Posted 27 January 2015 - 02:12 AM
I despise everything about the way this guy handles his affairs. A man who can't stand by his word is not a man at all in my book.
This whole nasty ordeal reminded me of this:
As for the new group buy... I rather wait until nyles gets his new patch synthesized and get it straight from him. So I know there won't be any hassles.
Posted 31 January 2015 - 09:12 PM
I'm not sure if anyone is watching this thread anymore, but the next batch of dihexa will be shipping this coming week.
It is being 3rd party tested now, and I expect that it will pass since these are the same people that synthesized the last batch
I will offer the longecity crowd a deal of $75/g. Shipping will be at my actual cost.
No deposit required. If you want some, you'll get it.
Posted 31 January 2015 - 10:03 PM
I'm not sure if anyone is watching this thread anymore, but the next batch of dihexa will be shipping this coming week.
It is being 3rd party tested now, and I expect that it will pass since these are the same people that synthesized the last batch
I will offer the longecity crowd a deal of $75/g. Shipping will be at my actual cost.
No deposit required. If you want some, you'll get it.
what's the ETA if I were to order?
Posted 01 February 2015 - 09:00 AM
I'm not sure if anyone is watching this thread anymore, but the next batch of dihexa will be shipping this coming week.
It is being 3rd party tested now, and I expect that it will pass since these are the same people that synthesized the last batch
I will offer the longecity crowd a deal of $75/g. Shipping will be at my actual cost.
No deposit required. If you want some, you'll get it.
Is there any way to get on this batch if you're not on any previous lists for it?
Posted 01 February 2015 - 09:04 AM
The ETA is two weeks max (assuming purity checks out with the independent lab - not anticipating any issues) and anyone on Longecity can buy some at the above price.
You need not have been on any lists in the past.
Posted 01 February 2015 - 03:09 PM
Posted 01 February 2015 - 03:29 PM
Wouldn't be surprised if Xks cut the dihexa with another powder and kept the pure stuff that works for him self. Will know in a few days once I personally run a ms
Nyles description of what was synthesized matches what XKS sent out.
Posted 01 February 2015 - 08:44 PM
The ETA is two weeks max (assuming purity checks out with the independent lab - not anticipating any issues) and anyone on Longecity can buy some at the above price.
You need not have been on any lists in the past.
Awesome. Count me in for 2g.
Posted 02 February 2015 - 05:11 AM
Ok, I'll just use this thread for updates.
Feel free to invite other interested Longecity people, members or not.
While I cant speak for the quality of xks's dihexa once it left my hands and he took possession, I will be maintaining custody of this batch until it ships to those requesting it.
Stay tuned!
Posted 05 February 2015 - 12:53 AM
I'm not sure if anyone is watching this thread anymore, but the next batch of dihexa will be shipping this coming week.
It is being 3rd party tested now, and I expect that it will pass since these are the same people that synthesized the last batch
I will offer the longecity crowd a deal of $75/g. Shipping will be at my actual cost.
No deposit required. If you want some, you'll get it.
Great! I want to test this compound, I will contact you
Posted 05 February 2015 - 03:16 AM
well people it looks like this XKS's dihexa is dihexa or something just like it..for all we know a single steriochemistry switch or reduction of a single ketone could alter the whole chemicals effects. Thats something that can't be told with out an NMR. However, the IR and GC show that this dihexa is pure and of very similar structure of the presumed dihexa molecule.
Attached Files
Edited by Plasticperson, 05 February 2015 - 03:18 AM.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 03:46 AM
I posted the NMR earlier in this thread.
Was there ever any doubt of it's purity?
Edited by Nyles7, 05 February 2015 - 03:55 AM.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 03:50 AM
Oh, and lest I forget.....
Thank you Plasticperson for doing this and posting the results!
As with nearly everything in life, the more transparency the better.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 01:11 PM
Just wanted everyone to know that I received xks201 package (international order). Timestamp on the package was 26th January so if anyone else is currently waiting his/her order you should have a rough estimate about your receiving time.
I would like to publicly thank xks201 for keeping is end of the bargain (although slightly delayed and all).
Also, thank you Plasticperson, for providing some of us with additional peace of mind.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 05:27 PM
Thanks plasticperson
Posted 06 February 2015 - 08:25 PM
I finally received my purchase from xks201. Envelope was sent on January 26th and received February 3rd, so 3 days ago. Now, remember I paid $20 USD more than the initial $150 USD for international shipping. Want to take a look at all the special care it costed to send a simple envelope from Illinois to Quebec? Here you go! This is it all: An envelope, a letter wishing me happy birthday, and a little baggie containing the dihexa, hopefully.
I really feel like I should be sent $10 back through Paypal or something. Care to proceed, xks201?
dihexa.jpg 101.23KB
Posted 06 February 2015 - 08:45 PM
Just a quick update on the present pending shipment:
It did not pass the 3rd party testing, just as the last batch also had to be repurified.
Not a big deal. It will be ready to test again early this coming week.
This is exactly what had happened with the last purchase, but this reprocessing will go much faster.
The results from the last batch were very high quality after the second purification, so this is not a red flag at all.
If anything, it shows that 3rd party testing works, and should always be required for a custom synthesis and likely all bulk purchases.
Edited by Nyles7, 06 February 2015 - 09:18 PM.
Posted 13 February 2015 - 10:05 PM
One more update on the current order.....
It is going through one more purification.
This is about a week long process.
It seems that this is essentially a clone of my last custom synthesis order, but faster.
Better to send it back (by the 3rd party doing the testing) then get an inferior product.
The quality of the last batch that was sent was high grade, so that's something to look forward to :-)
Sorry for the further delay, and that's why I don't ask for deposits.
I'll keep you all posted as things develop
Posted 19 February 2015 - 09:23 PM
International order here and I still haven't received anything. I sent another email to dhxa789@gmail.com
Receiver email: service_fee@payitsquare.com
Amount: $0.99 USD
Transaction date: March 10, 2014
Status: Completed
Transaction ID: 96D6940079190884W
Invoice ID: 25716-8bfb9a91-78ee-4e06-8e9f-a2ea00fbc0aa-21D34
Receiver email:***2027@gmail.com
Amount: $170.00 USD
Transaction date: March 10, 2014
Status: Completed
Transaction ID: 8GE88787EE953292R
Invoice ID: 25716-8bfb9a91-78ee-4e06-8e9f-a2ea00fbc0aa-21D34
Message: Payment to Clayton Silva for Dihexa Group Buy via https://www.<span>pa...lect-page/25716
Posted 09 March 2015 - 09:07 AM
Ok, the next batch of dihexa is completed.
It tests at 97%+
How about we make the price $5 less than the other group buy with a 2 gram minimum?
It seems silly for me to raise my intended price so as not to compete with another group that came along after I had already announced this offering.
This is for Longecity associated people only.
Attached to this posting is the NMR analysis.
While it's true that we don't have a gold standard to compare this to, we do have the NMR output of the last batch posted earlier in this thread.
Nobody was dissatisfied with that batch.
I'll keep you updated on this thread.
No deposits required.
Stay tuned.
Attached Files
Edited by Nyles7, 09 March 2015 - 09:16 AM.
Posted 20 March 2015 - 09:36 PM
The Dihexa has arrived and is "in hand",
It tool 2 additional purifications, post synthesis,to reach the purity of the last batch, hence the delay.
The NMR for this batch is attached to the panel just above, which can be compared to the previous batch's NMR earlier in this thread someplace.
Unlike the previous batch, I am taking responsibility for the distribution of this one.
The minimum order is 2 grams, and the cost is $75/g which includes domestic US shipping with tracking
I will be happy to fill international orders at the same cost for the material, but with $5.00 more for every 2 grams ordered, added for postage.
Here's the deal with international orders.....
Because my markup is minimal....really.....I can send international orders "Registered Mail" which essentially is tracking. However most countries do not track registered packages once they make it to your border (or sometimes just exit the US). I will guarantee your package to this point only. If the package is lost after departing the US, it will not be refunded. I find that deliveries seems to do better without any tracking or external anything, and suggest this method highly, but if you choose this, you will have to trust me that your order was sent, and you will have no recourse at all if it goes missing, though the odds of this tend to be less than for Registered Mail for whatever cause.
There are several reasons for this policy, and if you want, I'll get into them in a subsequent post.
At the very least, you will know that your order was sent. I don't see mail getting lost as a big issue, but statistically it may happen.
Domestic US orders, I will guarantee to their delivery point as documented on USPS.com. If I you provide the wrong address, or your neighbor takes your mail, that will not be my responsibility.
Please allow me 3 full business days to have your order shipped.
For privacy when ordering, please contact me using Longecity's messaging.
Please do not post here if you are ordering.
This is not sold for human consumption, and if you are younger than 21 I cannot take your order.
These terms are not debatable and will not be discussed. If your private message even suggests that these terms are going to be circumvented, I will not accept your order.
I think that's all.
Thank you all for your patience!
Edited by Nyles7, 20 March 2015 - 09:44 PM.
Posted 20 March 2015 - 10:59 PM
Posted 20 March 2015 - 11:18 PM
I haven't received anything either which seeing as it could be a life saver makes me feel a little pissed off.
Remember that I had nothing to do with the previous xks dihexa dealing.
You really need to contact him.
Maybe this new distribution should have its own thread.
Posted 06 July 2016 - 03:55 PM
Hi Everyone, I know this is a long time gone thread, are there any group buys going on for Dihexa here on Longecity please?
Posted 06 July 2016 - 04:53 PM
Hi David, I am working on another buy group here: http://www.longecity...st/#entry736401
It is just taking time to get enough interest in the group and working out a proper deal with the synthesizer.
Posted 28 July 2016 - 10:11 PM
I'm higly interrested in knowing your experience results with dihexa. Anyone ?
Posted 05 April 2018 - 04:40 AM
Posted 05 April 2018 - 03:23 PM
What happened with this experiment and group buy that began 4 years ago? Any results? Was it worthwhile? Any massively increased IQs?
Posted 05 April 2018 - 06:39 PM
Posted 05 April 2018 - 06:41 PM
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