Posted 19 March 2014 - 11:42 PM
Posted 29 March 2014 - 10:53 PM
Posted 30 March 2014 - 08:41 AM
Posted 11 April 2014 - 08:58 PM
Hi all, I tried to figure out -with the assistance of the synthesis lab- another way of dissolution of ISRIB, as DMSO is hardly to bear...so far the latest info is the following:
"The molecule does not have any amine or acid group that can be used to generate a salt or similar, so I am afraid that the only availabe solutions are 'physical': special solvents or media (PBS, tween 20, etc.), using ultrasounds to solubilize the product, maybe redisolving the compound and doing a micronization..."
The reference above is according to the fact, we were making some ideas about micronizing, ar chemically modifying the agent, so far with the absense of any result...
If any of you has a useful background, pm me pls...
Posted 10 July 2014 - 04:24 PM
What's the status of this group buy? Do we have any experience reports from the first group buy? Why is the thread password protected?
Posted 10 July 2014 - 05:46 PM
What's the status of this group buy? Do we have any experience reports from the first group buy? Why is the thread password protected?
Yadayada locked the thread before refunding the group buy participants. IIRC the password is ISRIB.
Posted 10 July 2014 - 06:49 PM
Forgive me for the sales attempt but I have 2.5 grams of ISRIB that I purchased from PAM2 that I'm willing to offload. I haven't had time to experiment with it however if you're a trusted active member and interested, feel free to message me.
Posted 10 July 2014 - 10:21 PM
We all obtained photographic memories from ISRIB, and have locked the thread so we can plot how to take over the world with our newly acquired super memories. All jokes aside yeah what Metagene said.
Posted 02 June 2018 - 12:28 PM
i wanted t know if anybody would like to join in buying ISRIB. Don't know if you still are into this but this group sounds very interesting.
PN me if interested.
Best regards
Posted 27 December 2020 - 05:33 PM
I'd like to join. Wonder if any new method of taking it has been discovered? If dissolubility is 1mg/1ml then to take 15mg injection, need to inject 15ml of DMSO?!
Posted 30 December 2020 - 09:57 PM
Forgive me for the sales attempt but I have 2.5 grams of ISRIB that I purchased from PAM2 that I'm willing to offload. I haven't had time to experiment with it however if you're a trusted active member and interested, feel free to message me.
I'd rather think, this is a gift from you to the Longecity community here;
You have this compound on hand, you're not using it, while it may benefit another member here: you can keep it, dispose of it, or sell it, if there are willing buyers,
because we have this notion of trust between members here, and the notion of community is very present, my guess is you're willing to only sell a high quality legit product from a reputable source.
This is kind of how I had my first purchases for some compounds back in 2016 (NSI-189/PRL-8-53); when I was discussing relevant topics with Strangelove (RIP), one of the genuinely most helpful members I ever met on here,
he kindly offered me said products he had in stock, all top quality, at great prices.
So, that's what it's all about also, this forum.
Posted 06 January 2021 - 11:32 PM
Posted 12 January 2021 - 07:55 PM
I contacted a supplier on Alibaba and their price for a small amount was very high, but they want $461 USD for 100 grams of Trans-ISRIB. Assuming testing doubles the price, this still comes in at under $10/gram (plus reshipping to whomever wants to group by) - this seems 10x or 20x cheaper than what I've heard others talking about. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Posted 13 January 2021 - 11:50 AM
I contacted a supplier on Alibaba and their price for a small amount was very high, but they want $461 USD for 100 grams of Trans-ISRIB. Assuming testing doubles the price, this still comes in at under $10/gram (plus reshipping to whomever wants to group by) - this seems 10x or 20x cheaper than what I've heard others talking about. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
A Group buy/group test would work. What's their minimum sample size for third-party testing?
Posted 13 January 2021 - 01:15 PM
I know a legit supplier of ISRIB who has it synthesised and about ~20 or even more people had tried it. I can resell 1g for 500usd, all of the slight margin will go to other group synthesis project (the same person who synthesised isrib would be doing this stepholidine synthesis): https://www.longecit...ia-amotivation/
PM if interested. Dosage about 10-30mg
Edited by gintrux, 13 January 2021 - 01:15 PM.
Posted 13 January 2021 - 06:47 PM
A Group buy/group test would work. What's their minimum sample size for third-party testing?
I have not asked, I wasn't sure where to proceed; I think I was hoping/wondering if someone else more accustomed to group buys would be interested in pursuing this vendor, just because the price seemed so much lower
Posted 14 January 2021 - 07:32 PM
I would not be looking into alibaba as the base chemicals to synthesise I believe would obviously cost > 4.61$/gram. Also I talked with one person on reddit who had ordered cheap isrib from alibaba and felt totally nothing out of it. Who wants real isrib, PM me and check my earlier post on this thread.
Posted 15 January 2021 - 12:39 AM
Well, I would surely test it, and apart from that I can't really say much other than this is all very speculative and anecdotal; I'm curious what your $500/g price is based on which feels like a substantial markup, if not testing?
Posted 15 January 2021 - 01:56 PM
Well, I would surely test it, and apart from that I can't really say much other than this is all very speculative and anecdotal; I'm curious what your $500/g price is based on which feels like a substantial markup, if not testing?
Do you have any examples of verified rates per gram for ISRIB?
Posted 15 January 2021 - 03:54 PM
Posted 15 January 2021 - 05:13 PM
Do you have any examples of verified rates per gram for ISRIB?
I'm not sure I understand the question. Well, I understand the question per se, but not why you would ask it of me - the rates are, I suppose whatever anyone is able to obtain as it is a market, but all I've said is that I have a supplier who claims to be able to offer it for far, far, far less, even with third party testing priced in, so would that be a verified rate to you in the sense that it includes verification-or-refund-request, or do you mean verified as in has already done so and now someone is sitting in a pile of it looking to resell? Because as you see, the resell markup is apparently very high, but does that make it a "rate" or just what someone hopes to get?
Posted 15 January 2021 - 05:52 PM
Posted 16 January 2021 - 10:19 PM
So hello! Did not expect to see me here? As i see, isrib from my shop is resold with overprice. 500$/g? Are you kidding? Our price is 100$/g and now we've recently made lab analysis and can provide it to everyone
I know John Eisistin, he is a Ukrainian chemist who synthesizes and sells his own ISRIB.
He sells ISRIB powder at $100 for one gram, or $12 for 100 mg, and can ship worldwide. More info here.
The typical dose of ISRIB is from 10 mg daily. It can be snorted intranasally.
John can be contacted via the Telegram messenger app, using THIS LINK.
ISRIB can have very potent nootropic effects, and can reverse age-related mental decline within days. See this article.
Interestingly, ISRIB also appears to be able to fix damaged brains, even after just a few doses. So if looking to repair or upgrade your brain, you may not need very much, 10 x 10 mg doses may be more than enough to create permanent improvements.
ISRIB researcher Prof. Susanna Rosi (director of neurocognitive research at UCSF) talks a bit about the brain damage repair capabilities of ISRIB in this Reddit thread.
I heard one anecdotal report of a short course of ISRIB permanently fixing some prefrontal cortex brain damage in a Russian guy, caused by a car crash when he was a child. The repair to the brain was confirmed by MRI scans taken before and after the ISRIB treatment.
Google's anti-aging research company Calico currently hold the license to ISRIB.
Posted 21 January 2021 - 03:35 AM
Posted 15 February 2021 - 10:56 AM
Posted 15 February 2021 - 04:22 PM
Ahhh I'm barely late on this!!!!!
Is it still possible to join in, or not?
Posted 15 February 2021 - 05:05 PM
Ahhh I'm barely late on this!!!!!
Is it still possible to join in, or not?
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: isrib, group buy, custom synthesis
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