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Dihexa Group Buy List (Nyles7 is Co-Organizer)


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#601 Jbac

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 04:01 PM

I might volunteer if I knew I'd receive the bulk product in a week or two (because I might be traveling next month), but most likely it will take a very long time for Xks to pay Nyles, transfer funds to someone else, and/or mail the 30 g to a distributor, if he ever does.

Xks cheating us seems a real possibility at this point. He's had 100% control of the group's resources for the past 8 months, and now that the group is finally putting pressure on him to give it back (i.e. mail our 30 grams, ever since 10/24), he's stalling (5 days of food poisoning = out of commission for a whole month), flaking out (not willing to mail to another distributor, probably), and making crazy excuses (safety taste-testing).

Xks paid Nyles for the first 30 grams on time with no issues, so what's taking him so long to click that Paypal button and pay for the remaining 70 grams? Maybe because the 30 grams is his personal stash and he doesn't need any more dihexa (he'd rather keep his $10,000, or whatever it costs). Now that Nyles is putting pressure on him to give up that sweet 10 Grand, he's late, making excuses, and apparently causing Nyles so much trouble that N felt obliged to join longecity to inform us that we might all be screwed.

His suspicious hoarding of our product and money is our main bottleneck at this point, and we can't do a damned thing about it except complain, so let's just see what happens.

#602 Werper

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 04:02 PM

redan (yadayada) regarding your profile...............


"I no longer handle group buys. Please do not PM me regarding that. I'll mostly be lurking or posting sporadically if something catches my eye." 


should read...


"I was never capable of handling group buys, so I no longer handle group buys.   (in the event that anyone would ever dare consider using me again for this purpose)  Please do not PM regarding that.   I'll mostly be jerking off sporadically to fellow group buy organizers if they happen to catch my eye (like xks has)"


Have a great day!

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#603 Werper

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 04:06 PM

A very likely scenario you painted jbac,  unfortunately....   

#604 Strangelove

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 04:39 PM

I might volunteer if I knew I'd receive the bulk product in a week or two (because I might be traveling next month), but most likely it will take a very long time for Xks to pay Nyles, transfer funds to someone else, and/or mail the 30 g to a distributor, if he ever does.

Xks cheating us seems a real possibility at this point. He's had 100% control of the group's resources for the past 8 months, and now that the group is finally putting pressure on him to give it back (i.e. mail our 30 grams, ever since 10/24), he's stalling (5 days of food poisoning = out of commission for a whole month), flaking out (not willing to mail to another distributor, probably), and making crazy excuses (safety taste-testing).

Xks paid Nyles for the first 30 grams on time with no issues, so what's taking him so long to click that Paypal button and pay for the remaining 70 grams? Maybe because the 30 grams is his personal stash and he doesn't need any more dihexa (he'd rather keep his $10,000, or whatever it costs). Now that Nyles is putting pressure on him to give up that sweet 10 Grand, he's late, making excuses, and apparently causing Nyles so much trouble that N felt obliged to join longecity to inform us that we might all be screwed.

His suspicious hoarding of our product and money is our main bottleneck at this point, and we can't do a damned thing about it except complain, so let's just see what happens.


He took the time to write a very lengthy reply instead of disappearing... just give him a little extra time to see what he intends to do.

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#605 foreseason

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 04:43 PM

There is only one correct way to handle this situation.

The remaining bulk Dihexa should be shipped back overseas to be properly sorted into individual orders. When complete, the individual orders should be shipped back to the US, but separately, avoiding the possibility that the entire lot would be confiscated by customs. Once all shipments have arrived, they should be combined and resorted, just because.
And since we all know that foreigners can't really be trusted, the individual orders should be sent to separate labs in the United States to verify purity. Once purity is confirmed, each order should be tested on a dog, cat, or other pet/small animal.

If, and only if, all test pets survive a 30 day trial, the remaining Dihexa should be shipped back to Nyles who can then distribute it how he sees fit.
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#606 killahbeatz

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 06:52 PM

I agree with strangelove. Let xks finish what he started. But I would like to know how much of the 30g xks had is left.

#607 Leadingdaway

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 07:00 PM

I'm one of the many that sent payment(3/12/14) in the beginning of the group buy. I've participated  in two group buys in the past, but never received the product nor a refund, so this has been extremely frustrating to say the least, By now, we're all well aware about the risky nature of these group buys, I would hope. The real question is,how will we proceed going forward & who will make that decision?. There's been many good ideas floating around as to how this messy situation could be mitigated, but if we are to move forward, the fair thing would be  to open a poll where every paid participant could chime in and vote on what they believe would be the best solution. Having said that,and if indeed everyone agrees on opening some sort of poll, is there a list of members who have payed their share? If not, can you,XKS, please provide the information so that the group can make a decision on this matter?  If you're in the group buy, please chime in and don't remain silent on the issue. It'd be nice to have an open discussion.

Edited by Leadingdaway, 20 November 2014 - 07:01 PM.

#608 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 07:09 PM

redan (yadayada) regarding your profile...............


"I no longer handle group buys. Please do not PM me regarding that. I'll mostly be lurking or posting sporadically if something catches my eye." 


should read...


"I was never capable of handling group buys, so I no longer handle group buys.   (in the event that anyone would ever dare consider using me again for this purpose)  Please do not PM regarding that.   I'll mostly be jerking off sporadically to fellow group buy organizers if they happen to catch my eye (like xks has)"


Have a great day!

Javol! Lol, I handled group buys pretty well for people who were actually apart of it. Do I need to give you references? Your the only sorry ass complaining, lol.

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#609 Werper

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 09:49 PM

I think at this point if there is a general vote of   "no confidence" in xks,  and the right thing to do if nyles receives the money is to have someone else handle it.   I don't agree that xks should finish the job. 



Redan...my "sorry ass" doesn't come in this forum begging for money.......   Ever wonder why I had no complaints with scienceguy's group buy,  because he handled it like someone with a brain.

#610 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 10:23 PM

I think at this point if there is a general vote of "no confidence" in xks, and the right thing to do if nyles receives the money is to have someone else handle it. I don't agree that xks should finish the job.

Redan...my "sorry ass" doesn't come in this forum begging for money....... Ever wonder why I had no complaints with scienceguy's group buy, because he handled it like someone with a brain.

I'm pretty sure I wrote that post when I was drunk. So bite me. lol
I just hope Myles can offer this compound for sale.

#611 mandaryn

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 02:10 AM

At this point I'd like to hear from XKS about what, specifically, he is doing with our money and Dihexa. I think everybody would calm down if shipments started arriving. The best way for him to fix this is to get the money for the second batch to Nyles7, and the Dihexa shipped to us...promptly. I have no doubt XKS is following this discussion. Put our minds at ease and tell us what you're doing. You could salvage a great deal by making good choices and doing what needs to be done. Please communicate with us instead of letting people speculate on your plans or actions. The longer you allow this to go on the worse it's going to get.
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#612 sk_scientific

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 02:14 AM

Both ends against the middle, ladies and gentlemen.  Question your sources.

#613 xks201

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 05:18 AM

First of all, payment was sent to Nyles today for the second third. He doesn't have the third third of it but when he does I will promptly pay him for it and ship it all out together. I have been going all day busy.


The several of you that are starting shit over nothing can keep talking but no one else is completing this group buy seeing as the funds have already been exchanged. I don't know what fairy land several of you live in. Tritum I've always had beef with you and Werper you can talk all the crap you want. I really don't care at this point. The deal will be done and we can find a new witch to burn for the next group buy. Hopefully at least that witch will have learned their lesson to not be put at the mercy of anyone else.


Had N never posted on this forum the 4 of you or whatever wouldn't even be twisting each others' panties. The deal is still going and the only hiccup aside from us all waiting much longer for the lab to complete the synthesis than expected was me having food poisoning for several days. N didn't even request the money immediately within the week that this whole issue happened it was all blown out of proportion by everyone. I'm not changing terms of anything. I don't deal that way. Werper feel free in the next group buy you lead to change all the terms you want as many times possible throughout the buy. I actually have a life outside of this group buy and so far I have held up my end of the bargain despite me taking a week to send the second payment. foreseason, no one is shipping anything back overseas 60 extra times. Thanks for the idea though. 2/3 of it is already here. I'm not even reading all of these ridiculous replies because they are one sided and too circle jerkish for my liking. I suggest everyone here go get laid, refocus on the facts, and wait for the third round to get to N so we can have it all accounted for and ship it. The second third of it has been paid for.

N should have the second third shipping here any day. I'll send it all out after I receive the second shipment. The first shipment was going to about 4-5 people anyway who bulk ordered so regardless none of you would have gotten it with a one gram order. Some of you should look into valium over dihexa.


I think everyone should take a minute to think about such a bad person I am for having taken a whole week to pay for something that took 6 months longer than originally quoted to get. Seriously. This feels like a day care. I can empathize with everyone being pissed about this taking 9 months but GUESS WHAT? THAT WAS OUT OF MY CONTROL.


And I'm not angry at all of you, just several. Tritum in every thread regardless of the topic always tries to screw with me. Werper is just hostile. Some other opinions are personal. It's very clear to me that some of you are just trying to get a rise out of me. I'm not that easily fooled which is why I'm not gonna post a reply to each and every post here. I don't see the point in investing even more time responding to nonsense after already seeing the fruits of my labor in action with several of you.



Edited by xks201, 21 November 2014 - 05:28 AM.

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#614 foreseason

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 05:27 AM

First of all, payment was sent to Nyles today for the second third. He doesn't have the third third of it but when he does I will promptly pay him for it and ship it all out together. I have been going all day busy.

The several of you that are starting shit over nothing can keep talking but no one else is completing this group buy seeing as the funds have already been exchanged. I don't know what fairy land several of you live in. Tritum I've always had beef with you and Werper you can talk all the crap you want. I really don't care at this point. The deal will be done and we can find a new witch to burn for the next group buy. Hopefully at least that witch will have learned their lesson to not be put at the mercy of anyone else.

Had N never posted on this forum the 4 of you or whatever wouldn't even be twisting each others' panties. The deal is still going and the only hiccup aside from us all waiting much longer for the lab to complete the synthesis than expected was me having food poisoning for several days. N didn't even request the money immediately within the week that this whole issue happened it was all blown out of proportion by everyone. I'm not changing terms of anything. I don't deal that way. Werper feel free in the next group buy you lead to change all the terms you want as many times possible throughout the buy. I actually have a life outside of this group buy and so far I have held up my end of the bargain despite me taking a week to send the second payment. foreseason, no one is shipping anything back overseas 60 extra times. Thanks for the idea though. 2/3 of it is already here. I'm not even reading all of these ridiculous replies because they are one sided and too circle jerkish for my liking. I suggest everyone here go get laid, refocus on the facts, and wait for the third round to get to N so we can have it all accounted for and ship it. The second third of it has been paid for.
N should have the second third shipping here any day. I'll send it all out after I receive the second shipment. The first shipment was going to about 4-5 people anyway who bulk ordered so regardless none of you would have gotten it with a one gram order. Some of you should look into valium over dihexa.

I think everyone should take a minute to think about such a bad person I am for having taken a whole week to pay for something that took 6 months longer than originally quoted to get. Seriously. This feels like a day care. I can empathize with everyone being pissed about this taking 9 months but GUESS WHAT? THAT WAS OUT OF MY CONTROL.

#615 xks201

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 05:29 AM

First of all, payment was sent to Nyles today for the second third. He doesn't have the third third of it but when he does I will promptly pay him for it and ship it all out together. I have been going all day busy.

The several of you that are starting shit over nothing can keep talking but no one else is completing this group buy seeing as the funds have already been exchanged. I don't know what fairy land several of you live in. Tritum I've always had beef with you and Werper you can talk all the crap you want. I really don't care at this point. The deal will be done and we can find a new witch to burn for the next group buy. Hopefully at least that witch will have learned their lesson to not be put at the mercy of anyone else.

Had N never posted on this forum the 4 of you or whatever wouldn't even be twisting each others' panties. The deal is still going and the only hiccup aside from us all waiting much longer for the lab to complete the synthesis than expected was me having food poisoning for several days. N didn't even request the money immediately within the week that this whole issue happened it was all blown out of proportion by everyone. I'm not changing terms of anything. I don't deal that way. Werper feel free in the next group buy you lead to change all the terms you want as many times possible throughout the buy. I actually have a life outside of this group buy and so far I have held up my end of the bargain despite me taking a week to send the second payment. foreseason, no one is shipping anything back overseas 60 extra times. Thanks for the idea though. 2/3 of it is already here. I'm not even reading all of these ridiculous replies because they are one sided and too circle jerkish for my liking. I suggest everyone here go get laid, refocus on the facts, and wait for the third round to get to N so we can have it all accounted for and ship it. The second third of it has been paid for.
N should have the second third shipping here any day. I'll send it all out after I receive the second shipment. The first shipment was going to about 4-5 people anyway who bulk ordered so regardless none of you would have gotten it with a one gram order. Some of you should look into valium over dihexa.

I think everyone should take a minute to think about such a bad person I am for having taken a whole week to pay for something that took 6 months longer than originally quoted to get. Seriously. This feels like a day care. I can empathize with everyone being pissed about this taking 9 months but GUESS WHAT? THAT WAS OUT OF MY CONTROL.

Thank you for quoting my post. No I'm not going to edit words out of it. I haven't horded crap. I'll mail out some product of the first 30 this weekend. I just don't want to hear more whining because you weren't the one to get yours immediately. I was giving priority to those that ordered the most.

Edited by xks201, 21 November 2014 - 05:43 AM.

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#616 foreseason

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 05:41 AM

First of all, payment was sent to Nyles today for the second third. He doesn't have the third third of it but when he does I will promptly pay him for it and ship it all out together. I have been going all day busy.

The several of you that are starting shit over nothing can keep talking but no one else is completing this group buy seeing as the funds have already been exchanged. I don't know what fairy land several of you live in. Tritum I've always had beef with you and Werper you can talk all the crap you want. I really don't care at this point. The deal will be done and we can find a new witch to burn for the next group buy. Hopefully at least that witch will have learned their lesson to not be put at the mercy of anyone else.

Had N never posted on this forum the 4 of you or whatever wouldn't even be twisting each others' panties. The deal is still going and the only hiccup aside from us all waiting much longer for the lab to complete the synthesis than expected was me having food poisoning for several days. N didn't even request the money immediately within the week that this whole issue happened it was all blown out of proportion by everyone. I'm not changing terms of anything. I don't deal that way. Werper feel free in the next group buy you lead to change all the terms you want as many times possible throughout the buy. I actually have a life outside of this group buy and so far I have held up my end of the bargain despite me taking a week to send the second payment. foreseason, no one is shipping anything back overseas 60 extra times. Thanks for the idea though. 2/3 of it is already here. I'm not even reading all of these ridiculous replies because they are one sided and too circle jerkish for my liking. I suggest everyone here go get laid, refocus on the facts, and wait for the third round to get to N so we can have it all accounted for and ship it. The second third of it has been paid for.
N should have the second third shipping here any day. I'll send it all out after I receive the second shipment. The first shipment was going to about 4-5 people anyway who bulk ordered so regardless none of you would have gotten it with a one gram order. Some of you should look into valium over dihexa.

I think everyone should take a minute to think about such a bad person I am for having taken a whole week to pay for something that took 6 months longer than originally quoted to get. Seriously. This feels like a day care. I can empathize with everyone being pissed about this taking 9 months but GUESS WHAT? THAT WAS OUT OF MY CONTROL.

Thank you for quoting my post. No I'm not going to edit words out of it.
I was actually trying to reply to it but just hit the wrong button....

Can you confirm the first batch was sent out? Last you said, it was to be shipped last Saturday. If so, then someone should have received their order by now. I think if someone came on and confirmed they got their Dihexa that might calm things down a bit.

I really don't care what happens as long as I get my order eventually. I find this all more entertaining than anything. But you are very focused on the delayed payment/food poisoning issue when there are multiple issues people seem to be upset about. For instance, your decision to personally test all the product which everyone seems to think was completely unnecessary and not your decision to make. Or why it took a month to get the first batch shipped out...

And my last post was a joke. I thought that would be pretty obvious

Edited by foreseason, 21 November 2014 - 05:46 AM.

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#617 xks201

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 05:48 AM

First of all, payment was sent to Nyles today for the second third. He doesn't have the third third of it but when he does I will promptly pay him for it and ship it all out together. I have been going all day busy.

The several of you that are starting shit over nothing can keep talking but no one else is completing this group buy seeing as the funds have already been exchanged. I don't know what fairy land several of you live in. Tritum I've always had beef with you and Werper you can talk all the crap you want. I really don't care at this point. The deal will be done and we can find a new witch to burn for the next group buy. Hopefully at least that witch will have learned their lesson to not be put at the mercy of anyone else.

Had N never posted on this forum the 4 of you or whatever wouldn't even be twisting each others' panties. The deal is still going and the only hiccup aside from us all waiting much longer for the lab to complete the synthesis than expected was me having food poisoning for several days. N didn't even request the money immediately within the week that this whole issue happened it was all blown out of proportion by everyone. I'm not changing terms of anything. I don't deal that way. Werper feel free in the next group buy you lead to change all the terms you want as many times possible throughout the buy. I actually have a life outside of this group buy and so far I have held up my end of the bargain despite me taking a week to send the second payment. foreseason, no one is shipping anything back overseas 60 extra times. Thanks for the idea though. 2/3 of it is already here. I'm not even reading all of these ridiculous replies because they are one sided and too circle jerkish for my liking. I suggest everyone here go get laid, refocus on the facts, and wait for the third round to get to N so we can have it all accounted for and ship it. The second third of it has been paid for.
N should have the second third shipping here any day. I'll send it all out after I receive the second shipment. The first shipment was going to about 4-5 people anyway who bulk ordered so regardless none of you would have gotten it with a one gram order. Some of you should look into valium over dihexa.

I think everyone should take a minute to think about such a bad person I am for having taken a whole week to pay for something that took 6 months longer than originally quoted to get. Seriously. This feels like a day care. I can empathize with everyone being pissed about this taking 9 months but GUESS WHAT? THAT WAS OUT OF MY CONTROL.

Thank you for quoting my post. No I'm not going to edit words out of it.
I was actually trying to reply to it but just hit the wrong button....

Can you confirm the first batch was sent out? Last you said, it was to be shipped last Saturday. If so, then someone should have received their order by now. I think if someone came on and confirmed they got their Dihexa that might calm things down a bit.

I really don't care what happens as long as I get my order eventually. I find this all more entertaining than anything. But you are very focused on the delayed payment/food poisoning issue when there are multiple issues people seem to be upset about. For instance, your decision to personally test all the product which everyone seems to think was completely unnecessary and not your decision to make. Or why it took a month to get the first batch shipped out...

I know it's entertainment for you guys. Expect the rest of the first shipment to go out Tuesday. I have my life to get back To. As soon as I get the second shipment that is going out. I was very hesitant about a big uproar about choosing who gets theirs first. Obviously no one seems to care about that fact which is fine by me.
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#618 foreseason

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 06:18 AM

I know it's entertainment for you guys. Expect the rest of the first shipment to go out Tuesday. I have my life to get back To. As soon as I get the second shipment that is going out. I was very hesitant about a big uproar about choosing who gets theirs first. Obviously no one seems to care about that fact which is fine by me.



Well I find it entertaining.  Most people seem to be genuinely angry, probably because of replies like this. 


I asked very specifically if the first batch was shipped out on Saturday like you said it would be.  In response, I get a vague answer of "expect the rest of the first shipment to go out Tuesday."  So some of it was shipped already and some of it wasn't?  Or have you actually not shipped any of it, but don't want to admit it?  Regardless, you've been sitting on the Dihexa for over a month now.  And you wonder why people question your integrity?


You didn't even bother to respond about your decision to personally "test" the product. 


You love to play the victim role, yelling about how everything was out of your control.  In reality, most of the issues people are upset about are related to decisions you made and actions you took that just don't make sense. 

Edited by foreseason, 21 November 2014 - 06:20 AM.

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#619 PWAIN

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 06:56 AM

I think the fairest method for shipping is order of payment. So those that paid first get it shipped first. They will be the ones who have waited the longest and also helped get this buy off the ground.
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#620 StevesPetRat

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 08:09 AM

I suggest everyone here go get laid

But I lack the synaptic density to attract a mate without Dihexa...  :sad:

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#621 mindpatch

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 09:29 AM



First of all, payment was sent to Nyles today for the second third. He doesn't have the third third of it but when he does I will promptly pay him for it and ship it all out together. I have been going all day busy.

The several of you that are starting shit over nothing can keep talking but no one else is completing this group buy seeing as the funds have already been exchanged. I don't know what fairy land several of you live in. Tritum I've always had beef with you and Werper you can talk all the crap you want. I really don't care at this point. The deal will be done and we can find a new witch to burn for the next group buy. Hopefully at least that witch will have learned their lesson to not be put at the mercy of anyone else.

Had N never posted on this forum the 4 of you or whatever wouldn't even be twisting each others' panties. The deal is still going and the only hiccup aside from us all waiting much longer for the lab to complete the synthesis than expected was me having food poisoning for several days. N didn't even request the money immediately within the week that this whole issue happened it was all blown out of proportion by everyone. I'm not changing terms of anything. I don't deal that way. Werper feel free in the next group buy you lead to change all the terms you want as many times possible throughout the buy. I actually have a life outside of this group buy and so far I have held up my end of the bargain despite me taking a week to send the second payment. foreseason, no one is shipping anything back overseas 60 extra times. Thanks for the idea though. 2/3 of it is already here. I'm not even reading all of these ridiculous replies because they are one sided and too circle jerkish for my liking. I suggest everyone here go get laid, refocus on the facts, and wait for the third round to get to N so we can have it all accounted for and ship it. The second third of it has been paid for.
N should have the second third shipping here any day. I'll send it all out after I receive the second shipment. The first shipment was going to about 4-5 people anyway who bulk ordered so regardless none of you would have gotten it with a one gram order. Some of you should look into valium over dihexa.

I think everyone should take a minute to think about such a bad person I am for having taken a whole week to pay for something that took 6 months longer than originally quoted to get. Seriously. This feels like a day care. I can empathize with everyone being pissed about this taking 9 months but GUESS WHAT? THAT WAS OUT OF MY CONTROL.

Thank you for quoting my post. No I'm not going to edit words out of it. I haven't horded crap. I'll mail out some product of the first 30 this weekend. I just don't want to hear more whining because you weren't the one to get yours immediately. I was giving priority to those that ordered the most.


Word has it you're going all Tony Montana with our Dihexa stash.    ....joke


To diffuse some of the drama, which, by observing some of the personalities here might be somewhat unavoidable, could you give us a weekly status report so people don't fill in the gaps in information with assumptions?  It was agreed upon that you would be getting some of the Dihexa for your own use as compensation for going through the trouble of doing this whole group buy, but did we agree upon how much?  I think part of the problem is that there was no clear understanding of what that arrangement was going to be; there was no documented contract with a cost and compensation breakdown. I think you could see how this coupled with the sporadic communication could lead to misunderstanding.  


I'm just trying to be constructive here.  ...btw, you oughta make that pic your avatar  

Edited by mindpatch, 21 November 2014 - 09:36 AM.

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#622 Jbac

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 02:01 PM

Guys, you have to speak up and tell Nyles that you want the next 30 grams sent to a more responsible host. I guarantee you if Xks gets it, then you won't see dihexa in your mailbox until well into mid-2015, and that's giving Xks the benefit of the doubt and assuming he won't outright steal the entire 100 grams.

Whatever agreement Nyles has with Xks to send him 100% of the product can technically be bent if Nyles wants to (what is Xks going to do... sue?), and if an overwhelming majority in the group buy don't trust Xks to handle their paid goods responsibly, then maybe Nyles will listen.

Xks clearly has no sense of responsibility, decency, and urgency in delivering our product to us. He's had it for about a month (or longer), and he can never get his story straight regarding: What is he doing with it, What's taking so long, When is he mailing it out, etc.

He broke his promise to mail it on 10/24. He broke his promise to mail it last week. And today, merely to get the complainers off his back, he uttered some empty intentions to mail a little this weekend and a little more next Tuesday, while arrogantly chiding that he's too busy having a life and getting laid to give this group buy any serious attention. Does he sound even half believable to you? I assure you he'll be too busy this weekend 'having a life', and then too busy on Tuesday 'working', and then Thanksgiving will be a convenient excuse for him to delay until well into December. Then there's final exams, Christmas, New Year's, etc.

He refuses to consult with us regarding the order in which paid customers receive their products. His decision to mail to the 4 or 5 bulk buyers first is most likely motivated by laziness (fewer envelopes to address). And until a significant number of people get dihexa in their mailbox, I'm not yet convinced that he won't steal most of the 100 g.

I'm also doubtful that he even paid Nyles yet, for that matter, and I'd like to hear confirmation from N himself.
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#623 Jbac

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 02:38 PM

I'll start the voting:

I vote that the next 30 grams does NOT get shipped to
Xks, but instead a different host. If it can get here within ~2 weeks, I'll volunteer to be the host.
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#624 Werper

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 03:43 PM

XKS, if I didn't know better , from reading all your posts,  you would think that you actually synthesized dihexa all on your own.   How much work did actually have to do here?   Get funds into your paypal account send them to nyles and wait for the product.   From where I stand,   it would seem like the most difficult task is the one in which you haven't performed yet,  mailing us OUR dihexa.    You weren't too busy to collect all our money,  but now too busy to mail us all what we paid for.   This is the before and after that I see quite often.   The attitude  before people get your money and the attitude change you see after people get your money.    No wonder you yadayada got along well.   You both act as if your kings in this whole affair for being group organizers and our money is merely tax money that is rightly owed to the king and us peasants should be happy with any scrapes that come our way (and don't you dare question the king!).    It was our money and TRUST that allowed you the privilege of trialing dihexa and this is what we get in return?    Don't forget that the power of the group buy allowing us all to sample these research chemicals for a fairly small fee can also take on other forms-   I will leave that one to your imagination.    


 In hindsight leaving the group buy to someone who is willing to take on the job as organizer just so he can get his for free was a bad idea.    If they are that worried about saving 150 bucks that means they probably don't have much money (and the reason they don't have much money is probably  because of poor decision making) and as the old saying goes" desperate people do desperate things".


With that all said there is still a chance for a level of respect to be had,  but for this to happen you must listen to the people who paid their hard earned money.     We chose you at the beginning because you volunteered,  We are now voting to chose someone else.   My vote is for Jbac.     

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#625 mandaryn

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 03:51 PM

I think XKS is naturally somewhat defensive after everything that's been said. If Niles can confirm that payment has been received and keep us up to date on what's happening with the last shipment now in customs I'm willing to go forward with the current arrangement and see it through to its finish. XKS has said that it was his intent to have all of it before shipping so that everyone got theirs at about the same time. I can see his reasoning there. It's in his interests to finish this buy in an orderly fashion, but continuing to attack him is not going to help that process. I think he gets that he has to be more open about his side of things. Let's just get this done.
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#626 Werper

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 03:53 PM

Mind patch, and after xks is done snorting all of our dihexa...



    " Say hello to my little friend "


Attached File  sierra-mccormick-big-brain.jpg   31.66KB   7 downloads

Edited by Werper, 21 November 2014 - 03:54 PM.

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#627 mandaryn

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 03:55 PM

If nothing this has been good for some laughs...
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#628 Jbac

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 04:02 PM

XKS has said that it was his intent to have all of it before shipping so that everyone got theirs at about the same time. I can see his reasoning there. It's in his interests to finish this buy in an orderly fashion...


Don't be ridiculous.  Xks sitting on huge amounts of our dihexa for 2-3 months (while he himself gets the pleasure of sampling it) is unacceptable.  And besides, that's obviously not what he's been promising since October.  You're pulling weak excuses out of your ass just like he is.



...but continuing to attack him is not going to help that process. I think he gets that he has to be more open about his side of things. Let's just get this done.



Have fun waiting until next year for your dihexa. Maybe you'll finally get it as a present for Easter.

Edited by Jbac, 21 November 2014 - 04:04 PM.

#629 mindpatch

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 04:15 PM

Mind patch, and after xks is done snorting all of our dihexa...



    " Say hello to my little friend "



funniest post of the thread so far.  thx.  We need to laugh a little here. 

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#630 Werper

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 04:16 PM

  Jbac has his head screwed on straight here.   With everything that has transpired you would have to be  FOOL to want xks to continue handling this group buy.

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