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My profound experience on nicotinamide riboside


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#1 Decimus

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Posted 26 January 2014 - 04:56 PM

After reading the most recent finding by David Sinclair (not a big fan of his) on nicotinamide mononucleotide I found studies that showed that nicotinamide ribsoside was converted into the former within the body and placed an ordered for some riboside.

On day 1 I took 125 mg and had a general feeling of well being but, I didn't think much of it. Of the 100+ supplements I have taken I have never had much of an effect from any of them. On day 2 I took 250 mg and that's when it happened. I felt like a god. I can only describe it as feeling younger, much younger. It wasn't a high or euphoric feeling, I just began to feel somehow cleaner, more energized, with greater focus, motivation and liveliness. On day 3 I took the same dose and continued to feel better than I remember feeling in years. Again, it didn't stimulate me like a nootropic or caffeine. It made me feel like I was 120% of the person I was before I began. It's a very strange feeling.

Then day 4 rolled around. I took the same dose, but hours later I crashed like a lead ballon. It felt like someone took a baseball bat to every muscle in my body. I was lightheaded, dizzy and extremely tired. I was completely incapacitated. The manufacturer had told me that light headedness and fatigue were the first signs of "reaching your limit". I went to bed early and by the next day I felt okay again. I stopped the supplements for a few days and then began again and stayed at a 125 mg. Eventually I had the same effects of coming up for a few days and then a had crash although much less than my previous one. I am going to try 125mg EOD now and see what happens.

It is clear to me that this supplement is the real deal. Somewhere on this site someone posted a few reviews from another site that showed similar results to mine. There was another user here who posted he had been on this supplement for months with zero noticeable results so it is either dose dependent or only affects some. The manufacturer recommends on the bottle to stop taking it after a month for several days which is a very odd statement for a supplement manufacturer and suggests that people are reporting my effects. Whether in the end this supplement is doing more harm than good (given the sides I have had) or in the end does anything at all to influence lifespan I of course can't say, but I am fairly convinced we are going to be hearing more interesting things about nicotinamide riboside and monoucleotide in the near future as Sinclair and company continue work on their studies.
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#2 trance

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Posted 26 January 2014 - 06:54 PM

That was me ... I've had a supply for 6 months or so, long before Sinclair's report. I've varied doses after these few various anecdotal "god like" effects reported here, but nothing, zilch, nada. I have Niagen and the sublingual forms.

Your 125mg dose is half the recommended one I've taken daily. I've upped it to 2000mg for a few days a couple weeks back, but still nothing noticeable at all.

For those who experience any effect, I wonder if it's a systemic low level to begin with, placebo -- or just marketing plants and pre-planned guerrilla marketing strategy for quote harvesting later by some web reseller snake oil site.

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#3 Joe Cohen

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Posted 26 January 2014 - 06:55 PM

I second the positive effects
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#4 Hebbeh

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Posted 26 January 2014 - 09:10 PM

I believe C60/EVOO can provide some of the same increases in NAD+ as the NAD precursors via increased ETC efficiency (therefore increased krebs cycle efficiency) and most of the anecdotal accounts of various C60/EVOO experiences including increased exercise tolerance/endurance and some with increased sleep could be explained by the same mechanism of increased efficiency in the NAD/NADH chain resulting in increased mitochondrial efficiency similar to the NAD+ precursors such as nicotinamide riboside which also rely on the ETC to complete the krebs cycle.

I would be interested in whether nicotinamide riboside non-responders are using C60/EVOO and whether Niagen responders are not using C60 or other mitochondrial enhancing supplements.

Also, the Niagen crash being reported, could be due to eventual issues in the ETC due to the NR precursor eventually over burdening the ETC which can't keep up....but if using C60, that may buffer the ETC enough to prevent the eventual ETC disruption and ensuing crash from Niagen.
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#5 normalizing

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Posted 26 January 2014 - 11:53 PM

decimus, where do you buy your nicotinamide riboside ? if its not ok to post source here, send me PM im interested in this. Is the idea behind it like what NADH was sold as in vitamin stores ? because NADH was too pricey for its purpose of doing nothing really.

#6 trance

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Posted 27 January 2014 - 06:24 AM

I would be interested in whether nicotinamide riboside non-responders are using C60/EVOO and whether Niagen responders are not using C60 or other mitochondrial enhancing supplements.

Yes, I've used C60/EVOO for quite some time now. I usually dose C60 just on weekends these days.
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#7 Adaptogen

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Posted 27 January 2014 - 07:14 AM

That is an interesting theory, I am certainly interested in finding out if other non-responders have or have not trialed C60.

#8 Kevnzworld

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Posted 27 January 2014 - 07:28 AM

This interesting article was just published on the Anti Aging Firewalls website
"Jim Watson’s “Top 12” List of “Things I Learned about Aging” in 2013 "
1. Reversing Mitochondrial Aging with NAD precursors - The Role of Nuclear NAD deficiency as the Cause of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Warburg-type Metabolism

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#9 normalizing

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 01:33 AM

where is the topic starter ?

#10 Kevnzworld

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Posted 12 February 2014 - 09:15 PM

I began taking Niagen a week ago, substituting it for niacinamide. . I take two capsules ( 250mg ) in the morning and once additional capsule in the late afternoon.
There is definitely a mild flushing effect. I don't " feel " anything else, but I didn't expect to. I have been taking C60oo for about 1 1\2 years.
I would be interested in reading about anyone else's experience with or thoughts on nicotinamide riboside.

Edited by Kevnzworld, 12 February 2014 - 09:17 PM.

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#11 normalizing

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Posted 16 February 2014 - 08:56 PM

mild flushing and thats it ? no wonder more people arent discussing this supplement. just one good experience report so far....
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#12 Duchykins

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Posted 17 February 2014 - 04:38 AM

People 'crashing' with any form of niacin have simply become temporarily undermethylated. Niacin is a methyl glutton. One of niacin's greatest uses is for overmethylated people. It just means stop taking it for a while or severly cut back dose, or if you really want to keep the moderate doses of niacin, try adding some methyls to your stack

I think maybe also increasing vit c to double whatever the niacin dose is .... google it I'm too lazy right now

Edited by Duchykins, 17 February 2014 - 05:13 AM.

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#13 Duchykins

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Posted 17 February 2014 - 04:52 AM

mild flushing and thats it no wonder more people arent discussing this supplement. just one good experience report so far....

Niacin has fantastic uses for anxiety and depression and is well known for it in actual psychology and psychiatry circles.... not places like Longecity where most people are not interested or terribly knowledgable in those areas.

Just look at how mystified others were about a form of niacin making someone foggy and tired so suddenly after a short time of wonderful euphoria. But it's not remotely uncommon, it's actually to be expected in the average-methylated person who isn't cosupplementing with enough methyl Bs, nd the fix is very simple. Cycle your niacin like you're supposed to unless you have some actual medical issue where you need to take it daily.

The exchange of knowledge on supplements here tends to be rather narrow as to purpose and use... which is very common among all supplement forums. Bodybuilding, autism, ADHD, nootropics, cancer, mental illness ... if you search each kind of forum for a single supplement, each forum will offer you a very different perspective, knowledge base and purpose of use for that ONE supplement.

Go ahead and try it for yourself.

Edited by Duchykins, 17 February 2014 - 05:04 AM.

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#14 Kevnzworld

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Posted 17 February 2014 - 05:08 PM

mild flushing and thats it ? no wonder more people arent discussing this supplement. just one good experience report so far....

The reason to take this sup is that it's been shown to effectively raise NAD+ levels , which according to the recent Sinclair study has longevity benefits. Not because it's going to make you " feel " better.
As one blog writer with more knowledge than I wrote regarding the three most important anti aging strategies as of now
" As these proximate determinants of aging become clearer, three key central interventions for drastically slowing aging appear to be a. upregulating expression of the SIRT1 protein expression (via Resveratrol, etc), b. upregulating nuclear expression of NAD+ (via NMN or certain dietary supplements), and c. taking a supplement that acts as a powerful mitochondrial antioxidant (quite possibly, C60-olive oil or MitoQ)."


#15 tunt01

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 12:34 AM

Any update on your protocol? I've taken it the last 2 days and currently have a pretty positive response. I've done 250mg upon wake.

I worry about long-term implications and crash, but this is a pretty amazing supplement.

#16 APBT

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 12:48 AM

Any update on your protocol? I've taken it the last 2 days and currently have a pretty positive response. I've done 250mg upon wake.

I worry about long-term implications and crash, but this is a pretty amazing supplement.

Would you mind expanding with more detail on, "I've taken it the last 2 days and currently have a pretty positive response."

#17 Kevnzworld

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 12:50 AM

Any update on your protocol? I've taken it the last 2 days and currently have a pretty positive response. I've done 250mg upon wake.

I worry about long-term implications and crash, but this is a pretty amazing supplement.

I'm now taking 250mg in the AM, and an additional 125mg in the early eve.
I only feel a slight flush response as one does with niacin, but not as much.
How would you describe your positive response?
I trust that if this dose of NR is doing something, ie raising my NAD, it's on a cellular level and isn't something I would necessarily feel. There are days when I have more or less energy, but I'm reticent to attribute using any single supplement for how I feel on any given day.
Is anyone that is taking NR also taking niacinamide in addition? If you were taking any other form of niacin did you continue or discontinue it?

#18 tunt01

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 01:12 AM

I have a condition which makes a SIRT1 deficit more likely. I won't go into specifics for privacy purposes. However, there is ample reason to believe this will have a larger impact on me than the average person.

I'm generally a conservative/cautious person, so "positive" response was careful wording on my part. The reality is that this supplement to me has been remarkable. I would note the effects as following:

- Increased clarity and focus. I often get easily distracted and this has been less an issue. I can grind through papers without losing my train of thought. Less OCD/ADHD in general.
- Substantially increased endurance. Willpower and ability to soldier on through material or exercise is improved. I have not been exercising at all lately so I can't benchmark X miles and time vs. prior results. I simply feel more energized.
- My glucose before my evening meal is 84 mg/dl (checked twice) That's the lowest I've ever recorded in the last 2 years (with intermittent checking). I've always had a problem with slightly elevated glucose (for years) -- the low end was always around 90 mg/dl. A couple times I've seen it down at 87, but this 84 is pretty interesting to me. That's really low.
- Tightening in the face/vascular system. I wouldn't call it a flushing effect (like nicotinic acid, which I've tried) so much like a focused energetic feeling without any emotional/adrenaline perturbation that might otherwise cloud my homeostasis.

I do have a slight worry that this is going to crash on me. It does feel like a bit of a drug high. The couple times I tried modafinil, I didn't really like it because it felt like it had such a pressuring effect on my vascular system/heart. This is how I originally imagined modafinil was supposed to be (but wasn't) -- a clean, energetic and focused elevation.

Edited by prophets, 25 March 2014 - 01:16 AM.

#19 midas

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 01:45 AM

I have a condition which makes a SIRT1 deficit more likely. I won't go into specifics for privacy purposes. However, there is ample reason to believe this will have a larger impact on me than the average person.

I'm generally a conservative/cautious person, so "positive" response was careful wording on my part. The reality is that this supplement to me has been remarkable. I would note the effects as following:

- Increased clarity and focus. I often get easily distracted and this has been less an issue. I can grind through papers without losing my train of thought. Less OCD/ADHD in general.
- Substantially increased endurance. Willpower and ability to soldier on through material or exercise is improved. I have not been exercising at all lately so I can't benchmark X miles and time vs. prior results. I simply feel more energized.
- My glucose before my evening meal is 84 mg/dl (checked twice) That's the lowest I've ever recorded in the last 2 years (with intermittent checking). I've always had a problem with slightly elevated glucose (for years) -- the low end was always around 90 mg/dl. A couple times I've seen it down at 87, but this 84 is pretty interesting to me. That's really low.
- Tightening in the face/vascular system. I wouldn't call it a flushing effect (like nicotinic acid, which I've tried) so much like a focused energetic feeling without any emotional/adrenaline perturbation that might otherwise cloud my homeostasis.

I do have a slight worry that this is going to crash on me. It does feel like a bit of a drug high. The couple times I tried modafinil, I didn't really like it because it felt like it had such a pressuring effect on my vascular system/heart. This is how I originally imagined modafinil was supposed to be (but wasn't) -- a clean, energetic and focused elevation.

Looking at the length of time you have been a member here, and the number of posts you have made, I am assuming you have a pretty good idea what you are talking about. Which makes your last post that I have quoted above all that much more interesting, it all sounds positive to me and I hope you can carry on feeling that way.
I am thinking that the feeling will level out or you may just get used to it but hopefully the NR will do what we are all hoping it will do.

I'm new here, and it was NR that brought me to the forum, so this is all very interesting for me.

Keep us informed please.... :)

#20 Kevnzworld

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 04:05 AM

I have a condition which makes a SIRT1 deficit more likely. I won't go into specifics for privacy purposes. However, there is ample reason to believe this will have a larger impact on me than the average person.

Somewhat OT, but have you had any noticeable response to Sirt1 activators like resveratrol? I'm considering increasing my daily dosage...

#21 tunt01

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 04:14 AM

Somewhat OT, but have you had any noticeable response to Sirt1 activators like resveratrol? I'm considering increasing my daily dosage...

I had a positive effect from resveratrol. I don't remember resveratrol being this impactful. I also never continued with its use because of its questionable long-term usefulness in longevity.

#22 tintinet

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Posted 26 March 2014 - 12:21 AM

Knotweed resveratrol made me euphoric, for a while. Synthetic resveratrol, C60 EVOO (up to 10 mg/day), Niagen (2 tabs Q AM): nada, typical of my response to almost all supplements.


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 12:38 AM

Sorry to spam but....

I am trying to organise a group buy of Niagen at a 30% discount ($33.60) per bottle.

I have created a new thread in the Supplements section

The link is here: http://www.longecity...side-group-buy/

If anyone is interested, please go to that link and let me know.

The more I hear about this stuff, the more I like what I hear. I am hoping this will leave resveratrol in the dust.:))
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#24 midas

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Posted 26 March 2014 - 01:32 AM

Knotweed resveratrol made me euphoric, for a while. Synthetic resveratrol, C60 EVOO (up to 10 mg/day), Niagen (2 tabs Q AM): nada, typical of my response to almost all supplements.

It might help if we knew the age of people taking supplements, especially things like Niagen (NR)

David Sinclair thinks that when we are younger we have a 100% pool of NAD and as we get older it drops to about 50% of what we had in lets say our 20's....If that is so, younger people may not notice much of an effect when taking it and older people more so....

As an example, me being 52 and with a medical condition I would expect that I would maybe feel more of a difference than if I were taking it at 30-40 and fit and healthy?

Just a thought

#25 Bryan_S

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Posted 28 June 2014 - 08:14 AM


It might help if we knew the age of people taking supplements, especially things like Niagen (NR)

David Sinclair thinks that when we are younger we have a 100% pool of NAD and as we get older it drops to about 50% of what we had in lets say our 20's....If that is so, younger people may not notice much of an effect when taking it and older people more so....

As an example, me being 52 and with a medical condition I would expect that I would maybe feel more of a difference than if I were taking it at 30-40 and fit and healthy?

Just a thought






I think thats pretty insightful. I'm in my 50's and have taken Niagen (NR) now for 4 months and the results have been spectacular. I've had inflammatory problems with my ankle joints that I've aggravated with years of continued skydiving. The problem was making me become more and more sedentary year by year as the pain of walking became more and more unbearable. Not to mention the least amount of exertion made me pant and break out in a sweat. Sitting on your ass avoiding the pain will do that.


Then last November my son wanted to show me his physics labs at his college campus. Up and down countless stairs and all over the campus and my ankles finally failed me. 4 months of doctors and physical therapy and I finally said enough is enough. Thats not to say they didn't help me at all, its just that the pain and swelling wouldn't subside.


I'd been researching stem-cell therapies over the years and I'd seen this nicotinamide riboside come up on my radar several times. Dr. David Sinclair has more recently arrived on the scene. The NAD precursors were already under investigation before he bailed on resveratrol and hitched his wagon to nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) then nicotinamide riboside (NR). Now mind you I don't take supplements and have regarded most of this hype as snake oil. Needless to say over my lifetime I haven't contributed much to the US $60 Billion a year supplement economy. However I've read so much about nicotinamide riboside over the years I thought why not and started looking for a source.


The first month of Niagen (NR) I questioned if it was working at all. It was very subtle at first, I thought maybe my attention and focus had improved but I wasn't absolutely sure. So I put off ordering a second bottle just to see the difference and make up my mind. After about a week of feeling like crap and returning to the mental fog I was in I realized my energy level and focus had been increasing all the while and I just hadn't properly related the effect to the NR.


When my next bottle arrived my energy level returned in very short order, then I began looking for ways to increase the effects. So I began taking the Niagen sublingually first thing in the morning and once again in the evening before bed. Then on days where I needed razor sharp concentration like running the teleprompter in on-air news casts I'd take some before my shift began and I really noticed a difference in concentration. Then one day some physical tasks came up and my ankles didn't swell after being on my feet for hours moving and setting up some heavy stage equipment. This was a job that typically put me out of action for 24 hours and made me elevate my feet until the swelling subsided but nothing happened and I was fine.


Since experiencing this new physical well-being I decided to add an exercise routine. I had a VersaClimber just collecting dust in my office and in the last several years I could never muster enough energy to use the thing. Now you cant get me off it.


So I think the older we are the more profound the results. "You know the saying, "you don't know what you've got, till it's gone." I'm sure its different for everyone but the effects of (NR) are subtle, it's not like a stimulant for me its just a return of function. I guess the younger you are the less difference it makes. I'm not running up and down the block yet but my energy is increasing day by day. I'm walking pretty much pain free now and hope to be jumping out of air planes again by this fall. The VersaClimber continues to be a major source of activity and my progress is easy to map with it. Anyone who's used one of these knows its an endless climbing machine that kicks ass and you can see how far you climbed and the time it takes you. I'm already beginning to feel like I did in my forties and look forward to seeing where this leads to by next year.


Be well guys, your mileage may vary.

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#26 D Mason

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Posted 09 September 2014 - 10:41 PM



It might help if we knew the age of people taking supplements, especially things like Niagen (NR)

David Sinclair thinks that when we are younger we have a 100% pool of NAD and as we get older it drops to about 50% of what we had in lets say our 20's....If that is so, younger people may not notice much of an effect when taking it and older people more so....

As an example, me being 52 and with a medical condition I would expect that I would maybe feel more of a difference than if I were taking it at 30-40 and fit and healthy?

Just a thought






I think thats pretty insightful. I'm in my 50's and have taken Niagen (NR) now for 4 months and the results have been spectacular. I've had inflammatory problems with my ankle joints that I've aggravated with years of continued skydiving. The problem was making me become more and more sedentary year by year as the pain of walking became more and more unbearable. Not to mention the least amount of exertion made me pant and break out in a sweat. Sitting on your ass avoiding the pain will do that.


Then last November my son wanted to show me his physics labs at his college campus. Up and down countless stairs and all over the campus and my ankles finally failed me. 4 months of doctors and physical therapy and I finally said enough is enough. Thats not to say they didn't help me at all, its just that the pain and swelling wouldn't subside.


I'd been researching stem-cell therapies over the years and I'd seen this nicotinamide riboside come up on my radar several times. Dr. David Sinclair has more recently arrived on the scene. The NAD precursors were already under investigation before he bailed on resveratrol and hitched his wagon to nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) then nicotinamide riboside (NR). Now mind you I don't take supplements and have regarded most of this hype as snake oil. Needless to say over my lifetime I haven't contributed much to the US $60 Billion a year supplement economy. However I've read so much about nicotinamide riboside over the years I thought why not and started looking for a source.


The first month of Niagen (NR) I questioned if it was working at all. It was very subtle at first, I thought maybe my attention and focus had improved but I wasn't absolutely sure. So I put off ordering a second bottle just to see the difference and make up my mind. After about a week of feeling like crap and returning to the mental fog I was in I realized my energy level and focus had been increasing all the while and I just hadn't properly related the effect to the NR.


When my next bottle arrived my energy level returned in very short order, then I began looking for ways to increase the effects. So I began taking the Niagen sublingually first thing in the morning and once again in the evening before bed. Then on days where I needed razor sharp concentration like running the teleprompter in on-air news casts I'd take some before my shift began and I really noticed a difference in concentration. Then one day some physical tasks came up and my ankles didn't swell after being on my feet for hours moving and setting up some heavy stage equipment. This was a job that typically put me out of action for 24 hours and made me elevate my feet until the swelling subsided but nothing happened and I was fine.


Since experiencing this new physical well-being I decided to add an exercise routine. I had a VersaClimber just collecting dust in my office and in the last several years I could never muster enough energy to use the thing. Now you cant get me off it.


So I think the older we are the more profound the results. "You know the saying, "you don't know what you've got, till it's gone." I'm sure its different for everyone but the effects of (NR) are subtle, it's not like a stimulant for me its just a return of function. I guess the younger you are the less difference it makes. I'm not running up and down the block yet but my energy is increasing day by day. I'm walking pretty much pain free now and hope to be jumping out of air planes again by this fall. The VersaClimber continues to be a major source of activity and my progress is easy to map with it. Anyone who's used one of these knows its an endless climbing machine that kicks ass and you can see how far you climbed and the time it takes you. I'm already beginning to feel like I did in my forties and look forward to seeing where this leads to by next year.


Be well guys, your mileage may vary.



That is an amazing story.   I also read a report somewhere on it being used as a potential cure for arthitis?  It may have been a link in this forum?    Non the less very interesting that it helped you get over your ankle pain like that.


My own experience started out pretty uneventful, The first few days I tried it, I didnt feel anything.  I did lose control of my bowels, but I had also gotten back from traveling to central america the week before.


None the less, after that I eased into it slowly, taking a week on and a week off.  the second go round trying it, I noticed significantly improved energy levels.  Then strangely when I stopped taking I noticed I was having trouble concetrating and would lose focus when listening to people talk.   I started back on it again, and felt mentally sharper, and the increased energy came back.  I've also noticed needing less sleep... I'm usually good on 6 or 7 hours, before I  need at least 8, or would need a mid day nap.


So far I've only been taking the reccomended does of 250mg in the morning upon waking.   I'm considering uping my dose. But










#27 AdamI

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Posted 27 November 2014 - 01:54 PM

so only 3 People have tried nicotinamide riboside yet.

Has the pulse gotten down for u people? This was a claim from Biotivia that Mitotrans  did...

#28 oppenheimer82

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Posted 28 November 2014 - 03:10 PM

one vendor sells pure Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), wouldn't it just be better to take this instead of nicotinamide riboside?

#29 pone11

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Posted 24 December 2014 - 05:48 AM

one vendor sells pure Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), wouldn't it just be better to take this instead of nicotinamide riboside?


Can you post a URL to the supplement are you referring to?   The supplement that is widely available is NADH not NAD+.   NAD+ wouldn't survive and you wouldn't get any into your intracellular environment.   More NADH doesn't help us because the failure that old and sick people have is typically an inability to run their electron transport chain efficiently, and that is where the NADH converts to NAD+.   Taking NADH is feeding a part of the system that does not need to be fed.


The supplements that say "NAD+" on the label are typically one of three niacin type substances.   These are metabolic *precursors* to NAD+, and they are not NAD+.


The reason to prefer nicotinamide riboside over niacin and niacinamide is that the riboside variant upregulates the SIRT genes.   It is those SIRT genes that are typically associated with life extension.   Niacinamide actually downregulates SIRT, so if you want NAD+, and also the SIRT-related activations, niacinamide should be entirely avoided.

Edited by pone11, 24 December 2014 - 05:49 AM.

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#30 Decimus

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Posted 02 March 2015 - 09:32 PM

Apologies for the delay in responding. I wanted to briefly give an update to my original post. After doing an on again off again routine with Niagen that produced extreme muscle aches that often lasted days and sometimes confined me to bed where I could control my body movements in order to control the muscle pain, I ordered a lower dose pill from another vendor (Doctor's Best).

The lower dose has been nothing short of remarkable again. The effects do seem to be limited to my muscles and perhaps my skin. My muscles are full, thick and highly tight and my skin feels extremely soft. I did a low dose testosterone cycle once and can only compare it to the effects I recieved on that substance. Interestingly, when I lift weights now on the supplement I almost never get muscle aches the next day, as I always had in the past.

Sinclair stated that evidence of rejuvenation thus far were limited to the muscles. I do not believe this supplement will have a large effect on lifespan as studies in nematodes looked disappointing but, it seems like it might help with some aspects of health span. Who knows why it seems to work dramatically in some people like myslef even at very low doses and not work in others even at high doses. But it is definetly doing something very profound in my body.

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