Hey everyone,
I've been hearing many successful reports of people using Memantine to reduce the tolerance to amphetamines. I've come across a few pretty promising studies as well. I'm prescribed Vyvanse (70mg.) for ADHD, which is the highest dosage and I'm struggling with some tolerance issues. I don't abuse the medication but I feel now more than ever that it is wearing off faster and having less pronounced effects overall. I've been on it for over two years and I take breaks very often (at least 2-3x a week). I've also been supplementing chelated magnesium for tolerance issues but have noticed little, if no help. I know DXM has also been shown to reduce/slow tolerance, but it doesn't seem like a safe substance to be consuming on a regular basis.
Other than that, I take a daily multi, fish oil, and coq-10. No other prescription medication.
My question is: Do you think Memantine is something worth looking into and adding to my regiment? I haven't heard much for side effects outside of the first few days of use. I also heard that it will help with any possible neurotoxicity associated with amphetamines.
Thanks in advance for your replies.