I don't want to hijack the thread, but because this drug is so new and potentially so powerful (or just plain overhyped), this is just a friendly request to start tracking your mental performance now, some time before you start dosing. Dual N-Back (free on various websites), Lumosity (partially free), Cambridge Brain Sciences, Nintendo Brain Age, solitaire, your own computer program -- whatever. Spatial memory tests are probably the most relevant, based on the rodent results. Just make it computerized and under as-close-to-constant conditions as possible (internet connection, time of day, diet, other supplements or drugs, number of games per day, avoiding score improvement advice websites, etc.). You might benefit many more people than you know, down the road. I leave it to the mods to designate the appropriate thread for reporting results.
I just started my dihexa trial today after concluding my ISX-9 trial. I have reached my plateau at DNB and quite a few Cambride Brain Sciences games and taken two IQ tests, so it should be easy seeing any improvements. I will do the tests again at day 10 on dihexa.
Edited by Megatrone, 18 September 2014 - 05:06 PM.