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recovery stack

burn out schizophrenia depersonalization hppd cfs

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#1 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 06 February 2014 - 07:17 PM

Hello everybody, i 'm currently working on a recovery stack and diet for my disabling condition. i had a very very bad burn out/depression which happened 2 years ago and now i'm in the aftermath and suffer from some dissociative symptoms and visual hallicunations which i developed in the burn out (i'm not out of touch with reality or so.. just tripping). And i did not recover well from the burn out, and developed CFS. I was ready to give up and be institutionalised or to kill my self, but decided to keep on going , and improve my condition. I started out with a ketogenic diet and i eat very heatlhy. I also take some supplements which helped improve my overal situation quite a bit, but i was wondering if anybody has any remarks on my stack...and maybe knows about some other stuff that'll do good to my brain and mitochondria. i'm 100% my cortisol is low so i'm gonna add cortef to my stack and i have high hopes that this will cure my CFS

i'm now taking :

- glutathione 500mg
- NAC 2400mg (this helped a lot)
- ALA 600 mg
- C 1g
- ALCAR 2g
lion's mane - 1g
oxaloacetate - dunno how much 1 tablet
malate - 1 tablet
l-theanine- 100mg
milk thistle - 150mg
kurkuma - 2 tea spoons
creatine - 3g
q10 - 1 tabet
green tea extract

adding : vit e, and pqq

everyday i do the same, i go to bed at the same time, stand up in the morning, and write books in my native language which is not english. i have the goal to live from my writing and of course to get bettter.

but i'm still hallicunating pretty intense and i hate the fact that it's probably killing my brain cells, so with that in mind, does anybody has a good advice?

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Posted 07 February 2014 - 09:30 PM

You might wanna take a look at my thread and the things I've tried :)
Ashwagandha and SAMe (and low-dose lithium) is missing in that list I created. Both of 'em are pretty awesome. I also increased methylfolate to 5mg and take 5mg of Vit K weekly. I take pills all day :D

Kinda interesting to see that you also saw improvement with NAC.
I'd try switching turmeric (kurkuma) with a curcumin product (with enhanced absorption, e.g. meriva, with bioperine, c3 complex)
EPA from fish oil is definitely missing. Even if it doesn't help you in that regard, it's undoubtedly good for you.

I'm currently thinking of adding in medication. Fluoxetine (antidepressant) and quietapine (antipsychotic) were a disaster. I think of trying out low-dose amisulpride. It's supposed to be the least sedating atypical antipsychotic.

Don't give up. There is hope. You can get cured from this, you can get rid of the hallucinations. I don't have any doubt in my mind that such diseases are actually curable.
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#3 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 08 February 2014 - 09:30 AM

thanks for the reply and yea we have to keep hoping.

Personally i think recovery is possible but that time and luck that things will heal plays the biggest role in it, and that supplements, combined with a healthy lifestyle, will possibly speed up things. funny you also take a couple of the same things..NAC is indeed very effective i find, and kurkuma i can't tell maybe i'll switch to a pill form. it's a great anti-inflamatory agent and many deseases like depression or psychosis are linked to brain inflamation.

Fish oil i tried many times, different brands, and also krill oil, but i get very bad depressed feelings from it. i also can't take vitamin D, same reaction. My guess is it has something to do with the activation of my immume system what's malfunctioning and causing the depressed feelings. (i read an article about that, that depressed feelings might be some kind of autoimmume thing.

you might wanna try coconut oil, it's great for energy and mental energy and a real good brainfood. it contains mct oil, and it's linked to preventing neurodegenerative diseases.

i'm currently on citalopram 40mg and zyprexa 2.5mg and don't want to take serontonerg stuff cause it might interact with my antidepressent and mess me up further. so no sam-e for me, and no lithium ;)

have you thought about doing a methylation panel? 23andme or how it's called? it's pretty complex and i'm not sure if we can truly heal ourselfs with it..but maybe i'll do it one day just to see if i'm actually overmethylating atm.


#4 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 08 February 2014 - 09:37 AM

o yea, i'm also on a ketogenic diet, you also might wanna try that. which is also good for the brains and lowers glutamate if i'm not mistaking. the oxaloacetate i take btw if quit expensive but it mimic caloric restriciton, what is a way to lower glutamate.

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Posted 09 February 2014 - 03:03 PM

I used coconut oil for a very long time. Unfortunately, my stomach is not a huge fan of MCTs and I don't get used to it, either. I can take it in small amounts (a couple of g), but when I take too much, I soon regret it. I now use ghee and sometimes olive oil. I haven't used refined vegetable oils in ages. Even years before becoming so sick.

I tried a ketogenic diet before, but I didn't like it at all and don't feel good on it. (tried it for up to 6 weeks)
I like carbs and I personally don't think it's worth it. It didn't make me feel better either. I did lose weight, though. Quite a bit.
(I did test my cholesterol levels just for fun and they're great (<200 and HDL >70, Triglycerides around 80) despite being somewhat overweight. I'll stick to my high carb high fat diet. I should eat fewer calories, though...)

Have you tried pure ethyl-EPA without any DHA? It's strange that you get such reactions. Have you tried taking it for a longer period of time? Maybe it goes away? Since it's so essential, it surprises me that it doesn't agree with you.

Yeah, I probably wouldn't add SAMe as well in your case. It's proven to increase the response rate of antidepressants significantly and also works as an antidepressant as monotherapy, but you never how much is too much and bam - serotonin syndrome.

Can you order those gene tests in Europe?

Edited by longschi, 09 February 2014 - 03:06 PM.

#6 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 09 February 2014 - 03:37 PM

the tests are available yes for europa, but you have to pay for transport if i'm not mistaking, not just one way but the kit has to get back to the usa. so that's 50-100 dollar extra, again, if i'm not mistaking. i thought about doing it, and i experimented a lot with methylation supps, but it's complicated and i think the risks don't outway the possible benefits.
yea i had probably had serotonin syndrome one time, and that plus some other stuff is why i got so sick. However i yesterday started taking krill oil again and i'm doing fine so far :). i think i can tollerate it now cause of the meds i'm on and i don't get any mood swings anymore, and i somehow used to get moodswings from a lot of substances. thanks for reminding me about it.

have you tried zypexa? it may sound wierd but i kinda like it and i don't find it that sedating. i play around with my dose a bit, and take between 2.5 mg and 5. I'm doing much better with it and kinda start to accept the fact that i'll be needing it for a while.

i'm adding 4g extra of lion's mane btw to my stack, cause there is some info on low bdnf or ngf in schizophrenia , it's even been suggested that that's the reason for the decay and degenaration. maybe something worth adding to your stack?


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Posted 09 February 2014 - 03:57 PM

I think you overestimate the risk of overmethylation. Other things are far more risky. And if it does happen, just take some niacin. Methyl-b9 also increases the response rate of antidepressants. 1-2mg of methylfolate and 1mg of b12 won't do any harm.
Right now, I feel alright and I'm not really keen on adding meds to all the stuff I'm taking. I think it would increase the chance of interaction and side effects significantly.
Since my stack is huge, I'll stick with it for now and won't add in anything for a while.

edit: I don't order anything from the U.S. because German customs love to destroy stuff. (There is no list what's allowed and what is not. They make random decisions)

Edited by longschi, 09 February 2014 - 03:58 PM.

#8 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 09 February 2014 - 04:49 PM

i think many people do well on methylation supplements, and i know many people who take them without any side effects. but i can't take b12 or folate or i get insane symptoms, so for me it doesn't work and for me it doesn't outweigh the consequences to mess around with mehtylation supps, i meant to say that ;) i also stick with my stack, and only am adding cortef to it, i hope it's gonna work and find it kinda risky but my cfs is as crippling as my psychotic symptoms.

if i look at my stack i do take a lot of antioxidants but when i was really in a bad place and nothing seemed to help they helped me recover quite a bit, so ever since i'm a firm believer in the healing powers of antioxidants. even glutathione helped a lot although resesearsch indicated that it isn't absorbed. i'm convinced it wasnt a placebo, and that with adding all the antioxidants my depression, psychotic symptoms and cfs went from really bad to tollerable.

and quite a difficult question but do you think there's a interaction with my meds and the supps i take? i hope not,as my ssri is only serotonerg and the supps i take work on dopamin and acetylcholine... yea i think it's pretty safe.

hope the feeling alright lasts for you!


#9 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 09 February 2014 - 07:08 PM

ok i also added a turmeric supplement to my stack haha! as it works on NGF, and also on inflamation, depression,and increasing glutathion. In uni a friend of mine who also studied psychology (i'm a former psychology student. i wanted to become a neuropsychologist but then i got burn out) told me that the a professor taught his students in in class that the only link between lower incidence of alzheimer and dementia in the eastern part of the world (asia i mean with that) is kurkuma...so it kinda sounds like a miracle herb to me.

Now i counted out how much money it will all cost. so my diet, medicines, supps, and some money to my parents for giving me shelter, who i still live with on my 23th, all summed up.
and i came up with a total cost from +- 550 euro. here's my stack now i'm kinda strict with it but i want to get better badly:

lion's mane 5 G - NGF
alcar 2g - brain function
ALA 600mg- insuline tollerance, glucose lowering cause zyprexa
gynostemma - glucose control
cinnamon - glucose control
bittermelon - glucose control
glutathione 500mg - antioxidant for cfs/psychotic symptoms/depression
NAC 2400g - boosts glutathione but also works on glutamate - by far the most effective of all i tried
krill oil - good stuf
creatine 3g - good for brain functioning, something with synapses and keeps me going longer hours.
malate - increases oxaloacetate, which is what you want cause it improves NAD/NADH ratio, decreases glutamate,
kelp 150mg - iodine is deficient in my diet, and is essential for brain functioning . people with serious deficiencies get thyroid problems but also get retarded.
green tea 500mg- antioxidant
l -theanine 100mg- modelates glutamate
q10 - gives me a mental boost
vit c 1g- anti
vit e tocomin - oxidant
kurkuma - talked about that

meds :
cortef 20mg
citalopram 40mg
zyprexa 2.5mg-5mg

Damn i wish i could drop that zyprexa, it's kinda messing up the total picture.

Some things i buy in bulk powder, .like the NAC, ALCAR, lion's mane, etc....

i could also talk hours about my diet, but i mainly eat : eggs, grass fed beef, nuts (some brazils a day), broccoli, avocado, dark chocolat, coconut oi, extra virgin olive oil, grass fed butter, rosemary, ginger.

I used to have alcoholic tendencies, but i was a student, and in holland they say you can't be an alcoholic if you're a student. Now i'm never touching booze again, cause last time it agrevated my symptoms, and i actually hated the hangovers so badly that i didn't find it wort it to feel shit 2 days straight just to drink one night.

i'll be reporting if i notice something from any of the supps..meanwhile i'm gonna keep myself busy with stuff ..writing mainly. in dutch ofcourse.

bye bye!
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#10 alan.r

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Posted 11 February 2014 - 04:45 AM

I hesitate to comment, as your symptoms are beyond any trouble I ever had. But, for what its worth, I feel that piracetam was instrumental in getting my mind back up to speed after a pretty bad period.

I had a rough relationship with my wife, lots of stress, too much smoking and drinking, and then a period of sleep deprivation and really too much drinking after we broke up. After a few months I slowed it all down, quit smoking, and generally got into some kind of decent physical shape again. My mind, however, still seemed slow and foggy; things I had written a few years before I couldn't even concentrate enough to read, and generally I felt expectations were low - which was very unlike me. Taking piracetam was one big turning point, and I'd say that after a few months I was back to almost as sharp as my younger days. It does lead to purposeful thinking, to laying plans and working toward goals, and to finishing things. All of which was very good, and put my life back on a track I am very happy with.

My other main supplement is Ashwaghanda, which I'd recommend highly as well.

Edited by alan.r, 11 February 2014 - 04:45 AM.

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#11 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 11 February 2014 - 09:01 AM

thanks for the reply. I read quite a lot about piracetam and i'm gonna give it a try. it's a little bit more risky i think than the other things in my stack, cause it might in some cases aggrevate dissociative symptoms. But there are also many people with similar problems like mine who kinda had the 'changed my life effect'. So i'm hoping for the last one :)

ashwaghanda i tried but i had a strange reaction to it, so no ashwa for me again. I'm going to use hydrocortison for my burn out problems, it's also risky but i've been not able to exercise for almost 2 years, damn i would like to go jogging so badly. :)

i'll be reporting about the piracetam, will probably take a month or so.

#12 alan.r

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Posted 12 February 2014 - 01:04 AM

thanks for the reply. I read quite a lot about piracetam and i'm gonna give it a try. it's a little bit more risky i think than the other things in my stack, cause it might in some cases aggrevate dissociative symptoms. But there are also many people with similar problems like mine who kinda had the 'changed my life effect'. So i'm hoping for the last one :)

ashwaghanda i tried but i had a strange reaction to it, so no ashwa for me again. I'm going to use hydrocortison for my burn out problems, it's also risky but i've been not able to exercise for almost 2 years, damn i would like to go jogging so badly. :)

i'll be reporting about the piracetam, will probably take a month or so.

On piracetam, I started with 1800mg, split morning, noon and night. It worked well for most purposes but I felt like sleep was suffering - too much night-time mental activity. So I dropped the evening dose and split 1800mg between morning and noon for awhile.

That didn't actually help my sleep (which had been an unsolved problem of mine for years), so after awhile I changed back to the original 3 way split, but upped the dose to 3000mg (still conservative, per recent recommendations of 4-9 grams/day) and added cdp choline at night. That seems to work very well; I sleep better and tend toward lucid dreams. First time I've had that back since I was a teenager. Perhaps ashwaghanda is responsible for part of it, but it seems to work so I'm not fooling with the regimen at the moment.

Its worth saying that I never had any problem with piracetam at any dose, and never had any problems the couple of periods I stopped taking it either. I might get a mild headache once or twice a month, but aswaghanda is probably more implicated; nothing a bit of magnesium bisglycinate or a low-dose aspirin doesn't take care of. Good luck!

#13 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 12 February 2014 - 05:21 PM

ok. i decided to wait a little bit longer with the piracetam, since i'm seeing quite some positive effects reduction of in brain fog and increased 1mental energy (which is way better than my physical energy) and i adress it to coconut oil, q10, ALCAR, 5g lion's mane and krill oil. Because of your advice and some other thingy, i started taking ashwagandha again (since yesterday) and this time i didn't have a bad reaction, so i added it to my stack :) i didn't know it had calcium blocking properties and that's what i'm looking for. i also added ginger for the calcium blocking properties, just raw fresh ginger however, not a supplement.

further developments :

Today I started taking PQQ and i have high expectations because the last time i took it, it started working after +- a week and it gave me back a lot of energy, more then other energy boosting supplements did. if it doesn't fix my physical fatigue problem, cortef is on the way, and i'm positive one of the two might actually fix this horrible weakness and inability to exercise. I'll be reporting about this one, no news is bad news. and then i'm gonna try c60 even though it's experimental, but i want to get writh of the fatigue badly and exercise again.

My doc thinks the fatigue is from negative symptoms or fatigue brought on by zyprexa, the last one which is completely idiotic cause i started taking zyprexa 1 year after the fatigue kicked in. And the negative symptoms, well, i'm pretty sure they don't include the inability to cook my own dishes cause i was too weak to stand on my feet etc..i'm not exagerating, it was really bad, now it's way better, but far from good ;).i just find it just annoying somethimes how narrow minded many dutch docs are. however they are trained that way, and well, not everything sucks about traditional medicine, just some things.

about the visual hallicunations, and dissociative symptoms. i think the lack of emotions is a lack of dopamine, and from all the symptoms i have i hate the fatigue and lack of emotions the most. I'm quite positive i'm seeing some result in the emotionless part with mainly the ALCAR and the lion's mane. NGF is tought to improve negative symptoms, so that might be the reason. or it might be ALCARs dopamine boosting properties.

so i'm sticking with my stack for a while and if things get worse or the improvent stops than in aprox 6 months i'm gonna try supps in the following order: sarcosine, piracetam, cerebrolysin. however i don't want to experiment too much, cause i find it quite dangerous. And i think time might actually heal, cause i don't believe i have an endogenous form of schizophrenia, since i can't really relate to many other schizo's and i never lost contact with reality. I hope and believe it's a temporary mix up off neurotransmitters brought on by severe stress from a terrible burn out, and that things will get better. if not : sarcosine, piracetam, cerebrolysin ;)

#14 xks201

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Posted 12 February 2014 - 09:48 PM

All the supplements in the world aren't gonna substitute for an ACTH stim test to rule out low cortisol. If you have low cortisol nothing is gonna help but HC replacement. You can waste all your money on supplements all day but not checking testosterone, cortisol, and free T3 and so on is a waste of life

#15 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 13 February 2014 - 08:06 AM

that's why i ordered HC.

however i've already done many tests, and my testosterone was too high, t3 normal, and my cortisol was low, but not addisons low so my endocrinologist didn't want to give me HC. they didn't do an ACTH test although i wanted them to do it, but the endocrionologist only wanted to look at my blood.

Now if go back to a doc or the endocrinologist for more tests, they just think i'm delusional and talk to me like a little baby saying 'practice mindfullness' and 'there's nothing wrong with your physical state' although i feel and look like a total trainwreck. and that kind a scares me of from going there.

However what you're saying is true, i should go back for more tests cause it's been a while and i should make the docs give me an ACTH test, i guess i got kind a tired from hassle with the docs, and maybe got adjusted to being sick. it's been quite long.

#16 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 07:40 PM

hydrocortisone still didn't arrive, probably got scammed from the website where i ordered it. I've been taking pqq almost for a month now, and it's doing nothing for my physical fatigue. I decide to keep it, since i'm collecting a ngf stack which helps really well with my mental problems. Since adding ashwagandha,5 g of lion's mane and pqq i notice everything looks brighter, and also some other things people report for nootropics. I also experience more emotional connection to the world around me and less depression since adding the lion's mane, ashwagandha and pqq.

I dropped the oxaloacetate because it's too expensive for a krebs cycle intermediate, and i dropped malate and glutathione too.

My mental state is getting way better from the supplements and medicines (even zyprexa helps quite a bit for cognitive function), but i now know for sure supplements won't do anything for my low cortisol. when i was high cortisol burn out, rhodiola, pqq and other helped me but now i'm convinced there's only one way, like xks mentioned above. Before i start using hydrocortisone i'm gonna get checked one time again, and get an ACTH stim test. If tests don't show low cortisol i don't really know what to do, cause i'm a bit in a difficult positiion and hate to use hydrocortison against a docs advise. but i probably will do it, and tell my doc that i'll do it and he'll assist me. I'm certain my adrenals are not at cause of my problems, but that it's a signal in my head that doens't work wel, the hp part of the hpa axis.

but still, i highly like the NAC/NGF stack i currently take and i'm still disabled but i can at least write books. the stack and meds (zyprexa works also well for my depression and brain fog (life long problem)) are doing good for my cognition, and my depression is way improved.

#17 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 15 March 2014 - 02:09 PM

i'm still very impressed by the lion's mane, i didn't expect it to be this effective. it's like i'm out side of my head and in touch with my outside world again. i didn't feel it with the extract i took, but ever since i started taking the bulk powder my vision turned brighter, i'm alert and feel almost as much in the now as when i did mdma once while i was already very depressed. i've lived in my head for such a long time, damn.

summary : n-acetylcysteine and lion's are awesome.

I've had quite some disorders and had a pretty rough life (burn out, severe anxiety disorder which brought on severy stress, hppd with dp/dr or just mild schizophrenia) plus quite a lot of alcohol abuse, and i think my brain is not nearly what it used to be. I used to be the smartest kid in de class, but ever since adult hood i feel like i'm declining. especially my short term and long term memory are bad and my temperal lobe probably has been damaged too, cause my use of grammar and interpunction somehow got worse.

I think there is still some progress possible to win so i want to try piracetam, but i don't know if it's safe to add it to my antidepressant. i already feel hesitant to take two teaspoons of turmeric powder a day, since the active ingredient is a maoi.

Does anybody know if it's safe to combine piracetam and a SSRI (citalopram which works solely on serotonin)?

#18 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 16 March 2014 - 02:36 PM

still waiting on my hydrocortisone for my cfs. For the rest i'm cutting in my stack and decide only to take the things i notice an effect from, and i feel pretty good considering how i used to feel. I'm gonna live on my own again and have to watch my money and some supps are redicously expensive.

i'm feeling also less stress because of the ashwagandha so thanks alan.r, and thanks longschi for the omega 3 reminder ;).

Ill be adding hydrortisone and probably also sarcosine or piracetam.

i highly recommend lion's mane to anyone with depression and n- acetylcysteine for psychotic symptoms.

this is my current stack :

meds : citalopram 40mg, zyrexa 2.5 mg. adding hc.

supps :
n-acetylcysteine 2.4g
lion's mane 5g
krill oil
ashwagandha 450mg
q10 (100mg) + pqq (10mg)
vitamin c 1g
kelp 150mcg

Edit : i feel really 'clear' today, since lowering my dose zyprexa to 2.5 (i play around between 5 and 2.5, never been fully psychotic and don't have fear of losing it. just have some annoying psychotic symptoms) and that could be the coulprit. It might also very well be from dropping the vitamin e, ALA, creatine, l-theanine, milk thistle and blood sugar herbs :/ this is a reminder for me that more supplements might not always be a better.

Edited by tylerdurden, 16 March 2014 - 03:33 PM.

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#19 AlmostEasy

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Posted 19 March 2014 - 04:33 AM

Hey man I wish you the absolute BEST of luck and am encouraged by your persistence. I've just recently discovered this forum, and you replied to my problem thread, just noticed this one and gave it a read.

What do you feel lion's mane helped you with exactly? Cognition problems or more of a mood/depression thing? Did you decide upon a specific brand over another? I'm very interested in it after reading how you responded

I highly highly highly encourage you to check out modafinil if you haven't already considered it. It was the only thing that has had a dramatic impact on my cognition and negatives. I have a very good source as well if you find yourself interested.

Keep us updated on your progress!

Edited by AlmostEasy, 19 March 2014 - 04:44 AM.

#20 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 19 March 2014 - 10:07 AM

since starting lion's mane i feel like i'm not precieving the world from a distance anymore, but that i'm actually participating. Outside stimuli are actually comming through, while previously I would somethimes not even notice it if somebody walked in the same room as in which i was. i just lived in my head and was not in contact with the outside world. I also féél less depressed and I often think like i used to think back when i was younger 'life's good.' and stuff like that. and i want to get better more badly. it borders on making me hypomanic though and i also feel like i'm a bit too alert somethimes. I would definetely give it a try, but not set your expectations too high cause I think all these solved problems were depression related, which was very severe, and that the negative symptoms I had were actually mostly solved by zyprexa. I read some research that zyprexa might be neuroprotective and on the other hand i read some research that it might kills brain cells. therefore i take a dose of 2.5, which is a tiny dose but does help exactly enough to keep me going. It doesn't feel like it's killing my brain cells though, maybe partially like at my hippocampus with memory. But my temperal lobe part with speach and all is doing better then in a long time.

i'll look into modafnil, although a friend of my got panic attacks after modafinil use and since i have a tendency to panic attacks I'm a bit precautious.

meanwhile i'm sending my manuscript today to two more publishers :).
I still suffer from a paranoia which completely goes away if i take 5 mg zyprexa, but it's making me too fat and i'm scared about the adverse health effects. My realitiy testing is awesome and i have this good functioning autocorrect that if i feel like somebody's watching me or i have an impulse to exhibit inappropiate behaviour, i realise one second later it's just an impuls in my sick brain, and then i know i shouldn't act like it.
I think most of my dissociative problems stem from problems NMDA in my left hemisphere and that i'm now functioning more on my right brain, which is not a bad thing for me cause i've always exhibited right hemisphere dominant behaviour. I've read some thing that if a brain has too few stimuli, it's gonna make it's own. This might also have something to do with neurotransmitters : too few ndma, the brain might make too much one day. very speculative, but well it's fun to speculate.

Almosteasy, i would recommend you add the basics, which will probably not fix the problem but might improve it a bit. exercise, healthy diet with good fats (eggs, fish oil, olive oil, coconut oil, turmeric, rosemary) and give n-acetylcysteine one more try. The lion's mane i bought bulk powder and I take between 5/8 Grams per day, and the extracts i found are not effective, even at high dosis. The powder contains the mycelium and i bought it at mushroom harvest, which is now sold out if i'm not mistaking. amazon still got it though, but it's a bit more expensive.

Edited by tylerdurden, 19 March 2014 - 11:01 AM.

#21 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 19 March 2014 - 09:04 PM

So today i've spend the whole day researching (i've got an obsessive personally to say the least) and i found again some more evidence for a hyperglutamaterg hypothesis in depersonalization. In low doses dissociatives like ketamine actually cause too much glutamate in the brain, so a nmda antagonist causes in some cases too much glutamate in the brain. Since my most prominent problem is dp/dr i think this is the case with me. High dosis on the other hand, decrease glutamate and might induce psychosis, which confirms the hypo nmda functioning in schizophrenia. Although some schizo's benefit from anti convulsants for there positive symptoms, also combined with agonists and that's where it becomes too complicated except for albert einstein : an hyper and hypo glutamaterg function at the same time. that's also with dopamine in schizophrenia : negative = too little, positive = too much........Well, i'm gonna find a doc who wants to try anti convulsants with me...i'll be stopping with obsessing right now and just try the meds.i'll let you guys know how it worked out. Adios.

http://books.google....&f=false Quote : NDMA antagonist increase glutamate release in rats. that's with low doses of ketamine, high dosis decreases glutamate.

Edited by tylerdurden, 19 March 2014 - 09:16 PM.

#22 AlmostEasy

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Posted 21 March 2014 - 02:28 AM

Hey man that's great to hear you found something to help. I'm really inclined to give Zyprexa a try after doing more research, it absolutely blows my friggin' mind that i didn't come across this when I was doing like a month long obsessive research binge, no clue how I missed it.

I've ordered some Lion's Mane and some bulk ALCAR as apparently that not only may help by itself but boosts the affects of Lion's Mane quite a bit. It looks pretty promising, thanks for introducing me to that.

I feel you on taking a break from the obsession too.. ugghh it's so depleting. After making my massive post I really need some chill time. I've got some new things to try as well, I'll be keeping an eye on all the posts.

Good luck!

#23 AlmostEasy

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Posted 11 April 2014 - 04:05 AM

hey dude how's the recovery comin' along?


I finally received and took my Lion's Mane/ALCAR (Host Defense) until I ran out (about ~15 days @ 2g/day) and towards the end experienced what I might even call significant results.  It's hard to nail down exactly what it was since I started a whole bunch of things at once out of desperation but it's very possible it's the Lion's Mane is the culprit.  I'm so burnt out on doing journal and anecdotal research I couldn't be bothered to compare it to other people's results with similar problems.  All I know is that I finally found a few things that make me feel almost like a normal person again.  Almost.


How long did it take you for you to start realizing the Lion's Mane was working?  At first I noticed consistently that about a solid 12-14 hours after my dose I felt some moments of clarity, always that long after.  Slowly after that it started to become more pronounced and then began lasting all day long.  I've no clue how people typically react to it.  My personal space seemed to expand, before I feel like I had literally less than none, as if I was being blasted from all angles by the entire universe.  I finally began to be able to move around in my body and like fully embody my posture and be present in it.  Instead of thinking about an idea and presenting it like "well hmm maybe it could kind of be like this" I could make very solid statements, not the usual weak half understood jumbled word salad shit replies.  Also very noticeable is my long term goal thinking expanded.  I've been treating long term goals like a furious sprint that I try to do every day, instead of making steady dents in them every day with a relaxed attitude.  EVERYTHING MUST HAPPEN NOW!!!  I could go on but you get my point!


I then ran out and my progression definitely dwindled but also somewhat came back a couple days later?  (6-7 days cold turkey)  I received my new 1lb bulk order from Mushroom Harvest (bless their souls) and just took my first dose!  Tastes like shit!  How do you take yours?  I just plopped 5 cc in my mouth and washed it down with water.


Hopefully the progression continues, I'm feeling like a part of my journey is over, I found a few truly healing supplements.  After MASSIVE trial & error failure this is extremely pleasurable.  I was starting to think I had some irreversable brain damage.  I can't believe how many things I tried that straight up cured many other people and did absolutely nothing for me.  If I ever meet God he/she/it's getting very stern talking to, not cool dude, not cool.


Let me know your thoughts!



#24 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 12 April 2014 - 10:54 AM

It sounds exactly like what i'm experiencing from lion's mane. Clear, relaxed, normal.

It's great stuff, glad you also benefit from it. What are the other things you took? 

And I noticed the effect after a couple of days, but it could also be just one day or so. Any way : The effect was really fast and long lasting. I just take two teaspoon of the stuff and I don't mind the taste at all actually. I haven't thought about alternative ways of taking it but maybe the best thing to do is just think 'oh this is so delicious.' and maybe one day it will be delicious ;)


Well I still suffer from CFS and dissociative symptoms. I think I found what i needed in this stack : 

Fish/coconut oil


lion's mane


PQQ + Q10

coffee + green tea


Together with some pharmaceutical medicines i'm still able to write books and I think I'm gonna find a publisher soon. I'm quite optimistic and the people who review my work all say It's pretty damn funny so I have high hopes actually.


Meanwhile I'm going to a doc and get my blood and all checked once more and then i'm going  to a centrum at a hospital where they try to fix CFS and if that doesn't work I'm gonna try hydrocortisone. 


If my CFS is fixed i'm gonna try more stuff for my dissociative symptoms, but meanwhile i'm just hanging in there and try to keep myself busy. 





Edited by tylerdurden, 12 April 2014 - 11:03 AM.

#25 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 05 June 2014 - 09:04 PM



I still swear by lion's mane and PQQ, ALCAR, NAC, caffeine, coconut oil combo. They take my brain to a place it's never been before. A nice place. I've changed a lot after being sick but for now, if my CFS is fixed, i can even live with my derealization and chronic tripping and just feeling completely nuts . I'm spiritual, creative, and completely nuts. I'm working on a serie of three novels of which I finished two that I personally find good. Actually, awesome is a better word. I'm glad cause first two novels sucked. 


Next to my writing obsession I fell in love with a girl who lives nearby and of who I just found out is only 16 :/. So I had to fall out of love again. I thought she was older but that's too young. It's just that she's been showing interest in me (I'm not suffering from any thought disorder) and I can't stand it. It must be that I'm living la vida hermit, cause whenever I go out and I see some signs of cuteness, i get butterflies in my belly.  


So I won't bother an life extension forum about my illegal love life. But well, if there's anybody out there feeling not in the moment, like your living inside your head and outsight stimuli are not getting through, I swear by lion's mane. It changed my life. I think I won't be commenting on this blog anymore or reading the posts. I've found what I was looking for and looking for more would be dangerous and then I could keep going. I say : i'm a satisfied customer. Thank you very much longecity, Curezone messed me up, but longecity saved my life, on one horrible experience with lithium besides.


Over and out. Peace. 


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#26 Aurel

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Posted 07 June 2014 - 10:33 PM

There is one last thing you could do. :)

Where have you bought your Lionsmane?

Powder, Pill, Tonic? Extract? Thank you so much

Edited by Aurel, 07 June 2014 - 10:33 PM.

#27 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 03:07 PM

I noticed nothing from the pills, but did from the bulk powder from mushroomharvest.I think it has something to do with the mycelium or the high dosage, since I take about 6/7 gram of the stuff each day.

#28 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 23 June 2014 - 04:03 PM

Lion's mane is really effective for depression, but made me hypomanic. That I found out after trying uridine. Lion's mane is also good for imagination, fantasy, creativity, humor, empathy, perception of beauty, emotional emptiness, and just making your brain function better. But it did NOT ground me. I was wrong. I was feeling like the world was at my feet, but I was not on my feet. I wrote three novels in four months of which I didn't send anything to a publisher, but I want perfection. I could also go to the club and feel awesome and get and give lots of attention to woman, so that was cool, but it wasn't really healthy.  



Then I tried uridine.


I really recommend people with depersonalization, derealization, schizophrenia, hppd, bipolar, to try uridine. It did a lot for me. I was so messed up that I didn't even know what problems I got. Here's what Uriidne did to me :


- It grounded me. (I know that I said the same for lion's mane. That put me in the moment, but that's something different.) 'm back on earth and no longer have the univseral sence of being but also more the feeling that i'm on earth. 


- It made my vision better and my world more 3dimensional. When I watch things, I now can look at two places instead of one. Like one eye (probably brain half )  is working again.

Example :  I watched porn the other day and could see the 'making love (it was very romantic)' as a whole thing and not just focus on some body parts. 


- Social pressing: gonne. I don't even know if I had 'social anxiety', but ever since I dissociated in my 20's, when a person would come near to me, my body would stress. I could handle it and don't care about it, but it was annoying. Now I can be around people without their presence stressing me, or feeling overly alert. 


- Extreme craving for love: gone. I feel less lonely. 


- I feel like my inner mathematician is back. I used to be good at mathematics, but that resided in a couple of years. It's hard to explain, but it's this side of me that really wants to get into the depts of stuff, the rational, long term, prospective, 


- This might sound vague, but ever since I dissociated I felt like I lost my own energy. This is gone now. 


Summary : This stuff did a lot to me. Since I probably have a lot of disorders (ADD, obsessions, some tics, (bipolar, I experienced significant mood changes throughout my life but this one i'm not sure), mild schizo/hppd , dp-dr ( and former social and general anxiety (from 14-15.5 i suffered from social anxiety ) I recommend this to people with mental disorder and with HPA dysfunction and dopamine deregulation. I think my problem have to to do something with HPA dysfunction, since my birth was troublesome, my puberty I got anxiety and in my adulthood I dissociated. Which all are important parts of live where the HPA axis plays a huge role in. I hope now I had all the three troublesome moment left behind me, I can start to recover :D. 


Only disorder I've ever been dx'ed with is schizotypal. I never went to see a psychiatrist until I was in the depts of my depression, with psychotic symptoms, and terrible CFS without being able to breath without stressing me, or stand on my feet. Before my 20's from 16-20 I 'only' suffered from general anxiety disorder, tics, ADD, obsessions, but with very strong 'emotions' and ability to connect to other people. I was just different, but my main interest where people, girls and friends in particular,  and emotions.  I traveld to asia for 5 months, and just make lots of friends, just very into people ya know. a peoples person, that's what I used to be, a crazy one, but still. From 17-20 were the best times in my life, living la vida peoples person. 


The docter who diagnosed me was very unproffesional, and I was very, very sick with CFS, and in a deep depression with psychotic symptoms. I was also badshit crazy, but I really was pissed on how things worked out for me. I would yell to a psychiatrist that I wanted medicines, and say Fuck you bitch (I'm a story teller, I thicken stories) If she didn't want to give it to me. Hehe well,  they get paid right. 


Now the GAD is gone, but that's mainly because I stopped giving a fuck about anything. Which is good in a way, but somethimes I wish I could back to my old anxious side with the wisdom I have now. 


I really want all of my emotions back now. I'm gonna give sarcosine a try for that. I'm writing a novel on how I used to be, semi- autobiographic, and I used to be a person with a very strong connection with people around me, and it sucks that side of me has left me. I could live with dissociation, but I couldn't be happy with it, so I'm gonna strive to get out of this mess again. I mainly want my emotions and the feeling completely connected back again. I want my CFS fixed, i want the dissociation gone, fall in love with a girl, and go live somewhere nice and quiet on a tropicle isle. 





Edited by tylerdurden, 23 June 2014 - 04:52 PM.

#29 abcmanomandriepunt1

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Posted 08 July 2014 - 03:16 PM

Another thing uridine did : It gave me back the facial recognition of emotions. I hate to again make an example of when it happened to me, but i can't think of another. I was watching porn and could see the girl enjoying it, and it did something to me. it turned me on. While back in college I used to fuck girls and i would just find sex wierd, and couldn't see the girls emotions and they didn't matter to me.


It was something I lost long a ago, maybe even after my puberty and I fellt like many people were faking and acting in a way ever since i dissociated.


I think I might actually have had some negative symptoms of schizophrenia for a long time. But it might also be that I probably have been bordeline burn out for a long time.


On uridine I also notice improvement on letting go of other subjects and just focus on one task. I'm not dreaming all day long about one girl if i've seen somewhere, but I can let go of her and just focus on something different. I'm positive I had ADD all my life, and this is the best ADD supplement I tried.


I can say Uridine sincerely changed my life. It is a supplement that brought me more back to myself. I now completely realise how fucked up I have been, and I sometimes feel broken. I hope the feeling broken passes someday. I really hate the CFS and the dissociation now very much. I actually don't care about achievement any more. When I dissociated I changed to somebody who wanted achiement over emotion. But I actually am somebody who finds emotion the most importent thing. 

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#30 Aurel

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Posted 08 July 2014 - 04:22 PM

which dosage of uridine have you taken?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: burn out, schizophrenia, depersonalization, hppd, cfs

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