schedule of 15 minutes a day, along with added situps and pushups. I've also completely changed the health level of what I eat, and I make sure to drink a jug full of blended carrots, apples, water, and whatever whey product that I currently have, so in the near future GAT Jetmass. I eventually will also be using my gym membership more often, but not in a "fool's" goal of exercising every day, but something more modest like 2-3 times a week. I feel that all of these changes combined, will lead to inevitably better results that I've gotten from simply wishing I was an Olympic athlete, and trying to force myselt to be what I am not. I have a lot of muscle, but I am also overweight, and I recognize that, and my combination has helped me to actually do something about it now. Luckily for me, I believe that the combination of the healthy diet, and exercise regimen will symbiotically work together with the medication/supplementation regimen. Also, even though I'm doing as little as 15 minutes of exercise a day, I at least have the focus and attention to complete that task, every single day, which is more actual exercise, than most people do, if we are being honest. Additionally, I am looking to improve in this area by starting small.

What does the extra attention and memory feel like? Let me use a life analogy. In life sometimes one doesn't struggle with knowing what to do, he struggles with why to do it and when. My extra attention causes me to know what to do, when to do it, why to do it, and then it leaves me with the problem of how to do it, except that it has already made considerable work on this end to, and so figuring out "how" to do "it" becomes pleasurable, rather than a real challenge. I am allowed to be the person that I dream of being, except I'm actually living that "reality" except that it isn't as much a "reality" as much as it is my current actual reality, without the need for quotation marks.

All of this has given me the opportunity to gain the job that I believe will help provide me some stability. I've decided on becoming a car salesman. It is the kind of job that is rewarding enough in salary, to compensate for the stress it puts on people to meet quotas, and to always be closing, like they way in GlenGarry GlenRoss. Maybe some people will view all of this as a big sales job, but that is their opinion. I don't think that getting this job would have even been remotely possible a few months ago, and the fact that it is not just possible now, but probably, in terms of me being able to have the attention and concentration to do it, is remarkable to me. I feel like I'm leveling up in life, only to find more level ups when I "arrive." There are other things that I'm praying for, and I look forward to seeing what happens. I'm also looking forward to finally do some good work on my Linguistics/Mathematics dual major. Hopefully I can successfully add Web Design, as I've already sent in an application for that too.

I will post a bit later if I get some responses from this, so if you have any questions, ask away. I will also take any advice I can get, if you have some. i wish you all good luck.

Edited by Being Tesla, 20 January 2014 - 12:22 AM.

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#2 dunbar

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 01:47 AM

congrats on feeling so well.
I wish I could also be the way I'd like to be and not constantly feel like shit and despise myself.

I have a few questions.

I have no idea what the drugs are which you're on but how do you get them? I mean which doctors prescribes you such a cocktail?
Do you have parkinson's? I'd not even be able to get 1 of these drugs from a doctor. :|?
Do you have a doctor who knows all drugs which you're on and who has given green light or are you getting prescriptions from different doctors
and nobody knows what else you're on? I have doubts that this stack is really safe. How did you come even up with this? I mean why so many
different drugs for diseases like parkinson's which you probably don't even have? What if you mess yourself up with this on the long term?
I'd be worried about taking stuff like dopamine agonists. Ever thought about getting tardive dyskinesia?

And what about safety and side effects? I mean are there no drug-drug interactions or drug-supplement interactions?
I'd be totally scared of interactions and side effects. When I'm on an antidepressant then I am already scared of taking supplements and you're
on a whole list of drugs. I wonder how you can even make sure that there's no risk involved.

Edited by dunbar, 20 January 2014 - 01:55 AM.

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#3 niner

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 02:26 AM

The things that you are calling "supplements" are actually drugs that you can buy on the internet without a prescription. The stuff you can get in stores are what most people would call supplements, since they are intended to supplement the diet.

Aside from that, if I understand your premise, MY supplements (some of which are drugs) are futile, but YOUR supplements (that are drugs) are awesome. Hmm. I think mine are working pretty good, but I probably have different goals than you do.
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#4 dunbar

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 02:33 AM

I'd be afraid to even try something like noopept. I really wonder how courageous other people are. Either I'm way too scared or others have too little anxiety.

#5 blood

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 02:35 AM

Either I'm way too scared or others have too little anxiety.

Probably a bit of both.

#6 dunbar

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 02:38 AM

Probably a bit of both.

Yes. I just wonder what's better? Being too anxious or being too little anxious?
I mean if you mess yourself up with a crazy nootropic stack it could also end badly.

#7 Being Tesla

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 05:20 AM

congrats on feeling so well.
I wish I could also be the way I'd like to be and not constantly feel like shit and despise myself.

I have a few questions.

I have no idea what the drugs are which you're on but how do you get them? I mean which doctors prescribes you such a cocktail?
Do you have parkinson's? I'd not even be able to get 1 of these drugs from a doctor. :|?
Do you have a doctor who knows all drugs which you're on and who has given green light or are you getting prescriptions from different doctors
and nobody knows what else you're on? I have doubts that this stack is really safe. How did you come even up with this? I mean why so many
different drugs for diseases like parkinson's which you probably don't even have? What if you mess yourself up with this on the long term?
I'd be worried about taking stuff like dopamine agonists. Ever thought about getting tardive dyskinesia?

And what about safety and side effects? I mean are there no drug-drug interactions or drug-supplement interactions?
I'd be totally scared of interactions and side effects. When I'm on an antidepressant then I am already scared of taking supplements and you're
on a whole list of drugs. I wonder how you can even make sure that there's no risk involved.

www.internationaldrugmart.com is a great site. I don't feel like saying that that is where I got mine, but I do know that all the actual drugs that were on the list that I made, can be found, and bought there with a credit card. They at first seem to take only Visa, but if you call on the phone, they accept Mastercard too, as what they care about is money. Don't expect any fancy pretty packaging, but I give them on delivering accurately and exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if it got closed down eventually, but at this point sites like that grow like weeds. I like them because they allow creative "pharmacists" like myself to improve my life by medicating as I deem appropriate.

The main reason I do all this isn't to feel perfect because there is just no such thing. I just want my life to be lived with a lot less difficulty and more energy. I like being comfortable and happy, and I don't see anything wrong with having great attention and memory, of things that require great attention and memory.

All that matters is that I can afford the drugs and supplements, but I also look forward to trimming this down to the bare essentials. I may stop the donepezil or Rasagiline, for example, as the azilect is expensive, but not as necessary as aI originally though. Or I can go with the Azilect and donepezil, and stop the desmopressin. This is all stuff to be figured out later though, so I'm not worried, and I'm also happy that I'm more sure now, after several individual type tests, of all the products I'm taking. I can't wait to try out the Jetmass and NanoVapor and Amino FX. I really want to begin some weight lifting, but that will have to wait.

For now I will focus on trying to make money and keeping my choices affordable.
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#8 Ashenhurst

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Posted 31 January 2014 - 07:54 PM

Being Tesla, I found your post to be very encouraging to me. I hope to achieve your level of balance and benefit with my stacks some day.
Its frustrating for me to try so many things yet never feel the same effects as others describe...

#9 dunbar

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Posted 31 January 2014 - 10:40 PM

@ tesla

Ok, so you obviously buy your drugs online. But then what about safety? Do you even have the slightest idea if this crazy stack is safe at all?
What if you totally mess yourself up? I really can't imagine that you'd find any responsible doctor who'd create such a stack. Have you at least entered all these drugs into
an interaction checker? But even if there are no direct drug-drug interactions then it still wouldn't necessarily mean that this is safe.
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#10 nowayout

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Posted 01 February 2014 - 01:59 AM

Dopamine agonists only lead to tears in the long run.
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#11 dunbar

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Posted 01 February 2014 - 03:05 AM

Dopamine agonists only lead to tears in the long run.

Can you explain why?

#12 nowayout

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Posted 01 February 2014 - 01:54 PM

Dopamine agonists only lead to tears in the long run.

Can you explain why?

Look up DAWS (dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome). There is no known treatment and it can last years.

#13 nupi

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Posted 01 February 2014 - 05:38 PM

Whatever the merits of that stack (it looks pretty dangerous to me, to say the least), they most certainly did not help in developing a concise, readable writing style...
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#14 dunbar

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 04:52 AM

I wonder how are dopamine agonists compared to stims like ritalin and adderall?
Do they have a stronger effect?

#15 Being Tesla

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 05:45 AM

Whatever the merits of that stack (it looks pretty dangerous to me, to say the least), they most certainly did not help in developing a concise, readable writing style...

Yes, you're right. The fact that I don't write like Chaucer or Shakespeare is an indication that the meds aren't working. You're a real intellectual, or perhaps just making stuff up so that you don't feel bad that you can't afford to take care of yourself. Keep deluding yourself, and while you're at it, get a life, loser.

Edited by Being Tesla, 05 February 2014 - 06:34 AM.

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#16 dunbar

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 05:48 AM

Are you not scared of side effects, maybe mid-term or long-term?
What if you totally mess yourself up? I wonder if you can even weigh the pros and cons.

#17 Being Tesla

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 05:59 AM

I wonder how are dopamine agonists compared to stims like ritalin and adderall?
Do they have a stronger effect?

Alone, I find the mirapex to be stronger than adderall, and also just as strong as Concerta ER, probably stronger than it. This is important because I feel Concerta ER (Extended Release) is much stronger than Adderall XR, and when you combine the 2, if is the most potent effect of dopaminergic combination, but in a bad way because it these drugs are so harsh. Mirapex (pramipexole) feels like the perfect version of what Adderall XR and Concerta ER are supposed to feel like, and if you know anything about the neuroscience behind dopamine agonists, versus DARI's and Dopamine releasers (like Adderall XR and Concerta ER), then you will know that Mirapex is definitely much safer, both in terms of neurotoxicity, and all other measures of safety. You have to understand that Mirapex is tested for efficacy with elderly patients, and it is a well researched medication, or as well as anything. I personally have tried it for over a month now, and while that may not be long enough to mean much, I personally feel less druggy on it and off of it, than I used to on Adderall XR or Concerta. The attention is light years improved. I haven't been on it for over a week now, and haven't been taking my supplements, and my attention feels comparable to when I was taking it. What I mean is that, I have poor attention now, and if I was on the Mirapex, it would of course be as perfect as it was then, (I have some more being delivered),so what I'm saying is that the off-time being off the medication is much easier and almost delightful compared to how it felt when I would go off Adderall XR or Concerta ER for even a day, which was just an unbearable experience for me.

Mirapex is a lot better than those old relics. It feels much safer, and being off of it until I get my next batch, isn't impossible. It just builds up my anticipation to be able to get as much work done in writing, as I was. One thing you doubters have to understand is that Mirapex seems to have long lasting positive effects for me, even when having short term benefits. Maybe I just approach medicating myself differently than most of the people on this site. I find 99 percent of the strategies to be absolutely moronic. I do what works for me, nothing more and nothing less. I've cut down on costs of supplements and will only be taking phenilpiracetam. I'm also cutting out the rasagiline, but the rest of the meds stay, except increases in doses, adding memantine (it comes with the donezipil) and ropinirole.

That's all folks.
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#18 Being Tesla

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 04:39 PM

I also find it completely silly, that so many of you are questioning the efficacy and safety of actual medications. Almost every supplement on the market has not received seals of approval from the FDA. In the end I'm taking mostly meds that actually do have FDA approval, with the only stipulation being that I'm taking what I choose, and not what someone is giving to me. The supplements in the end, pose too high of a potential risk, in my opinion, over the actual drugs, partly due to the amount of the supplements I had to take to achieve, what amounted to a fraction of what was needed with the meds. The cost is also a bit too high, and the phenylpiracetam is the only one that I could really guarantee its individual excellence. Ever since being off of them for about ten days, and being on the phenylpiracetam, I've decided that the phenylpiracetam is the only supplement that is worth the investment. I've already explained the rest of my plan above. Basically the idea is to have three dopaminergics, and what turns out to be 3 acetylcholinergics (if you count desmopressin's potent memory and visualization effects, as acetylcholinergic, which I do), and then also the Theophiline and Epanutin, which are both extremely cheap, and help in thier own way, due to their effects, respectively, of improving breathing, and coordinating the hemispheres through the corpus calosum. I think the only medication I have concerns with is the desmopressin, as it is an artificial version of vasopressin that is supposed to be about 7 times more potent, but I don't take it in high doses, especially since the first time because it's effect cannot be underestimated. It is strong, and it definitely works. I'm always careful with hormone or hormone increasing pills, though, so it is the only one of that type that I'm taking, in medical dosage levels. It helps with other stuff that it is prescribed for too. I'm also taking Strattera, which I believe would be much harder to find online, than the real meds I listed before. I cannot underestimate my luck of having a prescription for this, but who knows, it may be easily available online. I haven't searched because I have a prescription that won't run out for years, probably. It's also free for me, so that one is a Godsend. Like I said, I'm also on Ambien, but I may have to change to Ambien ER because while the Ambien I'm getting is free, Ambien ER puts me to sleep better, and is a larger dose.

I may add something like centrophenoxine, to aid the acetylcholinergics, but only if it is affordable because of the excellent results. All I know is that I'm glad that I've basically changed my routine, to include things that are either delicious drinks from their powder form mixes, or good to drink already. I changed the VPX Redline to Nitro2Go 14 hour Energy, due to not liking the taste of Redline, and knowing, from experience years back, that the Nitro2gos are cheaper and taste much better, and work just as well. The pills, as always are easy as hell to take, so no complaints there. All in all, I feel like I've hit a plan that is at least 80 percent of where it will be, in the sense of 100 percent being theoretical perfection. Right now, I did my taxes, so I'm getting quite a bit of money back. I'm going to use a bit of that money to invest in stocking a 4 month supply of everything I take. Should be expensive, but I've cut out the things that would really blow up the price.

I feel like I'm pretty honest about when I'm experiencing problems with these things. I know if and when things are getting out of hand, and I admit, I wondered if this would happen, and was happy when I achieved the optimal results that I did. It was cause to invest strongly in my well-executed plan that had shown excellent results. I even stopped smoking weed, which is just a bad habit, that I do not approve of, especially when you're on substances like this that will amplify the subtle hallucinatory effects of marijuana. I don't smoke weed or anything anymore, even though I was a lightweight weed smoker, and had given up for years. I just want to be accurate in reporting my experience. I also almost never drink, and while i don't recommend drinking, it didn't seem to affect me much, but that is probably due to the fact that I drink light beers, and don't drink till I get sloppy drunk, or even drunk period. Like i said, if you imitate a plan similar to the one I'm presenting on this forum, it is much better to isolate your results by not being on other things that aren't good for you. Exercising and eating healthy also help in a very large way, that can't be underestimated.

Good luck to all of you on your own plans.

Edited by Being Tesla, 05 February 2014 - 04:53 PM.

#19 dunbar

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 03:25 AM

if the stuff works for you, good. I just worry that you could end up with long term side effects like TD.
Can Mirapex for example cause TD? TD is something which I'd be really scared of cause it's usually permanent and really sucks.

I have also adhd symptoms and I'm not happy with my mental state at all but I don't really know what to do about it.
I have been to various psychiatrists and they're no huge help. They simply go by the book. None of them ever sat down and really
tried to analyze my symptoms and then come up with something which might be best for me. They simply suggest one drug after the other.
I was tested for adhd and it turned out my performance and short term memory weren't normal. Then I was told to try Ritalin LA. Ritalin
LA didn't really do much and then I was simply told ok you probably don't have adhd let's go back to treating depression.
I am really disappointed how this is going. Besides being depressed which I have been for a long time I notice that even the slightest
things like for example when I have to take care of 2 or 3 things in the house directly make me become restless. I simply feel it in
my head. I instantly feel like I'm totally under time pressure and can't think straight anymore. It's terrible. I don't know what this is
but I have been noticing it for over a year now. In situations where I'm upset or angry over something I feel like my brain shuts down and
I can't think straight anymore. But if I report this to my doctor he simply gives me a blank stare. I feel like he has no damn clue what
could cause this or what to do about it. I experience this every day now. Most of the time I have no inner peace or clarity of mind.
Yesterday I was checking my bank account and a few transactions didn't seem right to me. I was sitting there trying to figure out if my
3 different telephone companies had been charging too much and I sat there for half an hour going back an forth over the bills and I didn't
make any progress and didn't even have a plan how to check this systematically it was terrible. I sat there and noticed how I'm not making
any progress and this dragged me down further and made me even more upset. I feel like I'm totally inefficient and do things 2 or 3 times
and then don't even remember it anymore and then do stuff which I already did before.
Do you have any thoughts what could cause this or what to do about it?
I'd try Adderall but it's not available where I live. There's nothing other than ritalin,strattera,wellbutrin. And wellbutrin also didn't
work at all. I am also worried of messing me up even more.

#20 Being Tesla

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 06:08 PM

if the stuff works for you, good. I just worry that you could end up with long term side effects like TD.
Can Mirapex for example cause TD? TD is something which I'd be really scared of cause it's usually permanent and really sucks.

I have also adhd symptoms and I'm not happy with my mental state at all but I don't really know what to do about it.
I have been to various psychiatrists and they're no huge help. They simply go by the book. None of them ever sat down and really
tried to analyze my symptoms and then come up with something which might be best for me. They simply suggest one drug after the other.
I was tested for adhd and it turned out my performance and short term memory weren't normal. Then I was told to try Ritalin LA. Ritalin
LA didn't really do much and then I was simply told ok you probably don't have adhd let's go back to treating depression.
I am really disappointed how this is going. Besides being depressed which I have been for a long time I notice that even the slightest
things like for example when I have to take care of 2 or 3 things in the house directly make me become restless. I simply feel it in
my head. I instantly feel like I'm totally under time pressure and can't think straight anymore. It's terrible. I don't know what this is
but I have been noticing it for over a year now. In situations where I'm upset or angry over something I feel like my brain shuts down and
I can't think straight anymore. But if I report this to my doctor he simply gives me a blank stare. I feel like he has no damn clue what
could cause this or what to do about it. I experience this every day now. Most of the time I have no inner peace or clarity of mind.
Yesterday I was checking my bank account and a few transactions didn't seem right to me. I was sitting there trying to figure out if my
3 different telephone companies had been charging too much and I sat there for half an hour going back an forth over the bills and I didn't
make any progress and didn't even have a plan how to check this systematically it was terrible. I sat there and noticed how I'm not making
any progress and this dragged me down further and made me even more upset. I feel like I'm totally inefficient and do things 2 or 3 times
and then don't even remember it anymore and then do stuff which I already did before.
Do you have any thoughts what could cause this or what to do about it?
I'd try Adderall but it's not available where I live. There's nothing other than ritalin,strattera,wellbutrin. And wellbutrin also didn't
work at all. I am also worried of messing me up even more.

Don't take anything that I have to say as me trying to be rude. I may say some tough things to hear, but I completely empathize and sympathize with your case because you basically sound quite a bit like how I USED to feel several years ago, when I had no hope, and felt lost. But all of that was before I realized that I truly was alone, and was going to have to take care of myself, and even if I had to, then I was going to medicate myself, as actively, consistently, but also responsibly as I could. I'm not a junkie, I just approach everything I do in life with maximum intensity. It was an attitude that caused me to go through some tremendously challenging experiences, but luckily experiences build up, and I learned perfectly from them, and I'm paying the price of all that experience, by having the time of my life now. You may want to consider that end goal of pure happiness and satisfaction, as what may lie at the other side of your journey, as long as you take good advice, become more responsible for what goes into your body, become more courageous, and flat out just man up & do what is necessary for you to survive and thrive in life.

First of all, you may be seriously mistaken about TD, by which I think you mean Tardive Diskenisia. I am a bit familiar with this disease because I am bipolar and I used to take Abilify, which has more than a side effect of possible Tardive Diskenisia. With Abilify, if you stay on it for long enough, it is more like an inevitability, so I quit that drug, eventually, thank God because I didn't want to risk that. ALSO Mirapex actually treats both Tardive Diskenisia and also it's symptoms, by which I mean it treats both the disease and the symptoms of the disease for people that have them sometimes but not full blown TD. I was surprised when you mentioned this because I think TD is honestly the last thing I would expect to get from Mirapex. Dopaminergics tend to help with uncontrollable movement diseases of all kinds, because dopamine is the central neurotransmitter in movement.

#21 nupi

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 06:19 PM

Yes, you're right. The fact that I don't write like Chaucer or Shakespeare is an indication that the meds aren't working.

The fact that you love to use commas when you should use periods certainly does not help your readability.

You're a real intellectual, or perhaps just making stuff up so that you don't feel bad that you can't afford to take care of yourself.

Not afford? FWIW, I just quit a 6 figure job without having signed another one precisely because I can afford to do so

Edited by nupi, 06 February 2014 - 06:20 PM.

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#22 Being Tesla

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 06:24 PM

As far as figuring out ways to deal with your condition, I'd say it is pretty straight forward with your condition. You will probably just have to treat each of the main neurotransmitters with appropriate medications. I personally never use SSRI's because I have never experienced anything pleasant from treating serotonin, but I'm willing to give tianeptine a try due to the fact that its mechanism is different from normal prescription SSRIs, but that will be later if I have extra money and desire. What I'm saying is that some people have different experiences with different medications that treat individual or collective neurotransmitters, but i always knew that if I came up with the right stack that treated multiple neurotransmitters, and didn't have bad side effects or bad nausea, then I probably would experience very good effects. The main neurotransmitters I take real medications for are GABA (Ambien), Norepinephrine (Stratera), Dopamine (Mirapex, Ropinirole, Syncapone), & Acetylcholine (Donepizil, Memantine, Desmopressin). I also take things that increase my body's creatine levels, as well as my vitamin levels and mineral levels. Vitamins, minerals, and creatine levels are vital to my overall energetic state. From the overal effects of all the stuff I take, I suspect all my neurotransmitters are at solid levels, and I don't wear my body out by the meds just sucking the life out of a brain and body that aren't being supplied with the nutrients it needs to function as it is being overworked. It basically makes me function like a perpetual motion machine. I will eventually need to investigate other aspects of how to really improve even more, but for now, I know my stack works better than pretty much anything most people can come up with, that they have actual experience with. I'm committed to my mind, body, and spiritual happiness, and I think that is what most people, like you especially, should consider as the ultimate goal when it comes to self improvement. You know what happiness and satisfaction feels like, so don't stop until you attain and achieve it, consisitently, as a steady mental state.

Yes, you're right. The fact that I don't write like Chaucer or Shakespeare is an indication that the meds aren't working.

The fact that you love to use commas when you should use periods certainly does not help your readability.

You're a real intellectual, or perhaps just making stuff up so that you don't feel bad that you can't afford to take care of yourself.

Not afford? FWIW, I just quit a 6 figure job without having signed another one precisely because I can afford to do so

I've seen your other posts nupi. You sound like you're depressed, and just want to be negative to other posters that you have issues with for whatever reason. Keep being negative if that's your prerogative, but I don't need grammar lessons from depressed people, especially when they are distracting from the topic at hand. If you can contribute, then contribute. If you can't then just go away, like the lonely person you are.

Edited by Being Tesla, 06 February 2014 - 07:00 PM.

#23 nupi

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 06:29 PM

If you want to engage in tele-diagnosis, you sound like you are hypomanic (actually not that surprising with that stack of yours).

#24 Being Tesla

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 07:07 PM

If you want to engage in tele-diagnosis, you sound like you are hypomanic (actually not that surprising with that stack of yours).

you sound like you're trying to impress me, for whatever reason, by sounding intelligent, but I can stop you now because it won't happen. This website is good for doing research on meds, but it is also good, unfortunately for finding egotistical people like you who want to validate how smart they think they are by insulting other people. I choose to use commas where I do because it I like to organize sentences and sentence fragments in a specific way, that communicates more clearly what I'm trying to say, as opposed to what should be the conventional way. I hope that the fact that I choose this, closes the matter of grammar.

As far as the matter of why you are posting on a this topic, when you are just trying to trade insults, I'm pretty sure my personal message box is good enough for that. I'm guessing you just want to make a show of it, but you're only showing off how lonely and sad you are.

Quit spoiling the exchange of actual information with your useless bile.
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#25 dunbar

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Posted 07 February 2014 - 01:38 AM

@ Tesla

In your first post you didn't mention Ambien and Stratera.

Have you changed your meds since then? And are you taking all the meds listed daily? Or do you take some of them PRN?

What I ask myself is why do you take 3 drugs for Dopamine (Mirapex, Ropinirole, Syncapone)? Or do they all act differently?

I really can't even imagine how you came up with such a stack or how much time you needed to find it. Do you simply try to hit
as many neurotransmitters as possible with different drugs or how do you even know what exactly you're "lacking"? I mean if I had
an idea what my issue is and if I could link a symptoms to a certain neurotransmitter then I could try to treat it. But doctor's aren't
really helpful with that. I feel like I can tell them as much about my symptoms as I want to it doesn't make any difference. I could as
well simply go there and say I feel crappy give me something else.

I hope that this works out for you and I also kind of admire people who can pull this off, but doing something like this seems impossible to me because a) I don't have access to prescription drugs without prescription and b) I'm way too anxious to self-medicate. I mean I often times don't even dare to take stuff which a doctor prescribed me.

And what do you take you increase creatine? Why not simply take creatine directly? And why is creatine important? I'm only aware
of creatine helping with strength.

#26 Being Tesla

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Posted 07 February 2014 - 05:39 AM

@ Tesla

In your first post you didn't mention Ambien and Stratera.

Have you changed your meds since then? And are you taking all the meds listed daily? Or do you take some of them PRN?

What I ask myself is why do you take 3 drugs for Dopamine (Mirapex, Ropinirole, Syncapone)? Or do they all act differently?

I really can't even imagine how you came up with such a stack or how much time you needed to find it. Do you simply try to hit
as many neurotransmitters as possible with different drugs or how do you even know what exactly you're "lacking"? I mean if I had
an idea what my issue is and if I could link a symptoms to a certain neurotransmitter then I could try to treat it. But doctor's aren't
really helpful with that. I feel like I can tell them as much about my symptoms as I want to it doesn't make any difference. I could as
well simply go there and say I feel crappy give me something else.

I hope that this works out for you and I also kind of admire people who can pull this off, but doing something like this seems impossible to me because a) I don't have access to prescription drugs without prescription and b) I'm way too anxious to self-medicate. I mean I often times don't even dare to take stuff which a doctor prescribed me.

And what do you take you increase creatine? Why not simply take creatine directly? And why is creatine important? I'm only aware
of creatine helping with strength.

I was always taking Ambien and Stratera, and I still am. They are prescribed to me, along with my bipolar medications, which I take religiously too. I mentioned the supplements that I decided to stop, which are noopept, icaarin, and phenibut. Decided to keep taking phenylpiracetam and sunifiram.

Creatine is honestly like one of my huge secrets. Its one of those things that I understand the value of, but the only other people that seem to understand without me explaining, are bodybuilders. I take creatine even when I'm not working out, but I make sure not to take huge doses, cus that just isn't smart, in my opinion, as the same can be said with any supplement or drug.

I came up with my stack of sups and meds through my former research of neurotransmitters, and what works for what. I always knew that I don't like the effects of anything that boosts serotonin, so I've always made sure to stay a way from SSRIs and even things like Wellbutrin, which have a partial serotonin effect. So basically I stay away from most SSRIs and anti-depression stuff. I realized that dopamine was one that needed boosting in my system, from years of being on SSRIs, and either way, I responded so well to Adderall XR initially, that it was a revelation to me. I eventually burned out on it though, and in all honesty I had to fight to let that medication not drive me literally crazy. I knew that there had to be other ways to boost dopamine safely, without ampetamines and methylphenidate. I feel that the ropinirole and mirapex, are both excellent ways, and in all honesty, I 'm testing out the ropinirole to see if it works as perfectly as the mirapex because I suspect they work almost identically from what I can tell. I should be able to afford them easily, so I will be taking both in normal doses when they arrive. The Syncapone is taken so that there is both an excess level of dopamine in my blood, and then that excess is processed all the way through the blood/brain barrier. Syncapone has entacapone, carbidopa, and levidopa, so it is basically another one of my secret weapons.
Most people don't know how effective it is to keep your blood from containing too much dopamine, which isn't said to be not a good thing.

Very many similar arguments can be made for the acetylcholinergics. A lot of people will tell you all sorts of scientific data on here, as if they have an actual science team that measures the samples of thier blood every day. Basically they are being extremely pretentious. I'm just a guy that tested individual substances on myself because I was a depressed person dealing with bipolar disorder, and a potentially depressing and unfullfilled future. So I gambled and got in trouble sometimes, but it was all in the hope that one day I would come up with a stack that I could easily purchase, and that worked for me. The good thing is that it will probably only become easier and easier for me to get my hands on what I need to take, and my stack will evolve appropriately in time, so that I can feel better and healthier, stronger, quicker, and happier.

If you feel like shit about yourself and your life, doing nothing will take you nowhere. I'm not advising you to do anything that you don't want or choose to you. I'm just presenting part of my story.

Edited by Being Tesla, 07 February 2014 - 05:42 AM.

#27 dunbar

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Posted 08 February 2014 - 02:51 AM


can you tell me a bit more about the use of creatine when you don't lift weights? I mean is there any reason to be on it which I am not aware
of? I can't workout anymore because of my bad health. In the past I took creatine a few times.

I have tried Ritalin LA up to 30mg and it didn't make me feel any better. No "revelation". I had high hopes in it. I thought maybe my issue
is simply ADHD but now I'm not sure if I even have it. I only know that I performed poorly on the ADHD tests. My short term memory isn't good I already was aware of this. I can't even memorize a few digit number without constantly repeating them in my head.

I also tried Stablon and it also didn't do anything for me, so did wellbutrin,remeron,celexa,agomelatine. Nothing which I took seemed to have any effect on me which is really strange.

I don't know how to move forward now. I mean even if I could get off-lable drugs from my doctor which aren't used for depression to see if they work for me then how shall I even know where to start? I mean I don't even know which NTs I should be hitting.

I only know that my anxiety and ocd are pretty strong. I think stablon made my ocd worse when I was on it which would mean that maybe I need more serotonin.

I was thinking about trying memantine for ocd. I also suffer from other weird symptoms such as visual snow and I thought maybe I have too high glutatamte levels. I'm definitely overexcitable in a negative way.

#28 Being Tesla

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 01:21 AM

About creatine, the thing about that substance is that when it is combined in the right preworkout matrix, that supplement is just excellent. I would recommend Cellucor C4, or VPX Friction because those are the two that I can guarantee will give you the energetic effect that I always get when i drink a good creatine preworkout matrix. The simple logic is that these preworkout matrixes are to give you energy to workout, so what if you just choose not to work out. The answer is that, as long as you don't freak out, you will just have a lot of energy to do all the other activities in your day. I recommend that you do workout sometimes when you take them, but in my opinion, this isn't always necessary,especially when not taking high doses. Working out just feels better on these things, and it heightens their feel good effect too, but if you don't or can't workout, then I'm pretty sure that you can take them just for the energy boost, like I do. I'm very systematic, and I take pills on time every day, so I'm really benefiting from my system, now that I'm growing older.

You can purchase those products from the internet. I recommend bodybuilding.com or Amazon.com because they have the best deals, and you won't find things much cheaper than those 2 sites, so it is a time saver too.

The other products I recommend are energy drinks. The absolute best 2 I've ever taken are VPX Redline Energy Drink and Nitro2Go 14 hour Mega Shots. The Mega Shots are the better product of the 2, but only because they taste so much better, and are just a bit stronger. They seem to last intensely long, from what I remember.

My advice would be to buy VPX Friction and VPX Redline, and basically take taily doses of both of those. I'm recommending those two because of product symmetry, so that if you like them, then you can just look up VPX products, online, and find other products you will instinctively trust by them. But like I said, any of the products I recommend are products that I've tried, and that I trust.

Start of with this approach because it is easy, and will help me and you to determine what your overall approach should be. I suspect it is an energy problem that is combined with general anxiety and also the anxiety that is caused when you are not physically or mentally or emotionally performing at levels that some part of you deem to be optimal.

Good luck, and I hope you take some lessons from this approach.
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#29 dunbar

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 05:09 AM

I don't know if I can get VPX here. We only have stuff like red bull, monster and a few other energy drinks and I remember reading that people actually died from monster drinks so I'm not really keen on drinking this stuff. I drink a lot of coffee but I don't think it helps me I am simply totally used to it.

I also don't know if more energy wouldn't make my anxiety worse. :/

My biggest issue besides depression is having a clear mind. Most of the time I feel driven and my mind isn't at rest.
It's hard to describe but I simply feel it. Even now I have it. Maybe this is simply caused by having too much stress
and having a lot of things which I needed to be doing. I don't know. Actually going to this forum also upsets me and
makes me feel hyper cause then I read about all the stuff which people take and then I'm even more confused and wonder
what could be right for me. It actually puts even more pressure on me. The more options and opinions the more confused
and restless I become. :(
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#30 Being Tesla

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 06:11 AM

I don't know if I can get VPX here. We only have stuff like red bull, monster and a few other energy drinks and I remember reading that people actually died from monster drinks so I'm not really keen on drinking this stuff. I drink a lot of coffee but I don't think it helps me I am simply totally used to it.

I also don't know if more energy wouldn't make my anxiety worse. :/

My biggest issue besides depression is having a clear mind. Most of the time I feel driven and my mind isn't at rest.
It's hard to describe but I simply feel it. Even now I have it. Maybe this is simply caused by having too much stress
and having a lot of things which I needed to be doing. I don't know. Actually going to this forum also upsets me and
makes me feel hyper cause then I read about all the stuff which people take and then I'm even more confused and wonder
what could be right for me. It actually puts even more pressure on me. The more options and opinions the more confused
and restless I become. :(

I will reread our conversation, and I will try to come up with an appropriate response. One that really gets to the core because you're right, you don't sound like drive is your problems, so that means that energy drinks, Adderall, Ritalin, and stuff like that will work for you. Preworkout drinks might work for different reasons, but since you don't have access to that stuff, then what it really boils down to is working with the supplements that you CAN buy, and the medications that you have access to. If you can make a list like this for me, of meds and supplements that you're considering, I can advise you better on what is likely to work for you, and why. I don't know if you mentioned Stratera and if you had been on it, but I actually think that Stratera might help you out tremendously, because it works way differently than dopamiergics like Adderall and Ritalin. It is a noradrenergic, and it calms your mind down and makes you feel calm, but not like an SSRI, instead calm as in clearminded and focused.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: pramipexole, phenylpiracetam, azilect, rasagiline, syncapone, donepezil, nirvana, memory, attention, exercise

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