Metal Colloids are the oldest form of nanotechnology. all other forms of nanotechnology are new. I made Gold Colloid from Gold Chloride and Silver Colloid as well. The Silver Colloid I make is an actual colloid not ionic silver hydrosol.
You see, colloids are the metal its self as particles composed of a few dozen to few hundred atoms each, and they reflect light. When its dissolved and missing an electron, its clear and bitter in taste. When its reduced as a colloid, it reflects a color different from the color the metal normally has due to being nano size
Here is a picture of my Gold & Silver Colloids. I do not sell them because that would require getting a hepa filter, a very clean room and being very professional about cleanliness without a single dust particle.
Please click if you would its too big for me to embed, i have to make a smaller version in a minute here,,,,
Please note you cannot make silver colloid just by doing electrolysis with silver rods and batteries.
Here, i shrank one of them for embedding. This is my Silver Colloid;
Heres a Journal of nanobiotechnology paper on nano-silver binding to HIV & disabling it
Like i said the starting material for Gold Colloid is Gold Chloride Solution that you then just boil in the microwave & reduce. Gold Chloride is $55 for what makes several gallons of gold colloid Im not sure Gold does anything unless you believe in spiritual alchemy and that it carries a vibrational essence that benefits. I don't even make it anymore after my Gold Chloride ran out. Some say it helps arthritis even as the colloid instead as a gold salt compound. There is something inert that has been known to be biologically active even if inert. The noble gas Xenon is an anesthetic active at the NMDA receptor:
Edited by Saffron, 09 March 2014 - 12:13 PM.