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Would you buy Semax, if it were available?

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Poll: Would you buy Semax, if it were available? (103 member(s) have cast votes)

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#1 spider

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 04:22 PM

Dear nootropic user,

In this poll, we are trying to estimate the number of potential buyers of Semax. We need this figure to stimulate the nootropic suppliers into procuring Semax from a Russian or an East-European pharmacy or drugstore.

You probably ask yourself: will Semax work for me? Well, just like any other nootropic, this is something you will never know for sure, until you try it yourself. But, as you can see below, the research looks very promising.

Please, keep in mind that the more money you are willing to commit, the bigger the chance is that Semax will be imported to the West. One bottle with 3 ml 1% Semax will be about $25.00; 3 ml 0,1% Semax will be about $5.00.

Thank you for your time.


"In small doses, this unique peptide, invented and synthesized in the Institute of Molecular Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), reinforces attention and increases learning capability, improves memory and raises the spirits. "

“it can be simply applied by dropping in the nose, and 4 minutes later the drug takes effect”

“Semax is a nonaddictive nootrop of prolonged action capable of stimulating memory and attention. It is characterized by wide spectrum of prolonged action, and the absence of hormonal activity and side effects. Therapeutic action of Semax after single application starts within 1 hour and lasts as long as 24 to 48 hours. “

“Healthy people may take Semax to stimulate their memory and capacity for work, as well as improvement of the mood and neutralization of stress effects. “

“Semax stimulates predominantly the functions of the anterior cerebrum. It positively affects the processes underlying perception, analysis of information, training and memory.”

“Semax is a regulatory neuropeptide, the synthetic analogue of ACTH 4-10 without hormonal activity. “

“It was not revealed any side effects. “

”Contraindications: acute psychotic condition; endocrine disease. “

The sources of the quotations:




#2 Guest_da_sense_*

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 04:52 PM

Even if the experiences from current users are great, wouldn't it be smart to wait for more studies to be done on semax?

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#3 spider

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 05:02 PM

"Even if the experiences from current users are great, wouldn't it be smart to wait for more studies to be done on semax? " (da_sense)

I've the idea that the amount of research done on Semax and Picamilon is about the same. I take Picamilon, which is also Russian, myself because it is a great nootropic for me. To be on the save side, I cycle it.

I'm willing to accept the little risk, which I might be taking with nootropics in general, because I know I really need nootropics to survive in this society; I'm not taking nootropics for fun.

The safest nootropic is probably Piracetam, and in my opinion you are always taking a little risk with the other nootropics. So why not take a little risk with Semax, which might be equally successful as the highly respected nootropic Diapid, the real vasopressin.

By the way, am I the only one who gets nostalgic feelings when he think of Diapid? I doubt it. :)

#4 Guest_da_sense_*

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 05:27 PM

I agree with you, we all take some risks when using different supplements. Specially many of them at the same time, because of possible unknown interaction. But still semax is not some miracle drug that you can't live without, so to wait some time for more studies is better option in my opinion.

#5 jeromewilson

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 10:41 PM

By the way you two, some news from Jeff at Nootropica that might be of interest (off topic though sorry):

spider: if you're into Picamilon (me too) Jeff is about to start a group buy for it over at http://www.nootropica.org/ for $150 / kilo. Good value!

da_sense: Jeff has also just offered a parcel forwarding service for nootropics from suppliers that only ship within the US (e.g. Custom Nutrition Warehouse). He's asking $30 per package for this ($20 shipping + $10 commission) which seems fair.

I've just signed up for mail forwarding with USGlobalMail.com so I can buy stuff from the likes of CNW but I'm thinking about taking Jeff up on his offer instead, particularly as he mentioned that he might get a bit creative with the customs declaration.

Anyway, thought you guys might be interested.


#6 Guest_da_sense_*

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 02:27 AM

Great info, thanks jeromewilson

#7 spider

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 08:25 PM

"spider: if you're into Picamilon (me too) Jeff is about to start a group buy for it over at http://www.nootropica.org/ for $150 / kilo. Good value! " (jeromewilson)

Good value, indeed, but I'm concerned with the Dutch customs. One kilogram of Picamilon shipped as one package, is not really discreet.

#8 jeromewilson

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 09:52 PM

Good point. Liplex pointed out that 1kg is about 14 years supply, but Jeff has said that he's happy to accept partial orders (e.g. 250g) so that could be an option.


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 03:15 PM

I'm working on a price comparison for currently available bulk noops from Imminst listed suppliers and Beyond-A-Century.com has it for a pretty good price (20g for $11.75...@ 200mg/day...comes to be about four(4) 20g-bottles for a year supply, with leftovers ;), which comes out to $47 a year for Picamilon.) That seems to be my route for now until I have enough cash to crack off some of that kilo and enough to afford a vacuum-sealer.

Wait, I would be screwing myself if I didn't take up that deal!

365 x 0.2g = 73g
$150 / 1000g = $0.15/gram
73g x $0.15 = $10.95/year for Picamilon

That's INSANELY cheap!

But, tack on shipping and whatever costs there are for joining (are there any?)...
...jeez i best head over there right now and stop rambling...duh, I'm typing...I can stop anytime...anytime at all...any time I want... right... rrr....now.


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 03:45 PM

If someone PMs me about it, I'll remove my off topic post along with this one.

tame me...whipoon~!

#11 skinniest200

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Posted 10 April 2009 - 01:00 PM

If anybody's still interested, here's a source - http://www.pharmacy1...age.asp?id=1675

#12 NootropicEU

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Posted 10 April 2009 - 10:28 PM

If anybody's still interested, here's a source - http://www.pharmacy1...age.asp?id=1675

Their price is just ridiculous and they only sell 0.1 % Semax which is not very effective. Prices in Russian pharmacies - SEMAX 0.1 % - 8 GBP, SEMAX 1 % - 36 GBP.

#13 yowza

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 12:55 AM

Here's the dosage instructions for Semax if anyone's interested (there's also a link to a list of foreign based suppliers if you click around a little bit; if anyone feels like searching for someone that ships to the US be my guest):
http://translate.goo.../SEMAX/semax_01 _indications.htm&ei=UgjhSZ_aE6njnQf7uvS0CQ&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search% 3Fq%3D%25D0%25A1%25D0%25B5%25D0%25BC%25D0%25B0%25D0%25BA%25D1%2581% 252B%25D0%25B4%25D0%25BE%25D0%25B7%25D0%25B8%25D1%2580%25D0%25BE%25D0% 25B2%25D0%25BA%25D0%25B0%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26rlz%3D1T4RNWE_enUS315US315

Also, here's an interview with the guy who heads the organization that made Semax:
http://translate.goo.....px?CatalogId% 3D223%26d_no%3D18418&ei=OQzhSZfPNuDlnQeM_NGkCQ&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=10 &ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%25D0%25A1%25D0%2595%25D0%259C%25D0%2590% 25D0%259A%25D0%25A1%252B%25D0%25A1%25D0%25A8%25D0%2590%26hl%3Den% 26safe%3Doff%26rlz%3D1T4RNWE_enUS315US315%26sa%3DG

If anybody's still interested, here's a source - http://www.pharmacy1...age.asp?id=1675

Their price is just ridiculous and they only sell 0.1 % Semax which is not very effective. Prices in Russian pharmacies - SEMAX 0.1 % - 8 GBP, SEMAX 1 % - 36 GBP.

I just got my Semax in the mail a few days ago. I wasn't all that impressed with it unfortunately. At higher amounts, I think it could be really effective however. The problem is they barely put anything in the bottle (the bottle wasn't even half full!). I practically emptied the entire thing over the course of a couple of hours looking for a stronger effect but didn't really get any. It was worth the trial I guess but I can't buy .1% Semax from pharmacy1010 at such small quantities.

In terms of the effects I did notice, there was a degree of increased energy to a point but I just didn't get the chance to sample it at a higher potency (like at 1%) to really judge what the effects really were. I'd like to purchase this in a larger amount/higher potency but there are no suppliers that will ship to the United States. After taking this you definitely notice a slight change but I don't really know how to describe it. I need you guys you ask me questions so I can figure out what to say about it.

I'm thinking this nootropic could definitely be worthwhile only if the amounts/potency weren't so low and the price so high.

I hope this post doesn't deter people from trying this for themselves. Buying it from 1010 at least for a trial is well worth it but there needs to be a better supplier period.

I'm getting very irritable right now (can't find any supplier) so I'd best take a break from the computer. :)

#14 yowza

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 12:56 AM

Here's the dosage instructions for Semax if anyone's interested (there's also a link to a list of foreign based suppliers if you click around a little bit; if anyone feels like searching these links for someone that ships to the US be my guest):
http://translate.goo.....px?CatalogId% 3D223%26d_no%3D18418&ei=OQzhSZfPNuDlnQeM_NGkCQ&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=10 &ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%25D0%25A1%25D0%2595%25D0%259C%25D0%2590% 25D0%259A%25D0%25A1%252B%25D0%25A1%25D0%25A8%25D0%2590%26hl%3Den% 26safe%3Doff%26rlz%3D1T4RNWE_enUS315US315%26sa%3DG

Also, here's an interview with someone from the company that makes Semax:
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://www.strf.ru/material.aspx%3FCatalogId% 3D223%26d_no%3D18418&ei=OQzhSZfPNuDlnQeM_NGkCQ&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=10 &ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%25D0%25A1%25D0%2595%25D0%259C%25D0%2590% 25D0%259A%25D0%25A1%252B%25D0%25A1%25D0%25A8%25D0%2590%26hl%3Den% 26safe%3Doff%26rlz%3D1T4RNWE_enUS315US315%26sa%3DG

Their price is just ridiculous and they only sell 0.1 % Semax which is not very effective. Prices in Russian pharmacies - SEMAX 0.1 % - 8 GBP, SEMAX 1 % - 36 GBP.

I just got my Semax in the mail a few days ago (from pharmacy1010).

I wasn't all that impressed with it unfortunately. At higher amounts, however, I think it could be really effective.
The main problem is they barely put anything in the bottle (the bottle wasn't even half full!). I practically emptied the entire thing over the course of a couple of hours looking for a stronger effect but didn't really get any.

It was worth the trial I guess but I can't buy .1% Semax from pharmacy1010 at such small quantities. In terms of the effects I did notice, there was a degree of increased energy to a point but I just didn't get the chance to sample it at a higher potency (like at 1%) to really judge what the effects really were. Therefore, I'd like to purchase this in a larger amount/higher potency but there are no suppliers that will ship to the United States.

After taking this you definitely notice a slight change but I don't really know how to describe it. I need you guys you ask me questions so I can figure out what to say about it.

I'm thinking this nootropic could definitely be worthwhile only if the amounts/potency weren't so low and the price so high.  I hope this post doesn't deter people from trying this for themselves.  Buying it from 1010 at least for a trial is well worth it but there needs to be a better supplier period.

I'm getting very irritable right now (can't find any supplier) so I'd best take a break from the computer...

Edited by yowza, 12 April 2009 - 01:05 AM.

#15 yowza

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 04:52 AM

Here's the dosage instructions for Semax if anyone's interested (there's also a link to a list of foreign based suppliers if you click around a little bit; if anyone feels like searching these links for someone that ships to the US be my guest):
http://translate.goo.....px?CatalogId% 3D223%26d_no%3D18418&ei=OQzhSZfPNuDlnQeM_NGkCQ&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=10 &ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%25D0%25A1%25D0%2595%25D0%259C%25D0%2590% 25D0%259A%25D0%25A1%252B%25D0%25A1%25D0%25A8%25D0%2590%26hl%3Den% 26safe%3Doff%26rlz%3D1T4RNWE_enUS315US315%26sa%3DG

Also, here's an interview with someone from the company that makes Semax:
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://www.strf.ru/material.aspx%3FCatalogId% 3D223%26d_no%3D18418&ei=OQzhSZfPNuDlnQeM_NGkCQ&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=10 &ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%25D0%25A1%25D0%2595%25D0%259C%25D0%2590% 25D0%259A%25D0%25A1%252B%25D0%25A1%25D0%25A8%25D0%2590%26hl%3Den% 26safe%3Doff%26rlz%3D1T4RNWE_enUS315US315%26sa%3DG

Their price is just ridiculous and they only sell 0.1 % Semax which is not very effective. Prices in Russian pharmacies - SEMAX 0.1 % - 8 GBP, SEMAX 1 % - 36 GBP.

I just got my Semax in the mail a few days ago (from pharmacy1010).

I wasn't all that impressed with it unfortunately. At higher amounts, however, I think it could be really effective.
The main problem is they barely put anything in the bottle (the bottle wasn't even half full!). I practically emptied the entire thing over the course of a couple of hours looking for a stronger effect but didn't really get any.

It was worth the trial I guess but I can't buy .1% Semax from pharmacy1010 at such small quantities. In terms of the effects I did notice, there was a degree of increased energy to a point but I just didn't get the chance to sample it at a higher potency (like at 1%) to really judge what the effects really were. Therefore, I'd like to purchase this in a larger amount/higher potency but there are no suppliers that will ship to the United States.

After taking this you definitely notice a slight change but I don't really know how to describe it. I need you guys you ask me questions so I can figure out what to say about it.

I'm thinking this nootropic could definitely be worthwhile only if the amounts/potency weren't so low and the price so high.  I hope this post doesn't deter people from trying this for themselves.  Buying it from 1010 at least for a trial is well worth it but there needs to be a better supplier period.

I'm getting very irritable right now (can't find any supplier) so I'd best take a break from the computer...

It's been hours now since I last took Semax and I didn't really notice a direct effect for concentration. However, I'm kind of wondering if this is a good balancing agent. For instance, say if someone has a lesion or lower coherence in 1 part of their brain due to over-coherence in another part; Semax could have an original mode of action in terms of helping things connect at some level (probably in the hippocampus). Continued administration of this at significant levels could help in terms of memory (so you don't have to work so hard at remembering or processing certain things/don't have to strain so hard).

Due to the observation that any stimulatory action seems to be secondary, I'm wondering if this would be synergistic with Phenotropil (a substance that does have a stimulatory effect and also balances helps with coherence but could cause strain areas of higher coherence if taken too much of). This seems like a possible "super combo", I just wish I had more Semax to find this out...

Edited by yowza, 12 April 2009 - 05:01 AM.

#16 NootropicEU

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 10:02 AM

Here's the dosage instructions for Semax if anyone's interested (there's also a link to a list of foreign based suppliers if you click around a little bit; if anyone feels like searching these links for someone that ships to the US be my guest):
http://translate.goo.....px?CatalogId% 3D223%26d_no%3D18418&ei=OQzhSZfPNuDlnQeM_NGkCQ&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=10 &ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%25D0%25A1%25D0%2595%25D0%259C%25D0%2590% 25D0%259A%25D0%25A1%252B%25D0%25A1%25D0%25A8%25D0%2590%26hl%3Den% 26safe%3Doff%26rlz%3D1T4RNWE_enUS315US315%26sa%3DG

Also, here's an interview with someone from the company that makes Semax:
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://www.strf.ru/material.aspx%3FCatalogId% 3D223%26d_no%3D18418&ei=OQzhSZfPNuDlnQeM_NGkCQ&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=10 &ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%25D0%25A1%25D0%2595%25D0%259C%25D0%2590% 25D0%259A%25D0%25A1%252B%25D0%25A1%25D0%25A8%25D0%2590%26hl%3Den% 26safe%3Doff%26rlz%3D1T4RNWE_enUS315US315%26sa%3DG

Their price is just ridiculous and they only sell 0.1 % Semax which is not very effective. Prices in Russian pharmacies - SEMAX 0.1 % - 8 GBP, SEMAX 1 % - 36 GBP.

I just got my Semax in the mail a few days ago (from pharmacy1010).

I wasn't all that impressed with it unfortunately. At higher amounts, however, I think it could be really effective.
The main problem is they barely put anything in the bottle (the bottle wasn't even half full!). I practically emptied the entire thing over the course of a couple of hours looking for a stronger effect but didn't really get any.

It was worth the trial I guess but I can't buy .1% Semax from pharmacy1010 at such small quantities. In terms of the effects I did notice, there was a degree of increased energy to a point but I just didn't get the chance to sample it at a higher potency (like at 1%) to really judge what the effects really were. Therefore, I'd like to purchase this in a larger amount/higher potency but there are no suppliers that will ship to the United States.

After taking this you definitely notice a slight change but I don't really know how to describe it. I need you guys you ask me questions so I can figure out what to say about it.

I'm thinking this nootropic could definitely be worthwhile only if the amounts/potency weren't so low and the price so high.  I hope this post doesn't deter people from trying this for themselves.  Buying it from 1010 at least for a trial is well worth it but there needs to be a better supplier period.

I'm getting very irritable right now (can't find any supplier) so I'd best take a break from the computer...

It's been hours now since I last took Semax and I didn't really notice a direct effect for concentration. However, I'm kind of wondering if this is a good balancing agent. For instance, say if someone has a lesion or lower coherence in 1 part of their brain due to over-coherence in another part; Semax could have an original mode of action in terms of helping things connect at some level (probably in the hippocampus). Continued administration of this at significant levels could help in terms of memory (so you don't have to work so hard at remembering or processing certain things/don't have to strain so hard).

Due to the observation that any stimulatory action seems to be secondary, I'm wondering if this would be synergistic with Phenotropil (a substance that does have a stimulatory effect and also balances helps with coherence but could cause strain areas of higher coherence if taken too much of). This seems like a possible "super combo", I just wish I had more Semax to find this out...

You have posted the same text twice :) SEMAX is not a stimulant and it does not give you an immediate effect. However I have heard people telling that 1% solution is much more effective.
Btw, have you ordered cerebrolysin as well?

I am pasting the text I have received from a physician:

Memory is largely handled and processed at a brain structure called the hippocampus. In order for it to process data (to be memorized) it has to receive data from the sensory organs, vision, hearing, touch, smell etc. This data is transmitted along nerve fibers which in reality are neurons connected end to end with the understanding that on end of a long extension of one neuron (the axon) connects with a short extension of the next neuron (the dendrite) all these extensions originate from the body of the neuron (brain cell).
What complicates matters is that these data are in the form of electrical impulses and that the connection (called a synapse) is not 100%, i.e there is a GAP between the axon and the dendrite. The latter problem is solved by a substance called: neurotransmitters. The are expressed at the gap (called synaptic cleft) so the signal can traverse the gap assisted by this neurotransmitter substance. Examples of neurotransmitters are acetylcholine, serotonine etc . For a memory to be recorded as long term memory, the signal has to pass frequently, much like if you pass through a lawn frequently you will leave a trail of dead grass. This requires synaptic strengthening.
How is this achieved. We got to delve deeper here. Neurotransmitters work by coupling with receptors and thereby transfer the signal on so to say. To strengthen the synaptic passing of the signal we need more receptors and or more synapses. The formation of new synapses is called synaptogenesis. How is this acieved? Well receptors as well as synapses being constructed mainly of protein, we would require protein synthesis, the production of protein which is done by the cell itself (in-house factory). In the process of protein synthesis a factor is needed, its called Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) for short.
This is where SEMAX comes into the picture, Semax increases the mRNA for BDNF production 500% (five-fold). mRNA or messenger Ribo Nucleic Acid is the molecule that reads the DNA code of the gene that is responsible for BDNF generation. In analogy if you increase your order five-fold at a restaurant for hamburger, you get 5 hamburgers. Boosting synaptic strengthening boosts memory formation long term. That Semax boosts BDNF production is proven in humans suffering from stroke on 160 patients in a double blind controlled trial. You can read this in Brain Ischemia" by Eugene Gusev and VI Skvortsova, Kluwer Plenum Academic Publishers, New York-London-Moscow. available at Amazon.com. Incidentally, Semax REDUCED mortality in severe stroke cases bu more than 70 %. When used within 6-12 hours it can mean the difference between a wheelchair and walking.
Personal experience, if you are looking for a rush or hyped up state: Forget it.
If it did, it would be a stimulant and that you don't want. What you do get is : ability to take on increased mental loads without feeling like a burnt-out candle. When you read you'll find you retain content much easier, faster and more. I found that after a days work when I start working on private projects like writing a book, I find that I hit the train of thought on the subject much easier, find the correct words to reflect what I want to say quicker. I read longer because it doesn't tire me like before Semax.
The effect is subtle and becomes apparent gradually, it takes a couple of days. People who have problems with working memory find the results more dramatic (my friends), it is because they start from a point of reduced performance.
In cases of vascular dementia, the medical profession here consider it heaven sent but bitch that it is expensive.
My personal take is that you can't put a price on your mental prowess or quality of life. Also on life itself for that matter.
Relatives and friends who had the misfortune of suffering stroke have to thank the availability of Semax for their continued independence. I guess that sums it up
As for piracetam and its derivatives, it does not work in protecting the brain from ischemia or mobilizing endogenous defense mechanisms. The development of neurodegeneration, acute in stroke, more slowly for dementia, are multifactorial.
The answer to that is either a multiple drug approach aimed at the diverse underlying processes OR a multipotential agent like Semax which deals with Free radicals, failure of growth factors, NO formation, cAMP deficiency and apoptosis by modulating those very same processes through mobilization of protective mechanisms ALREADY in place within the body.

#17 yowza

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Posted 12 April 2009 - 11:55 PM

You have posted the same text twice :)

That seems to happen from time to time when I go to edit a post. (That was supposed to be only 1 post with 1 edit made to it). This is the only messageboard where this has ever been an issue. What happened when I originally edited, was I got a message that the messageboard was flooded so I had to backup re-paste (minus all the error/cpu language inserted throughout the message) and post again. No idea what really happened.

SEMAX is not a stimulant and it does not give you an immediate effect. However I have heard people telling that 1% solution is much more effective.

Thank you very much for posting that article again since it's the best description for how Semax works that I've read. It's very informative and anybody that hears about Semax but doesn't know quite what to make of it should read this description since it's concise, informative, and to the point (you don't have to sift thru alot of hard to understand journal articles in other words).

The possible theory that taking Semax to balance out/stregnthen pathways in the hippocampus or other possible brain region is interesting. For instance, for someone with ADHD, while this may only indirectly help with attention/concentration, the effects on working memory (something not necessarily helped by stimulants) could be quite pronounced. Also, using Semax for a period of weeks could possibly strengthen weaker areas of the brain it would seem. For instance, if someone had higher coherence in one area but weaker coherence in another area Semax could possibly fill in the blank areas (that may exist due to a lesion, non-use of a particular region due to higher coherence in another region that dominates over the weaker one, ect.). This overall, would seem to promote a more fluid/even level of coherence between brain regions.

What the problem with some amphetamine stimulants is that they seem to promote 1 region at the expense of another. I've read that these type of stimulants can increase the bloodflow in the frontal parts of the brain while decreasing the bloodflow (and activity) in other parts of the brain such as the cerebellum (part of the reason for why stimulants help reduce distractions from noises, bright lights, ect.). It's possible that taking Semax with a traditional stimulant could help these regions cope with being less active (this is a far out hypothesis on my part).

Phenotropil, on the otherhand, is a different form of stimulant that seems to promote higher coherence patterns throughout the brain and doesn't seem to reduce bloodflow in the cerebellum. With this in mind, I'm wondering if Semax could serve a different/more synergistic role (than the "coping" role it may provide if taken with other stimulants) if taken with Phenotropil. What these 2 medications (semax and phenotropil) seem to have in common is that they seem to promote hemispheric cross-talk (helps working memory/coordination between left and right regions of the hippocampus), just through differenct chemical processes.

Semax could be benefitical in terms of providing some more underlying structure (increasing hippocampal volume)/fluidity that when combined with phenotropils mode of stimulation could create interesting results...Possibly.

So yeah, Semax doesn't have a direct stimulating effect (there is a secondary effect possibly overtime though), but maybe this is a good thing? (meaning it may not over exacerbate stimulation if taken with a stimulant)

However I have heard people telling that 1% solution is much more effective.
Btw, have you ordered cerebrolysin as well?

The effects of Semax are more subtle but do have an obvious impact after taking it. A 1% solution isn't available unfortunately. If there's a way to get this, please let me know.

The Cerebrolysin I haven't ordered yet. Have you?

#18 bgwithadd

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 12:34 AM

Remember you might not get a strong obvious effect as far as feeling goes, probably nothing from anything hitting acet.. Try to gauge attention.

I have not looked into it enough to see if this is a good idea, but I might buy some if it was available in US.

#19 Phreak

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 03:06 AM

Remember you might not get a strong obvious effect as far as feeling goes, probably nothing from anything hitting acet.. Try to gauge attention.

I have not looked into it enough to see if this is a good idea, but I might buy some if it was available in US.


There are a lot of comparisons of Semax to Picamilon in this thread. Not in their respective structure or anything (mostly just the fact that they're both predominantly Russian!) but I was just wondering if - since 2008 - anyone had become more affiliated with high doses of this potential Nootropic? A blend of high-dose Picamilon + Pyritinol (+ Choline source and -racetam) is my absolute favourite Nootropic combo, the first two acting as the most effective components. So I'd like to here more about this 'Semax' stuff...

It seemed like it was only available in 0.1 - 0.8%/gram and that it was a) expensive; b) hard to find; and c) not really worth the money in term in cognitive effects.

I'm curious as to whether there has been any developments on this since '09...? The thread here pretty much claimed Semax as a Nootropic aid for almost every malady (ADHD, memory, cognition speed, focus, motivation, concentration etc...) so it would be interesting to here if this was all a load of bollocks or whether, perhaps in much higher dosages, it actually had potential...

ANy first-hand subjective experience that could shed light on this??

Edited by Phreak, 25 April 2009 - 03:08 AM.

#20 yowza

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 10:37 PM

Remember you might not get a strong obvious effect as far as feeling goes, probably nothing from anything hitting acet.. Try to gauge attention.

I have not looked into it enough to see if this is a good idea, but I might buy some if it was available in US.


There are a lot of comparisons of Semax to Picamilon in this thread. Not in their respective structure or anything (mostly just the fact that they're both predominantly Russian!) but I was just wondering if - since 2008 - anyone had become more affiliated with high doses of this potential Nootropic? A blend of high-dose Picamilon + Pyritinol (+ Choline source and -racetam) is my absolute favourite Nootropic combo, the first two acting as the most effective components. So I'd like to here more about this 'Semax' stuff...

It seemed like it was only available in 0.1 - 0.8%/gram and that it was a) expensive; b) hard to find; and c) not really worth the money in term in cognitive effects.

I'm curious as to whether there has been any developments on this since '09...? The thread here pretty much claimed Semax as a Nootropic aid for almost every malady (ADHD, memory, cognition speed, focus, motivation, concentration etc...) so it would be interesting to here if this was all a load of bollocks or whether, perhaps in much higher dosages, it actually had potential...

ANy first-hand subjective experience that could shed light on this??

Thanks for the combo tip! However, Semax is different than any of the other nootropics that you've mentiioned. It is one of the "peptide" nuetrotransmitters/hormones (a hormone is like a nuerotransmitter except it floats around the bloodstream unlike a nuerotransmitter that simply relays from one nueron to another; many peptides can serve as both depending on the bodily need).

It is a fragment of ACTH (known as ACTH 4-10). There's a great section on wiki (under "HPA axis") that gives some good detail in terms of the type of system that ACTH is involved in. The reason Semax is administered nasally is because, like most peptides, it isn't absorbed very well through the digestive tract.

I put my firsthand experience with the .1% dosage above. There was another thread (started by anony4mous) on this that people were posting for a while as well that really sheds further light on Semax along with some other personal experiences too.

Currently, the .1% (about $70 some for 3 ml) and 1% (about $180 for 3 ml) can be purchased at pharmacy1010. Let me warn you though 3 ml is not a great amount and you'd have to probably purchase the 1% solution to get more definitive results.

Edited by yowza, 25 April 2009 - 10:42 PM.

#21 soulfiremage

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Posted 01 June 2009 - 08:47 PM

I'd be interested to try this for myself the moment I can buy the 1% at a reasonable price. I paid out about £50 uk for my Piracetam which I regard as a decent investment as I get some effects from this. However that's 2/3'rd of a years supply. With the cost of Semax I would look at that price for a month supply as reasonable. At least right now :|o.

Is this likely to happen?

#22 russianBEAR

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Posted 01 June 2009 - 10:04 PM

Never understood all the rage about Semax, neither here at home nor abroad. 

It really did absolutely nothing for me, and had me thinkin about what other nootropics should I take to get through this stressful moment at work, for instance. I gave it a chance with the intranasal little drops, but maybe I'm just used to the nootropics having a short-term effect right away, and a longer-term one later on. Didn't really finish any kind of a cycle with this, tried it for a few days and went and got some better stuff.

Now as far as Picamilon - that stuff is GREAT. Either cycle it, or take it on an "as needed" basis, it just about does it all for me. Fenibut is also fantastic, if you can get over the acidic-sharp taste and the drug-like side effects in the stomach. Dunno why, but as far as Picamilon goes, Fenibut also comes immediately to mind, as it's a great GABA-nergic (or something) substance.

#23 yowza

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Posted 02 June 2009 - 12:38 AM

Never understood all the rage about Semax, neither here at home nor abroad.

It really did absolutely nothing for me, and had me thinkin about what other nootropics should I take to get through this stressful moment at work, for instance. I gave it a chance with the intranasal little drops, but maybe I'm just used to the nootropics having a short-term effect right away, and a longer-term one later on. Didn't really finish any kind of a cycle with this, tried it for a few days and went and got some better stuff.

Now as far as Picamilon - that stuff is GREAT. Either cycle it, or take it on an "as needed" basis, it just about does it all for me. Fenibut is also fantastic, if you can get over the acidic-sharp taste and the drug-like side effects in the stomach. Dunno why, but as far as Picamilon goes, Fenibut also comes immediately to mind, as it's a great GABA-nergic (or something) substance.

Did you take the 1% or .1% Semax? Also, what purpose were you hoping for from taking?

#24 russianBEAR

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Posted 02 June 2009 - 09:57 AM

Never understood all the rage about Semax, neither here at home nor abroad.

It really did absolutely nothing for me, and had me thinkin about what other nootropics should I take to get through this stressful moment at work, for instance. I gave it a chance with the intranasal little drops, but maybe I'm just used to the nootropics having a short-term effect right away, and a longer-term one later on. Didn't really finish any kind of a cycle with this, tried it for a few days and went and got some better stuff.

Now as far as Picamilon - that stuff is GREAT. Either cycle it, or take it on an "as needed" basis, it just about does it all for me. Fenibut is also fantastic, if you can get over the acidic-sharp taste and the drug-like side effects in the stomach. Dunno why, but as far as Picamilon goes, Fenibut also comes immediately to mind, as it's a great GABA-nergic (or something) substance.

Did you take the 1% or .1% Semax? Also, what purpose were you hoping for from taking?

Pretty sure it was a 1% solution, since I always buy the strongest possible preparation with the highest possible dosage. I was hoping for it to do what other nootropics were doin for me at the time: help me get a lot of work done fast in an extremely high-stress environment and not feel so mentally tired afterwards. I also took it just by itself while on a cycle of other nootropics. A good litmus test for me is whether one smart drug can substitute the one you're cycling completely if it's abruptly introduced in the middle of a cycle, while the other is stopped "cold turkey". It worked with everything, but Semax basically. Had me running down to the pharmacy to get loads of Piracetam - even though I don't like it at least it had a pronounced effect on me.

Reading this thread again though, I see how someone points out that it's not a stimulant, so maybe it does have its benefits if you're unfamiliar with other nootropics and take a long enough cycle.

For me though it just didn't measure up to what I thought were more effective (and much cheaper) options on the smart drug market.

#25 jackinbox

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Posted 03 June 2009 - 09:32 PM

I tried Semax 1% for the first time this morning. It's hard to say how many drops I had, probably around 3 to 5. Every 30 minutes I felt a slight pressure/headache in my head for a few seconds. This lasted at least 4 hours. I suspect the combination with wellbutrin for this. I took another dose at 4pm. I can't report any improvement on cognitive functions. It seems to be slightly stimulating and anxiolytic.

#26 jackinbox

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Posted 05 June 2009 - 12:39 AM

This is my second day on semax. All I too this morning is a shot of 1% semax and a small coffee. I have been more productive than usual today, felt energize and confident. 11 hours passed and I'm still quite energized. I don't feel depress today despite not taking my wellbutrin (that's very surprising).

#27 medievil

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 10:40 PM

This is my second day on semax. All I too this morning is a shot of 1% semax and a small coffee. I have been more productive than usual today, felt energize and confident. 11 hours passed and I'm still quite energized. I don't feel depress today despite not taking my wellbutrin (that's very surprising).

Any updates?

#28 Negcreep

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Posted 15 January 2010 - 11:34 AM

This is my second day on semax. All I too this morning is a shot of 1% semax and a small coffee. I have been more productive than usual today, felt energize and confident. 11 hours passed and I'm still quite energized. I don't feel depress today despite not taking my wellbutrin (that's very surprising).

Any updates?

I've just ordered some 0.1% Semax, from a contact in the Ukraine I've wanted to give it a try for a while after reading about it and its new sister drug Selank.
I'm actually far more interested in Selank as I suffer with anxiety problems but I though trying Semax might give me an idea of what to expect, and also Selank isnt approved in Russia yet .(Although it should be very soon)
I also have some stomach problems (caused by drugs I take for anxiety) and semax/selank have anti ulcer effects , another appealing factor for me.

I really would like to see more sources of these drugs online other than pharmacy1010. Although Ive ordered from them before , and they were ok. They do tend to take the piss with pricing a bit when they know its a drug that could be popular in the west. Also the delivery time sucks...it can be 3 weeks+ to Europe.

My current source is ok but it might not always be there for me, and its not a source I can share with others. It would be great if we could find another source of these types of substances. Through online pharmacy or mass ordering. I've even thought about custom peptide synthesis / making the drug solution myself. But cost again is a major factor here unless you order in bulk. Also peptide synth companies tend not to ship anything to private individuals, there may be ways around this however.

If anyone has any other ideas, sources or more experience with these substances please let us know.

Edited by Negcreep, 15 January 2010 - 11:35 AM.

#29 pedr0vsky

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Posted 28 February 2010 - 07:42 PM

I found a pharmacy that sells SEMAX 1% 3 ml :D


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#30 pedr0vsky

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Posted 01 March 2010 - 04:05 PM

i found a pharmacy that sells semax 1% 3ml :D


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