I can't honestly say that I am the least bit surprised.

Posted 12 December 2014 - 01:31 PM
Posted 12 December 2014 - 02:45 PM
I mean, if it was an honest mistake and he simply overlooked my message okay, no big deal. If I could intercept it at the post office, I would, but I can't, I imagine he didn't put my full name on the parcel. So it's a loss for sure. We'll see if he has a change of heart and sends another one. Personally, I would have used a return address of a p.o. box because inevitably there will be mistakes made along the way. Certainly the way he handled the situation wasn't particularly mature or respectful but it's water off of a ducks back if some arrives.
Really I had been hoping to get some in my hands for comparison with the DXHA batch prior to it being shipped to the group, but it's out of my hands now.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 03:05 PM
XKS_201 incorrectly addressed my shipment and neglected to put a return address on the parcel. Which ultimately made my shipment undeliverable. The following transpired:
Me: You could have used a po box 6:02 PMxks_201: If you think I read one hundred texts from everyone to find the details of one address lmfao 6:03 PMxks_201: You still need identity for a po box 6:03 PMxks_201: It's not gonna happen to other people If they give me the wrong address that's their own fault genius 6:03 PMxks_201: Legally I don't want my name on anything more 6:04 PMxks_201: smdh - this was a legal transaction dude. there was no need for sketch paranoia about it. anyway, i'll wait until next week. hope the garbage man likes his dihexa 6:04 PMxks_201: I'll send you another gram next week. Not another useless word out of your titty sucking lips till then 6:04 PMMe: I don't appreciate your attitude. Your behavior is pretty much always out of line. Where do you get off? 6:05 PMxks_201: K no shipment for you I just blew 160 on u 6:14 PMxks_201: Cause I have been putting up with you being a dick online and stirring the crowd why should I bend over for yourass 6:15 PMMe: 1.) I updated you with the apartment number - if you kept piss poor records, that's your fault not mine 2.) I haven't stirred up a single person, I've supported you, defended you on occasion and even created diversions for you - your own behavior caused you backlash 3.) A deal was a deal you are obliged to send me SOMETHING - First it was 3 grams, then it was two, now it's none. NOT GOOD OF YOU 4.) You're disrespectful 6:47 PM
This just demonstrates what kind of an asshole we're dealing with. This mofo cannot be involved in any group buy ever again. He obviously has no clue at all what he is doing. This is the kind of person who's got no introspection at all. He's got his head so far up his ass, that it cannot go any further up in it.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 03:34 PM
XKS_201 incorrectly addressed my shipment and neglected to put a return address on the parcel. Which ultimately made my shipment undeliverable. The following transpired:
Me: You could have used a po box 6:02 PMxks_201: If you think I read one hundred texts from everyone to find the details of one address lmfao 6:03 PMxks_201: You still need identity for a po box 6:03 PMxks_201: It's not gonna happen to other people If they give me the wrong address that's their own fault genius 6:03 PMxks_201: Legally I don't want my name on anything more 6:04 PMxks_201: smdh - this was a legal transaction dude. there was no need for sketch paranoia about it. anyway, i'll wait until next week. hope the garbage man likes his dihexa 6:04 PMxks_201: I'll send you another gram next week. Not another useless word out of your titty sucking lips till then 6:04 PMMe: I don't appreciate your attitude. Your behavior is pretty much always out of line. Where do you get off? 6:05 PMxks_201: K no shipment for you I just blew 160 on u 6:14 PMxks_201: Cause I have been putting up with you being a dick online and stirring the crowd why should I bend over for yourass 6:15 PMMe: 1.) I updated you with the apartment number - if you kept piss poor records, that's your fault not mine 2.) I haven't stirred up a single person, I've supported you, defended you on occasion and even created diversions for you - your own behavior caused you backlash 3.) A deal was a deal you are obliged to send me SOMETHING - First it was 3 grams, then it was two, now it's none. NOT GOOD OF YOU 4.) You're disrespectful 6:47 PM
Ok, I wouldn't say I was an xks defender. My point is that you can't really blame him for things that were out of his control and we need to be patient and let the process play out and not form a lynch mob.
This is pretty indefensible. I'm sorry this happened to you. xks needs to get his shit together.
So help me understand. You paid for 3 grams? ..and now you're not getting anything?
btw - I haven't seen a tracking # in my email.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 03:46 PM
I mean, if it was an honest mistake and he simply overlooked my message okay, no big deal. If I could intercept it at the post office, I would, but I can't, I imagine he didn't put my full name on the parcel. So it's a loss for sure. We'll see if he has a change of heart and sends another one. Personally, I would have used a return address of a p.o. box because inevitably there will be mistakes made along the way. Certainly the way he handled the situation wasn't particularly mature or respectful but it's water off of a ducks back if some arrives.
Really I had been hoping to get some in my hands for comparison with the DXHA batch prior to it being shipped to the group, but it's out of my hands now.
I think you've handled this pretty well. You haven't resorted to retaliatory disrespectful behavior.
Maybe though, he deserves the Jimmy Conley Treatment
Posted 12 December 2014 - 03:47 PM
My being sent some portion of Dihexa for sample, testing, comparison and assay was worked into the group buy from the advent of the venture. This had to do with my function as an outward liaison with the principle researchers and other entities (information collection, validation and verification). You could say that it was xks_201's responsibility to handle logistics, it was my responsibility to ensure that all facts were straight, proper structure was obtained, and outstanding questions were validated with scientists. After xks_201 and I spent some amount of weeks around this time last year querying various labs around the united states, we jointly made the decision to bring Nyles in on the synthesis as we had both utilized his services in the past and because of his area knowledge in asia.
Though you might consider my contributions as nominal, I can tell you that I put in well over a hundred hours on the project as I endeavored to ensure that the process maintained operational integrity. Much has not gone according to my original plan (for example, third party domestic testing was to be completed prior to shipment), and honestly I do blame xks_201's immaturity for much of this if I'm going to be completely forthright with you.
Finally, with the exception of my communications on this website, I conducted my activities in the open with my real identity and information. I felt like we needed a member who could ensure and maintain transparency, communicating openly with all parties, but that this individual not deal with any financial aspects. Given my personal sense of integrity, I felt like the best option for this function was myself.
Edited by sk_scientific, 12 December 2014 - 04:06 PM.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 03:52 PM
Edited by foreseason, 12 December 2014 - 03:55 PM.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 03:59 PM
My being sent some portion of Dihexa for sample, testing, comparison and assay was worked into the group buy from the advent of the venture. This had to do with my function as an outward liaison with the principle researchers and other entities (information collection, validation and verification). You could say that it was xks_201' responsibility to handle logistics, it was my responsibility to ensure that all facts were straight, proper structure was obtained, and outstanding questions were validated with scientists. After xks_201 and I spent some amount of weeks around this time last year querying various labs around the united states, we jointly made the decision to bring Nyles in on the synthesis as we had both utilized his services in the past and because of his area knowledge in asia.
Though you might consider my contributions as nominal, I can tell you that I put in well over a hundred hours on the project as I endeavored to ensure that the process maintained operational integrity. Much has not gone according to my original plan (for example, third party domestic testing was to be completed prior to shipment), and honestly I do blame xks_201's immaturity for much of this if I'm going to be completely forthright with you.
Ok, well that's a little different. I don't know that this necessarily has any bearing on the participants who actually paid and are either waiting for their shipment or have received it already. I think we all know that he's immature and a bit irresponsible and certainly lacks communication skills when they are needed. I don't mind a little saltiness sometimes from people on an internet forum. It adds a little bit of life. But it seems like to me that both you and Nyles have had issues with his attitude and are airing some dirty laundry. I thought what Nyles did earlier was a little unnecessary in that it needlessly got people riled up.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 04:19 PM
Ok, well that's a little different. I don't know that this necessarily has any bearing on the participants who actually paid and are either waiting for their shipment or have received it already. I think we all know that he's immature and a bit irresponsible and certainly lacks communication skills when they are needed. I don't mind a little saltiness sometimes from people on an internet forum. It adds a little bit of life. But it seems like to me that both you and Nyles have had issues with his attitude and are airing some dirty laundry. I thought what Nyles did earlier was a little unnecessary in that it needlessly got people riled up.
The bearing that it would have had is this: You would have had the benefit of knowing that what you received was actually dihexa. Prior attempts at its synthesis were muddled or incorrectly executed. I was also attempting to source a professional who could utilize software to ascertain actual human kinetics of the compound to allay any outstanding concerns regarding its half life and H.E.D.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 04:53 PM
Kind of worries me that he's been taking dihexa. Maybe I don't want it.
I sincerely do not believe his behavior has anything to do with dihexa. He could be trolling, he could have Antisocial Personality Disorder, he could be using steroids, or maybe he's not been taught how to behave. Although I initially appreciated his taking on the responsibility of handling the logistics of the group buy, and for leading the charge with Nyles, I obviously have a very different opinion now. I've been hesitant to speak up, preferring to deal with him in private (sometimes people just need a little encouragement, direction, reasoning, or even emulation). Maybe he wasn't fully prepared for his role. Hard to tell. I tried to meet with him in person earlier this year before agreements and actions were undertaken, but he backed out of it.
Edited by sk_scientific, 12 December 2014 - 04:57 PM.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 06:39 PM
Kind of worries me that he's been taking dihexa. Maybe I don't want it.
I sincerely do not believe his behavior has anything to do with dihexa. He could be trolling, he could have Antisocial Personality Disorder, he could be using steroids, or maybe he's not been taught how to behave. Although I initially appreciated his taking on the responsibility of handling the logistics of the group buy, and for leading the charge with Nyles, I obviously have a very different opinion now. I've been hesitant to speak up, preferring to deal with him in private (sometimes people just need a little encouragement, direction, reasoning, or even emulation). Maybe he wasn't fully prepared for his role. Hard to tell. I tried to meet with him in person earlier this year before agreements and actions were undertaken, but he backed out of it.
One guy would betray You first at 1000 bucks the other allready for 10 bucks
Ok things got up, everyone is pissed and trigger happy, but if he at the end of the day doesnt send Your share to You, he would make a doubtful decision.
Edited by Flex, 12 December 2014 - 06:49 PM.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:24 PM
Got a baggie (and a nice stack of blank notebook paper, bonus!) a few days back. Cannot say I'm super impressed at this point. Have taken 50 mg x 2, sublingual with mannitol to try to boost absorption. Waiting to try insufflation until I have a stronger indication that this is the real deal, though I might get impatient. Up my nose with a rubber hose!
Going to add some CDP or aGPC soon, as some of the reported effects (greater strength, parasympathetic stimulation) seem cholinergic in nature.
Hmmm... putting a subject at the beginning of a sentence is for non-Dihexa-having chumps, apparently.
Edited by StevesPetRat, 12 December 2014 - 08:28 PM.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:31 PM
Ok, I wouldn't say I was an xks defender. My point is that you can't really blame him for things that were out of his control...
Excuses for Xks's Laziness, Incompetence, and Irresponsibility #29
"You can't stay mad at Xks for carelessly destroying your $450 worth of product by irresponsibly ignoring your change-of-address PMs, failing to keep organized records, and mailing your dihexa to an expired address with no addressee name and no return address. Once that dihexa is lost in the mail, it's gone forever. Xks can't break into the USPS undeliverable mail warehouse and bring it back, so quit blaming him for something that is completely out of his control."
... and we need to be patient and let the process play out and not form a lynch mob.
Excuses for Xks's Laziness, Incompetence, and Irresponsibility #18
"You need to remain patient with Xks when he destroys your $450 worth of product and taunts you by saying that he hopes the garbage man likes your dihexa. When he callously chides that he might send you another gram next week if you refrain from uttering 'another useless word out of your titty sucking lips', be patient, keep your titty sucking lips shut, and pray he sends you that gram. When you call him out on his rudeness and he retaliates by saying 'K no shipment for you' and 'you said mean things about me online so why should I respect and uphold my common law financial obligations to you?', be patient. No need to start complaining on the forums and form a lynch mob. Just let the process play out."
Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:34 PM
I was being more facetious than anything. Knowing absolutely nothing about him, I would assume he was about 16 based on how he acts. More likely, he's in his 20s and still needs to grow up.I sincerely do not believe his behavior has anything to do with dihexa. He could be trolling, he could have Antisocial Personality Disorder, he could be using steroids, or maybe he's not been taught how to behave. Although I initially appreciated his taking on the responsibility of handling the logistics of the group buy, and for leading the charge with Nyles, I obviously have a very different opinion now. I've been hesitant to speak up, preferring to deal with him in private (sometimes people just need a little encouragement, direction, reasoning, or even emulation). Maybe he wasn't fully prepared for his role. Hard to tell. I tried to meet with him in person earlier this year before agreements and actions were undertaken, but he backed out of it.
Kind of worries me that he's been taking dihexa. Maybe I don't want it.
Edited by foreseason, 12 December 2014 - 08:52 PM.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:52 PM
I was being more facetious than anything.
I know.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:53 PM
Got a baggie (and a nice stack of blank notebook paper, bonus!) a few days back. Cannot say I'm super impressed at this point. Have taken 50 mg x 2, sublingual with mannitol to try to boost absorption. Waiting to try insufflation until I have a stronger indication that this is the real deal, though I might get impatient. Up my nose with a rubber hose!
Going to add some CDP or aGPC soon, as some of the reported effects (greater strength, parasympathetic stimulation) seem cholinergic in nature.
Hmmm... putting a subject at the beginning of a sentence is for non-Dihexa-having chumps, apparently.
Wow, you have already taken 100mg of this stuff. It seems a bit too strong for me after taking 10mg on consecutive days. I am also taking NSI-189(about 20mg/day), and recently ended a cerebrolysin cycle. Maybe that has something to do with the effect I'm feeling. It could be placebo, but my expectations were not high at all. I had not read much about dihexa before actually receiving it. My last dose was Wednesday and I don't think I will be taking more until I figure out how to make the best use of this stuff. I can still feel the effects.
I also received a stack of notebook paper. The baggie was sandwiched in between two stacks.
I hope xks201 delivers for those still waiting.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 10:39 PM
I knew he would do this. It was too obvious when he made that post asking for people to resend their info, and he mentioned - as a reason for needing our info - that he became too confused by people sending him PMs with updated address info. By the sound of it, he made no effort whatsoever to keep track of these changes, and the mere responsibility of updating our addresses was too complicated and bothersome for him to deal with.XKS_201 incorrectly addressed my shipment and neglected to put a return address on the parcel. Which ultimately made my shipment undeliverable.
xks_201: If you think I read one hundred texts from everyone to find the details of one address lmfao 6:03 PM
xks_201: You still need identity for a po box 6:03 PM
xks_201: It's not gonna happen to other people If they give me the wrong address that's their own fault genius 6:03 PM
xks_201: Legally I don't want my name on anything more 6:04 PM
xks_201: smdh - this was a legal transaction dude. there was no need for sketch paranoia about it. anyway, i'll wait until next week. hope the garbage man likes his dihexa 6:04 PM
xks_201: I'll send you another gram next week. Not another useless word out of your titty sucking lips till then 6:04 PM
Me: I don't appreciate your attitude. Your behavior is pretty much always out of line. Where do you get off? 6:05 PM
xks_201: K no shipment for you I just blew 160 on u 6:14 PM
xks_201: Cause I have been putting up with you being a dick online and stirring the crowd why should I bend over for your
ass 6:15 PM
What a piece of garbage. This guy is complete scum and should never have been trusted with anyone's money and goods.
1) Too lazy to read our PMs with updated address info, even after confirming that he received the info. Asks us to resend our addresses and makes it sound like he's really going to update our info this time, but again is too lazy to read our PMs and e-mails.
2) Completely irresponsible and negligent to the point of cruelty. He would literally rather send your dihexa to a wrong address and destroy hundreds of dollars worth of your product than scroll down his PMs list and click on the one that says "sk_scientfic's new address".
He knew sk_scientfic had a new address because he skims through all his PMs and e-mails, but he couldn't be bothered to write it down or look for it again. He knew he was mailing it to the wrong address, but he did it anyway out of sheer laziness and spite.
3) If you change your address at a later date, blames you for originally sending him the "wrong address".
4) Too much of a chicken shit to rent a PO Box because he doesn't want to give the government his ID and address. (Yet somehow he's comfortable with using Paypal, which requires some identification.)
5) Puts on a huge show convincing everyone to trust him with the responsibility of handling thousands of dollars worth of their money and goods, yet not responsible enough to put his name and address (or PO Box) on an envelope to ensure safe delivery (because he's scared of the government, or scared of getting sued).
6) Mocks you for losing your paid/earned dihexa, even though it was his fault.
7) Power trips on knowing that he has all the dihexa in his possession, and you're going to have to lick his ass and play by his rules if you want any. Taunts you with the prospect of sending you some scraps if you keep your "titty sucking lips" shut, and if he feels like it.
8) Retaliates against you for talking back to him by refusing to ship your paid/earned goods.
9) Genuinely believes that it's acceptable to break a common law financial contract ("I give you money/services, you give me stuff in return") because the other person said mean things about him online. Has no respect for common law and thinks it's perfectly OK to steal from people he doesn't like.
10) Considers the idea of reshipping product - in order to make good on an agreement that he violated due to negligence - to be "bending over for your ass".
Posted 13 December 2014 - 02:40 AM
I also received my package today. 1 gram of off-white granular powder that is hopefully Dihexa. I'm going to email Nyles to verify the appearance and consistency.
Interestingly, my package did have a return address on it.
Posted 13 December 2014 - 04:20 AM
I also received my package today. 1 gram of off-white granular powder that is hopefully Dihexa. I'm going to email Nyles to verify the appearance and consistency.
Interestingly, my package did have a return address on it.
I heard the same from another user, but the other individual was under the impression that the address might be bogus and the name was very different.
Posted 14 December 2014 - 05:10 AM
This if the first time in a quite a while my email hasn't been bombarded with posts from this thread. I actually had to go to the second page of the forum to find it
So this is what it looks like. No smell.. No Taste. Still waiting for confirmation from Nyles that it looks legit (as in the same as what he received from the lab)
Posted 14 December 2014 - 05:31 AM
Haven't received anything yet...
Posted 14 December 2014 - 07:48 AM
This if the first time in a quite a while my email hasn't been bombarded with posts from this thread. I actually had to go to the second page of the forum to find it
So this is what it looks like. No smell.. No Taste. Still waiting for confirmation from Nyles that it looks legit (as in the same as what he received from the lab)
Interesting. DHXA's dihexa is all uniform white powder, not clumps like that. I wonder why.
Posted 14 December 2014 - 07:51 AM
It's actually crystalline rather than clumpy.Interesting. DHXA's dihexa is all uniform white powder, not clumps like that. I wonder why.
Posted 14 December 2014 - 08:28 AM
It's actually crystalline rather than clumpy.Interesting. DHXA's dihexa is all uniform white powder, not clumps like that. I wonder why.
Ah, yeah. My bad. :P
Posted 14 December 2014 - 11:23 AM
This if the first time in a quite a while my email hasn't been bombarded with posts from this thread. I actually had to go to the second page of the forum to find it
So this is what it looks like. No smell.. No Taste. Still waiting for confirmation from Nyles that it looks legit (as in the same as what he received from the lab)
The product I got from DHEXA looks nothing like that
Posted 14 December 2014 - 03:39 PM
This if the first time in a quite a while my email hasn't been bombarded with posts from this thread. I actually had to go to the second page of the forum to find it
So this is what it looks like. No smell.. No Taste. Still waiting for confirmation from Nyles that it looks legit (as in the same as what he received from the lab)
The product I got from DHEXA looks nothing like that
I second this, this looks nothing like my sample of Dihexa from DHEXA.
Edited by FW900, 14 December 2014 - 03:39 PM.
Posted 14 December 2014 - 03:50 PM
This if the first time in a quite a while my email hasn't been bombarded with posts from this thread. I actually had to go to the second page of the forum to find it
So this is what it looks like. No smell.. No Taste. Still waiting for confirmation from Nyles that it looks legit (as in the same as what he received from the lab)
The product I got from DHEXA looks nothing like that
I second this, this looks nothing like my sample of Dihexa from DHEXA.
Still haven't heard back from Nyles. Usually he is pretty quick to reply. From what I understand, identical substances can have different appearances based on the techniques or chemicals used in the synthesis process. So I haven't written it off yet. That being said, it does look like some ghetto cocaine I would have gotten in my younger years.
Posted 14 December 2014 - 04:59 PM
Posted 14 December 2014 - 08:41 PM
It's crystalline, whatever it is, and as far as I can tell the apparent differences in color are due to the refractory properties of the crystals rather than inhomogeneity of the material. So at least there's that.It's not even a uniform color. I thought it's supposed to be 99% pure.
So, my dry eye has been both worse than ever and better than in a long time during the past few days. Also my POTS is basically gone. These are both cholinergic effects. Mood has been pretty good. Maybe it is doing something. Really, really want to try this with TB4. Secret santas, anyone?
Posted 15 December 2014 - 01:00 PM
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