Nyles obviously following these threads and decides not to speak up till now . He does so to say he has nothing to do with this group buy but has a bunch of dihexa for sale. Hmmmmmm.

Posted 18 November 2014 - 07:51 PM
Posted 18 November 2014 - 08:00 PM
As of right now no one has recieved any of xks dihexa even though he's had 30g since oct 24. Not really happy right now.
Posted 18 November 2014 - 08:04 PM
Posted 18 November 2014 - 08:09 PM
I think it would be wise for all of us to demand a refund, then figure out who we can get to supply what was promised and pay them instead. Unfortunately we may loose a bit on paypal fees, but better this than loosing all of our money right.
Edited by Dazzcat, 18 November 2014 - 08:10 PM.
Posted 18 November 2014 - 08:20 PM
There were valid criticisms of the buy very early in the thread, but dissidents were quickly flamed away by XKS201.
He gave practically no information about the group buy from the start - refusing to state the quantity that each member would be receiving. He continued accepting money well into the synthesis - further diluting what each member should have been entitled to. He seems to have become less and less active as the time limits for paypal disputes expired. Yes, paypal has a 45 day limit for disputes.
I've been wary of him for quite a while, which is partially why I ended up funding my own synthesis. I don't know that he was attempting to defraud anyone when this began, but it's clear he was in over his head.
Before we start a witch hunt for the kid - perhaps we should give him some time to respond to the situation? I do hope he can make this right, for the sake of everyone involved.
Edited by DHEXA, 18 November 2014 - 08:31 PM.
Posted 18 November 2014 - 08:26 PM
I think it would be wise for all of us to demand a refund, then figure out who we can get to supply what was promised and pay them instead. Unfortunately we may loose a bit on paypal fees, but better this than loosing all of our money right.
I don't think paypal will do anything for those of us that paid in march. I'm going to file a police report for theft and would encourage everyone else to do the same. Someone send me his PI and I'll keep everyone posted.
Posted 18 November 2014 - 08:54 PM
I started to worry when xks defended yadayada on here. First lets wait a day to see if xks responds.
Posted 18 November 2014 - 09:15 PM
"He (xks) did buy the first 30g from me and that should have been distributed.
I have the next 30g, but the cash is slow in coming which shouldn't be if he collected money from everyone."
Has anyone received Dihexa from xks? He recently claimed he was starting to send it out, but it sure doesn't seem like anyone has any.
I've followed this thread for months and xks is always very quick to reply to any posts regarding him. The fact that he's been silent all day is not a good sign imo
I have spoken with and purchased from Nyles numerous times and he has always been extremely helpful and trustworthy. He said he's doing what he can to fix this.
Edited by foreseason, 18 November 2014 - 09:22 PM.
Posted 18 November 2014 - 09:21 PM
I shoudl have known something was wrong with nyles7 not posting into this topic until now. I guess I am just screwed. Most of the really positive reviews of this stuff are from xks anyways.
Posted 18 November 2014 - 10:12 PM
I started to worry when xks defended yadayada on here. First lets wait a day to see if xks responds.
Exactly, me too.
Posted 18 November 2014 - 10:24 PM
xks201, could you release the list of usernames to whom you already sent the diexia?
Posted 18 November 2014 - 11:36 PM
I am also a paid member of this group buy. I have also dealt with Nyles before, and felt that I could trust him. If his name was not attached to this group buy as co-organizer, I would not have participated.
I have not received any dihexa.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 01:06 AM
Nyles, what was your "first indication" that things started going wrong? If you have been keeping up with this thread, how could you not know your name was attached to it and people were fronting him money? I'm sorry but coming on here now, saying this other guy may have screwed us but you still have some for sale is going to raise a lot of eyebrows. Either you were complacent, complicit or in on it and whichever one it is, it's disappointing.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 01:10 AM
I wonder why xks said that he is sending the batch to nyles when nyles said that he was the one who had it synthesized. Something is missing here.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 01:54 AM
Edited by Jbac, 19 November 2014 - 01:57 AM.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 03:18 AM
First batch headed out tomorrow. Was stricken with food poisoning Monday and have been recovering. 2nd batch cleared customs.
2nd batch could not have cleared customs since Niles7 did not send it......
Looks like we have all been well and truly played.It is a shame because it is also likely the last nail in the coffin for group buys. XKS gets to sit with around $10 000 to $15 000 and 30 grams of Dihexa. Would be nice if we could track him down and make an example of him.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 03:34 AM
First batch headed out tomorrow. Was stricken with food poisoning Monday and have been recovering. 2nd batch cleared customs.
2nd batch could not have cleared customs since Niles7 did not send it......
Looks like we have all been well and truly played.It is a shame because it is also likely the last nail in the coffin for group buys. XKS gets to sit with around $10 000 to $15 000 and 30 grams of Dihexa. Would be nice if we could track him down and make an example of him.
The 2nd batch did clear customs and Nyles has it. He lives in the US.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 03:42 AM
>>Looks like we have all been well and truly played.It is a shame because it is also likely the last nail in the coffin for group buys. XKS gets to sit with around $10 000 to $15 000 and 30 grams of Dihexa. Would be nice if we could track him down and make an example of him.<<
I agree full heartidly with making an example of him.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 06:15 AM
I have paid for 30 grams. I'm making next to nothing off this buy. Nyles just emailed me today saying I have two days to send him payment for the second third, which I am doing. I got food poisoning last weekend and I was just alerted literally one week ago that he got the shipment in and that he was headed out of the country. I didn't realize that he needed the money within 7 days before he had the third part of the shipment in. So he emailed me today saying that he was fine with taking money for the 2nd third of it and that will be transferred tomorrow. If you guys think I am making bookoo bucks here that is definitely not the case. I have put in countless hours into this thing and after I pay for shipping, pay N his cut, and everything else, I'll be lucky if I have anything to spare and I am being serious.
I won't go into the details of the exchange between Nyles and I because basically the whole idea of him wanting to go around me and sell it was quite random seeing as he literally just received the second shipment one week ago. We have waited 9 months for this. One week of waiting because I was sick with food poisoning for me to send him his money is little time in the grand scheme of things. Had he messaged me a week ago saying he needed the money immediately I would have happily sent it very quickly but no sense of urgency was displayed and since he said he was going out of the country for 6 weeks I was not sure if he was planning on waiting until he returned to complete the entire transaction or not. Call it a misunderstanding, but I never told him that I didn't have the money to send him or would not send it. Hopefully everyone here does not freak out for no reason because last I heard from N today there is no discrepancy. Again, that was as of today. Those messages were made here by him yesterday when he had made the decision to go around me. Not once did I say I won't hold up my end of the deal.
Before you listen to one side of the story it would help if you heard mine. Nyles and I agreed via email today to complete this deal and whatever he claims I am making off this he can claim but that doesn't represent reality. I have paid him more than we initially agreed on. I don't even want to begin to imagine how many hours I have spent on this.
As far as I know we are in good standing as of yesterday and I plan on sending the money within two days of our email today as agreed. Nyles insisted that we not trash each others' reputation online because we haven't had problems until randomly I received an email several days ago stating because he didn't receive payment for the second third he wouldn't be completing the deal. Well there was no email to me requesting the second third immediately, just him asking what's up followed up by me saying I'll send it this week because I had a 103 temp and food poisoning for 5 days last week (including my birthday). Yes I spent my birthday in bed throwing up all day. That's more than you all need to know. Unfortunately since Nyles and I have not physically met I'm not sure if we trust each other as if we did know each other in person and I guess I'm going to leave it at that. According to his last email he will make good on the deal as will I as everyone here has been waiting.
The second batch did clear customs and Nyles was located in the US and it is here according to him. Not sure on your logic there.
Nyles was well aware his name was attached to this group buy and I have all kinds of email documentation to prove that. He was well aware of this thread and everything. This whole thing does not need to be overcomplicated the deal will be completed and it will be sent out and I'm not participating in another group buy because I have had zero control over any of this. And I'm not blaming Nyles. I didn't know this would take this long. I have sat here telling you guys next month next month and in the end everyone has been at the mercy of the overseas lab making it. I don't even know what lab that is. And that's fine, because now Nyles can make more of it and sell more of it and make even more money if he wants to. I have no knowledge about whatever lab is making this or connections in the overseas chemical synthesis market beyond through N.
I'd like to end this on a positive note without resorting to posting emails or trashing reputations because everyone has been patient, diligent, and put in ample time to make us all too big for shit flinging at this stage.
Thanks for your patience. You have heard from Nyles. I'm not sitting here sprinkling fairy dust.
As for me defending yada - first off I defended him in the context of one member here outright attacking him in one instance in a certain context. I've never defended everything yada has ever done or claimed he is some perfect individual. If you guys want to know the reasons there are not a ton of successful group buys you don't need a big imagination. It's easy to blame it all on one person but the reality is there are tons of things happening at once here of which one person doesn't have total control over (when another party is supplying it especially). How do I know Nyles just ordered 100 grams? I don't. Guess what? The next batch will be cheaper and faster to make in bulk quantities and I will have no access to that. And that's fine. Nyles can have that opportunity. I could have made a lot of money just with the time I have spent working on this so far. And that is just another reason this will be my last buy.
The last batch came with no documentation. I'm testing the purity of each batch. I'm sampling each batch (<.5 gram) with a dose so no one has a potential serious issue. I'm dividing up the doses. Not all of the shipment is directly for sale due to that. So everyone can think oh it's a perfect conversion and everything is perfect with no time, testing, or anything above and beyond it magically being shipped out but that's not how this works when I'm only receiving a relatively small amount of compound. It is just as vexing to me that this very experimental process does not translate directly into controlled variables.
DHXA, thank you for perhaps offering the advice of allowing me to actually say something before I am crucified for no good reason to a group I have put senseless time into.
I HAVENT EVEN BROUGHT UP THE TAX LIABILITY OF ME HAVING TO PAY ANATTORNEY TO SORT THIS MESS OUT WITH MY OWN MONEY. You guys think it's all fun and games. I have refused tons of people more orders on this compound. If I actually made money doing this I'd have 4 group buys going at once. MY advice to anyone here is do not start a group buy if you think somehow you will profit from it. If you know the manufacturer, which I don't, and have access to making more of the compound and know the true cost of it from the manufacturer (which I don't have any proof of) - then you are the guy going to make the money. I am not the one making the money here. I don't have those connections. People are still going to want dihexa after this buy is all shipped out, at an even greater rate after the reviews come in. The fact is without a job I couldn't have afforded to do this group buy. It's easy for everyone else with direct manufacturer control of the chemical to sit back and make claims about costs, time, and whatever. They are sitting on the financial printing press, not me. I have no idea what it cost DHXA to make his batch but I do know he is charging the same as we did for example.
This witch hunt wouldn't even be happening if the compound was delivered within 3 months as initially quoted from the lab. Sadly no one had any control over making a new compound from scratch and the time that would take.
Edited by xks201, 19 November 2014 - 07:13 AM.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 07:19 AM
I will also add that yes there was a one week or so delay in paying for the first third of it because N requested it be sent as a paypal gift instead of just regular paypal. With a paypal gift there is zero recourse. It is basically the equivalent of sending cash in the mail. So excuse me everyone for trying to make sure that everything was done fairly so as to guarantee that we actually got something (let alone the right compound) in return for sending money. I did not see why money had to be sent in that method with zero recourse and I had an issue with that for several days and then folded and sent it. My bad for trying to insure that money sent was not for nothing. In the grand scheme of things there being a week or two at most between me paying for the compound after it arrived after waiting 9-10 months I don't think is that big of an issue.
Again, I'm not attacking N or anyone - I'm just clearing up possible misconceptions. HE has done a good job sticking to the game plan and for the good of everyone I want to finish this as soon as it is all here. This whole process has asked a lot of the patience of me, N, and everyone involved.
Edited by xks201, 19 November 2014 - 07:22 AM.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 09:13 AM
Beyond that, it's a custom synthesis of a patented drug made overseas and then Imported into the US. I certainly wouldn't want to open a paypal dispute and have them investigating a transaction like this. Maybe it's all completely legal, but Im guessing no.
I appreciate your effort in this whole process, but I think you were a bit naive about what you were getting into. On the flip side, anyone who participated in the buy is naive if they expected this process to go smoothly. This isn't a Walgreens pharmacy.
Edited by foreseason, 19 November 2014 - 10:03 AM.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 09:26 AM
xks, you are good. thanks for the effort. I haven't seen anything indicative of any foul play. I am happily awaiting my batch.
I wish nyles7 didn't have to come here and do this without confirming what the story is with xks.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 09:29 AM
The last batch came with no documentation. I'm testing the purity of each batch. I'm sampling each batch (<.5 gram) with a dose so no one has a potential serious issue. I'm dividing up the doses. Not all of the shipment is directly for sale due to that. So everyone can think oh it's a perfect conversion and everything is perfect with no time, testing, or anything above and beyond it magically being shipped out but that's not how this works when I'm only receiving a relatively small amount of compound.

Posted 19 November 2014 - 09:34 AM
Posted 19 November 2014 - 09:40 AM

Posted 19 November 2014 - 10:01 AM
and.. if you don't have money to buy everyday things or are living paycheck to paycheck, please don't throw your money on group buys involving experimental drugs. you'll just ruin it for everyone when you nag and ask for a refund like an annoying wife.
Ever think that maybe people wanted refunds because what was supposed to take 2-3 months has taken 8 so far?
Posted 19 November 2014 - 10:48 AM
I just wanted to check in one last time (?).
As agreed upon with xks, neither of us will comment on the other's behavior.
I'm glad that this deal seems to be resolved. It was not a trivial issue that arose, but all seems good now.
In truth, I did not follow this thread since I was dealing as the supplier to xks. To be clear, I am still only serving in this role.
In the future I will be more diligent, and again, my sincerest apologies for the hassles.
It was an extended synthesis time and once I even sent this batch back for further purification based on the 3rd party analysis.
That large delay was unintended, but the lab is one I use regularly and absolutely trust. It was their first dihexa synthesis and I relayed their expected delivery times (made in good faith) to xks. This is the first custom order that I've dealt with that was delayed to this magnitude. Unforeseen, but the outcome is very high quality. Even now, after all their synthesis experience, they are quoting a 2 month turn around time. Apparently this synthesis is no easy task.
So the status as of today is that 30g have been delivered to xks and paid for; 30 g is in my possession, and 40g is sitting in customs with a status of "Inbound Out of Customs" which means that it will either arrive in a few days or will be sent back to the lab by customs.
Thanks again for your patience.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 11:43 AM
Ever think that maybe people wanted refunds because what was supposed to take 2-3 months has taken 8 so far?and.. if you don't have money to buy everyday things or are living paycheck to paycheck, please don't throw your money on group buys involving experimental drugs. you'll just ruin it for everyone when you nag and ask for a refund like an annoying wife.
in such endeavors, if you assume that everything will go smooth and be on schedule, then you shouldn't participate, because they never do. there are many (emphasis on many) things that can go wrong, and alot of times, it's really no one's fault.
in group buys of questionable exotic chemicals, and you can't afford to risk a couple of hundred dollars, I would stay out instead of nag and point fingers later when Gabriel doesn't magically deliver your dihexa right on time from Yahwehs safe. you participate in these things, you implicitly sign a high risk consent, knowing that worst case scenario, the lab will take your money and send you washing powder.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 12:05 PM
The last batch came with no documentation. I'm testing the purity of each batch. I'm sampling each batch (<.5 gram) with a dose so no one has a potential serious issue. I'm dividing up the doses. Not all of the shipment is directly for sale due to that. So everyone can think oh it's a perfect conversion and everything is perfect with no time, testing, or anything above and beyond it magically being shipped out but that's not how this works when I'm only receiving a relatively small amount of compound.
Good Lord, it really sounds like you've gone off your rocker. I thought the reason you haven't shipped out the 30 g of dihexa you've been sitting on since 10/24 was because of recurrent bouts of food poisoning or whatever, or procrastination. Instead it was this. Who the heck asked you to spend several weeks (or months, or indefintely) tasting hundreds of milligrams (or several grams) of our product - which has already been lab tested and OK'd by Nyles - just to triple check that it's real? No one wanted you to do that. We wanted you to receive the powder from Nyles, measure, divide, and mail promptly. We should have had people getting their dihexa weeks ago.
Seems to me that everytime we ask you a reasonable question about how you're handling our money and product, the ETA, 'logistics', etc., you snap and go on a long uncogent rant about how you're working hard, how everything is more complicated than we think, how we have no right to complain because you're working for free, how we couldn't do better than you, etc. And, any attempts you make to actually answer our questions are full of holes and ambiguities, and in some cases are downright bizarre. We have no idea if your behind-the-scenes logistics is really that hard and complicated because you're not explaining yourself properly, and you're not asking us for help or to vote on decisions when appropriate. If you had told us about your batch taste testing, we could have told you what a stupid idea that was.
It's funny how you keep trying to guilt trip us with empty threats to never host another group buy because it's so hard and because the people suck. It's a great idea for you to never host again, because you clearly don't have the management and people skills to handle this kind of thing. (If you need to involve your personal attorney in a group buy to 'clean up the mess', you're obviously doing something wrong). If you hate it that much, why not transfer the money and mail the powder to someone else and let them finish the job?
Edited by Jbac, 19 November 2014 - 12:06 PM.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 02:28 PM
>>in such endeavors, if you assume that everything will go smooth and be on schedule, then you shouldn't participate, because they never do. there are many (emphasis on many) things that can go wrong, and alot of times, it's really no one's fault.<<
No one is disputing this, but it is what Jbac pointed out (and pretty much hit the nail on the head) that I think has most people fed up with this group buy. XKS, go look at the NSI-189 Scienceguy group buy thread to see how communication with others is done in order to avoid what you have created here.
btw I have not complained or said anything until Nyles gave reason to do so.
Edited by Werper, 19 November 2014 - 02:29 PM.
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