Your supplements are ultimately futile. Real medications are better.
Posted 11 February 2014 - 09:01 PM
On a different note, if you [legitimately] need to take all of those drugs to feel "normal" than I genuinely feel sorry for you. Individual drugs that you are taking don't worry me, but it is the combination of them.
What medical condition(s) are you trying to self-medicate for by using these drugs?
Posted 12 February 2014 - 12:39 PM
Lol @ the OP. Different drugs and supplements work best for different people with multifarious needs and unique conditions/biology, pretty simple.
On a different note, if you [legitimately] need to take all of those drugs to feel "normal" than I genuinely feel sorry for you. Individual drugs that you are taking don't worry me, but it is the combination of them.
What medical condition(s) are you trying to self-medicate for by using these drugs?
Save your sorrow for anyone who has the need to drop an insult, without actually contributing any worthless information. You might want to look in a mirror for someone like that. And if you can't be bothered to read through my semi-extensive posts to find out what ails me, then understand that people like you are part of what generally ails me. Luckily I don't have to deal with morons too often, so shuffle along, prole.
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Posted 12 February 2014 - 02:16 PM
Lol @ the OP. Different drugs and supplements work best for different people with multifarious needs and unique conditions/biology, pretty simple.
On a different note, if you [legitimately] need to take all of those drugs to feel "normal" than I genuinely feel sorry for you. Individual drugs that you are taking don't worry me, but it is the combination of them.
What medical condition(s) are you trying to self-medicate for by using these drugs?
Save your sorrow for anyone who has the need to drop an insult, without actually contributing any worthless information. You might want to look in a mirror for someone like that. And if you can't be bothered to read through my semi-extensive posts to find out what ails me, then understand that people like you are part of what generally ails me. Luckily I don't have to deal with morons too often, so shuffle along, prole.
You know what, let us 'reset' the dialogue. My comment "lol @ the OP" was not necessary nor was it helpful. I suppose I took slight offense to the notion that OUR supplements are "futile." So, for any offense that I may have trespassed toward you, I sincerely apologize.
In any case, I took the time to read through your posts ITT (I did not look up each individual medication, however). I am still unclear about what medical condition(s) you are suffering from, aside from occasional anxiety and lethargy.
Furthermore, I am very well versed with sports/health supplements and weight lifting/bodybuilding. I could possibly offer some helpful advice in this department if you state your specific goals.
Edited by IronLife, 12 February 2014 - 02:38 PM.
Posted 13 February 2014 - 03:25 AM
You know what, let us 'reset' the dialogue. My comment "lol @ the OP" was not necessary nor was it helpful. I suppose I took slight offense to the notion that OUR supplements are "futile." So, for any offense that I may have trespassed toward you, I sincerely apologize.Lol @ the OP. Different drugs and supplements work best for different people with multifarious needs and unique conditions/biology, pretty simple.
On a different note, if you [legitimately] need to take all of those drugs to feel "normal" than I genuinely feel sorry for you. Individual drugs that you are taking don't worry me, but it is the combination of them.
What medical condition(s) are you trying to self-medicate for by using these drugs?
Save your sorrow for anyone who has the need to drop an insult, without actually contributing any worthless information. You might want to look in a mirror for someone like that. And if you can't be bothered to read through my semi-extensive posts to find out what ails me, then understand that people like you are part of what generally ails me. Luckily I don't have to deal with morons too often, so shuffle along, prole.
In any case, I took the time to read through your posts ITT (I did not look up each individual medication, however). I am still unclear about what medical condition(s) you are suffering from, aside from occasional anxiety and lethargy.
Furthermore, I am very well versed with sports/health supplements and weight lifting/bodybuilding. I could possibly offer some helpful advice in this department if you state your specific goals.
I'm pretty sure that you will find that I don't hold grudges. I used to suffer from a serious panoply of problems, but I long ago figured out that the main thing I was suffering from was a serious lack of motivation, attention, & energy. They were all linked to each other, in a definite way, that was treated by my doctor's prescription of Adderall, but as anyone will tell you, that medication only works for so long before it turns into a nightmare. The drug became unusable to me, and I had to detox off of it, in what was a nightmare period in my life.
Still, the Adderall had "worked" to some degree, and I found that while dopaminergics generally did work for me, I was going to have to use more sophisticated versions of them. I had been eying Mirapex, and all other anti-Parkinson agents for years because I knew that they were basically what I was looking for, but in those years, I had no idea how to get them. The internet opened up an opportunity recently, as the fact that I had come into some money. I bought about 7 different pills aiming to test them out to see which one worked. The only problem was a good one, which is that I tried all 7 of the drugs at the same time, after I had tried them each, close to one at a time. I got good results off the bat, but I was underwhelmed, but being clinical, I said I would give it a week to get great results, or reformulate.
But I didn't have to wait a month. I got some of the best results from the initial stack of Minirin, Epanutin, MIrapex, Donepezil, Syncapone, Rasagiline, &Theophiline, that I had gotten with anything in my life period, and what more, was that it kept improving. By the time I reached the final week, a more important result had been reached because when I ran out, and since I've run out, while I've noticed that I don't feel quite like when I was on the meds, I don't feel awful, or completely withdrawn, and it feels like my brain is actually healing in a very fundamental way, and has healed in a fundamental way. That was a result I hardly expected, but I'm suggesting and pretty sure that it is the result of the Mirapex. I've decided, after further testing, that right now, I can't afford the Rasagiline, but all the other ones are part of my stack now, and if I determine that the Rasagiline is safe enough, I will continue with it, when I have enough money, but for now, considering how great I feel without any of the meds now, it isn't much of a risk to stop the expensive Rasagiline for a while, and I've added two other meds, that I'm interested in how they will streamline the effects of the others,. The two I've added are Memantine and Ropinirole. I won't need to add any more pills for a long time because I think this is already an optimal stack for me. I know some of the pills are similar in effect to each other, but understand that they have some subtle differences, that work synergistically together. The Ropinirole and Mirapex however seem to be particularly very similar, so I will determine that one later.
I'm glad you apologized, and I accept the apology because in all honesty it isn't easy for me to be as honest about all of this stuff here. The reason I'm openly posting, is because I feel that there are a ton of people that might benefit from knowing that it is important to be vigilant in a medical landscape where doctors pretend to hold all the power. Sometimes personal happiness and satisfaction are simply a result of opening your mind to the larger world out there, where a little risk, might lead to a great reward of mental sanity and stability.
Posted 14 February 2014 - 06:09 PM
Ritalin doesn't seem to work for me. I mean I moved up to 30mg Ritalin LA which is released 50% now and 50% later.
I didn't really feel positive effects. It didn't lift my mood and also doesn't make me feel calmer or more focused. I rather feel like
ritalin in high doses makes me feel weak. In smaller doses 5mg, 10mg, 15,20mg I also didnt feel much. I was hoping for a
huge difference but for me it doesn't seem to work.
I have already tried wellbutrin which is also noradrenergic and it also didn't work. So I dont know if strattera would be much different.
I am also scared of strattera cause I read that it can make you suicidal. This drug is intimidating.
My doc suggested that I should try memantine + lexapro (against depression and ocd).
I am currently on 5mg memantine and don't feel much yet. I shall increase the memantine by 5mg every week until I reach 20mg.
I haven't started with lexapro yet. I first want to see what memantine does and how it affects me before adding another drug.
How long would you have to take strattera to see wether it works or not? I also don't know if it could be stacked with a ssri and memantine or if this would be overkill.
I feel really mentally impaired. I hardly ever have clarity of mind. Almost daily I feel mentally restless or I feel as if I'm onto something.
I cannot even describe it. I simply know that something's not right. I also often have headaches but this is most likely coming from
the neck. I have tried different pillows but I wasn't happy with any of them. I bought an expensive pillow last year and at first it felt
good but then I started getting headaches and a dull feeling in the head during the day. This last for weeks and came and went
during the day.
I replaced the pillow with another one. Now I don't have the dull pressure that often anymore but I still often have headaches.
I also cant tell wether my impression of not having mental clarity or feeling spaced out could also be caused by neck issues.
For example if someone has neck issues which cause headaches or a dull feeling in the head then could this also cause you
to feel like you're spaced out? I'm not sure.
But I don't think that it could all be blamed on the neck.
Feeling restless and feeling like my brain shuts down when I'm under pressure or stress is something different.
Posted 14 February 2014 - 11:35 PM
Posted 15 February 2014 - 08:04 AM
Creatine should be in every noot user's stack, in my uneducated opinion. 1g-3g a day and your brain will thank you. Especially if you're not eating meat regularly, you (we because that includes me) will be too low in creatine. It matters. It's not really a supplement for bodybuilders - it's just MARKETED that way because that's where the money is. It is something for your whole body, like taurine and B12.
Agree with pretty much exactly. Creatine is just one of the staples in my diet. Everytime I take it everyday, I always expect my day to go a lot smoother, and the day usually does, once I mix my dosages in a cup, down it, drink some water to really get it all through my system, and then just wait for the effect to wash through my body and mind in like 5 minutes. There are some weak Creatine products, but that is just due to experience in knowing which ones are the best. I wish most people had the courage to stay on a Creatine preworkout matrix for a month or so, and notice the difference in thier lives. I considered using individual creatine, to boost things, but I take 4 products that contain it, so I think that would be a silly idea, so not going to do that. Would only do that when I'm pumping serious iron, maybe like one of those perfect 10 rated Creatine only products on Bodybuilding.com.
Posted 15 February 2014 - 08:14 AM
@ tesla
Ritalin doesn't seem to work for me. I mean I moved up to 30mg Ritalin LA which is released 50% now and 50% later.
I didn't really feel positive effects. It didn't lift my mood and also doesn't make me feel calmer or more focused. I rather feel like
ritalin in high doses makes me feel weak. In smaller doses 5mg, 10mg, 15,20mg I also didnt feel much. I was hoping for a
huge difference but for me it doesn't seem to work.
I have already tried wellbutrin which is also noradrenergic and it also didn't work. So I dont know if strattera would be much different.
I am also scared of strattera cause I read that it can make you suicidal. This drug is intimidating.
My doc suggested that I should try memantine + lexapro (against depression and ocd).
I am currently on 5mg memantine and don't feel much yet. I shall increase the memantine by 5mg every week until I reach 20mg.
I haven't started with lexapro yet. I first want to see what memantine does and how it affects me before adding another drug.
How long would you have to take strattera to see wether it works or not? I also don't know if it could be stacked with a ssri and memantine or if this would be overkill.
I feel really mentally impaired. I hardly ever have clarity of mind. Almost daily I feel mentally restless or I feel as if I'm onto something.
I cannot even describe it. I simply know that something's not right. I also often have headaches but this is most likely coming from
the neck. I have tried different pillows but I wasn't happy with any of them. I bought an expensive pillow last year and at first it felt
good but then I started getting headaches and a dull feeling in the head during the day. This last for weeks and came and went
during the day.
I replaced the pillow with another one. Now I don't have the dull pressure that often anymore but I still often have headaches.
I also cant tell wether my impression of not having mental clarity or feeling spaced out could also be caused by neck issues.
For example if someone has neck issues which cause headaches or a dull feeling in the head then could this also cause you
to feel like you're spaced out? I'm not sure.
But I don't think that it could all be blamed on the neck.
Feeling restless and feeling like my brain shuts down when I'm under pressure or stress is something different.
I gotta say man, I have no idea what is wrong with you, as in what plagues your mind or brain. My advice would be to try medium large doses of individual real medications, that boost the conscentrations of neurotransmitters. Try SSRI's, dopaminergics, dopamine agonists, DARIs, NARIs, SNARIs, Acetylcholinergics, Acetycholine Reuptake inhiibitors. Find which neurochemical actually makes you feel good, and then go with that one in the form or like 3 meds. Really solve that first problem, and then see if you still have issues, that need to be solved. At this point, you better know that the only person solving your issues is going to be you, but my advice is that you try REAL medications, with or without a doctor (you personally I advice with a doctor, cus you don't seem to know much about meds and how they are supposed to feel). Real medications have stronger and more pronounced effects that you don't have to guess at. I wish you all the best.
P.S. Just because Wellbutrin is part noradrenergic, doesn't mean you know what Stratera feels like. They are completely different, and I suspect you don't react well to dopaminergics because you actually don't seem to have ADD, more like just frustration and anxiety. Stratera may be one that you seriously have to consider. I had similar symptoms to you before, and I remember Stratera having some noticiably positive effects both then and now for me. Good luck to you.
Posted 15 February 2014 - 08:13 AM
Edited by Being Tesla, 15 February 2014 - 08:21 AM.
Posted 15 February 2014 - 08:14 AM
Edited by Being Tesla, 15 February 2014 - 08:20 AM.
Posted 15 February 2014 - 08:13 AM
Edited by Being Tesla, 15 February 2014 - 08:19 AM.
Posted 15 February 2014 - 08:18 AM
Edited by Being Tesla, 15 February 2014 - 08:19 AM.
Posted 15 February 2014 - 05:09 PM
Creatine should be in every noot user's stack, in my uneducated opinion. 1g-3g a day and your brain will thank you. Especially if you're not eating meat regularly, you (we because that includes me) will be too low in creatine. It matters. It's not really a supplement for bodybuilders - it's just MARKETED that way because that's where the money is. It is something for your whole body, like taurine and B12.
Agree with pretty much exactly. Creatine is just one of the staples in my diet. Everytime I take it everyday, I always expect my day to go a lot smoother, and the day usually does, once I mix my dosages in a cup, down it, drink some water to really get it all through my system, and then just wait for the effect to wash through my body and mind in like 5 minutes. There are some weak Creatine products, but that is just due to experience in knowing which ones are the best. I wish most people had the courage to stay on a Creatine preworkout matrix for a month or so, and notice the difference in thier lives. I considered using individual creatine, to boost things, but I take 4 products that contain it, so I think that would be a silly idea, so not going to do that. Would only do that when I'm pumping serious iron, maybe like one of those perfect 10 rated Creatine only products on Bodybuilding.com.
I get Optimum Nutrition's mircronized creatine. I love this stuff. Most of my supps are in pure powder forms with just one or two active ingredients because my daughter also gets some of them and she is just 4 so they have to be really small and in exact amounts. It also means I pay a bit more than most to get the really high-quality reputable brands like ON to be on the safer side, but it's worth it. She's getting 300mg creatine a day right now because she eats even less meat than I do (fussy eater). The difference is noticable in her.
@ tesla
Ritalin doesn't seem to work for me. I mean I moved up to 30mg Ritalin LA which is released 50% now and 50% later.
I didn't really feel positive effects. It didn't lift my mood and also doesn't make me feel calmer or more focused. I rather feel like
ritalin in high doses makes me feel weak. In smaller doses 5mg, 10mg, 15,20mg I also didnt feel much. I was hoping for a
huge difference but for me it doesn't seem to work.
I have already tried wellbutrin which is also noradrenergic and it also didn't work. So I dont know if strattera would be much different.
I am also scared of strattera cause I read that it can make you suicidal. This drug is intimidating.
My doc suggested that I should try memantine + lexapro (against depression and ocd).
I am currently on 5mg memantine and don't feel much yet. I shall increase the memantine by 5mg every week until I reach 20mg.
I haven't started with lexapro yet. I first want to see what memantine does and how it affects me before adding another drug.
How long would you have to take strattera to see wether it works or not? I also don't know if it could be stacked with a ssri and memantine or if this would be overkill.
I feel really mentally impaired. I hardly ever have clarity of mind. Almost daily I feel mentally restless or I feel as if I'm onto something.
I cannot even describe it. I simply know that something's not right. I also often have headaches but this is most likely coming from
the neck. I have tried different pillows but I wasn't happy with any of them. I bought an expensive pillow last year and at first it felt
good but then I started getting headaches and a dull feeling in the head during the day. This last for weeks and came and went
during the day.
I replaced the pillow with another one. Now I don't have the dull pressure that often anymore but I still often have headaches.
I also cant tell wether my impression of not having mental clarity or feeling spaced out could also be caused by neck issues.
For example if someone has neck issues which cause headaches or a dull feeling in the head then could this also cause you
to feel like you're spaced out? I'm not sure.
But I don't think that it could all be blamed on the neck.
Feeling restless and feeling like my brain shuts down when I'm under pressure or stress is something different.
Maybe the cause/solution of the problem is a bit simpler.
What else do you take?
What are your diet and sleeping habits like?
Maybe I could recommend something to try based on your answers.
Posted 21 February 2014 - 04:45 PM
can anyone just sum up in short why a person should take creatine daily even when you dont workout? I mean what is it good for?
And isn't absorption an issue? I remember that you always have to take creatine with simple carbs to make sure it's absorbed.
Taking pure creatine in water doesn't seem to be absorbed well.
@ tesla
The issue is how am I supposed to get these drugs? I mean my doc will probably not be willing to prescribe anything outside of
antidepressant medications. How am I supposed to get my doc to let me try any of these?
dopamine agonists, , Acetylcholinergics, Acetycholine Reuptake inhiibitors?
What I also worry about is what if trying all kinds of drugs messes me up more? I mean what if this throws my brain totally off balance?
I could try strattera but to be honest I'm scared of it cause I read that it can cause suicidality. Drugs like that always scare me cause then I think what if I take it and then freak out and can't control myself anymore.
At the moment I am on memantine 10mg. will move up to 20mg in the next 2 weeks. So far after 12 days I cant tell any difference. I also dont know if memantine could be mixed with many other drugs or if taking too much at once would be negative or risky.
@ duchy
Now I'm only on memantine 10mg. I have been on it for 12 days.
Other than that I take fish oil daily and a multi vitamin and also a few spirulina algae pills.
Many of my vitamins are too low. Vitamin A is relatively low and even though I have been on a multi for 1 month now
which contains 600 mcg RE Vitamin A my levels are still getting lower. The normal range goes from 500-1500 and
a few months ago I was at 580 and now I'm at 550. I was expecting to be higher since I started with the multi vitamin
but I'm even lower.
-> sleeping
It depends. Sometimes I am tired at 11:30 PM and then go to bed and sleep til 7 AM, but on other days I may stay up longer
and study and then go to bed later and sleep longer. It's very variable.
What I am really struggling with is my pillow and my neck. I have been having frequent headaches daily for over a year now.
I assume it's from the neck. I simply dont know how to sleep anymore. No matter what position I take either my neck hurts or when
I sleep on the side my shoulders hurt. It's awful. I also tried different pillows and none of them feels comfortable. Either the pillow
is too soft or too thick or too thin.

But I really cant say much of a role this plays in explaining my cognitive symptoms.
-> diet
What do you want to know? I assume that compared to others my diet isnt that good. I try to eat healthy foods but I
dont really know what to eat. I knew I had a list of healthy foods which are easy to prepare and where you also dont have to worry about pesticides and other toxins. I avoid fruits and veggies pretty much cause I worry about toxins and pesticides.
Recently I have been eating chick peas pretty often cause they're easy to prepare.
I also use whey protein in the morning to get some more protein in my diet. In the morning I either eat a few bananas and
whey shake or a whey/oat/water shake.
For lunch I usually eat whatever my mom cooks. Mostly meat and potatoes and salad.
In the evening I eat different things.
Posted 10 March 2014 - 03:30 AM
I also find it completely silly, that so many of you are questioning the efficacy and safety of actual medications. Almost every supplement on the market has not received seals of approval from the FDA. In the end I'm taking mostly meds that actually do have FDA approval, with the only stipulation being that I'm taking what I choose, and not what someone is giving to me.
Just take a look at pubmed, even 30 year old medicaments appear to have novel function.
Wich may be either good or bad, like mitrochondrial respiratory inhibition, epigenetic changes or an increase/decrease of the connectivity of brain areas.
So nothing is fully explored and therefore is nothing fully safe.
On the other hand, the development of a medicine can not take 40+ years, just to evaluate the maximal safety.
Therefore, at least in Germany, the Doc´s mostly perscribe only that what You need and nothing more!
You cant ask a Doc for med x and med y etc. You would not get it because of the reasons mentioned above.
So, regarding Dopamine agonists, the cause of DWAS is a mesolimbic dopaminergic denervation.
Parkinsonian apathy responds to dopaminergic stimulation of D2/D3 receptors with piribedil.
Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome in Parkinson disease.
But it seems that people with impulse control disorders likely develop DAWS. Since they have more dopamine due decreased dopamine transporter aviability.
Regarding Methylphenidate:
Methylphenidate induces lipid and protein damage in prefrontal cortex, but not in cerebellum, striatum and hippocampus of juvenile rats
Dont take this as an offence, but its irresponsible to others to write such stuff.
They may get encouraged to take medicines like lifestyle products, which can be fatal due e.g. brain hemorrhage etc.
Therefore I just wanted to warn You and the others who read this forum.
Edited by Flex, 10 March 2014 - 03:33 AM.
Posted 23 May 2014 - 01:25 AM
Just take a look at pubmed, even 30 year old medicaments appear to have novel function.I also find it completely silly, that so many of you are questioning the efficacy and safety of actual medications. Almost every supplement on the market has not received seals of approval from the FDA. In the end I'm taking mostly meds that actually do have FDA approval, with the only stipulation being that I'm taking what I choose, and not what someone is giving to me.
Wich may be either good or bad, like mitrochondrial respiratory inhibition, epigenetic changes or an increase/decrease of the connectivity of brain areas.
So nothing is fully explored and therefore is nothing fully safe.
On the other hand, the development of a medicine can not take 40+ years, just to evaluate the maximal safety.
Therefore, at least in Germany, the Doc´s mostly perscribe only that what You need and nothing more!
You cant ask a Doc for med x and med y etc. You would not get it because of the reasons mentioned above.
So, regarding Dopamine agonists, the cause of DWAS is a mesolimbic dopaminergic denervation.
Parkinsonian apathy responds to dopaminergic stimulation of D2/D3 receptors with piribedil.
Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome in Parkinson disease.
But it seems that people with impulse control disorders likely develop DAWS. Since they have more dopamine due decreased dopamine transporter aviability.
Regarding Methylphenidate:
Methylphenidate induces lipid and protein damage in prefrontal cortex, but not in cerebellum, striatum and hippocampus of juvenile rats
Dont take this as an offence, but its irresponsible to others to write such stuff.
They may get encouraged to take medicines like lifestyle products, which can be fatal due e.g. brain hemorrhage etc.
Therefore I just wanted to warn You and the others who read this forum.
I agree with both the content of your post, and the tone with which you wrote it. i only get pissed at some of the other smart asses that simply wanted to post a rude comment, that provided little help or content to this conversation about supplements, drugss, etc. I will post an update on how I've been doing since then.
Posted 23 May 2014 - 02:01 AM
I've been doing pretty excellently, and have continued my choice to go heavier on the so called "real" medications versus the supplements. While I have reduced the list of real medications by about 2. No more rasagiline and ropinirole as I I find ropinirole to have a null effect with me, one that doesn't compare to mirapex's clear feeling of improved dopaminergic functions and all that entails, and rasagiline is a bit too much of an unnoticeable effect too, and is too expensive, but for now it is the price versus lack of noticeable effect that is making me stop that one temporarily until i start my job, and can permit only that one med based solely on my need to experiment with it a bit more, to assure myself of it's null effect with me. I'm also considering either stopping Theophiline, or going with stronger corollary.
My new regimen basically consists of the some fundamentals, and they are as follows.
1. Making sure my creatine levels are on the high end of stable and non-toxic.
2. Making sure my glutamine, dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline, and acetylcholine levels are high and amplified, through the utilization of meds on each of them, to guarantee that I'm alert and focused and energetic during the day.
3. Making sure my GABA and serotonin and melatonin are balanced and decently peaked enough to provide enough of a calming effect without making me feel sleepy during the day.
4. Taking Nuvigit for sleep apnea and it's other benefits.
5. Taking Seroquel for balance, it's calming effects, and as a preventative measure, all of which the last nine months has proved to be a supremely excellent in terms of strategy.
6. Taking Ambien XR for sleep.
7, Taking the entire racetam class of meds, in normal doses of each. There is a pill that contains pramiracetam, oxi--, ani---, pi----, and prami----, all in one pill. I have to buy nefiracetam, phenylpiracetam, and coluracetam seperately. I have tried all of these meds, and they are without a doubt the most miraculous, and underutilized supplements in the world. If most of the people on here would just take this class of meds, without taking the normal fishoil and choline having products they normally take, they would probably stop failing at life.
8. I'm taking Zofran, due to its anti-emetic properties, which is perfect with a high choline/acetylcholinergic/normal serotonin drug regimen.
9. Naturally I drink a ton of water, and stay hydrated while boosting my mineral levels with liquid trace supplements.
10. I am now moving on to body supplements, like vitamin E lotions and oils, Eye artificial tears, individual vitamin complexes, testosterone creams & gels.
11. Adding HGH, and HCG supplements.
12. Already doing testosterone supplements.
On the more esoteric levels of things, I never told people that I have a 150 level IQ. Had, a 150 level IQ, as I recently took a Mensa test, along with some other iQ tests, and my IQ is "currently" 170, which was a score that I was perfetly fine with. I made sure to test it after i felt that the effects of my regimen were definitely permanent and high enough to surprise even me myself, knowing that I have high standards. I have developed an eidetic memory, in the sense that while it isn't photographic, I definitely memorize everything in a synesthetic way because both sounds and visuals give me tremendous sensory feedback. This is something that only used to happen when I was manic, but now that I don't experience mania anymore, I definitely love the fact that this effect is more consistent and lasting, and generally more pronounced than ever before. My minds eye is ablaze with visuals, and I have now developed a definite feedback/control system for them, and the more I grow and evolve, the more enjoyment I get out of simply closing my eyes, and focusing my chi/mental energy into giving me a Light Show. One time before, during a serious visualization period, I developed a visual 3D chamber in my mind, that was more of a videogame, that my mind was playing, controlled by my subconscious, rather than just pure visuals. It was fun to take a pyramid, and throw it up in the air, and consciously slice it in half in mid air, and then keeping on racing through the "stage" in my mind, which was a post-apocalyptic city, that was developing on the fly. I feel that my mind was just giving me a treat of what I can expect to be able to do when I truly perfect all of this, and it has kept me motivated to get in perfect shape because I take all of this extremely seriously, since I happen to be studying information technology, software engineering, mathematics, and game simulation programming.
I've lost 30 pounds, I sleep very well, even when I don't take my ambien, and even though I'm still basically a functional insomniac, it is now out of choice, in order to get the maximum out of my unique schedule, which enables me to go to online university, so giving me an extreme amount of independence in my time management. Sex is great. I'm still not at my weight goal, but once you've lost 30 pounds, it is a lot easier to lost the rest. I know because i have lost 60 pounds before, and this time I haven't even really worked that hard on the treadmill, although that is the next phase. Even though the next weight I lose will be easier, it will also be more challenging in a few ways, but still generally easier, I must admit. /
I'm going to go see X-men: Days of Future past now. Goodbye.
Edited by Being Tesla, 23 May 2014 - 02:01 AM.
Posted 17 July 2014 - 01:10 PM
Wow thats the craziest stack i've ever read anywhere ever in the past 5 years of reading forums about medications. I'm very interested in how this will turn out for you.
Personally no offense, but I find it worrisome that you have gone from Adderall (already a powerful dopaminergic) to taking a combination of two preworkout supplements (redline and some other thing) + phenylpiracetam + sunifiram + phenibut (all powerful supplements), to now taking multiple dopamine agonists, using ambien for sleep + testosterone?
This makes sense if you are some kind of multimillionaire with nothing better to do but to figure out how to make yourself superhuman, but from the sounds of things it seems like you are just getting started - career wise, education wise. I would worry about these drugs burning you out with weird side effects before you achieve your goals. Just an honest though, not being a smart ass.
I have read a few really bad reports online with people using pramipexole, the thing is dopamine agonist withdrawal or TD isn't well documented, because parkinson drugs are usually tested with parkinson patients who are CONTINUALLY MEDICATED, because parkinson patients already show parkinson symptoms its hard to differentiate the drugs individual side effects to the persons actual motor deterioration due to parkinsons.
I guess technically you may be able to avoid dopaming agonist withdrawal by never stop taking dopamine agonist, still you are in completely uncharted territory, there are few people willing to experiment with dopamine agonists individually, let alone a basket of them on top of everything else you are taking which we have no idea of how it all reacts together. Not really sure why you feel the need to add Ambien and Seroquel on top of an already pretty crazy stack. I wouldn't call this a stack, more like a complete transformation attempt, you better hope that it works out so you can pay for these pills.
Posted 04 August 2014 - 04:45 AM
The OPs supplement stack is well redundant and probably doing at least some damage by the way of too much glutamate (in my opinion).
The prescription stack is insane and I can't imagine a doctor prescribing all of that for any young-ish person.
Edited by golgi1, 04 August 2014 - 04:47 AM.
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Posted 15 June 2023 - 11:41 PM
Drugs are more affecting mental state. supplements are more for health.with exceptions of course.
supplements tend to have a weaker starting effect but overtime it builds up.
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