Of all the ways we could have possibly been scammed, I never expected the fake dihexa switcheroo
I feel like he would have tried for a more convincing looking powder if he was going to do that.
Posted 15 December 2014 - 03:58 PM
Of all the ways we could have possibly been scammed, I never expected the fake dihexa switcheroo
Posted 15 December 2014 - 08:30 PM
From my modest chemistry knowledge, a compound can be crystalline or powder depending on synthesis and purification methods.
In the interest of seeing how this synthesis compares to my own, has anyone posted the mass spectra? It should have mass/charge (m/z) on the x axis and intensity on the y axis. It provides a fairly reliable method of determining the presence or absence of a compound but provides little usable information on purity. MS are pretty straightforward to interpret, even without a deep science background.
Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:40 AM
Of all the ways we could have possibly been scammed, I never expected the fake dihexa switcheroo
Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:58 AM
So this is what it looks like. No smell.. No Taste. Still waiting for confirmation from Nyles that it looks legit (as in the same as what he received from the lab)
Still no reply from Nyles. I believe he's out of the country so he may be off the grid at the moment. Hopefully ill hear something soon.
Posted 16 December 2014 - 05:54 PM
Seems like nyles would like to talk to xks first as to why he sent out something different, since nyles has signed in yesterday and they made some sort of agreement to not defame each other.
Posted 16 December 2014 - 08:05 PM
Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:45 PM
Nyles agreed to not defame Xks because a butthurt Xks is more likely to not send payments out of spite. It'd be interesting to see Nyles forced to make a moral decision about whether to remain silent about the fake powder to appease Xks and get paid for the final 30 grams, or come clean to the group.
Well hopefully you've at least received your Dihexa. What's the status with your batch?
Posted 17 December 2014 - 12:25 AM
Posted 17 December 2014 - 12:31 AM
Posted 17 December 2014 - 01:14 AM
The above picture does indeed look like the material I received from the lab.....and stand by.
I don't remember it so clearly that I can tell you that it did have that exact color gradient, and I held none back to reference.
When the last 40g comes in, I'll post a picture of a representative sample.
People have speculated that the material was altered in some way.
In the end, a seller can offer you all the COAs, HPLC, MS and NMR outputs you want, but what it really comes down to is: How much do you trust your source. and all those in the chain of custody?
As for any assertion that I would conspire with xks, or anyone else, to hide a tampered with product that I provided, is simply misguided.
I would be the first in line to contribute to legal action, especially since I took great care to make sure the quality is the best available, and that my name is involuntarily associated with this transaction. If someone has any proof of tampering please contact me directly. Until that point, it's all speculation.
The only agreement xks and I have is that we will not attack each other's integrity. How would that help anyone?
Posted 17 December 2014 - 01:59 AM
In my interactions with Nyles, in the past, he'd taken considerable time and care in responding to me and in sharing information. I have no reason to doubt his integrity, and although I've been wrong about people many times throughout my life, I feel that what he is saying is plausible. I can't specifically vouch for him on a personal level as I do not know him personally and I'm just throwing this out there for you all because it's my PERSONAL position based on prior information. I can attest that his NSI-189 was very legitimate and he appears to take sensible precautions in protecting himself in his "business". That the man is a ghost is not necessarily sufficient to crucify him over whatever it is that our situation with the delivery of Dihexa has become. As I stated before, I had hoped that xks would have seen the sense and necessity in getting Dihexa verified prior to satisfaction of the group buy. Throughout my interactions with xks, I've found him to be difficult to get a read on, which is why I had hoped to work out a meeting last winter.
I suppose that at this point, it MIGHT be advisable to obtain a minute amount of Dihexa from all sources who receive the substance and run a few hundred mgs through testing, though this does not specifically account for or protect against subterfuge and tampering. There could easily be a troll who would intentionally send molested materials out of spite or malice. Many individuals have come forward and offered me samples from their own personal supplies, and where those gestures are appreciated, I await xks_201's satisfaction of his promises to ME that I might ascertain the legitimacy of the compound for myself. Once more, this does not necessarily ensure that xks_201 wouldn't send me the actual compound and fool everyone else, but it would be a masterful deception and the question remains as to what the point of such activity would actually be?
Finally the cleavage and color of the "rocks" is irrelevant - Nyles' NSI-189 had particularly poor granularity but was exceptionally pure. I have sourced NSI-189 from other vendors where indeed the product was pharmaceutically even in texture and color, but where the effect was inferior. Take the statement for what it's worth, hearsay, conjecture, fallible subjective perception whatever.
I had hoped to have a hand as a "certificate of authority" for this process, but the matter is rather tampered with at this point. Hopefully your Dihexa will be delivered, and if mine is not, I certainly learned some lessons along the way.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 02:15 AM
Interesting. DHXA's dihexa is all uniform white powder, not clumps like that. I wonder why.
Nyles keeps on checking this thread and then leaving without commenting on the pic. Clearly we got boned.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 03:48 AM
It has already gone bad. The way xks has been acting lately and the many mistakes he has made show this. There is no evidence showing that he isn't the kind of person to pull something like sending out fake product.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 05:25 AM
Innocence until proven guilty... but use your fucking sense
Posted 17 December 2014 - 07:23 AM
Do not underestimate Nyles7, he has been legitimate nootropics vendor for well over a year and seeing him post should serve as a reassurance. Although I did not participate in this group buy, he did for awhile (sadly he does not offer it any more) sell NSI-189, which was without a doubt the substance in question. He would have nothing to gain by scamming people in a group buy.
I believe this was mentioned earlier in the thread, the best remedy is to post the spectra from this group buy and compare it with DHEXA's. If there isn't any spectra, getting it tested should be a priority.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 07:02 PM
Update: The last 40g of this group buy has just passed customs. I would expect it in a day, perhaps two.
For the record, what I had synthesized was the original product before it was handed over to xks, and up until the point that it left my hands, I personally stand by its quality and content.
With the next 40g on its way, I will ask the buyers again if they want me to hand this over to xks or would you prefer to find another trusted member to distribute this last portion of your group order? Xks would have to pay me for this portion, keeping the profit, and someone else can ship this out to paid members of this buy. The other option is to keep everything "as is" and I'll send this on to xks as I have with the first two 30g portions.
I will take pictures of the contents and post them to this forum so that you can compare this untouched material with what you received in the mail.
Since it is from the same synthesis, it should be exactly what you have been sent. Maybe the gains will differ slightly because this package had gone through the mail 3 times, but that difference should be minor as these shipments are well packed.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 07:30 PM
I received my dihexa a month ago, but the weird part is that it also came with a free $500 in cash, which I think was pilfered from group buy funds. Oh well.
So, in other words, what you're really saying is that you aren't actually a part of the group buy, haven't payed anything, aren't expecting any shipment of anything and have absolutely no vested interest in this group buy whatsoever but keep opining in this thread because......um....uhhhh??
Oh! I know!!
Posted 17 December 2014 - 07:32 PM
Posted 17 December 2014 - 07:58 PM
Posted 17 December 2014 - 08:09 PM
I agree to shipping to sk_scientific. I can believe that nyles sent xks good product, but xks most likely sent out something fake to everyone in order to delay this further and have more people fall into his elaborate scam. Having someone else do the distribution will make this go more quickly.
Edited by tritium, 17 December 2014 - 08:10 PM.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 08:17 PM
People have started receiving their Dihexa. I'd say that stands as proof of XKS' intention to complete the buy.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 08:18 PM
Except that xks_201 worked the cost of shipping into the price that he charged all of you (which means that those resources are in his possession). It would end up costing me something like 6 dollars per flat rate domestic parcel with tracking at usps. Not that I would be upset with satisfying people's obligations, this really wasn't my function. Given the financial considerations, however a risk it may be, xks_201 is sort of bound to satisfying this transaction.
Finally, I am not in possession of the buyer list, who has had their orders satisfied or any of the information in regard to the financials.
I am flattered by your trust, never the less.
Edited by sk_scientific, 17 December 2014 - 08:20 PM.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 08:49 PM
Further Update: The 40g has arrived in fine shape looking exactly as depicted in the picture above.
Granular in nature with a color range from grayish brown to near white. Sort of looks like kitty litter in texture but much finer in size.
The crushed powder at the bottom of the packet appears almost pure white, which is likely how the entire package would appear if it was ground up.
There is just under 40g, which is correct since the first two bags were over the given weight, one by a few grams.
I will text xks, and then wait for a decision and his payment.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 08:56 PM
Posted 17 December 2014 - 08:57 PM
Further Update: The 40g has arrived in fine shape looking exactly as depicted in the picture above.
Granular in nature with a color range from grayish brown to near white. Sort of looks like kitty litter in texture but much finer in size.
The crushed powder at the bottom of the packet appears almost pure white, which is likely how the entire package would appear if it was ground up.
There is just under 40g, which is correct since the first two bags were over the given weight, one by a few grams.
I will text xks, and then wait for a decision and his payment.
Probably worth everyone's time to post a picture of this for us.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 09:01 PM
Further Update: The 40g has arrived in fine shape looking exactly as depicted in the picture above.
Granular in nature with a color range from grayish brown to near white. Sort of looks like kitty litter in texture but much finer in size.
The crushed powder at the bottom of the packet appears almost pure white, which is likely how the entire package would appear if it was ground up.
There is just under 40g, which is correct since the first two bags were over the given weight, one by a few grams.
I will text xks, and then wait for a decision and his payment.
What does it taste and smell like?
Posted 17 December 2014 - 09:25 PM
It may have a slight odor, but I think it's the bag it was shipped in that I'm smelling.
Outside the bag I really can't discern an odor.
Taste is also nonexistent.
It doesn't readily dissolve in my mouth. It remains "crunchy" as I chew it.
This is from a small sampling.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 09:26 PM
Update: The last 40g of this group buy has just passed customs. I would expect it in a day, perhaps two.
For the record, what I had synthesized was the original product before it was handed over to xks, and up until the point that it left my hands, I personally stand by its quality and content.
With the next 40g on its way, I will ask the buyers again if they want me to hand this over to xks or would you prefer to find another trusted member to distribute this last portion of your group order? Xks would have to pay me for this portion, keeping the profit, and someone else can ship this out to paid members of this buy. The other option is to keep everything "as is" and I'll send this on to xks as I have with the first two 30g portions.
I will take pictures of the contents and post them to this forum so that you can compare this untouched material with what you received in the mail.
Since it is from the same synthesis, it should be exactly what you have been sent. Maybe the gains will differ slightly because this package had gone through the mail 3 times, but that difference should be minor as these shipments are well packed.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 09:28 PM
I will take pictures of the contents and post them to this forum so that you can compare this untouched material with what you received in the mail.
Since it is from the same synthesis, it should be exactly what you have been sent. Maybe the gains will differ slightly because this package had gone through the mail 3 times, but that difference should be minor as these shipments are well packed.
Posted 17 December 2014 - 09:33 PM
I will take pictures of the contents and post them to this forum so that you can compare this untouched material with what you received in the mail.
Since it is from the same synthesis, it should be exactly what you have been sent. Maybe the gains will differ slightly because this package had gone through the mail 3 times, but that difference should be minor as these shipments are well packed.
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