Has anyone taken endoluten? I cant find a single testimonial on the web

Posted 06 January 2015 - 02:14 AM
Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:44 PM
Pope, I think the big impediment to people trying them and using them often enough as recommended to really know whether they make a difference
(ie. using them properly) is IAS selling them for $79.99 for 20 caps. They are never going to become widely adopted with such greedy pricing.
It's flocking ridiculous, especially when the first course is supposed to be 60 caps (3 boxes) of each different peptide in a "protocol".
A protocol consists of the specific peptide for each different organ which is involved in and behind the health issue.
Some protocols have 3 or 4 different peptides.
So if I used them as recommended on the box (first course of 60 caps - 3 boxes, followed by repeat courses of 20 caps - 1 box every 3 months),
and I did 3 protocols, and each protocol consisted of 3 different peptides (some peptides do overlap on multiple protocols), and bought them from IAS,
then it would cost:
= 9 different peptides
= but say 6 different unique ones after allowing for 3 peptides overlapping and appearing on more than one protocol
= 6 different peptide x 3 boxes for the first course = 18 boxes x $79.99 = $1,439.82 cost of first course
And each repeat course every 3 months would cost 1/3 of that because a repeat course is 1 box of each instead of 3.
= $479.94
So if I used them as recommended on the packaging, and bought them from IAS, then every year it would cost: $1,439.82 + 3 x $479.94 = $2,879.64
They are taking the pess.
Pivotal Bioscience are the only reasonably priced supplier of the Russian Peptide Bioregulators I have found, who make them affordable and possible to use properly.
I don't know WTF they still haven't got their online store up and running.
Anyway, the absence of them having an online store running has actually been a big plus for me because the of the personal service and information I have
received from them.
Otherwise I would probably have just ordered from the online store and not ordered all the appropriate peptides for my health issues.
I use 3 protocols: "Respiratory System" (re. former smoker), "Psychoemotional Stress" (ie. adrenals), and "Intensive Physical Activity" (ie. cartilage/joint).
I definitely notice differences.
I've got two slipped discs from the young and dumb era, and while I can still feel they are there and I know how far I can push it, they just don't seem
to flare up anymore. IF I do something stupid like sitting skew and tilted on a chair all day, then they will still flare up, but after a good nights sleep
they are back to normal next morning. Whereas previously if I had done this, I'd be in agony for the next 3 days.
My knees also don't feel like they are going to give way all the time.
Joints and cartilage wise, everything just feels more tightly bound and secure and not loose and about to fall apart.
My DHEA has improved from 0.7 to about 4. My hands don't anxiety sweat anymore, and I am definitely more "cool, calm, and collected" and able to
think more clearly and level headed.
My breathing is also definitely easier and more efficient, and my lungs don't feel as heavy and clogged. And my residual smokers cough is only about
half as bad as it was.
To me the improvements seem to be continual and progressive. At least I hope they are.
I'm going to try some additional protocols soon because many of the peptides I already use are also in other important protocols, so I can fully complete
protocols for other body systems by just adding one extra peptide here and there.
Has anyone taken endoluten? I cant find a single testimonial on the web
Edited by pure, 06 January 2015 - 05:47 PM.
Posted 07 January 2015 - 01:47 AM
Yeah, Ive been communicating with pivotal bioscience. Your right, their communication is great. Im assuming those aren't the actual name of the peptides that you quoted as the protocol. Have you tried the endoluten. This seems to be the goto bioregulator and want to make sure it works. They told me the injectable form is epithalon and is the same. This woud save money as its only every 4 months instead of 3 for follow up cycles.
Posted 07 January 2015 - 11:59 AM
No, they're not the names of the peptides themselves.
Below are the 3 different protocols I use and the specific peptides in each. I'm using capsule versions. The names of the capsule peptides are in brackets.
I didn't make this up myself. This is information pivotal provided to me when I first contacted them and told them about my issues.
1. protocol: Respiratory System
peptides: Vessels (Ventfort), Thymus (Vladonix), Bronchi (Taxorest),
plus I also use an injectable one for lungs called Chonluten for good measure which I use in between 3 monthly courses
2. protocol: Psychoemotional Stress
peptides: Thymus (Vladonix), Pineal (Endoluten), Adrenals (Glandokort)
3. protocol: Intensive Physical Activity
peptides: Vessels (Ventfort), Thymus (Vladonix), Brain (Cerluten), Cartilage/Tendon/Ligament (Sigumir), Muscle (Gotratix)
So all together I use 8 different unique ones, and one injectable because I like to do everything to excess.
But I'm really doing a 4th protocol at no extra cost so to speak because the Immune System protocol has Vessels, Thymus, and Pineal,
which are all in the above 3 protocols anyway.
I haven't cross referenced to see if there are any other protocols I'm also inadvertently doing. I'd have to make up a spreadsheet to do that,
but I'd rather just leave that to pivotal because they seem to be good at that kind of thing.
But when I asked them about what other protocols I could easily complete by adding another peptide here and there, they said I could
complete the Central Nervous System protocol by just adding the Liver peptide, because the CNS protocol has Vessels, Brain, and Liver
peptides, and I'm already using Vessels and Brain.
Plus also the Cardiovascular System protocol by just adding the heart peptide, and the Carbohydrate Metabolism protocol by adding the
Pancreas peptide.
In turn that would inherently complete the Lipoprotein Metabolism protocol because all of its peptides would already be in use.
I've cut down on my supplements which I was beginning to think are a BS waste of time big marketing con.
So really, its hardly costing anymore. The only difference is I actually feel something.
If the improvements continue, then I'll scrap 95% of my supplements which cost me hundreds of quid each month.
I know that pivotal's pricing is affordable, but I wish they had some kind of 'club' where if you used all 21 every 3 months as recommended,
there was some special price you could get.
Edited by pure, 07 January 2015 - 12:08 PM.
Posted 08 January 2015 - 12:59 AM
Thanks so much for your response. Its crazy, but your the only one on the web that I found a review for them. I geuss this stuff is so fairly new that they don't have a big following. Im hoping to notice some physical and mental effects. Better sleep, better performance at the gym, etc. Something I can gauge besides less grey hair in 5 months. I like somewhat instant recognition to continue the use of things. Ill let you know any success stories. Might be a few months especially after shipping transit time
Posted 08 January 2015 - 10:55 AM
But I'm also a slack-arse!
I think I wrote in the other peptide bioregulators thread months ago that I was going to post my results "tomorrow", which didn't happen.
I reckon they don't have a big following because of the price IAS have all over the net.
I've been feeling guilty for not having followed through with a post about my results because know how annoying I find it when someone says
they will but doesn't.
But just with work, daily grind, and family it's hard to find a good chunk of time to set aside and write a comprehensive review.
Shipping usually just takes two days to reach me here in London. They ship it via DHL.
Posted 08 January 2015 - 11:36 AM
I, for one, await you epic, multi peptide review with bated breath!

Posted 08 January 2015 - 12:04 PM
Well I will keep you posted when I get mine. I just needed one testimony to get me started. Ive noticed when someone starts feeling reel good they don't post on boards as much because their out living life. MAybe that's it pure. You feel so much better than sitting on a computer
Posted 27 April 2015 - 03:01 PM
So,any other reviews of the Russian peptides?
Posted 29 April 2015 - 08:52 PM
I tried them and the ones I bought made no difference to me. That is not to say that they do not work for others. That is why I will am not listing them out. They may work for you.
Posted 30 April 2015 - 12:05 AM
out of interest, did you do a 30 day course, or a 10 day course?
what differences were you hoping to notice that you didn't?
And when you say they made no difference, does that include that you had bloodwork done before and after which showed no changes?
Or, do you just mean no differences that you could feel externally?
I'm still getting the good results I posted before.
I have found that some I've tried like the liver peptide don't have an effect I can discern externally. But also, I don't know how I could physically tell if it was having an effect on my liver.
But when I got a Liver Enzyme test I found that my AST, ALT, and GGT were all back in the reference range, which had been elevated thanks to too many lunches and too much red wine.
I tried them and the ones I bought made no difference to me. That is not to say that they do not work for others. That is why I will am not listing them out. They may work for you.
Posted 05 May 2015 - 09:27 AM
I started today a 30 days cycle with Enduloten.I will keep you posted if something good arises
Edited by Alin Samson, 05 May 2015 - 09:31 AM.
Posted 13 May 2015 - 05:17 PM
Well,well..it could be placebo,but I highly doubt it since I have quite an history with supplements usage,but I guess this stuff is working(Enduloten-oral version).The most obvious effect is on sleep quality,I got back to the days when I slept like a baby.Secondly it's the anxiolityic effect and mood stabilising.I am a person who is confronted with low and moderate anxiety, but the last days were almost anxiety free or the level of anxiety reached that level when it's not even bothers me .I have this sense of feeling good in my own skin...like really,really good.Slightly euphoric but not much!Keep you posted!
Edited by Alin Samson, 13 May 2015 - 05:20 PM.
Posted 26 May 2015 - 04:56 AM
Well,well..it could be placebo,but I highly doubt it since I have quite an history with supplements usage,but I guess this stuff is working(Enduloten-oral version).The most obvious effect is on sleep quality,I got back to the days when I slept like a baby.Secondly it's the anxiolityic effect and mood stabilising.I am a person who is confronted with low and moderate anxiety, but the last days were almost anxiety free or the level of anxiety reached that level when it's not even bothers me .I have this sense of feeling good in my own skin...like really,really good.Slightly euphoric but not much!Keep you posted!
Hey Alin, Any update on this. Has it had any effect on your libido?
Posted 26 May 2015 - 07:02 AM
So,I have only 5 days more to finish my firts peptide cycle.Overall, very nice experience,it`s worth the money.No side effects,sleep improved,mood stabilised (or almost) .I think it`s working!Now, the libido enhanching:definetly something is happening cause lately, I find myself looking more than usual at women`s cleavages,morning wood is now a dayly thing.I do not think it` s affected in a direct manner by Enduloten,but by regulating brain`s activity ,of course something will happen even down there.Next step Epitalon and Cerebrolysin.But still,even the oral version eventhough its`s weaker is still a good start.For a good price contact mwalker@pivotalbioscience.com.They `re realible and the stuff they are selling is the real deal.
Posted 17 July 2015 - 04:20 PM
Does anyone know what is going on with Pivotal Biosciences? I was communicating with Matthew there but now his mailbox is full.
Posted 17 July 2015 - 04:46 PM
I've received a couple of large files from them from that email address before
Posted 17 July 2015 - 05:22 PM
Thanks Pure, I'll try it.
Posted 08 September 2015 - 02:01 PM
Any news from people using Epitalon from them?
Posted 08 September 2015 - 03:06 PM
yeah, I'm using Epitalon/Epithalon (and others) from Pivotal Bioscience. They seem to have more varieties of Epitalon than Haagen Dazs has ice cream.
so far from them I've used:
1. original Russian Epithalon in ampoules (1 ml) from the St. Petersburg Institute (I/M injection)
Epithalon they have produced in Aus or EU:
2. 5 mg vial (subQ injection)
3. 10 mg vial (subQ injection)
4. 1 mg per dose (sublingual)
5. 3 mg per dose (sublingual)
6. 1 mg per dose (digestive resistant capsule)
7. 3 mg per dose (digestive resistant capsule)
2-5 require reconstitution yourself. 6 and 7 I was invited to trial/test, so I didn't actually pay anything for those except $15 for DHL from Aus to London.
I like Pivotal Bioscience because they know what they're talking about, they produce to GMP standards, and they test everything independently. And, they are the best value for money easily.
If you do some research yourself about peptides for use in humans you will come across things like "Endotoxins"; "TFA Content", and "Residual Organic Solvents", which are very important in terms of safety for human health. Endotoxin can kill you, TFA is toxic to cells, etc.
My view is that if I'm gonna inject something then I wanna make sure it's as close to GMP/Pharmaceutical grade as can be, even though it might not "officially" be.
I've tried getting lab test reports from other online peptide sites in the past, but it's a fricken joke. I've asked other peptide sites what the Endotoxin level and TFA content is in their peptides.
You get back replies like: "We don't test Endotoxins or TFA because they apply if for human use, and our peptides are Research Peptides not for human use".
Or, they don't reply at all... because my email suggested I'm intending using them myself.
It's BS. The "Research Use Only" guise is a perfect excuse and reason other sites use for why they don't spend extra and produce the highest quality and safest product and then test it comprehensively.
But Pivotal Bioscience seem to give a damn about safety and peoples health and strive to produce GMP peptides "for Research Purposes" and then fully test them.
I don't know why they don't have an online store. I email them to place orders.
Any news from people using Epitalon from them?
Edited by pure, 08 September 2015 - 03:12 PM.
Posted 08 September 2015 - 03:16 PM
Thanks pure,
Yeah, I emailed them a few hours ago myself.
What about your n° 6 & 7.
I was planning to take it that way: is it as "efficient" as injecting?
Posted 08 September 2015 - 03:47 PM
Whenever I've been injecting subQ, the dose has always been 200 mcg or 500 mcg once per day.
Obviously #6 (1 mg) and #7 (3 mg) are much larger doses, which I imagine is to compensate for expected lesser efficiency of oral dosing vs injection.
Personally I notice/gauge Epithalon's effects via my fingernails. Obviously there's more vivid and memorable dreams, improved sleep, etc., but my fingernails get used/impacted doing hands-on work Monday to Friday, so I especially notice if they are stronger/tougher and can take more wear and tear before breaking at a corner or something and I have to cut them. Also, their growth rate is a sign.
I'm just about to finish a 21 day course of the 1 mg dose in digestive resistant capsules (#6).
This followed a 21 day course of the 1 mg sublingual dose once per day (#4), followed by a 1 week wash-out, followed by a 21 day course of the 3 mg sublingual dose once per day (#5), followed by a 1 week wash out.
On Thursday I will start a 1 week wash-out and will then start a 21 day course of the 3 mg dose in digestive resistant capsules (#7).
Right now my nails are thicker and tougher than they have ever been.
It will be interesting to see if there are any further noticeable enhancements/improvements from the coming 3 mg capsule dose.
P/B advised there is likely a saturation point above which a larger dose will have little additive benefit, and that the likely way to achieve further benefits if they are possible is via more frequent dosing.
Edited by pure, 08 September 2015 - 03:53 PM.
Posted 14 September 2015 - 01:03 PM
I'm interested in hearing feedback on sigumir or cartalax, I'm hoping this can help with my cartilage issues in my knees. Hopefully might also provide some help to my lower back and neck issues.
Should sigumir/cartalax be taken on its own? Maybe a combination with epitalon?
Lastly any advice on where to get them from, it seems only eastern Europe or the US is the only place to order them from.
I'm based in London.
Posted 22 December 2015 - 12:02 PM
The contact details of the distributor the St. Petersburg Institute gave me when I wrote to
them complaining about IAS's prices, are: contact at pivotalbioscience dot com (no "s" on the end)
They said they will have a website.. peptidebioregulators dot com, specifically for the PB's,
which will be finished and running in June sometime.
The price I got them for was $32.92 for 20 caps/$98.76 for 60 caps, and shipping was $15.70
from Australia to me in London.
They also did me a favour by specifying a "nominal" value on their invoice, which saved mequite a lot in UK Duty and VAT.They also have the "forte" strength (injectable) versions available of the capsules, as wellas the original Peptide Bioregulators researched and developed such as Epithalon, which I'llget next order if the capsules work.I'm especially interested in sourcing the original/genuine/authentic, Epithalon, Epithalamin,Thymogen, Thymalin, Retinalamin, Prostatilen, Cortexin, etc., that I've read about in publishedresearch, and not Chinese-made rip-offs I can buy from some fly-by-night peptide websitewith no address or phone number listed and NO accountability.I want to be certain about what I'm putting in my body.If their pricing continues to be consistently reasonable, then the price difference betweenthe "real thing" and the Chinese copy will be insignificant in the grand scheme.I've since sent them a list of the items I usually source from IAS, and they advised they cansource all of them in the original genuine brand. Work has been busy, so I've only checkedtheir pricing on about half of the list of items I requested compared with IAS's, but the few I'vecompared are about 1/3 to 40% (ie. less than half) the price of IAS.There's a couple of items I also buy from AwakeBrain, such as Semax and Selank, which I
also suspect I've been getting ripped-off on, and which I also put in the list I gave them.
Same deal... their price is about 1/3 to 40% the AwakeBrain price.
Obviously it's early days, but I hope this is the beginning of a new alternative source
of [allegedly] "hard to get" (as IAS says) products. Time will tell.
I am getting no reply from
contact at pivotalbioscience dot com
Is it just me?
The site is... 'up'?:
Edited by Logic, 22 December 2015 - 12:10 PM.
Posted 22 December 2015 - 09:50 PM
I suggest trying Cartalax in combination with BPC-157 (both injected). They both have an effect individually on their own, but I reckon their effect together is greater than the sum of the individual parts so to speak.
My source (not in Europe or US) is mentioned in my previous posts.
Hi, I've been reading this thread with some interest. Although it seems this is the only account of peoples findings on peptide bioregulators.
I'm interested in hearing feedback on sigumir or cartalax, I'm hoping this can help with my cartilage issues in my knees. Hopefully might also provide some help to my lower back and neck issues.
Should sigumir/cartalax be taken on its own? Maybe a combination with epitalon?
Lastly any advice on where to get them from, it seems only eastern Europe or the US is the only place to order them from.
I'm based in London.
Edited by pure, 22 December 2015 - 10:03 PM.
Posted 22 December 2015 - 09:59 PM
I didn't have any issues last week when I ordered, Logic. But I email a persons email address, not the general contact@ email.
I am getting no reply from
contact at pivotalbioscience dot com
Is it just me?
The site is... 'up'?:
Edited by pure, 22 December 2015 - 10:04 PM.
Posted 23 December 2015 - 10:42 AM
I didn't have any issues last week when I ordered, Logic. But I email a persons email address, not the general contact@ email.
I am getting no reply from
contact at pivotalbioscience dot com
Is it just me?
The site is... 'up'?:
Thx Pure
Mathew Emailed to say he had somehow missed my 1st Email and apologise.
He seems like a good egg and someone I would be happy to do business with.
Posted 26 March 2016 - 08:18 PM
Has anyone tried the Khavinson bioregulators?
I cycle epitalon with thymulin every few months, which is not the thymalin that Khavinson derived or isolated as a synthetic - H-L-Glu-Trp-OH.
His patent showed the H-L-Glu-Trp-OH fragment to provide more benefits at a much smaller dosage than naturally-derived thymalin, so I'm going to have some synthesized.
Anyone want to organize a group buy?
We can have it synthesized by a solidly credible USA company.
Epitalon with thymulin subq has produced the most profound reversal of facial wrinkles of anything that I've tried, and this was noticeable in only four days.
I'm eager to use real H-L-Glu-Trp-OH, the most active amino sequence in thymalin.
I've been trying to locate real epithalamin, because the studies show it doing much more than synthetic epitalon, but I couldn't find it when Googling in Russian. The Russian sites say that it has been "discontinued."
Maybe the Russian government is restricting it for use with their seniors.
I have a friend from Ukraine that has a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology that is going to try to find a valid source for me.
If anyone wants to know what I learn, please wait 2 weeks and PM me, as I'm happy to share.
Posted 26 March 2016 - 09:28 PM
Has anyone tried the Khavinson bioregulators?
I cycle epitalon with thymulin every few months, which is not the thymalin that Khavinson derived or isolated as a synthetic - H-L-Glu-Trp-OH.
His patent showed the H-L-Glu-Trp-OH fragment to provide more benefits at a much smaller dosage than naturally-derived thymalin, so I'm going to have some synthesized.
Anyone want to organize a group buy?
We can have it synthesized by a solidly credible USA company.
Epitalon with thymulin subq has produced the most profound reversal of facial wrinkles of anything that I've tried, and this was noticeable in only four days.
I'm eager to use real H-L-Glu-Trp-OH, the most active amino sequence in thymalin.
I've been trying to locate real epithalamin, because the studies show it doing much more than synthetic epitalon, but I couldn't find it when Googling in Russian. The Russian sites say that it has been "discontinued."
Maybe the Russian government is restricting it for use with their seniors.
I have a friend from Ukraine that has a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology that is going to try to find a valid source for me.
If anyone wants to know what I learn, please wait 2 weeks and PM me, as I'm happy to share.
Sorry - I tried to stop this post after I read a lot more. Again, thank you pure for providing such valuable information.
Posted 27 March 2016 - 02:16 AM
I would be interested in talking to you more. I could do a group buy with you also. Keep in touch when you find out more
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