Posted 09 March 2014 - 03:38 AM
Posted 09 March 2014 - 03:49 AM
If anyone else get get this made 100g for under 7k please be my guest.
I was planning on ordering 200g but it was only a 15% discount and given the financials we cannot afford that.
Trying to join the dots together....
Assuming that you are paying $7000 for 100 grams, that works out to $70 per gram? An additional 100 grams would be an extra $5950 or $59.50 per additional gram?
The order has gone through for 100grams so lets go with that. 63 people plus yourself listed to take part. If each pays $150 that means that the kitty has $9600. Assuming 14 people drop out, we have 50 people paying $150 so that gives a total of $7500 in the kitty. Each person would then receive 2 grams for $150 as originally agreed.
So I suggest saying the group buy is limited to the first 50 people to pay you. That way each person pays the $150 and receives 2 grams. No double orders. Easy, simple and far less likely to get people off side. For you, you get the payments quickly and can move on.
If my numbers are wrong, please clarify so everyone can understand and not get all heated.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 04:12 AM
I am doing my best to keep this as straight forward as possible but I am not going to spend the time doing all of this just to have to throw in more of my own money to finish this. I'm not gonna argue with you guys. I have to pay the proxy buyer a small fee of say 500$-$1k for taking all of the risk if we get the compound successfully. I might work and serve you all for free but unfortunately not everyone else does. I'm not gambling anyones money though and that is the alternative to paying for that service. And I am not paying anything to anyone until I see the compound has been done right.
7k quote
200$ shipping behind labs
10% of compound for lab analysis (700$) (I am not sure how much they will need but it is better to be safe and sorry)
500$-$1k fee for proxy buyer (won't be paid until I receive the compound and have the analysis done)
Analysis fee ($500 to be safe)
Another 5% of the compound to account for error when dividing it up (to be safe) $350
All of my time reshipping this for free which I am not charging.
You can see how this all adds up. This is the safest way to do it - making our risk next to nothing on getting it synthesized. If you guys need more details on all of this I will provide it in the yahoo closed group forum for the people who have actually paid.
Now you see why I can't just snap my fingers and say oh everyone gets 2 grams guaranteed or everyone gets all of everyones labor for free (not talking about myself). Maybe if we lived in socialism I could get this price down guys but I am doing my best to minimize our risk entirely. I'm done talking on this, if you guys want in, follow the existing payment instructions or wait for payitsquare to come up in a few days. Like I said if I have more of anything I will spread it equally.
If I can't get 150$/gram I literally will lose my own money and time. I'm not here to make money off you guys - but I sure as hell am not going to put in a ton of time on this to have to subsidize it with my own money on top of everything else.
As you can see, the numbers above add up to nearly 10 grand. That is without yours truly taking any profit. It is still less than 50% what it would cost us to have it made here. It is the best I can do all for reducing our risk almost completely. There are other group buys here having issues and I am dealing with trusted people here and doing this the smart way so shit doesn't hit the fan. I hope this makes sense to everyone who has the hard job of paying 150$. lol
And yes the above is probably slightly inflated but like I said I'd rather have too much than not enough of the compound to the point where we get hung up somewhere. I would rather not go through with it at all than risk the process getting stopped somewhere along the lines. When I account for the potential costs, it is entirely impossible at this quote to guarantee everyone a 2 month supply.
I too am new to the group buy thing and not psychic so I did not anticipate all of these costs. Fortunately Nyles has the connections and is making this work - we did not expect the compound to not get significantly cheaper in bulk. It's just the way it is. It's not because I'm here to pocket everyone's money. If you can't deal with a month supply, don't join the buy.
I made it a priority to give you guys as much transparency as possible and I do not want this to backfire on me if you guys cannot accept that these costs are real. If the analysis lab, the proxy buyer, the shipping company, and everyone else worked for free and a perfect world existed where no cushion was needed as far as transferring all of this and analyzing it than yes 2 grams to everyone for the rock bottom quote of 7k. lol Unfortunately that isn't reality. If anyone else thinks they can do this for cheaper let me know.
Edited by xks201, 09 March 2014 - 04:31 AM.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 04:36 AM
Posted 09 March 2014 - 04:48 AM
Posted 09 March 2014 - 05:27 AM
+ 6$ US shipping
or +20$ if non US shipping
Alternatively payitsquare will be up in several days.
Edited by xks201, 09 March 2014 - 05:28 AM.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 05:42 AM
$150 for a month's supply is quite bad
Are you serious? I can think of how easy it is to piss this amount of money into the wind on some materialistic crap I don't actually need. When it comes to a compound that could potentially regrow or at least sustain neuron cell survival, then the value of that is far beyond what is being asked here, especially considering that this is a non profit making venture. I applaud those involved in organizing this group buy and others too, they really go out of their way to provide us the opportunity to try these new potentially awesome compounds.
Edited by Dazzcat, 09 March 2014 - 05:56 AM.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 06:14 AM
That's assuming it has a rapid and noticeable benefit in humans, like a +50% improvement in senses and thinking ability, as opposed to something inconspicuous like a delay in dementia onset that you just have to infer based on animal studies. And if it turns out you need to take the drug every day to sustain the neuroprotection, it won't be easy relying on the success of a group buy on a month to month basisWhen it comes to a compound that could potentially regrow or at least sustain neuron cell survival, then the value of that is far beyond what is being asked here
Posted 09 March 2014 - 10:33 AM
That's assuming it has a rapid and noticeable benefit in humans, like a +50% improvement in senses and thinking ability, as opposed to something inconspicuous like a delay in dementia onset that you just have to infer based on animal studies. And if it turns out you need to take the drug every day to sustain the neuroprotection, it won't be easy relying on the success of a group buy on a month to month basisWhen it comes to a compound that could potentially regrow or at least sustain neuron cell survival, then the value of that is far beyond what is being asked here
1 month of treatment with dihexa was enough to reverse the markers for Parkinson's Disease. I'm not sure what would happen if you supplemented this for long periods, in healthy people.
Edited by MrHappy, 09 March 2014 - 10:34 AM.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 11:06 AM
Posted 09 March 2014 - 03:00 PM
That's assuming it has a rapid and noticeable benefit in humans, like a +50% improvement in senses and thinking ability, as opposed to something inconspicuous like a delay in dementia onset that you just have to infer based on animal studies. And if it turns out you need to take the drug every day to sustain the neuroprotection, it won't be easy relying on the success of a group buy on a month to month basisWhen it comes to a compound that could potentially regrow or at least sustain neuron cell survival, then the value of that is far beyond what is being asked here
1 month of treatment with dihexa was enough to reverse the markers for Parkinson's Disease. I'm not sure what would happen if you supplemented this for long periods, in healthy people.
Precisely and since I am not a healthly person the inherit risk is less

Anyway I will have the funds to pay on Friday.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 03:10 PM
That's assuming it has a rapid and noticeable benefit in humans, like a +50% improvement in senses and thinking ability, as opposed to something inconspicuous like a delay in dementia onset that you just have to infer based on animal studies. And if it turns out you need to take the drug every day to sustain the neuroprotection, it won't be easy relying on the success of a group buy on a month to month basisWhen it comes to a compound that could potentially regrow or at least sustain neuron cell survival, then the value of that is far beyond what is being asked here
1 month of treatment with dihexa was enough to reverse the markers for Parkinson's Disease. I'm not sure what would happen if you supplemented this for long periods, in healthy people.
$150 for a month's supply is quite bad
Are you serious? I can think of how easy it is to piss this amount of money into the wind on some materialistic crap I don't actually need. When it comes to a compound that could potentially regrow or at least sustain neuron cell survival, then the value of that is far beyond what is being asked here, especially considering that this is a non profit making venture. I applaud those involved in organizing this group buy and others too, they really go out of their way to provide us the opportunity to try these new potentially awesome compounds.
MrHappy that is indeed truly amazing. Dazzcat, thank you for that.
I am doing my best to keep the cost of this down.
Thank you to the several that have already paid. The sooner we get the funds the sooner we start the synthesis. Payitsquare will be up in several business days if you do not want to directly paypal me at the address above.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 05:57 PM
Thanks for doing this! I know it is a lot of added stress / time
Posted 09 March 2014 - 07:42 PM
Posted 09 March 2014 - 08:38 PM
Let the wait begin.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 08:50 PM
so, hats off to the organizers. including Nyles.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 09:39 PM
Posted 09 March 2014 - 10:11 PM
If the above requirement is met I would be down to put forth several hundred dollars for some doses.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 10:12 PM
Siro I am in charge of the funds and you have conversed with me over PM several times in response to you thinking you could possibly do this cheaper. lol
I have nothing to hide. Putting in a lot of effort here and I have been posting on longecity for a while and been in several group buys... save the witch burning.
You guys can have my name and address on the yahoo forum but I am sure as hell not posting it on the open forum.
If you do not want to join the group buy SIRO then don't. I have no qualms about giving you guys my info. I have posted here 100 times that I am the guy collecting the money if you read the thread.
Hell I will even give you guys my cell phone number. I'm trying to establish some sort of reputation here so that when we have a promising compound we do not need to have a giant circle jerk in regards to finding another manufacturer...establishing trust...etc.. And I sure as hell am not trying to make money off this because it does have a patent and I want to respect the inventor.
To those of you that sent money already..thank you - it's not leaving my paypal account until we have product.
Edited by xks201, 09 March 2014 - 10:27 PM.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 10:26 PM
As far as my research team goes, we are not planning to do the synthesis anytime soon. Though as you have told me in your PM, Dihexa is patented. If any lab other than the individuals that have patented it synthesize it and distribute it, or anyone who does distribute it, for money or not, would be in violation of the law if any of that such activity is taken place in the country where the patent existed. Nothing is likely to happen but if the patent owners find out about this they could very easily press charges against you and sued for a lot of money
Beyond that, I totally want to put money down. Part of the reason my team isn't wanting to do this is because of the legal concerns. Any buyers here putting money down would not technically be at fault and are in no risk, only the people involved in the distribution of it would be, if any legal action were to come of it.
Overall I am extremely interested in hearing peoples experience with Dihexa. Just be careful when you go about getting this and sending it out. No reason for anyone here to get in legal trouble especially when there is no money being made.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 10:29 PM
If a company wants to sue me go for it - they won't get much. lol
The whole distribution will probably be from offshore anyway depending on how many people want to sit here and troll about legal risks and attract legal sharks.
Edited by xks201, 09 March 2014 - 10:29 PM.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 10:32 PM
Even worse, if any entity shipped this into the country where it is patented from offshores, and the maker did decide to press charges, then that person could be extradicted to the country of the patent and face criminal charges. Believe me, it doesn't matter if you are making anymore or not. They don't care about that.
My lawyers advised me when I inquired about doing this myself and said to maintain legality, you should go out of your way and obtain explicit written permission from the patent owners first, otherwise you are taking a major risk for no profit.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 10:33 PM
Edited by xks201, 09 March 2014 - 10:34 PM.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 10:38 PM
Posted 09 March 2014 - 10:40 PM
You need to chill brother. We have communicated with the inventor. I told him my intentions to synthesize the product. Now please stop trying to destroy the group buy momentum by first questioning me, and then giving me every possible worst case legal scenario from every jurisdiction on the planet. I appreciate the honest concern but I respectfully feel like what you are now doing is taking this to a level above honest concern. We have heard all we can hear about the apocalyptic possibilities. The inventor knows I am a chemisty student and I have made it clear here I am not doing this for money. Now if your corporation approached him and said you were doing this with intentions of making money and not for purely research purposes then I am not sure what kind of reaction you would get. I am affiliated with a research university and there is a good chance that I will get this setup for further experimental trials above and beyond this buy depending on if the head of my chem dept. approved it or not. I have a lawyer and I am aware of legal precautions and I have taken them. I don't know what more you want me or anyone else here to say but to bow out in fear. And that is not something I am going to do with this promising of a compound. I am distributing this with the intent of non human consumption for technical reasons. And I'm going to leave it at that.
Edited by xks201, 09 March 2014 - 10:45 PM.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 10:45 PM
If you have contact with the inventor then you have nothing to worry about! That is all you had to say! Don't treat me like the bad guy for not wanting to see you get screwed in a lawsuit.
Edited by Siro, 09 March 2014 - 10:45 PM.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 10:54 PM
There is no motivation for me to want to stop this, so quit acting like that is what I am doing. I am looking out for you. I have seen people get screwed before doing exactly this. Acting like this has never happened before would be a huge misconception on your part.
If you have contact with the inventor then you have nothing to worry about! That is all you had to say! Don't treat me like the bad guy for not wanting to see you get screwed in a lawsuit.
I genuinely appreciate your concern brother. Hopefully you can be apart of this. If not, I understand. I thank you for taking the time to give us information some of us may not have otherwise known in regard to other group buys. I also thank the inventor for his continued research on this so that one day hopefully he will make money off it. I sure as hell would never intend on stealing his profits from a drug he invented.
Sometimes my fervor matches my excitement and I am just intensely passionate about seeing what something like this can do if it can reverse parkinsons in one month in rats.
The inventor is going to become a very important person and probably have a high chance of either selling this drug for a handsome sum or furthering its product development based on this I would think due to the potential for increased research/exposure.
And this is why longecity is my favorite forum - we have people of different expertise all willing to contribute to make the world a better place.
Edited by xks201, 09 March 2014 - 10:57 PM.
Posted 09 March 2014 - 10:56 PM
Posted 10 March 2014 - 12:39 AM
My company is investing in an EEG set up in the next few months and it would be very interesting for us to get 'unofficial' EEG trial scans of someone on a substance like this.
Everyone should do pre-treatment cognitive measurement of some kind.
It would be best if a standard test could be agreed upon.
A desirable characteristic of the test should be that it is relatively immune to placebo effect, especially since no one is going to organize a double blind randomized study here.
Posted 10 March 2014 - 12:51 AM
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