I'm sorry, I just couldn't let this one go. Your summation with respect to the "type" of people we are is based on a minuscule amount of information, having never met us. That makes these statements inflammatory, whiny and mainly irrelevant. You don't know a F'kn thing about me or Mindpatch or anyone else here. Making these statements is a waste of everybody's time. Your just trying to pick a fight because it pisses you off when things don't conform to your will. Welcome to adulthood. We all have our reasons for wanting what we want. The person who gets his way most often is the skillful negotiator with a flexible mind and an understanding that only through compromise does any group activity ever meet with success. Do you think anyone here is cool with how long this process has taken? Do you think any of us are just ok with getting screwed? Has it occurred to you that your view point is decidedly pessimistic and reactionary? Why do you draw conclusions substituting suspicion and conjecture where real information should be? Quit trying to piss everybody off, or teach anyone a lesson. At least until you really know what the fk is going on. And stop making it personal. You know nothing of any of our lives, needs, desires, commitments etc, so don't suppose to interpret our reasons for making the choices we do. This thread should be focused on compromise so that a decision can be made, cuz guess what? We aren't doing it all your way.....or mine. But when it's all over the only thing that will influence my feelings about the buy's success or failure is whether I got what I paid for, preferably soon.
jesus christ, no paragraphs didn't read.
As expected, yet another week goes by without Xks mailing out a damned thing. Xks neglects to apologize to us for breaking his promises to start the distribution last weekend and finish mailing the first 30 grams this past Tuesday.
Instead, to make it seem like he's still on top of things, he boldly makes a post rallying us to resend him information that he already has (what... did he
lose our e-mails from 8 months ago?), which just goes to show his incompetence at managing simple information.
And once again, this empty gesture is all it takes to make the sheep optimistic that they will be receiving their dihexa any day now, or perhaps "as a present for Christmas". This guy could literally string these people along for years, saying "I'll mail it next week" a hundred times over, and they would just keep making excuses for his laziness and continually thank him for "all the hard work".