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Silver & Gold Colloids

colloidal silver

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#1 Saffron

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Posted 09 March 2014 - 12:12 PM

Metal Colloids are the oldest form of nanotechnology. all other forms of nanotechnology are new. I made Gold Colloid from Gold Chloride and Silver Colloid as well. The Silver Colloid I make is an actual colloid not ionic silver hydrosol.

You see, colloids are the metal its self as particles composed of a few dozen to few hundred atoms each, and they reflect light. When its dissolved and missing an electron, its clear and bitter in taste. When its reduced as a colloid, it reflects a color different from the color the metal normally has due to being nano size

Here is a picture of my Gold & Silver Colloids. I do not sell them because that would require getting a hepa filter, a very clean room and being very professional about cleanliness without a single dust particle.

Please click if you would its too big for me to embed, i have to make a smaller version in a minute here,,,,

Silver http://oi45.tinypic.com/etxgk4.jpg

Gold http://i.imgur.com/bT1tM.jpg

Please note you cannot make silver colloid just by doing electrolysis with silver rods and batteries.

Here, i shrank one of them for embedding. This is my Silver Colloid;

Posted Image

Heres a Journal of nanobiotechnology paper on nano-silver binding to HIV & disabling it


Like i said the starting material for Gold Colloid is Gold Chloride Solution that you then just boil in the microwave & reduce. Gold Chloride is $55 for what makes several gallons of gold colloid Im not sure Gold does anything unless you believe in spiritual alchemy and that it carries a vibrational essence that benefits. I don't even make it anymore after my Gold Chloride ran out. Some say it helps arthritis even as the colloid instead as a gold salt compound. There is something inert that has been known to be biologically active even if inert. The noble gas Xenon is an anesthetic active at the NMDA receptor:


Edited by Saffron, 09 March 2014 - 12:13 PM.

#2 Saffron

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Posted 09 March 2014 - 12:18 PM

You can get silver rods that are thick from an amazon.com source, only source i know of that is 10 gauge. Utopia Silver sells real colloidal silver cheaper than mesocolloids (purist colloids). Meso is the highest quality. Source naturals who makes practically every supplement that exists, also has a real colloid that is yellow-gold in color. Salt lake metals has Gold Chloride you can reduce to make gold colloid. If i feel up to it I might come back here and type how to make colloidal silver, does anyone really need it badly for whatever reason & cant afford to keep buying it?

#3 blood

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 05:52 AM

What do you use it for?

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#4 Saffron

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 04:09 PM

Look it up. Its mainline accepted that it kills all pathogens topically, on burns, as a niche use disinfected on surfaces, for NASA's water, but yet opposed for internal use even though there is no chance of argyria or any side effect. Theres no such thing as resistance to it like there is antibiotics. Think of it like you would bleach, alcohol, peroxide & iodine. Its closer to those than it is antibiotics. Those universally kill all pathogens (or almost all with freakish exceptions) and there is no such thing as mutation resistance to them.

Edited by Saffron, 10 March 2014 - 04:12 PM.

#5 dz93

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Posted 13 March 2014 - 10:21 PM

When you use electricity to make silver nano particles you need to make sure you use a reducing agent to make the silver ions you made into metallic silver. Silver ions react with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form silver chloride I believe. Which isn't horrible for you but its not the right type of silver you want. You want the metallic silver nano particles. What can you use for a reducing agent? I don't know. You'd have to research that yourself. I do know they sell a reducing agent on a website that also sells a silver colloidal generator. I can't remember the name though. Just keep in mind you always want the metallic form of silver.

#6 Saffron

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Posted 14 March 2014 - 03:59 AM

When you use electricity to make silver nano particles you need to make sure you use a reducing agent to make the silver ions you made into metallic silver. Silver ions react with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form silver chloride I believe. Which isn't horrible for you but its not the right type of silver you want. You want the metallic silver nano particles. What can you use for a reducing agent? I don't know. You'd have to research that yourself. I do know they sell a reducing agent on a website that also sells a silver colloidal generator. I can't remember the name though. Just keep in mind you always want the metallic form of silver.

Its almost as if you didnt read my post at all, which says the exact same thing you just posted, reducing ionic to metallic colloid

Or maybe you are just repeating what i said because you did read it and agree. who knows.

In the interest of free information, The reducing agent is vitamin C, ~1 milligram or ~1 milligram sodium ascorbate disolved in water and added in stirring while its at least 190 degrees F

it wont work right unless your ionic stuff is very strong and coffee filter first. dont ask me why, thats just the way it is, you get large particles unless you make it extra strong then coffee filter it.

If you make it weak or medium, it fails, if you dont coffee filter it first, it fails. Strong to the point of the electrodes giving off black silver oxide residue into the water, then coffee filtered. Thats the only hydrosol that will reduce well. I have no clue why. Its a lot easier to reduce gold chloride to small particles than it is ionic silver hydrosol.

If you reduce it then make it cold, then pour it through a carbon filter, it will be 99% colloid instead of 75% colloid 25% ionic, but thats stupid and pointless. even if it was 100% ionic it doesnt do anything to you, let alone reaching around 75% colloid. its to get more effective particles not to negate anything bad about silver chloride. Youre wrong about silver chloride being bad but right about particles being favorable for efficacy,

Edited by Saffron, 14 March 2014 - 04:06 AM.

#7 Argos

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Posted 17 June 2015 - 10:27 PM

Really awesome work. I love this thread! Thank you

#8 dz93

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Posted 17 June 2015 - 10:59 PM

Really awesome work. I love this thread! Thank you

Becareful. Everything about colloidal gold is a lie. I know it contradicts everything I've said on here but I've learned so much in the past year and colloidal gold or even just supplementing with gold has no effect whatsoever on anything. If anything, gold nano particles are actually harmful to the body. So just becareful when playing around with this stuff. It sounds good on paper but there is literally no reliable research on the matter. The only thing I know to be true is that silver has anti bacterial and anti viral properties. That's it. Colloidal anything is a marketing gimmick designed to scam spiritual or new age individuals.

Edited by dz93, 17 June 2015 - 11:02 PM.

#9 Kalliste

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Posted 18 June 2015 - 06:50 AM

Indeed, I have spent a fair time on forums for colloidal people and with almost no exception they don't seem to have a clue about actual nanomedical reserach. Even the people who are experts in the field seem to be awkward about the exact effects of different particles of different nm particle sizes.

Colloidal silver seems to be much more of a religion than anything else.

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#10 Argos

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Posted 26 June 2015 - 09:55 PM

Really awesome work. I love this thread! Thank you

[sic] silver has anti bacterial and anti viral properties. That's it.

This! I love it. Thanks again

#11 BasicBiO

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Posted 10 December 2015 - 06:59 PM

I tried the colloidal gold from Purest Colloids years ago. I had persistent low energy and depressed mood at the time and it very much seemed like the gold brought me out of it. Why? I don't know. Placebo? Gold-plating my neurons? It also seemed to boost mental energy in a clean, non-stimulant sort of way.


I stopped using it due to the paucity of research and out of fear that the particles might become excitotoxins or worse.


I have used ionic and colloidal silver and they both work great for topical infections, sunburn, and wound healing. Never had any luck with using them internally.



#12 rauzal

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Posted 13 June 2016 - 08:56 AM

Didn't know the connection between Metal Colloids and HIV. Thanks for clearing this one up for me. I will check up online for more info on this for sure.

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