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C60 and Pregnancy

womens health pregnancy c60 infant health

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#1 JBForrester

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 06:38 AM

Have there been any studies that delve into the effects of C60 on developing babies in pregnant women? Or has anybody used C60 on pregnant mice or rats? I'm curious as to what effect it would have on an unborn child. I also do not want to be taking C60 if in the future I become pregnant if there are no studies on such a topic. I also wonder if C60 can affect a woman's fertility or reproductive organs.

It seems there are more men than women on this forum, so I'm guessing this is why this topic hasn't come up yet, but hopefully somebody will be interested enough to provide input! Thanks!
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#2 Godot

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 06:44 AM

I think this is a very important question. The issue of potential reproductive effects is the only reason I haven't jumped on board with this stuff myself. If I wasn't living in a tiny apartment I'd get some pet store rats and dose them heavily with c60 over a few breeding generations to see if any problems emerged.

If anyone has any literature on this is also love to see it.
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#3 JohnD60

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 07:04 AM

There have not been any C60-OO studies on any humans.Unless you count the one the participants on this board are doing. I wouldn't even think about taking C60-OO if I were planning on getting pregnant. It is experimental. I take it in part because I am 53, and willing to conduct a calculated experiment on myself. I would not take it if I were under 30.

Edited by JohnD60, 21 January 2014 - 07:05 AM.

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#4 Turnbuckle

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 11:34 AM

There have not been any C60-OO studies on any humans.Unless you count the one the participants on this board are doing. I wouldn't even think about taking C60-OO if I were planning on getting pregnant. It is experimental. I take it in part because I am 53, and willing to conduct a calculated experiment on myself. I would not take it if I were under 30.

I agree. It has unknown dangers to the fetus, and experiments with radioactive C60 in pregnant rats "demonstrated that [(14)C]C60 crosses the placenta and is transmitted to offspring via the dam's milk and subsequently systemically absorbed." Experiments with embryonic zebrafish have shown "a significant increase in malformations, pericardial edema, and mortality," and while the relevance to C60-EVOO is questionable as they sonicated the C60 in DMSO, this doesn't give any confidence.
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#5 JBForrester

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 04:24 PM

Oh wow! Thank you JohnD60 and Turnbuckle for your input! Am I in danger since I have already taken a bit of the C60? Pregnancy most likely won't happen for another 5 years or so (I'm guessing). I will stop altogether for now (until studies come out).

Also, how close are we to conducting C60 experiments on humans?

Edited by JBForrester, 21 January 2014 - 04:24 PM.

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#6 niner

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 09:03 PM

Also, how close are we to conducting C60 experiments on humans?

We're already do it, in an informal way. As for formal trials, I think they are a long way off. Human trials are very expensive, and given the ease with which one can make c60-oo, I doubt that anyone is going to be able to charge enough to recoup the expense of a trial.

Look at how difficult it's been for us to get a rat or mouse experiment going...
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#7 hav

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Posted 25 January 2014 - 05:51 PM

Been looking about for any studies on reproductive system effects of c60 in oils but could not find any. There are some more general studies on nanotechnology finding effects that impact embryos but they seem to mostly have to do with nano-tubes, carbon-black, and titanium dioxide which are all know to be toxic, showing the toxic effects pass to the fetus and offspring. I did find one study that mentions fullerenes and sounds promising but I can't tell from the abstract exactly what form they tested... although I was able to preview the figures and c60 is mentioned in one of them:

Silica and titanium dioxide nanoparticles cause pregnancy complications in mice

Here, we show that silica and titanium dioxide nanoparticles with diameters of 70 nm and 35 nm, respectively, can cause pregnancy complications when injected intravenously into pregnant mice. The silica and titanium dioxide nanoparticles were found in the placenta, fetal liver and fetal brain. Mice treated with these nanoparticles had smaller uteri and smaller fetuses than untreated controls. Fullerene molecules and larger (300 and 1,000 nm) silica particles did not induce these complications.


#8 Godot

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Posted 25 January 2014 - 05:54 PM

Very nice find, hav! If direct injection of (probably) pristine c60 into pregnant mice does not induce any complications, then it seems unlikely that c60 in any form would cause problems when taken orally in years prior to pregnancy.

I'd still like to know it it'll give me mutant gonads.

Edited by Godot, 25 January 2014 - 05:55 PM.

#9 mait

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Posted 26 January 2014 - 09:23 PM

I have seen arguments for ROS mediated signaling to be important regulatory factor at development and growth periods of different organism. Normal development does not only mean development of new cells, also the programmed death of unnecessary cells is critical (at right time and at right amount). Second there is re-establishment of epigenetic marks in gametes during the embryonic development, which are then passed on to next generation, this may also play role in cross generational effects of C60 in EVOO during pregnancy. Second critical age may be around 12 years, when games will mature.

Plus I would hypothesize that some of the epicenetic marks are also regulated during embryonic development as a function of conditions in prenatal environment. So at the level of idea there may be the possibility that if You eliminate the oxidative stress during pregnancy then maybe it results in down-regulation of key endogenous antioxidative and related detoxifying systems at epigenetic level.

Edited by mait, 26 January 2014 - 09:25 PM.

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#10 JohnD60

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Posted 28 January 2014 - 07:37 PM

If direct injection of (probably) pristine c60 into pregnant mice does not induce any complications...

The study does not say that fullerenes do not induce any complications. The study only states that C60 did not induce any of the complications that the study tested for, specifically if any nanoparticles were found in the placenta, fetal liver and fetal brain.

Edited by JohnD60, 28 January 2014 - 07:37 PM.

#11 hav

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 09:04 PM

If direct injection of (probably) pristine c60 into pregnant mice does not induce any complications...

The study does not say that fullerenes do not induce any complications. The study only states that C60 did not induce any of the complications that the study tested for, specifically if any nanoparticles were found in the placenta, fetal liver and fetal brain.

I don't think the presence of the nanoparticle was the complication they were looking for. The complications listed were "smaller uteri and smaller fetuses." Fwiw, other studies show fullerenes do in fact transport through the placenta to the fetus. There is another study that might reveal more relevant specifics, but unfortunately the free full-text only seems to be available in Japanese (my wife says it looks like a mix of katakana, hiragana, and kangi characters) and the pdf is secured which thwarts pasting it into a translator:

Health effects of nanomaterials on next generation


Edited by hav, 29 January 2014 - 09:12 PM.

#12 niner

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 09:32 PM

Been looking about for any studies on reproductive system effects of c60 in oils but could not find any. There are some more general studies on nanotechnology finding effects that impact embryos but they seem to mostly have to do with nano-tubes, carbon-black, and titanium dioxide which are all know to be toxic, showing the toxic effects pass to the fetus and offspring. I did find one study that mentions fullerenes and sounds promising but I can't tell from the abstract exactly what form they tested... although I was able to preview the figures and c60 is mentioned in one of them:

Silica and titanium dioxide nanoparticles cause pregnancy complications in mice

Here, we show that silica and titanium dioxide nanoparticles with diameters of 70 nm and 35 nm, respectively, can cause pregnancy complications when injected intravenously into pregnant mice. The silica and titanium dioxide nanoparticles were found in the placenta, fetal liver and fetal brain. Mice treated with these nanoparticles had smaller uteri and smaller fetuses than untreated controls. Fullerene molecules and larger (300 and 1,000 nm) silica particles did not induce these complications.

Health effects of nanomaterials on next generation

Both of these papers are looking at particulate forms of fullerenes, ranging in size from tens of nanometers to a micrometer. C60-oo, on the other hand, is a molecular substance (a c60-triglyceride adduct) which is in solution in the oil. In the body, it will be hydrolyzed to a fatty acid adduct via the same metabolic mechanisms used for generic triglycerides. The biological properties of nanoparticulates are very different than solution phase properties. Fullerene nanoparticles may be harmful, but we can't generalize that to solutions like c60-oo.
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#13 hav

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 09:55 PM

I agree. Unfortunately there isn't much I can find on prenatal effects of c60 in an oil. Here's another one, but with a c60 reacted with polyvinylpyrrolidone which I think forms a water-soluble fullerene... but maybe similar placenta crossing would be expected if c60/evoo migrates via lipids:

Distribution of carbon-14 labeled C60 ([14C]C60) in the pregnant rats and in the lactating dam

This study demonstrated that [(14)C]C60 crosses the placenta and is transmitted to offspring via the dam's milk and subsequently systemically absorbed.


Edited by hav, 29 January 2014 - 09:57 PM.

#14 noot_in_the_sky

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 04:40 PM

For the orginal Japanese txt get the doc I uploaded.

Here is what google translation gave me:

1 .
In urban areas , nearly half of the suspended particulate matter is Dee
It is said that diesel cars from . We , the de
The intake to the mother mouse pregnant gas ~Izeru vehicles to discharge

Reproductive system of offspring Wase , was born , and to the central nervous system
I have studied the influence . As a result, it seems to exhaust gas from
Nano size to be (100 nm Particulate matter less than black )
But , to be stored in the granules digestion of brain perivascular granule cells of the offspring
The look and Rukoto , that the accident variety is found in the brain
Brewed .
On the other hand , nano technology as the foundation of industrial technology
Expectation has been received , fullerene , carbon nano
The development and manufacturing of nanomaterials and various other tube , the response
Use has been promoted . Nanotechnology is very wide
This is a technology which had the horizons have , Meri~tsu it brings

The door immeasurable . Reason alone uncertainties , especially
It is preferable to remove the anxiety of influence of health benefits
I suspect an important issue is . We exhaust gas particulate
To the child other than carbon-based nanomaterials ( carbon black
Metal-based network , carbon nanotube , and fullerene )
Intentional , Engineering (titanium oxide , zinc oxide , etc.) nanoparticles
Of nanomaterials of various types that are produced in specific work
I have also studied health effects . Our
Na are produced intentionally , unintentionally focusing on research results
I will introduce the health effects of Roh material .
2 .
Health effects of fine particles floating in the air -
PM10 And PM2.5
Suspended particulate matter
( Suspended Particle Matter; SPM )
Is that the particle size
Ten m m
It is particulate matter below, this
If you discover ride into the blood stream as well as deposited in the alveoli Re
Ru . Therefore , so far
Shadow of health benefits of
In addition to lung cancer , and asthma as sound
And hay fever
Appearance which allergic disease , arrhythmia , shadow on blood pressure
The survey results and experiments related to cardiovascular disease , such as sound
Has been reported . In the metropolitan area and metropolitan area in the United States
The survey in the region , and suspended particulate matter concentration
Ten mg/m
Cardiovascular and respiratory disease every time it rises
Mortality due to disease 0.5
More results % and that increase
Ru .
The suspended particles based on survey data of various Rahashu
Check the current status of health effects of shape substance , chronic bronchitis
The risk of suspended particulate matter in another disease , such as asthma attacks and
Is calculated .
Small particles are further problematic in recent years , the particle size
2.5 m m
Fine particulate matter less (PM2.5 Shadow of health )
Studies to affect were made . As a result, the disease mainly Western
From academic research , the following is revealed .
Mortality and short-term exposure to
The relationship between the number , from the analysis results of the multiple cities ,
And an increase in particle concentration
Within days ( One I will increase to day lag )
Correlation has been found between the number of deaths .
Short-term exposure , and all diseases except death exogenous
Death ( all-cause mortality ) by
, Death from cardiovascular disease ,
Correlation with death from respiratory disease have been reported
Ru . In addition , myocardial infarction , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , etc. , individual
Correlation with death from disease are observed .
Chemnitz results on mortality increase in the number of cardiovascular disease
Arrhythmia , acute myocardial infarction , coronary artery Itewa , basically
Exacerbates the pathology disease , cerebrovascular disease , such as severe cases
Thing that death is assumed .
Medical and short-term exposure to
Hospitalization visits in cardiovascular disease and respiratory disease to the institution
Relevance to the number of patients have been observed around the world .
The results of epidemiological studies of these human aspirations and animal experiments
Respiratory system revealed in experiments intervention of cancer by
Action through the influence of the autonomic nervous function and stimulation , physiological
Action through the increase in peroxide and the active substance , and blood coagulation
In action and the like through the induction of the thrombus formation or activation of the solid system
It is possible to provide a partial explanation . However , the true
Cause-and-effect relationship is unknown for now .

3 .
Ken ultrafine particles emerging of ( nano- particles)
Yasushi effect -
Research needs
Exposure to air pollution , obtained have on people of all
Is mono , also , by region , by occupation
It is believed that the risk of being exposed to a high concentration.
2.5 mm
Nanoparticles of a large amount included in the fine particles of less than
From that it has been , the health effects of nanoparticles Note newly
Be eyed as .
We're gas diesel vehicles to discharge ( Diesel Exhaust; DE Is allowed to suck mother mouse pregnant ) , equine
Study the impact of offspring reproductive system that has been , to the central nervous system such as

I've been (CREST 2000  2005 Year , Takeda ). This study
In the course of nanosize think that an exhaust gas from (Hundred nm
Particulate matter black or less) brain perivascular granules of pups
It is stored in the digestion of intracellular granules , like the brain each
Clearly for the first time in the world that an abnormality is found , such
Were .
Nano- particles in the exhaust gas , pass through the placenta of the mother
The process proceeds to fetal with and incorporated into the cerebral perivascular granule cells
I believed that was . Recently ,
Luo human placenta
ex vivo
The use fluorescent nanoparticles of different sizes in the system
Stomach, diameter 240 nm
Nanoparticles following to cross the placenta
I showed that . This has confirmed the results of our
Ru .
4 .
Ultrafine particles in diesel exhaust gas ( Nanoparticles)
The nature of the Diesel exhaust particles in the exposure device (
Diesel Ex-
haust Particle; DEP
Particle size distribution ) is different in a running state
Made . The idling in the exposure apparatus of our Research Center
When small (the number peaks 60 nm Before and after )
, High-speed operation
When large (the number peak 110 nm Before and after ) the particle size distribution
I was exhibited . Globules of carbon becomes the core , aromatic
The various chemicals and sulfates family hydrocarbons , such as metal

It is believed but to be formed . Fruit
When , and washed with an organic solvent particle surface , the surface of the particles
The iron ions is increased , toxicity trout it reveals Tsu was .
8 and 9
Dilution tunnel of diesel exhaust exposure apparatus
Observation under an electron microscope of particulate matter taken from
The spherical particles ( Fig. 1 Fibrous with a reference )
( Like carbon nanotubes )
Substance was also observed number .

In particular , particle size
 100 nm
Particles of Carved overall in the mass
It is only slightly do but the majority in number
Ru .
The chemical component , has centered on elemental carbon ,
Metal components, such as iron and calcium , further to the outside
Organic carbon is attached .
Its origin , unburned fuel
Is the thermal decomposition products or incomplete combustion of lubricating oil and , Yes
The benzo machine as carbon
Pyrene , Nitoroare
Emissions , such as phthalates and dioxin , several hundred
Or more types of materials are attached . I was using cultured cells
And to induce oxidative stress in cells
Rukoto is shown,
Even surface of
Those metal component is present in the many , stronger oxidation scan
Giving Torres is revealed .
5 .
To the nervous system of diesel exhaust exposure fetal period
5-1 .
Pathological findings of brain
As an optical microscope observation ,
In the exposed group , the blockage of small blood vessels and edema in perivascular
I was observed . This finding ,
All of the exposed group
And ( spreads ) is distributed to fine chronic nerve tissue of the entire brain
Had . In addition , under the electron microscope , of the small vessel occlusion
Skin cells to apoptosis -shaped , or missing
Endothelial cells forming process was observed . Of these endothelial cells
Observed in cerebral cortex , hippocampus in all , change , smooth muscle
The pores were clogged squashed in microvessels but does not exist.
These determine the multifocal microinfarctions fine chronic pathologically
Is constant . In addition , edema of the perivascular under an optical microscope
Astrocytes extending in perivascular -like form , ( nerve
That the end foot of astrocytes ) was swollen abnormally
I depends on . Myelin -like material often in the cytoplasm
I was observed .
From the above ,
To the central nervous system of the fetal period of exposure
Injury , such as the following is suggested as the influence of .
Vascular injury itself ,
A are getting nutrition from the blood vessel
Injury of nerve cells by dysfunction of the stroke site ,
Of cell injury ahead of the occlusion site by peripheral vascular occlusion
Is the point . These events der lead to atrophy of the brain
Ru .
In addition , the cerebral cortex apoptosis fine image of chronic ( over
Apo cerebellar Purkinje cells and positive cells )
Toshisu image was also observed .
5-2 .
Behavioral abnormalities and changes in the monoamine metabolism
Along with the observation by the microscope , such as dopamine nerve transfer
Mira changes in the metabolism of monoamine which acts as a substance reaches
Is , abnormalities observed in behavioral tests , such as motor activity
Were .
13, 14
Based on the above results , the fine has recently been increased
About the relevance of the cranial nerve disease by Hosono dysfunction
I have been researching as well . Fine of diesel exhaust gas from
Child (
In a study that was administered during pregnancy a ) fraction
Also , the effect on the central nervous system of the offspring were observed . Or more
Study gas formation (or ultrafine particles present in the atmosphere
Minute ) is transmitted to the mother to child , shadow along with the growth of child development
This suggests that exert a sound .
6 .
Shadow of the reproductive system of a diesel exhaust gas fetal exposure period
We experiment of diesel exhaust exposure fetal period
In the system , with the proviso that a concentration higher than environmental standards
There is , male reproductive ,
Female reproductive ,
Placenta ,
It also , affect the etc. , exhaust gas exposure model real
That exacerbate of the endometriosis , which was developed as a test system
I was in the clear .
In male mice born , the blood testosterone level
The change , degradation of the day sperm production amount of sperm low momentum
Below , the decrease in normal morphology rate of sperm , testicular tissue deterioration of the image ,
Such as changes in the testis-specific genes was observed . In addition ,
To those caused by abnormal division in meiotic

Multinucleated giant cells , which is considered was observed . Ya animal species
Although the effect depends on the exposure concentration ,
Exposure to male
And also influence , harmful sexual reproductive system , its shadow
It extends to the next generation has been shown that sound . Pregnancy function
Studies have not been done yet , but sperm luck in the exposed group
Since the kinetic energy , normal morphology rate has fallen , affected out
Defect will be rectified is expected .
7 .
Health shadow of nanomaterials that are produced intentionally
7-1 .
Type and properties of nanomaterials
The real , the carbon black of the carbon material ,
Carbon nanotube , and fullerene nanotechnology
Further as a leader in nology base material
Application is expected . Carbon black and the other in particular
Usage as most multi- black pigment and quality of the ear
Stomach. Carbon nanotubes attention is the strength and conductivity
Is , increased use in the future is expected . In addition , metal
As nanomaterials oxide , titanium oxide makeup
As a photocatalyst and products , zinc oxide is already as pan- cosmetics
Is use . In addition , silver , alumina , and platinum
From being used as the food and daily necessities , Nanoma many kinds of
Teriaru have been put into practical use .
Size of the crystal is small for these nanomaterials
By Kunar thing , the state of the electrons changes, and large normal
It appears to have properties such as not to Kina substance . For example , of
The biological reactivity increases . Chemical reaction of a substance basically
Occur at the surface , but the material is nano- sized
Surface area per unit mass Ri increases . The specific surface
It is supposed to be an increase in the area increases the chemical reactivity
Ru . Other physicochemical variables many be less
Reduction are known , biological effects of in the body
It is not clear necessarily .
7-2 .
Route of entry into the body of nanomaterials
If Roh material from entering into the body , it is assumed that the route
Te , inhalation ( by inhalation )
, Penetration ( dermal)
, Intake and a ( oral )
Etc. is assumed .
However , on the route of entry
A quantitative analysis has not been almost still . Experimental animals
Studies using things , various set by exposure Various methods
The come to be some authors have reported on the effect on the organization
Were .
However , the type of material , size , surface texture ,曝
The test method exposure amount and the exposure method are not uniform
From , for entry into the body of nanomaterials
The overall picture is not obtained .
7-3 .
Disposition of nanomaterials
I will show what kind of behavior when there is entered in vivo
About what ,
Body motion for the purpose of toxicity evaluation and
Study of state have been reported . However , the unification
It does not mean that opinion is obtained .
Gold nanoparticles by intravenous administration study in rats by et al.
And , after administration
In after-hours ,
18 nm
Particles of large
Liver is half (
% Is present in ) , spleen only slightly
Percent was detected in )
1.4 nm
Particles of the liver
% ) Kidney (
% ) Blood (
% In the whole body including )
Was detected . Any particles not detected in the brain
Were .
On the other hand ,
De Jong
Gold nanoparticle to rats by et al.
Intravenous administration in the child test ,
10, 50, 100, 250 nm
Gold nanoparticle
For all of the child ,
Most of the liver after hours ,
It was detected in the spleen ,
10 nm
The particles of a variety of tissues ,
Blood , liver , spleen , kidney , testis , thymus , heart, lung ,
It was also detected in the brain .
In mice ,
The titanium oxide nanoparticles intravenously administered test by et al.
By ,
15 nm
Of the particles after administration
Various sets of blood and in minutes
Levels were elevated in weaving , but is not detected in the brain
It has been shown . Titanium oxide is most often detected in the liver
Is ,
In months
% I only decreased .
In addition ,
By et al.
14 nm
In intravenous administration ,
In days later , nearly
Percent remained in the body
Were .
Invade the body , reported above, was the bloodstream
Nanoparticles , this a very time-consuming clearance
I have shown the door .
8 .
Health effects of titanium oxide nanoparticles fetal exposure period
8-1 .
Titanium oxide (
General purpose of ) nanoparticles
Main anatase , rutile , brookite type in
Crystal structure of the kind exists . The most widely used
Anatase are
Photocatalytic action is strong ,
Peroxide and superoxide that is produced at this time
Active oxygen group , such as hydroxyl radical is cytotoxic
Be shown have been reported .
28, 29
By using this effect
Nanoparticles real purposes sterilization and environmental cleanup , such as antibacterial Te
Is iodide . Rutile
Is , so far safety
Because it has been considered it to Ya pharmaceuticals besides cosmetics
It is also used as a food additive . This white face
Is a component cost, and food coloring agents , particles of larger size
In little effect on the human body or inert , in cell
The absence of a check and have been widely used. In addition , nano-
Won the ultraviolet dispersion effect by the size of

Finish to reduce the degree of reflection of the light received
Ri , but also that the particle rhino , transparency adds to not white
Be a coating feeling that you and kidnapping for small 's
Etc. , to use the foundation and sunscreen
Have been .
8-2 .
Incorporation of titanium oxide nanoparticles
In a study in ,
But that is transmitted through the skin
No reports that show clearly , and Thomas in the stratum corneum and the surface of the skin
Are Lutosa .
However , cosmetic cotton in many years
That I applied repeatedly directly to the human body , the difference between the particle
Is it is a nano- scale , physicochemical surface
Permeability to barrier mechanism of the skin due to the nature river
From such Rukoto , and Meg the whole body through the blood and lymph
Ri , storing , and further information such as the impact
It should be verified . Further , a surfactant and the substrate
Behavior of the particle is changed by combination with additives like
There is also a possibility to . In addition , purple and atopic dermatitis
Inflammation or if the skin is damaged due to external irradiation
Permeability of the stratum corneum is increased if it is causing
That you are has been reported .
33, 34
Therefore, it is possible to future
There is a need to keep to verify the possibility of Rudake many .
On the other hand , titanium oxide nanoparticles or its work environment
If you are floating in an environment other , remove the exhalation
Might be written Ri , of uptake from the respiratory
Able to see the impact is also important .
8-3 .
Migrate to the brain of titanium oxide in adult
For information about migrating to the brain of nanomaterials
In inhalation studies in rats , Luo , the nasal epithelium
Via the olfactory nerve , nanoparticles , to the brain
Were demonstrated to be accessed .
On the other hand ,
Et al.
Is , the nasal cavity of the mouse adult titanium oxide (particle diameter
80 nm
Rutile type , particle size
155 nm
Attachment large amounts of anatase type)
The shifts throughout the brain via the olfactory When attached , the hippocampus , especially
Was observed to accumulate .
Both nanoparticles
Migration slightly in the brain by axonal transport of olfactory nerve from the nasal cavity
It is believed to have .
In rat titanium oxide nanoparticles Luo , (grain
30 nm
The intravenously administered ) , titanium oxide liver ,
While it is detected at a high concentration in the order of lungs , spleen , kidney ,
It has been reported that they are not detected brain , the lymph
Ru . Kidney and lung
The concentration to control level in days
Degree is impaired , the liver
And maintain a high level day after
The spleen was slightly reduced .
Above , there is a blood brain barrier in the adult , through blood
Titanium oxide enough to detect do not want to migrate to the brain
I have believed .
8-4 .
To offspring from pregnancy dams of titanium oxide nanoparticles
We , pregnancy titanium oxide nanoparticles
Transition from mother to offspring of the fiscal year , and in the brain even during periods of growth after birth
Be left in a state of the captured Further , pathologically ,
Pioneering the world that various effects can be observed functionally
It was found in only (
Fig. 2
Administration conditions : pregnancy
I was using the system mouse . Ana
Synthetase of type
Sigma-Aldrich, Saint Louis, MO,
; Particle size
70 nm
Fig. 1
Reference )
A )
Was adjusted to be , at a temperature sonicator
Dispersed . Solvent as a dispersion medium in saline
% Was prepared by adding to the .
This stock solution
Of minute
Of minute
Phase diluted to
Were . Was prepared
Pregnancy dispersion
6 , 9 , 12 , 15
On days
Each to each
0.1 ml
To ) subcutaneous administration
Were . I have the same amount of subcutaneous administration of the solvent in the control group .

Detection of titanium oxide : We administered during pregnancy
I was examined nanoparticle is , whether the transition to offspring . Blood
Fetal period undeveloped barrier function -brain barrier , such as testis barrier
Exposure to nanoparticles , the nanoparticles via the placenta
The process proceeds to pups from dams Te , to migrate to the brain and testes further
Thing , and to suggest that affect the function of each
I got the results Ru . Titanium oxide nano particles in mouse during pregnancy
Administered subcutaneously child , offspring
Transmission type of testicular tissue to weeks of age
Electron microscope (
And a scanning electron microscope ) observation
Line spectrum measuring device (
The solution by )
Was subjected to analysis , brain
( Cerebral cortex , hippocampus , and olfactory bulb )
( Leydig , Sertoli , a sperm cell or cells of the testes
Titanium oxide particles were detected and identified in etc.) .
8-5 .
The fetal brain by exposure period of titanium oxide nanoparticles
Effects on the nervous system
Each part of the brain of the nanoparticle -exposed group
Was subjected to histopathological examination will be given ,
Week-old male
We observed evidence of micro- infarction multifocal brain to peripheral blood vessels
The mitral cells of the olfactory bulb is caspase
It has become a marker ) -positive cells was observed
Were . As a result ,
When administered to pregnant mice
Migrate to fetal via the placenta , and blood underdeveloped
It passes through the Ekino barrier and remains in the brain sites , functions of the brain
Affect has been suggested .
Mono of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine
Metabolic abnormalities of amine was also observed .
In addition , covering
It is also different in the results of specific - time gene expression analysis
Abnormalities are observed .
8-6 .
Male due to titanium oxide nanoparticles fetal exposure period
Effects on the reproductive system
Production of titanium oxide nanoparticles exposed group
And to configure the seminiferous tubules in the observation of testicular tissue staining of -week-old
Abnormalities are observed in cell Ru . In addition , the Sertoli cells
Swelling of mitochondria , chestnut in electron microscopy
Disappearance of the statement was observed ,
Day the number of sperm production , Sertoli
A significant reduction in the number of cells was observed . That our
In a later study , titanium oxide anatase except
The rutile and is widely used as a cosmetic material also
The effect on the male reproductive system is also in particle surface treatment
Was observed. Some of the effects of their
Of minute
Was observed even with a dilute solution .
9 .
New comprehensive gene expression analysis method (
Law ,
To health impact studies of nanoparticles and the establishment of law )
We establish a new microarray analysis
( Umezawa , Tainaka et al.) That was
Genes that can be parsed
Gene Ontology
And )
Medical Subject Headings
The grant ,
Interpret functionally the data obtained by microarray
It is a way to try to capture a change in biological phenomena .
The following was revealed using this method . Titanium oxide
As a result of exposed to fetal -life Tan'nano particles , postnatal
With the development , about
Gene , departure of several hundred genes
Current change was observed .
Results of functional analysis using
Result from the development and growth of the brain , stress response , Apoto
Terms related to cis , co to genes that are expressed change
It was extracted as a function of through . In addition ,
MeSH term
The analysis with , Alzheimer 's disease , autism ,
Terms related to neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia have
It was extracted in intent .
Microarray method used in this study , many very
Be analyzed at a time change in expression of gene Kuno
It can , and is valid for many research fields associated with biochemical experiments
It is an analysis means Na . However , large amounts of data at a time is
While the resulting , what significance wraps therein
Was not yet established means for reading to the whether it is included
Were . Gene expression data shown by the study , or
Although it is not possible to interpret a direct health effects but ,
What gene expression variation occurs in the organization of the analysis
There was a significance in that it has Prove you? In particular,
By using the
Obtained in the analysis using only
Compounds that can not be ( biopolymer )
, Organization ( anatomical information
It was possible to obtain information about the disease or information ) . Now
After this method , functional from microarray data
Widen the method of extracting the meaning Na , pathology and physiology
Be a significant contribution to academic research is expected .
10 .
We have reached the following conclusions: through animal experiments .
Titanium oxide nanoparticles which are widely used for cosmetics and photocatalyst
Is , Once in the animal body , take the blood flow , all tissues of the body ,
I reach the organ . In addition, through the placenta from pregnant mothers
The process proceeds to Te pups , blood-brain barrier underdeveloped , testicular blood barrier
Passes the like , may affect the cells of interest . Intake
On the method of administration , intratracheal administration , nasal administration , such as subcutaneous administration
The Nanomateri bloodstream mother mice pregnant regardless of
The process proceeds to Al pups if put to及an effect on the individual of the next generation
Boss . This effect is like in the process of growth from birth we
Appears as shaped , and the disease is at least part of their

I believe there is a risk that lead to the onset or exacerbation of .
Work site or nanoparticles in cosmetics , which is applied to the skin
In nano- particles suspended is how much blood as the mechanism by which
It is necessary to examine in detail whether to migrate in this
Les is a problem in the future.
Dr. based on the results of the epidemiological study
I'm chanting " adult fetal origins hypothesis " a year .
Malnutrition in fetal life , interfere sufficient development of organ
It is the gel factor , but the body system to compensate them
Onset of adult formation of system is called a lifestyle-related diseases
It is a hypothesis leads to . This , milk and fetal
Predisposition of adult onset is formed in early childhood , ring postnatal
Is an example: it is easily applied to the disease by boundary factor
Have . The exposure of the nano- particles such as titanium oxide in fetal life
Upon receipt , and including the nervous system in response to postnatal development
A variety of symptoms that occur in other organs and reproductive system
The research results of our , and not support the hypothesis of his
Ru .
Slight nanoparticle only migrated to the next generation of offspring
It should not , but why Nanomateria a very small amount of
Le Oyobo over a long period of time is a big impact such
Sunoka is currently unknown . This effect of expression
Elucidation of the molecular mechanism is awaited .
11 .
It follows from the results of research and subsequent results of the above
There it is suggested . Inhalation , intratracheal , nanomaterials point
Nano- materials , regardless of the method of administration nose , or subcutaneous
If you ride in the bloodstream of the mother mouse pregnant , and affect the offspring
Be . As a variety of symptoms in the process of growth from birth
It appears , in some cases , they are the onset of certain diseases ,
Could lead to exacerbated .
12 .
The reality of health effects and hazards of nanomaterials
To proceed with clear , preventive measures will be easier to set up . Further
I would like also considered therapy . On the one hand , and nano
Technology new industry creation strategy and Science and Technology Basic Plan
In , and Ichizuke-ra as an important policy to be promoted
Are , it is a science and technology essential for industrial development .
Therefore , Japan as an industrial nation ,
Of the century
That the foundation also be used to take a lead in a new industrial technology
Health effects of nanomaterials to be , especially the next generation
And to clarify the health effects on , to build adequate measures
I suspect that is a very important issue .
Animal experiments carried out in this study , Tokyo University of Science ICEC

Committee , and has been carried out with the approval of at Animal Care and Use Committee
Ru . The implementation of the animal experiments and the like of " research institutes of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Basic guidelines that relates "
, And the Tokyo University of Science abiding animal experiment guidelines
It was carried out by Mori .
The study of many researchers to the title other than the author
It has been done in collaboration . Including all graduate students and students
I would grateful to collaborators

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#15 Chook12

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Posted 08 April 2014 - 01:05 AM

I used to frequent this board and gave c60oo to my hens for a while in 2012 to see if it would affect their egg laying.  There was no difference to the hens or the eggs as far as I could tell.  I stopped the experiment after I became busy which I will explain in a moment.


I have been meaning to check back in with my story but haven't got around to it yet, today I looked in the forum and noticed this thread.


I took c60oo, about a tablespoon a week, in the later half of 2012 and early 2013.  In early 2013 I stopped taking c60oo just before starting an IVF cycle.   This cycle yielded one egg, which became an 8-celled embryo on day 3.    The PICSI (Physiological Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) technique was used to select the sperm since my partner's sperm also had issues.  The embryo was transferred and the blood test two weeks later showed a strong level of hcg (pregnancy hormone).   I was given a risk of 1:55 for Downs Syndrome based on my age, but after the blood tests and measurements taken at the nuchal scan at 13 weeks, my risk was adjusted to 1:1097, which is considered low risk.  Everything went well with my pregnancy and our son was born in Jan 2014.  He is now 12 weeks old, big smiles every day, and everything normal so far. 


I was told by several fertility specialists that my chances of ever having a baby with my own eggs was 1-2%, due to my age (41 at time of successful cycle) and undetectable AMH (this indicates egg reserve levels).   I have done cycles in my late 30's where embryos did not divide past a few cells.   Several doctors urged me to use donor eggs, some of them were quite aggressive and refused to let me do IVF with my own eggs.  Now my partner and I have our own genetic child from my own egg and his sperm, so a big up-yours to all those doctors. 


I did not take c60oo while actually pregnant and have not resumed since breastfeeding.   However I wonder if c60oo may have improved the mitochondria in my egg.  I was taking other supplements such as coq10 and PQQ, which may have helped, or it all could just be random luck.


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#16 Hebbeh

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Posted 08 April 2014 - 02:21 AM

Congrats!  Very uplifting and interesting story....thanks for sharing!

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#17 niner

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Posted 08 April 2014 - 02:31 AM

I used to frequent this board and gave c60oo to my hens for a while in 2012 to see if it would affect their egg laying.  There was no difference to the hens or the eggs as far as I could tell.  I stopped the experiment after I became busy which I will explain in a moment.
I have been meaning to check back in with my story but haven't got around to it yet, today I looked in the forum and noticed this thread.
I took c60oo, about a tablespoon a week, in the later half of 2012 and early 2013.  In early 2013 I stopped taking c60oo just before starting an IVF cycle.   This cycle yielded one egg, which became an 8-celled embryo on day 3.    The PICSI (Physiological Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) technique was used to select the sperm since my partner's sperm also had issues.  The embryo was transferred and the blood test two weeks later showed a strong level of hcg (pregnancy hormone).   I was given a risk of 1:55 for Downs Syndrome based on my age, but after the blood tests and measurements taken at the nuchal scan at 13 weeks, my risk was adjusted to 1:1097, which is considered low risk.  Everything went well with my pregnancy and our son was born in Jan 2014.  He is now 12 weeks old, big smiles every day, and everything normal so far. 
I was told by several fertility specialists that my chances of ever having a baby with my own eggs was 1-2%, due to my age (41 at time of successful cycle) and undetectable AMH (this indicates egg reserve levels).   I have done cycles in my late 30's where embryos did not divide past a few cells.   Several doctors urged me to use donor eggs, some of them were quite aggressive and refused to let me do IVF with my own eggs.  Now my partner and I have our own genetic child from my own egg and his sperm, so a big up-yours to all those doctors. 
I did not take c60oo while actually pregnant and have not resumed since breastfeeding.   However I wonder if c60oo may have improved the mitochondria in my egg.  I was taking other supplements such as coq10 and PQQ, which may have helped, or it all could just be random luck.

Hi Chook, looks like you've been busy! Congratulations on the birth of your son. I think you might be on to something with the idea that c60oo may have improved the mitochondrial function of your egg. Poor mitochondrial function will stop the development of the embryo at an early stage, but embryos with good mitochondrial function continue to develop. (a recent paper showing this in mice)  While we don't know that c60oo was involved in your success, it's plausible.  The fact that you had worse luck with younger eggs suggests that the odds were pretty poor, as the doctors predicted, but they don't know about c60. 


I wonder if your son is the world's first c60 baby?

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#18 mikey

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Posted 20 April 2014 - 02:07 AM

I used to frequent this board and gave c60oo to my hens for a while in 2012 to see if it would affect their egg laying.  There was no difference to the hens or the eggs as far as I could tell.  I stopped the experiment after I became busy which I will explain in a moment.


I have been meaning to check back in with my story but haven't got around to it yet, today I looked in the forum and noticed this thread.


I took c60oo, about a tablespoon a week, in the later half of 2012 and early 2013.  In early 2013 I stopped taking c60oo just before starting an IVF cycle.   This cycle yielded one egg, which became an 8-celled embryo on day 3.    The PICSI (Physiological Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) technique was used to select the sperm since my partner's sperm also had issues.  The embryo was transferred and the blood test two weeks later showed a strong level of hcg (pregnancy hormone).   I was given a risk of 1:55 for Downs Syndrome based on my age, but after the blood tests and measurements taken at the nuchal scan at 13 weeks, my risk was adjusted to 1:1097, which is considered low risk.  Everything went well with my pregnancy and our son was born in Jan 2014.  He is now 12 weeks old, big smiles every day, and everything normal so far. 


I was told by several fertility specialists that my chances of ever having a baby with my own eggs was 1-2%, due to my age (41 at time of successful cycle) and undetectable AMH (this indicates egg reserve levels).   I have done cycles in my late 30's where embryos did not divide past a few cells.   Several doctors urged me to use donor eggs, some of them were quite aggressive and refused to let me do IVF with my own eggs.  Now my partner and I have our own genetic child from my own egg and his sperm, so a big up-yours to all those doctors. 


I did not take c60oo while actually pregnant and have not resumed since breastfeeding.   However I wonder if c60oo may have improved the mitochondria in my egg.  I was taking other supplements such as coq10 and PQQ, which may have helped, or it all could just be random luck.



Congratulations on your childbirth!


And your victory in having your baby your way, in spite of those "doctors."


A study found that "older" women taking up to 600 mg of CoQ10/day experienced improved egg quality and fertilization rates, so it's entirely possible that your taking those supplements - and C60 - helped.


I hope you're taking plenty of omega-3 fats during lactation, as well as optimal potencies of essential nutrients, as they can only improve your babies chances of a long healthy life.


I'm writing a book about healthy pregnancy, so I find your experience fascinating!


Best wishes.

#19 smithx

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Posted 26 April 2014 - 06:41 AM

Chook12, congratulations and thanks for the post!


One question: did your partner also take C60OO before the pregnancy?



#20 Chook12

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Posted 04 May 2014 - 07:01 AM

Chook12, congratulations and thanks for the post!


One question: did your partner also take C60OO before the pregnancy?




Yes, he took it too.  He had a semen analysis in Mar 2013, but there was no great improvement to a previous analysis - still had low count and poor morphology.


One difference with the successful cycle is that PICSI was used to select the sperm.   On previous cycles we had only used ICSI (the scientist chooses a sperm based on appearance and injects it into the egg).   With PICSI (http://www.cityferti...njection-picsi/), the sperm that bind to hyaluronan (HA) are separated out and used for ICSI.  


It is possible that PICSI helped choose a good sperm for my one egg.


May 2 was the anniversary of my embyro transfer.  

#21 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 04 May 2014 - 04:31 PM


Chook12, congratulations and thanks for the post!


One question: did your partner also take C60OO before the pregnancy?




Yes, he took it too.  He had a semen analysis in Mar 2013, but there was no great improvement to a previous analysis - still had low count and poor morphology.


One difference with the successful cycle is that PICSI was used to select the sperm.   On previous cycles we had only used ICSI (the scientist chooses a sperm based on appearance and injects it into the egg).   With PICSI (http://www.cityferti...njection-picsi/), the sperm that bind to hyaluronan (HA) are separated out and used for ICSI.  


It is possible that PICSI helped choose a good sperm for my one egg.


May 2 was the anniversary of my embyro transfer.  


If C60 did have anything to do with it, I would think that as sperm cells are made much more frequently, a man would have to be on it at the time of conception for it to make a difference for him.

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#22 sofaking

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Posted 17 June 2014 - 12:56 PM


I was told by several fertility specialists that my chances of ever having a baby with my own eggs was 1-2%, due to my age (41 at time of successful cycle) and undetectable AMH (this indicates egg reserve levels).   I have done cycles in my late 30's where embryos did not divide past a few cells.   Several doctors urged me to use donor eggs, some of them were quite aggressive and refused to let me do IVF with my own eggs.  Now my partner and I have our own genetic child from my own egg and his sperm, so a big up-yours to all those doctors. 



Hi Chook12 - 


This is such an interesting story. I likewise have undetectable AMH and so would not really be a candidate for IVF with my own eggs. To make things more complicated, my partner does not want to do any unnatural interventions (like IVF or even tamer), which I respect. 


I have read some astounding reports of fertility clinics using LDN (low dose naltrexone) that have produced babies despite low and undetectable AMH. So I have done 4.5mg capsules for 6 months and then now take liquid in a slightly smaller nightly dose. (For the record, I am not classifying this as an "unnatural intervention" - it's more of a "supplement"). 


My instinct was that C60oo might do something similar and complementary. It's not like I want to run out and try this, but I am very, very interested in the fact that you had some C60oo in your system at the time of pregnancy. 


I am absolutely on a CoQ10 regiment (high quality 500mg/day for 4 years). Have done all the acupuncture and Chinese herbs (Quing Dong or whatever), various sorts. I eat fermented foods, homemade kefir from the Caucasus mountains, grass fed beef, LCHF (low carbohydrate high fat diet as per the Swedish, focussing on appropriate saturated fats rather than polyunsaturated oils, which is the unfortunate hangup of most conventional ketogenic diet studies). Etc. Etc. 


But I would love to hear some follow up about your healthy child, if it's not too personal! I am so happy for your great result.

#23 Ames

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Posted 20 June 2014 - 03:31 PM

Risking fetus exposure to C60 would be incredibly irresponsible and just plain stupid. There are no known rewards and the risks are completely unknown and therefore possibly disastrous, even if possible negative outcomes don't manifest in every infant. Anyone who would play so loose with their supplementation is irrationally taking the quality of an entire life in their hands.

#24 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 20 June 2014 - 06:44 PM

The same can be said with virtually all pregnancy interventions and such conceptions are more likely to result in lower quality of life. I'd like to see us do some tests in rats or mice to determine the rate of disease in a control group vs the rate of disease in a C60 experimental group. Anyone interested in leading a fundraiser for this?

#25 smithx

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Posted 20 June 2014 - 08:48 PM

I agree that it's very inadvisable to take C60 during pregnancy. We just don't know what it might do. 


I also agree that it would be great to get some data, as cryonicsculture is suggesting. 

#26 ambivalent

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Posted 10 July 2019 - 03:14 PM

This article is indicative of a role c60 might play in ameliorating female fertility, given its purported capacity to combat oxidative stress:



Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: womens health, pregnancy, c60, infant health

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