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Dihexa Group Buy List (Nyles7 is Co-Organizer)


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#751 megatron

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Posted 07 December 2014 - 07:13 PM

The original deal between Nyles and I was that I wasn't even going to get started on it until I received the full amount of product because half of you would be complaining you didn't get yours first.


Did you even play this sentence in your head before you typed it? Do you know how this sounds?

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#752 Jbac

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Posted 07 December 2014 - 07:14 PM

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#753 xks201

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Posted 07 December 2014 - 07:18 PM

The original deal was that I would receive the product in back to back succession. It wasn't my fault that the product got hung up in customs. I have no update on from him on where the third part of the shipment is.  So you can interpret it one hundred ways - in your case whatever way best discredits me. I'm not even being defensive at this point because as I see it the blame has been successfully redirected to me for this thing taking 8 months which I was told 3 months original ETA. Because it has taken me several weeks to ship it it is now the end of the world according to 6 people, half of which aren't even in the buy, Therefore I will stop responding to the egg throwers because the majority of people in this buy are understanding. Whatever fire N started here was simply because he wanted to run off with the damn compound and sell it to other people and it was because I stuck up for us all that he didn't get away with that shit. End of story. The fact is majority of the hecklers aren't even in the buy so I don't need to respond. But the above statements did need to be said because they are true. 


I didn't start all this shit flinging here so I have a right to at least say what is really going on. I have no update on the third part of the shipment so I guess you can all heckle N over that now. I received the second third of this compound not even 2 weeks ago. If I had been sitting on the whole thing for months I could understand but I don't even have the entire compound yet and just received the second third of it. 


I agreed not to discredit Nyles but if this entire thread is going to take that tone then I am at least going to say something positive for myself because I did not start this shit flinging and I have no idea where the third part of the shipment is because I have not received any update on that. 

Edited by xks201, 07 December 2014 - 07:22 PM.

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#754 Jbac

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Posted 07 December 2014 - 07:26 PM

I can't believe he actually tried to dig himself out of that hole, with yet another megalomaniacal rant. And as a bonus treat, he even took a shot at Nyles and called him a thief. This officially needs to be archived in Best of Longecity.

Edited by Jbac, 07 December 2014 - 07:27 PM.

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#755 sk_scientific

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Posted 07 December 2014 - 07:27 PM

Chill the hell out guys. I have had a lot of work to do. I just received the compound 10 days ago. It is all sorted and ready to go. Several were dropped off. Whatever name or addresses you guys have are actually incorrect. One member here, SKScientific thought leaking some guessed information would help his cause. Rather hilarious as none of that information matches anything but a guess based on what he figured was a resident in Missouri.  I'm going to get 5-10 of you taken care of everyday until it is all done. Another 5 will receive emails with tracking numbers Monday. 


Despite whatever you guys think I have no other use for this compound and am not running off with it somewhere.


SK_Scientific (I) most certainly did not report your address to the group, as I do not have your address.  As you know, when I have had grievances with you, I have brought them directly to you.  If I had proof positive of a scam in action, I would be obliged to take action as the situation would warrant, however I do not appreciate being dragged into this nonsensical argument regarding your credibility when I've generally been supportive of you up until this point.


Personally, I'm not a fan of petty drama and this whole situation is ridiculous but I think that it should be clear that numerous people have reached a consensus regarding what is going on right now.  If they're wrong, you can prove them wrong by simply delivering, at which time you can tell them all to go eat their hats.  


If and when I receive a deliverable, I will be johnny on the spot to let everyone know that you made good.  Please refrain from baseless, paranoid accusations - As much as I am not responsible for your behavior, neither am I responsible for the behavior of others in this group.  


Rather than indulging the game of character assassination and information warfare, perhaps you could just assert the moments of your day to packing, shipping and reporting on your activity.  As I said before, the "proof will be in the pudding".  

Edited by sk_scientific, 07 December 2014 - 07:29 PM.

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#756 megatron

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Posted 07 December 2014 - 07:30 PM

Whatever fire N started here was simply because he wanted to run off with the damn compound and sell it to other people and it was because I stuck up for us all that he didn't get away with that shit. End of story. 



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#757 xks201

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Posted 07 December 2014 - 07:31 PM

I'm done responding in this thread period. If any of you want to contact me you can do it through the DHXA email used to verify order information. Orders will continue to be sent out at the rate of 5 per day until they are complete. It is very clear to me that the intentions of some of you are just to obfuscate this to a point of absurdity. 


SKScientific and I are fine now that I verified he is not contributing to the demise of this. Nyles and I are fine- though I do not as of this moment have an update on the last third of it. Yeah there was a disagreement on whether or not the second third would be sent and he said that himself in this thread so that is nothing new. Last time I checked we are still on track though. Many of you participating in this aren't even in the buy so me responding here is pointless. Mods will take down whatever crap you post if it offensive, such as threats to my girlfriend or whatever you all want to post who don't even know that I have a girlfriend let alone factual information on her. This thread has degraded into nothing but heckling and therefore I am no longer responding to it. If you need to talk to me you can do it through that email individually. 



Edited by xks201, 07 December 2014 - 07:38 PM.

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#758 Jbac

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Posted 07 December 2014 - 07:52 PM

This is just deliciously funny. I'm surprised no one has pointed out the colossal inadequacy of Xks' attention span. I don't know if he's ever confirmed an ADHD diagnosis or whatever, but his inability to reply to an argument with precision and thoroughness is just astoundingly obvious.

Instead of properly addressing his false claim that he and Nyles had an agreement to not ship the dihexa until he received 100% of the material... he goes off on a manic rant about how the 3rd portion of dihexa has not arrived yet and he has no control over that, so fuck you all for being mean to him. It doesn't seem to matter if he's angry, sad, manic, or whatever. He just can't seem to stay on topic.
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#759 medicineman

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Posted 07 December 2014 - 08:23 PM

received #
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#760 PWAIN

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Posted 07 December 2014 - 09:54 PM

Well that is very promising, thats 2 people now that have recieved a number. Can't wait to recieve mine :).


received #


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#761 tritium

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Posted 07 December 2014 - 10:00 PM

I bet they are fake tracking numbers.  I find it hard to believe that xks would be capable of shipping a package ; )

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#762 JASOG888

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Posted 07 December 2014 - 10:38 PM

I have received a tracking number. I am a 1 gram buyer.

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#763 Jbac

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Posted 08 December 2014 - 01:38 PM

6 Months Later

“The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on 12/08/14 to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date. Delivery status information will be provided if / when available. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.”
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#764 tritium

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Posted 08 December 2014 - 11:19 PM

I'm done responding in this thread period. If any of you want to contact me you can do it through the DHXA email used to verify order information. Orders will continue to be sent out at the rate of 5 per day until they are complete. It is very clear to me that the intentions of some of you are just to obfuscate this to a point of absurdity. 


SKScientific and I are fine now that I verified he is not contributing to the demise of this. Nyles and I are fine- though I do not as of this moment have an update on the last third of it. Yeah there was a disagreement on whether or not the second third would be sent and he said that himself in this thread so that is nothing new. Last time I checked we are still on track though. Many of you participating in this aren't even in the buy so me responding here is pointless. Mods will take down whatever crap you post if it offensive, such as threats to my girlfriend or whatever you all want to post who don't even know that I have a girlfriend let alone factual information on her. This thread has degraded into nothing but heckling and therefore I am no longer responding to it. If you need to talk to me you can do it through that email individually. 


You are done responding because you cannot come up with any coherent arguments to all the truths that have arisen.  You blame customs and nyles as the reson why you haven’t shipped anything when in fact, you have been sitting on the first batch for months now.  Nyles has also posted the status of the third batch within this thread, but you are too absent minded to have noticed.  All you need to do is pull your head out of your ass and ship the damn product.  Then, there would be no need to defend yourself for all of the arguments here.

Edited by tritium, 08 December 2014 - 11:20 PM.

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#765 pro-v

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:24 AM

Does anyone think this clown is not a scammer? I'll bet those tracking #'s aren't updating are they?


Steve'sPetRat, Mindpatch??

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#766 JASOG888

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:34 AM

My tracking number hasn't updated. Maybe it will tomorrow.

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#767 mindpatch

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:36 AM

Does anyone think this clown is not a scammer? I'll bet those tracking #'s aren't updating are they?


Steve'sPetRat, Mindpatch??

I'm not complaining.  I got my Dihexa last week.  :ph34r:

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#768 StevesPetRat

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 08:03 AM

Does anyone think this clown is not a scammer? I'll bet those tracking #'s aren't updating are they?

Steve'sPetRat, Mindpatch??

it's behind schedule, but coming. I don't want to get tagged with "needs references" so here:
https://tools.usps.c...23 8927 2297 62

Edit: I'm aware this may end up showing my home address, but I'm probably moving at the end of the month, so if you want to show up at my doorstep, the window of opportunity isn't going to be huge.

Edited by StevesPetRat, 09 December 2014 - 08:07 AM.

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#769 JASOG888

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 10:26 AM

My tracking number has shown movement. I should have my item this week.


Estimated Arrival:Not Available
Status:Departed USPS Facility (HAZELWOOD, MO 63042)

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#770 sk_scientific

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 02:46 PM

I have received a tracking number, and I am showing the same as the above posters when I check the status at usps.


So there you have it.  I'll let you know what I think of the deliverable.

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#771 medicineman

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:17 PM

package received... 010 for the nagging bitches (one in particular) if you want proof

9114 9999 4423 8927 2298 23

Edited by medicineman, 09 December 2014 - 03:18 PM.

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#772 medicineman

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:21 PM

Xks, thank you for the effort. as expected, these things don't go smoothly, and you always get the annoying, nagging, financially insecure a holes ruining things for every one, but as I expected from day one, you came through. hats off to you. you have my utmost respect.

as for the nagging bitches, sit on it and spin.

Edited by medicineman, 09 December 2014 - 03:22 PM.

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#773 foreseason

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 04:03 PM

Fake tracking numbers?  Why would he take the time to create fake shipments?  Why would he even be anywhere near this thread or forum still if he was scamming us?  He's had our money and product for a while.  I'm sure the next round of bitching will be about how the weight is .01 grams off.  Or that one of the bubbles in the bubble wrap was popped upon arrival. 


I'm certainly not happy with how this all went, but give it a rest already.  You're either going to get your Dihexa or not.  No amount of internet arguing is going to change that

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#774 StevesPetRat

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 06:30 PM

Oh, you guyyyssssssss... :|o

Attached File  Screen Shot 2014-12-09 at 11.27.05 AM.png   36.07KB   7 downloads


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#775 mindpatch

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 06:31 PM

I propose that, upon receiving their shipment of Dihexa, Tritium, Jbac and pro-v issue a public apology to xks and thank him for the time and effort he put into making this group buy happen. 


Do this day, xks STILL hasn't received the entire allotment of Dihexa.  That's really not his fault, and this point is incontrovertible.  You can't argue against reality.  You could argue that he should have shipped the first batch he received at the end of October, but that just means that some people would have received some and two thirds of the group would have received nothing.  That's just very simple math; again, incontrovertible.   You can't ship what you don't have.   Can you imagine the hue and cry from our favorite cast of characters if they hadn't been included in that first hypothetical shipment?   


Would it have been fair to ship to only some of the participants of this group buy while expecting others to wait indefinitely? That is the central question.  If the detractors here can answer that question adequately they might earn some credibility. 





Edited by mindpatch, 09 December 2014 - 06:35 PM.

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#776 Jbac

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 06:53 PM

Do this day, xks STILL hasn't received the entire allotment of Dihexa. That's really not his fault, and this point is incontrovertible. You can't argue against reality. You could argue that he should have shipped the first batch he received at the end of October, but that just means that some people would have received some and two thirds of the group would have received nothing. That's just very simple math; again, incontrovertible. You can't ship what you don't have. Can you imagine the hue and cry from our favorite cast of characters if they hadn't been included in that first hypothetical shipment?

Would it have been fair to ship to only some of the participants of this group buy while expecting others to wait indefinitely? That is the central question. If the detractors here can answer that question adequately they might earn some credibility.

Excuses for Xks's Laziness, Incompetence, and Irresponsibility #34
"You can't be mad at Xks for repeatedly breaking his promises to ship the first 30 grams since 10/24. If he had kept his promises, it would have been 'unfair' to certain people anyway."

We already debated this on pages 21-22, dummy. Your debating skills sucked, and you lost.
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#777 mindpatch

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 07:08 PM

We already debated this on pages 21-22, dummy. Your debating skills sucked, and you lost


. And there we have it.  Like most things in life that involve some people's overweening desire to preserve and augment egos, things devolve into posturing, chest beating and comparative penis measuring. It always helps to go to the root of the issue. 


Does anyone think this clown is not a scammer? I'll bet those tracking #'s aren't updating are they?


Steve'sPetRat, Mindpatch??

I'm not complaining.  I got my Dihexa last week.  :ph34r:


The weird part is that I only ordered 1 gram, but I got 4.  Oh well. 

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#778 Jbac

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 07:14 PM

I actually find it very disconcerting that Xks asked us to resend him all our names/addresses/order quantities/transaction IDs. Clearly, he has downright failed to properly organize our information in a simple text or Excel file, which he should have been doing for the past 8 months. At this point, I fully expect him to fuck up our orders and send the wrong amounts of dihexa to the wrong people.

The weird part is that I only ordered 1 gram, but I got 4. Oh well.

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#779 tritium

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 07:26 PM

Haha.  Sounds like there will not be enough left for all the orders.  I should have told him I ordered 5 grams when I ordered 1 and then I'll get 5 grams lol.

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#780 Jbac

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 07:37 PM

Haha. Sounds like there will not be enough left for all the orders. I should have told him I ordered 5 grams when I ordered 1 and then I'll get 5 grams lol.

Seriously, right? He wouldn't have even bothered searching his e-mails and PayPal receipts to confirm your 5 grams. If he was competent enough to use the Search function on his gmail account, he wouldn't have asked us to resend our info in the first place. Good lord what a pathetic excuse for a group buy host.
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